ITT: Fucking CANCELLED games

ITT: Fucking CANCELLED games

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Other urls found in this thread:

The only reason I'm sad about this is because laura bailey was gonna be in it and she makes me happy.

1998 version

Human Head has a new game coming out soon. I'm pretty hype.

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big think


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Last time I saw the gameplay it looked rough on the edges but I hope they will be able to pull it off.
That fight for independance really hurt them but at least they got their freedom

So this is what they meant by 'pain,' huh?

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Even if it's dogshit, I'll still support them just for that. They fought Bethesda and won. Even at great cost, they are reviving as one of the banner holders of the AA revolution. I'll give that money over some rogue egotistical AAA dev's patreon bullshit any day.

Attached: RoutineBanner_04.png (1820x828, 2.51M) way ahead of time.

Reminder that Human Head made the Quiet Man and you are retarded to think they can make a good game anymore.

or based on the actual games they put out recently they are not very good at making games. and bethesda was right to cancel prey. you only have a highly scripted e3 demo to base your opinion on.

trying way too hard, samefag
lets just wait and see how it goes

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damn shame

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I wish they tried that hard with the Quiet Man. Maybe it wouldn'tve been a giant pile of shit.

>Quiet Man
Anything but Squeenix being shitters
Reminder they just can't make a game that doesn't have a $50M+ budget to cover up their own incompetence

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>Scalebound was cancelled and Crackdown 3 wasn't

Still mad

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Name a single third party game Bethesda published that they HAVEN'T fucked up for the developer.

What we got instead likely is much better than prey 2

Watch making of interview they promoted the game with, the director is a guy from Square enix who had full creative control over it

>Dishonored 1

new vegas. and chris avellone denied all the dumb rumors about the review scores and shit.

So it's 100% the director's fault, then? I aint buying that.

There's still hope....!

They literally performed the hostile takeover, same way that they tried with Human Head

>asston of glitches and rush job on launch, ending content cut
the only thing saving dishonored 1 was arkane. even they couldn't save everything else after.
they went handsoff in the early days and learned their lesson with nv. they resented the company and stifled them ever since.

Is this related at all to Arkane's Prey (2017)?

no they didn't.

Life is cruel

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>but, but, but

Dishonored 1 with dlc was and still is a great game. The visual style is great to this day.

Will Yea Forums ever recover from this?

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>slow clunky movement alongside outpaced combat style
fuck off arkane shill. prey 2017 was also boring with a shit ending

After seeing Death Stranding I don't miss this one bit.

I don't remember there being an "asston" of glitches either, or it feeling like a rushjob on launch (unlike 2), granted it's been a while, and whatever ending content was cut still resulted in a satisfying end.

But they did. Have you seen what Arkane's website been like between the announcement of The Crossing and the announcement of Dishonored?

Prey 2017 was a piece of boring sjw trash. But Dishonored 1 + dlc is great. Accept it. It's also cheap most of the time.

>open world survival shit
That's a pass from me bro.

>outpaced combat style
j-just use blink a lot bro!

>cancelled because of a quake
Those happen on daily basis, why cancel the game?

>open world survival
what? where?

>Actually early-access

And here I was about to make a job about them doing that

Fuck Bioware and fuck EA people.

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They also made Survived By. All their recent stuff has been shit.

All I see is "surviving the world"?

I dunno what were they thinking, I'm on the fence, maybe the good will outweigh the bad

Survived By was polished Realm of the Mad God and came 3 years too late. The game itself was fun.

bethesda was right to release fallout 76

Read the whole early access list.

I see open world and crafting, but nothing excplicity about it being a survival game.
Also it says coming winter 2018. When I check their Facebook, it says that's been changed and they're still working on the game with some big announcement soon.

>some big announcement soon.
Yeah they've got funding, probably from Epic.

It would've been awesome. Fuck Bethesda

I won't. It was all I'd ever wanted.
Death Stranding is kojimbo with complete conceptual freedom, I don't think what he would've made within the confines of "Silent Hill reboot to bring the series back to former nip-developed glory" would have resembled Death Stranding all that much

Wait they actually started work on it then it got cancelled? I thought kotor just got tossed in a closet somewhere

Honestly, I'm still pretty miffed about it.

