Not gonna lie, I'm pretty disappointed in

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty disappointed in
Gears for Breakfast. It feels like they're doing this to go "No, see, we're one of the good ones" after the Jontron debacle.

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Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?

>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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If you don't like it, then just make your own games.

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they're going to sell physical copies of this game in the middle-east, turkey and russia, etc

we should let those countries know, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft needs to stand up for transrights, spread the word in those countries that this childrens game contains this, let it be heard! we are here to stay

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devs should cave to people who are offended and change game content accordingly

d-d-delete this

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>results in community unrest.
I sick of people writing shitty articles blatantly lying and saying that a lot of people are upset over something when its only a few screeching retards.

>Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"



the mainstream gaming population in islamic countries and Russia should be made aware of this inclusion in the game, i am sure they will appreciate this.





This, media outlets with no shame make flaming articles from problems when there are none and the likes of /pol/ eat that shit up just to have something to get mad at. Why is people this gullible?

Can someome kill Billy D so he stops shilling here?

islamic countries seem to be relatively accepting of trannies, its the faggots they throw off buildings

Isn't it in the sewers with all the other garbage?

one gets paid, the other shitposts about literally anything, and gets riled up and mad over a literal discussion of what's best apples or oranges.

there is no comparison

Was actually considering buying this game, but since they think pushing a political agenda I dont even agree with is more important than their customers, just like big corporate brands are doing nowadays, Ill pass on this one.

with twitter trangenders spurting out hate about white cis males I don't feel comfortable with this shit.

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>SJWs get triggered by everything
>reactionary right wing faggots get triggered by everything
Whoa who would've thunk that one group of cancer is no better than the other? Gosh I wish both of them would fuck off from here.

Trans people are gonna have the same status as gay people in a few years and you autists who keep screeching about a decal that takes 3 seconds to turn off in settings are gonna be viewed as the backwards freaks you are in due time. Pic related

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>devs: have opinion
>gamers: ThIs Is A dIsTrAcTiOn TaCtIc
Kudos for avoiding calling it virtue signalling.

this, so much this.
which is why the inclusion of this should be made a public awarness, since it's so accepting


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Based and redpilled.


I don't give a fuck about that. WHERE'S THE DLC FOR GOG?!

I'm always on the fence about hat loli, probably waiting for a good sale, but now I won't be buying it all

buy it on PC and mod out all the bullshit, bingo bango bano, the fun is moddable multiplayer with custom maps with Yea Forums, the shit added will make the devs cry blood, but they can't stop us.

consolefags will have it rough, but they're not getting the multiplayer anyhow

>le ebin rise up
>siding with muslim faggots to troll le libcucks

Have sexo.

Extremely obvious falseflag but most of it is true anyways, /pol/ has jumped the shark it's all downhill for this tumor now

>If you want to represent your politics make your own games
>Makes own platformer and puts in Easter eggs about their politics
>Reeee why do my games have politics I don't like
Honestly is there a group even close to being as retarded as anti sjw

>no better than the other
the former gets stuff banned.
the latter shitposts.

>a fucking flag is triggering people

>Feeling oppressed by fucking mentally ill rejects
lmfao /pol/tards are hilarious

Can I ask something serious for a second?

Why are we so hellbent on normalizing a mental illness?

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Fucking there it is
There's the FPBP

go back

This guy sounds like an annoying faggot.

Yeah conservatves never try to get anything banned.

Oh yeah, and TLOU2 is confirmed to be banned in Russia yet I don't hear cries of censorship.

Unfortunately, all the people with the means to do so are on his side. The day of the rope is coming, tranny.

you seem awfully bigoted, i am for Transrights and only want those countries to know about the inclusion of it in this childrens game sold in their countries, it will help spread awerness


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Based hatkid dabbing on everyone

Both get shit banned when in power. Stop trying to pull the rug, you nigger.


Because the only treatment that does ANYTHING for Dysphoria that we have come up with in decades is varying degrees of outwards expression of the gender that you feel that you associate with. Literally nothing else has worked.

This is the least journalistic thing I've ever read.

Its Spider-Man all over again, goddamn.


As of last year the WHO stopped classifying being trans as a mental illness. This board had a fit over that a year ago you goddamn newfag.

If your game manages to trigger both SJWs and /pol/tards, then that inevitably means it's based. Sorry, them's the rules.

Where did I mention /pol/?

when the fuck has shitposters got into power.

How do people in this world live to just be angry at nonsense?

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Says increasingly nervous FtM man for the 100th time this year

I like a Hat in Time and hate trannies.
If the trans flag bothered me, I'd just mod it out, but it doesn't. It's a stupid thing to add to a perfectly good game, but fuck if I care, I didn't make it.

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lmfao, this has to be a parody

Nothing wrong with having sociopolitics in games, it's 2019, good that trans people get some attention.