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I remember this. I had an older friend in wow who said he used to play EQ and was stupid levels hyped for this. Think he bought one of the packages and everything. He was crushed for weeks when things started going down hill

I will never not be mad over how deep the grave EA dug for C&C is
I really hope next Uncharted Raider will ditch the bullshit and go survival horror.

It really was all platinums fault.

I saw a preview years ago for some zombie game where you play an alpha zombie with dredlocks commanding groups to ambush survivors. anyone know about this?

>looked like an inoffensive brown & gray shooter with some neat gimmicks
>would've made guaranteed bucks during that time period since Halo, Gears and Cowadoody were all the rage in the industry
>canceled because it didn't meet EA's "quality standards"
>Command & Conquer 4 somehow met those alleged standards


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>don't worry about the unfinished story we're going to wrap it all up in the sequel

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It looked pretty interesting I think:

But I'm a total slut for RTS/FPS stuff.

>learned their lesson with nv. they resented the company and stifled them ever since.
How and what do you mean by this? Do you have any evidence?

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holy shit, i remember this one, F

Remember when Blizzard had such high standards that they would cancel fine looking games late into development?

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I have seen a lot of normalfag people using this lately. Why is that?

>prerendered cinematics + fast cutaways on scripted anim driven events
I doubt there was any actual gameplay

It was playable at Blizzcon 2005 tho

>By the time of its cancellation, the Renegade 2 team was already finished with pre-production, with an X-slice presentation finished and the team awaiting final approval from EA executives. However, with the then recent release of the highly-acclaimed Battlefield 1942, it was cancelled in late 2003, due to the possibility of the game taking purchases from Battlefield 1942.

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yikes, you were supposed to play as the Exile in kotor 3.
Naw, it just had concept art and a rough outline.

>good atmosphere but gameplay so shit it made me drop the game

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You guys are seriously deluded if you think that Tiberium wasn't going to be hot trash. I mean, the main enemy were the scrin for fuck's sake.

It's a reference to this.

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Yes i know, but even normal people are using it on mainstream social networks. Like, since 1 or 2 months ago

imagine having such low standards. embarrassing

>the main enemy were the scrin
But why is that bad? They were an actual alien threat and as good as kane is with nod there are other things that go on in the universe cant keep relying on him to carry everything

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I sure won't.

A lot of people played Advanced Warfare, I guess. That, or the meme proliferated into the greater public consciousness.

>They had a tie in novel released and canned the game

Because they're generic spike aliens with zero personality and Nod have always been the interesting villains of the series, regardless of what wars did. Tiberium would have been a subpar halo clone at best and given that EA didn't think it was good enough, tells you all you need to know about how truely shit it was.

That's just meme saturation. It's bound to seep its way into normalfag social media.

Fucking Strangers Wrath 2, but hey at least we got all those Abes Odyssey rereleases and shit.

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Well it's been a couple of years since we picked up on it, so by the time it has gone dusty, then mouldy, then sentient down the back of our meme sofa the normies find it, dust it off, and then act like it's brand new.

how wrong can one 'man' be?

Half-Life Episode 3

>I'm gay, Yea Forums, really! Do I fit in yet?

A halo clone with different gunplay squad/battle tactics, abilities, etc plus you cant go judge games by what EA cancels like the other anons here posted theyve canceled kotor 3 and renegade 2, and now we have 1313 cancelled in favor of battlefront. If anything the takeaway is EA is going to cancel what wont sell like Halo or cod not what they think is bad

I remember the gameplay demo looking so good. I want more first person fantasy games like Dark Messiah

the gameplay is shit, how is that wrong?
I liked the game for its atmosphere but dropped it at deep storage and watched a recap video of the story instead to see the ending

Die in a fire Prey 2 autismo. Very sad the pipe dream is dead and all but sick and tired of pretenders crying about it a billion years later as if it was anything but a pipe dream.


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Okami 2 when

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Pathetic virgin.

I get where your friend was coming from. I really thought it would be something. I don't even know what Daybreak's been doing since they dropped it.

explain why the gameplay is shit?

>theyve canceled kotor 3 and renegade 2, and now we have 1313 cancelled in favor of battlefront.
You only have to look at how bad the gameplay footage is to know that it wasn't some lost gem. It wasn't just a halo clone, it was a low quality halo clone and its for the best that it got killed off before it could tarnish the memory of C&C any worse than it already has been.

When they realize drawing a hundred circles isn't compelling gameplay

Okami shit game.

anything would be better than what we actually got. a p2w mobile game is the worst possible scenario.

>reddit spacing

the guns are boring to use and the cum launcher is annoying to play because you have to switch weapon after cumming on a monster
I had more fun playing with the melee weapon than these shitty guns

being accused of some shady legal shit
dicking that mmofps with a battleroyale and other stuff
But honestly i am enjoying the progression server they have up now

Mobile games aren't real games.

What sort of legal trouble are we talking about?


>i have to switch weapons to switch weapons

fucking retard

Devolver better tell us at E3 that it's already out

Makes me sad

>retard who cant draw circles

>switch to cum launcher
>cum on monster
>switch to melee weapon
>hit it twice
>switch to cum launcher
>cum on monster
>switch to melee weapon
>hit it twice
ebin gameplay

If that's all the gameplay you experienced you didn't make it past 10 minutes.
Holy shit you must be braindead otherwise, the game gives so many options.

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>due to the possibility of the game taking purchases from Battlefield 1942.
What? Seriously? I never played C&Q and this makes me SEETHE.

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I made to to deep storage after the crew quarters
and if you dont use that shitty gun you get instakilled

I'm okay with it after finding out Junji Ito hadn't actually started working on anything for the game before it was cancelled.

I bet you think Bioshock Infinite is good.

Braindead it is. That's okay buddy, there are lots of people like you on the site, you're in good company.

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you must be shit at video games

Yea, I am STILL mad

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I won't

the big ones instakill you if you dont use the cum launcher
maybe try playing in something else than easy mode

I'm still mad that they killed any hope of Metal Arms 2 along with Ghost.

I don't like bioshock, shitty gunplay made for consolebabs

It's a super normie thing, and it's used by everyone on twitch chat and shit. It's a popular normal thing that people do

Oh I haven't played Prey on any difficulty lower than the second to last.
I understand that as a person with mental difficulties your reality is a harsh one and I do encourage you to think all the happy thoughts you need to lessen the burden but try to understand just this one time.
Do it as a favor to me, I am so nice to you after all.

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Every meme starts here on Yea Forums, dies, is found by some normies and posted on reddit where it has a second life as dead meme for us, and the new mainstream meme for the normies

Why are you so obsessed with the cum gun? Why not use Psychoshock? Mindjack? Or even just stealth?

While I wasn't a fan of Legends specifically I can understand the pain of the people who lost Legends 3.

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imagine getting this mad if someone doesnt like a game you like
its ok bro, I'm sure there is other game you and me like both, no need to get this angry, I only posted a fact about my experience, it's not about being retarded or whatever, it's an actual fact from what I've played
I never find the game too hard, I only said the guns are not fun to use, easy now
I don't like the abilities, I use the neuromods on inventory slots and stuff like that

I'm not mad, just insulting you in a slightly more elaborate way than the usual.
In all honesty you deserve it, the experience you described can only lead me to think that you're bad at games as I played the game in the same way as you and had absolutely no problem.
Actually being as nice as possible this time by the way.

Is the DLC is even worth getting on sale?

are you saying AIDS is contagious?

Nod were going to play a major part in the game tho, the scrin mooks are just all we saw in the footage that ever got released


Nope. Only had plans nothing else.

Nope. You were supposed to be a wholly new Jedi. Not Revan. Not Exile. You'd be that Jedi and travel after the Ancient Sith who murder-rape and trample to dust everything in their wake. You follow their trail of destruction and learn more about their mentalities while doing KoTOR stuff.

Now i clearly see why nuPrey didnt do well. New gen is beyond retarded in its own cinematic comfort zone

The prison dlc is.

Yo boomer!

last I heard was it'd be a continuation of the exile's story when you go and look for Revan. Where did they say you'd be something new?

Gameplay is the only good thing about it.

Battlefront 3

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That's the definition of the word meme you fucking idiot

(it looked shit)

Prey was a severely underated game.

"Prey" has literally nothing to do with Prey 2. The name was forced on Arkane so it can look like they're still using the IP.

it was diverse before diversity was trendy

First two hours were great, then it got extremely repetitive and average. Also weapons felt like shit, even if the skins looked cool

Yeah. A different Jedi. Don't remember about Exile and Revan if you also went to follow them too.

Tell that to the autist who shitposts it every chance he gets then. Pretty sure his reasoning is that Prey 2 got axed in favor of arkane's game which, like you just said, is fucking stupid.

It wasn't though

didn't they make a a quiet man which was so awful that the SE pretends it doesn't exist?


If only

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The new prey is fucking trash

>still salty about Prey 2
Human Head are a bunch of fucking hacks, I'm glad Prey 2 got canned

Cry bitch.

>Human Head are a bunch of hacks because they wouldn't let themselves get bought out

the gameplay was great

In a perfect world, both the Prey we got and the one that was in the making would exist. Arkane's Prey didn't replace the one that was being made, it just filled an empty void after the original was cancelled. We could have had both, with the Prey we got released under the name Neuroshock.

No, it won't ever stop hurting

what a weird post. Go dilate.

It was okay. Only /pol/ tier retards autistically shitpost about it

>Go dilate.
And my post was the weird one bitch? The fuck does this even mean?

It's actually really good. Perhaps you should play games before posting about them.


>he doesn't know what dilate means

Go to school, literal child

lurk more newfriend.

I've been enjoying dishonored so far, it's a pretty good deus ex fix.
Is 2 any good? Did they fix it at all?

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It will always hurt bros...

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>keeps using the same exact approach to enemy encounters
>wtf it's repetitive!


Is nonsenseposting a new fad around here or what?

Worse than the first one, depending on whether you care more about pure gameplay or the uuniverse/lore/immersive sim aspect of it you may like it or absolutely hate it. Death of the Outsider is even worse

Yeah my idea of good is maybe different from yours. You see I typically don't find horrible enemy variety/placement good, nor do I find systemshock-lite type games good, as their predecessors were much more ambitious and had less tropes in the story. But if you want to lap up shit from the trough by all means go ahead my friend. Enjoy your foam gun, lol.

I never really had the terrible performance issues that people complained about in 2. It ran worse than 1, but nothing too terrible. The story isn't as good as in the first game, but the gameplay remains largely the same and the level design is amazing. Give it a pirate if you're worried about performance, see how well it runs for you.

Everything is better except atmosphere and story

>immersive sim aspect
Immersive sim refers to gameplay design and has absolutely nothing to do with storylines or worldbuilding.

had so much potential to be a dynamic shooter, dangling from ledges while shooting pulling of acrobatics etc. plus alien bounty hunting sounds awesome.


Prey is better than System Shock, both 1 and 2. Take your nostalgia goggles off, ultra faggot. The enemies in Prey are more interesting than the ones in SS. You don't need dozens of enemy types if the enemies you do have are interesting and have a good set of attacks and abilities. Go suck your boyfriend's cock some more now, homo.

Can't be immersed if the world and characters are shite, at least for me in this very specific IP. Impressive how they screwed it up to "The Last Jedi" levels as soon as the sequel.

Your idea of an argument is also different it appears considering none of the shit you just typed amounts to one.
Very lol by the way, stop posting any time, pic related as I read your shitposts.

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no, they are a bunch of hacks because
>they killed Minimum off and fucked over the entire playerbase
>developed The Quiet Man
>to THIS DAY they are still playing the victim card with Prey 2 when in reality they just couldn't keep up with their own schedule

There was never a game. Just attention whores.

You should take your own advice and actually play system shock, if you actually like prey you'll undoubtedly find much more of value in those games.

It's literally like saying Skyrim is better than Morrowind, just shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about/don't have any taste.

Doesn't matter genius. I don't care about what you think of the game, I'm correcting your notion of what an immersive sim is and it simply has nothing to do with the things you lumped it together with.


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nuPrey is better than both P1 and cancelP2

Nice reaction image, but if you don't believe that statements regarding the quality of the games elements amount to an argument then you may simply go on enjoying trash entertainment, as it's clear you're not very intelligent. I mean I already assumed such, given your opinion of the games, but thanks for solidifying that theory.

And Fallout 76 was a good game.

Most good games don't dox people who request refunds, though.

The Prey 2 we got instead was much better than 'generic beanie-wearing/bald action hero white guy' like every other fucking game from that era. Literally dudebro trash that kids were only hyped for because it reminded them of pic related. It looked like shit.

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>and cancelP2
How can you know though

What game are you talking about?

>argument consisting of "x is bad"
>respect my argument
I'd tell you to pick one but the choice is made and your reward is me calling you a dumb shitposter.

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>you fight samey enemies in a shitty space station and shoot white goo at the walls to bing bing around on

prey 2
>you are a bounty hunter on an alien planet parkouring around on futuristic architecture and capturing fugitives

Yeah I'm thinking you need to have sex

Your idea of an argument is saying nothing about the game, and merely criticizing my methods of delivering my viewpoints. You also be sure to include one (1) meme reaction image to assert your wit and intelligence. Your reward is ousting yourself as a zoomer. Enjoy.

>you are a bounty hunter on an alien planet parkouring around on futuristic architecture and capturing fugitives
More like
>your favorite game gets cancelled and you spend an eternity shitposting about it
It was a pipe dream, none of the promises would've been delivered had it come out and that's why it's fucking dead. Get over it autismo.

Yeah I'm happy with less ambition in games honestly, I'm happy we got a generic Bioshock clone.

You can start arguing any time retard. So far the encounter is one in which I get to rightfully make fun of an invalid and you get replies which is all you really want let's not kid ourselves.

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Don't worry user, it's coming out.
It'll be EGS exclusive.

>carbon copy of Bioshock 1 but the game has a shoehorned section at the beginning where it throws some shitty moral brain-teaser in form of questionnaires and you get to pick if you play as a female asian or a male asian.
Imagine having your standards so low and being such a mental midget that you lift up your skirts and beg a game to take you now just because the intro had some shitty moral conundrum test.

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Wow very cool opinion. Reply sent.
Imagine actually believing Prey is like Bioshock, boy wouldn't that be sad?

>The Prey 2 we got instead
>The Prey 2 we got
>Prey 2 we got
>Prey 2

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It was too good to be true

>I'm happy we got a generic Bioshock clone.
Oh no, it's retarded

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It's not an argument if only one side is making statements. But I'm happy that you enjoyed the 6/10 experience of Prey so much that you'd waste your time praising it's mediocrity, wish you could respond a little faster though...

>nuPrey is good

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I realize you're probably too young to have played it, or maybe your ADHQ didn't allow you to pay much attention during the 30 minutes you got to play, but no matter what you say you still can't disprove this. The game is a carbon copy of Bioshock 1 and only got away with it because the only Bioshock in people's minds by the time the Prey re-boot came out was Bioshock Infinite, and that was a carbon copy of Call of Duty 4 gameplay-wise.

Attached: Prey OS - 3D Realms! 3DR boot screen of the Prey 1998 version1..webm (1280x720, 2.3M)


I'm not doubting the game's a shitty atempt at BioShock, I'm laughing at the fact that you prefer that. Reading comprehension nigger

Killing Day

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>Reading comprehension
>Can't discern between sarcasm and seriousness.

>character artists can't work for shit
>just get them to make a shitty "foo too rees tic" jumpsuit and clobber together some faces you made using your in-house face sculpting software and make it so the enemies of the game are just black / gray goo shadow creatures
Easy money.

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More like you didn't pay enough attention to the dialogue chain. In any case, we are in agreement, (I think)

Premise was good, but the game we got was much better than the cover shooting shit we saw in the demo.

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>"look at these next gen graphix" generic shooter
Truly, a great loss.

london gateway

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Try to backpedal further pls

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>It's not an argument if only one side is making statements.
A person publicly shitting himself is the IRL equivalent of your "statement".
My argument is that you're an idiot for failing to understand why you're being ridiculed.
Debate that if you can.

Yeah okay here's another just to acknowledge that I legit don't believe you're honestly this dumb. I choose not to. You don't have to reply to prove it that's fine.

I remember that dishonored was rather "minimalistic" and simple in terms of story/lore. How did they ruin that?

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i really would like to play this

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>i'll call him stupid! that'll show him i'm right!
I bet you're one of those people that complains that the other side isn't "arguing right" when you're getting blown the fuck out.

As someone who absolutely love Rune, go fucking kill yourself.
The new """Rune""" game looks like complete agrbage and has nothing to do with the amazing action and LAN-party game.
Get Rune Classic - it's great.

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Didn't he do the designs for the baby in the sink and lisa's ghost?.

I'm here to talk about the quality of games, not dissect peoples methodology of delivering arguments. But since it takes you such a painfully long time to respond I think I'm done with you now. But you get to live in a world where this is worth making an ass of yourself for.

Just imagine...

The Agency: Covert Ops

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Is this an admittance that you get people reacting like this to your "arguments" often then? I'm not surprised. Most self respecting folks don't normally start conversations with drooling retards.

You have to be 18 to post here.

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>the game was 90% complete
I will forever be mad.

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>the fucking ellipsis
>the attention span
>the discourse
You are my favorite punching bag. Please don't go, I need more shit to laugh at.

Versus XIII

>doesn't know a word
>calls others underage
What the fuck is going on? What even are you people?

What? No it wasn't. You're referring to that stupid fucking Reddit post right? The only projects they had at the time of Scalebound was Bayonetta 2, W101 and MAYBE Nier A. Microsoft canceling scalebound was why Platinum almost went under and caused them to make the Korra game, TMNT game and transformers game. Why the fuck would they siphon money from Scalebound when Bayonetta and W101 were bought and payed for

i know there was many things that could have gone wrong, but it still hurts thinking what could have been.

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yeah yeah old good new bad. i'll kill myself right after you, grandpa

t. obsessively played classic rune

New Rune doesn't look "new" at all, faggot.
You've never played Rune.

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>roman sword jump attack spam: the game
played it more than you have if you think that garbage was good.
any other reason you'd have for not supporting devs on a game you clearly liked besides being a worthless bethesdrone?

Fuck Sega, fuck Bioware, Fuck Ken Penders, Fuck you, and FUCK ME.
This game deserved a sequel. The credits end with tails asking sonic about bioware making the sequel and everything. FUCK. It was so cool to have a sonic game where Eggman fucking WINS

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Are you an actual dev on this garbage?
Because I can't see any other valid reason to pretend it looks acceptable.
If you are: You are trash. Stop pretending to be a game developer. Go into commercials or something.

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You got told. Take it like a man, boomer.

>Northern Shadow

>Project Offset

>Subversion (by the guys who made Uplink)

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I forgot that image served as the base for this.

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Oh gee, I got "told" by a lying cretin on an anonymous mongolian knitting board. Whatever will I do?
Just kill yourself if you have any involvement in the development of nuRune. You're disgrace and you obviously have no idea why people liked the original.

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Have you played it? Are you perhaps a (former) member of the dev team who got fired? Why are you so sure it's bad?

Have a look for yourself, user:

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>September 2018
>Alpha footage
Did you know games have something called a development cycle?

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>series is a patchwork of anime references
>let's make it a trashy western shooter about a machine gun cobra commander!
Fuck that whole mess. I'm glad you can't play it.

Nice excuse, retard. I hope you get thrown out on the streets when the game is launched and flops hard. Here's a more recent video:

The point is not where it is in development, though. The problem is the RETARDED design choices made.
>ARK survival crafting bullshit
>garbage slow numbers combat
>no actual levels, just a big random area with pointless shit to grind
>no verticality
>garbage hit detection, because who needs good combat IN A FUCKING RUNE GAME?

Again, if you had any involvement in this project, please end your life. I was hoping for a sequel for many years, but this is way worse than not having anything at all.

>Nice excuse
It's not an excuse, it's a fact dumbass lol.
You're just committed to hating something because it's new and lists off features you're prejudice against. Go ahead, but don't pretend to be above any other fuckwit on Yea Forums.

Go home to rebbit or wherever the hell you came from.
It's not prejudice to hate someone for taking an IP and making something entirely unrelated to said IP. It doesn't even look like a half-decent ARK-clone. It's just garbage. It reeks of incompetence and pure stupidity. It's obviously made by people with no connection to the original game whatsoever. People that just happened to end up in a company that owned a name they liked to slap on some retarded money grab "idea". No creativity, no soul, no ambition, no shame.
And that's why they'll get no money. Looking forward to seeing the investors dismantle the company and sending everyone involved out job-hunting.

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>It's not prejudice to hate someone for taking an IP and making something entirely unrelated to said IP.
Yes it is. That's the very definition of a predisposed attitude.

And everything else you said just tells me you're a butthurt dev kicked out of the company. Good riddance, based on your retarded sentiments.

>Yes it is. That's the very definition of a predisposed attitude.
I'm "pre"-judging anything. I'm judging the current facts that there has been made retarded design choices and it doesn't look anything like Rune.
The only prejudice i deal is when it comes to its ability to live up to ARK, which it doesn't seem capable of at all. And ARK itself is just grindy shit and not a game I would spend money on.

>And everything else you said just tells me you're a butthurt dev kicked out of the company. Good riddance, based on your retarded sentiments.
That makes no sense, user. Why are you defending this so much? Are you actually excited about this game? How and why?
Who in their right mind would feel invested in the utter soulless trite that they have shown?

>Are you actually excited about this game? How and why?
Viking survival sounds like a cool concept. I'm optimistic the original developer of Rune can pull it off. If I wanted classic rune, i'd start a classic rune lan.
Why do you insist on invalidating your opinion with banal memes and buzzwords? Try being optimistic for a change. Or just pirate it. I don't give a shit.

Not getting a high tier shotgun and melting everything down for ammo and repairs.
They fear you.

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>Viking survival sounds like a cool concept
It sounds pretty generic, user. I'm sure it could make for a decent game in capable developers' hands though.

>I'm optimistic the original developer of Rune can pull it off
They are not involved in any way, shape or form. These are the devs who made The Quiet Man. That alone should be a huge red flag waving in the wind.

>If I wanted classic rune, i'd start a classic rune lan.
Ah, yes, what an excellent way to dismiss literally all game sequels ever made. Are you a fucking sub 80-IQ monkey?
Why even (ab)use the name Rune if you don't even intend to make a Rune game, because "lol, Rune already exists, jsut play that, bruh".

>Why do you insist on invalidating your opinion with banal memes and buzzwords?
Why do you insist on not presenting a single argument, yet still claim I'm dumb for not liking this garbage?

>Try being optimistic for a change. Or just pirate it. I don't give a shit.
Sounds more and more like you're a dev or something. Stop shilling your garbage here. You're just going to inflict even more damage than your own lack of talent already has.

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>Why do you insist on not presenting a single argument
lmao you've been ignoring every counterpoint. you were argued out of this thread 10 posts back. keep crying, though. everything stated since has just been garbage opinions attempting to justify your place as a Yea Forumsidiot memeparrot.


>can't type
>can't articulate an argument
Well, you sure sound dumb enough to be involved with this project. Best of luck.

>you were argued out of this thread 10 posts back
Are you referring to the post where you called me a boomer for wanting an actual Rune game? Great argument.
Or wait, was it the post in which you implied I like Bethesda games because I don't praise how fucking shit the new Rune game looks? That too was an amazing argument, man. You relaly got me there.

>everything stated since has just been garbage opinions attempting to justify your place as a Yea Forumsidiot memeparrot.
Ah, yes, not loving the shit out of how the new Rune game looks must mean I'm just some mean Yea Forums troll >:(
>Just be positive, bruh

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That’s original prey 2 for ps369

user it came out and
>Flopped so hard

That's not the same game, retard-kun

>not even the same developers
bait harder

That user means the 2001 build, not that one.

same just reskinned

How can Shithesda ever talk about Prey 2 not having quality or standards when they released that fucking abomination, series killing Fallout 76? With spinoff shitshows of it's own like the Duffle Kerfuffle or the Palstic Bottle?

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We did get TOR