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Oh my God of course he is whining about that shit too. UNIRONICALLY THINK OF THE CHILDREN LMAO


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Most people hate gays trying to indoctrinate kids. Even California voted for Prop 8 because assholes were pushing this evil in schools.

So Mr Ratburn WAS actually a pedophile all along, i always suspected as much

I love how he simultaneously cries about degenerate loli porn shit getting deleted while also crying that cartoons have gays in them. Legitimately mentally unhinged.

Trans "rights" aren't going to stop them all from killing themselves for mutilating their dick for life all over a couple-month phase

Most people in the US approve of gay marriage, where have you been bro?

Are you trying to tell me all those guys at AGDQ have gender dysphoria?

Sorry user, but I find that very hard to believe.

>the WHO does some shit

Oh wow... next you'll tell me to take the UN seriously.

>getting this mad over a flag
Go find a safe space to hide in then.

Imagine being mad about a gay character in a kids show when it's been done a dozen times over the last few years.
What a pearl-clutching puritan faggot.

isn't having double standards journalism 101?

>games NEED to have big tits or its censorship



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I love OneAngryGamer so much. It's the perfect website to mock in this era. Gang Weed tier.

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literally WHO?

So you're ok with white/hetero/male hatred becoming more and more tolerated and mainstream? you either speak out or join them you faggotkike.

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Every single time you fags stop spouting memes and try to talk about the issue with a little bit of nuance you all bring up the suicide rates, the ones that vastly drop after transitioning, yet you all think the cure is to not transition. Pic related.

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Only for 60% of them though...

Omg yaaass queeennn ruin him!! cx

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does not compute

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>Feeling threatened by mentally ill rejects
Imagine being this big a pussy rofl

Crucifixion worked much better, imho.


If jontron gets removed from 1 game because he stated his opinion on some livestream then im gonna be as much of a bitch about a trannyflag as much as you are

they were on the right side. now they have gone to the dark side

based. update when?

>Be born with a penis but fetishize women to the extent that you mutate yourself with chemicals and have your cock removed by a (((surgeon))) because you think that you're a woman (and you TOTALLY don't derive sexual pleasure of any kind from this)
>perfectly normal

>Be born. Decide that you are actually a toaster so you shove bread up your ass every morning, shit it out and yell "DING!!!" for breakfast
>mental illness
WHO is a fucking joke, man. The reclassification is just a virtue signal and everyone knows it (except for trannies it coddles).

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Jon is in A Hat In Time retard


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They wouldn't be lying if they at least cited other sites, but that would mean doing their job correctly

Jontron didn't get removed from A Hat in Time, though. He got removed from Yooka Laylee.

those two things have nothing to do with each other though. he isn't saying the show is problematic and wants it censored

The difference is that LGTBQBBQ+ shit ain't the norm and in this majority society the minority can either suck it down or go and fuck itself.

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Am just wondering why even consider doing something like this? Why even run the risk of the backlash from either side? I honestly don't care about this game but, it's still weird to put something like this in a cute little game.
Like what would be the reason for it?

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0 reading comprehension

that's fucking wrong. Treatment exist but doesn't make as much money as litteraly butchering your body.
Telling someone SRS will fix their gender disphoria is like telling a depressed person that suicide will fix their problem.

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He is absolutely whining about a gay character being in a tv show because muh children

imagine being so mentally ill and threatened by life you need your hideous flag tucked in your game so you dont off yourself

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It got updated
>Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population

virtue signaling

Punch a tranny.

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Hey, it was the developer who decided to add it, they knew what would happen, if you add pol shit to your game it will attract pol discussion, dont blame people for doing what they always do, blame the ones who knowingly bought this hell upon the game.

So are you going to write PBS or what? Because Mr. Ratburn is gay lmao.

>I get to decide what I don't like is a mental illness, not the medical professionals of the world
I doubt either of you have even read a paper on the topic, your opinions aren't relevant since the issue's been settled.


>being against /pol/ means being a tranny
Then how come there are so many people who dislike /pol/ and so few trannies?

Maybe they don't care about the backlash? Maybe it triggers conservatives and that's funny?

Is it really that hard for people to make video games without adding some sort of politics or gender identity? Oh well, I guess I'll just mod it out of my copy

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Imagine being this triggered

(((who))) would fun this????

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Are you serious? Everything causes backlash nowadays. Mortal Kombat 11 got /pol/tards crying about it because the women weren't busty enough.

You'd have to be a complete retard to try to cater to /pol/tards in hopes they don't rage at you. Do whatever the fuck you want and let them cry.

this, but unironically

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5 years ago A few friends and I were talking on TS about the rise of politics and games. Some, if not most, said it wasn't an issue that the people wouldn't let it get too far. That it was just a loud minority of feminist yelling and screaming. All I told them was "but what if it doesn't stop?" It's been 5 years and boys, it looks like there's no end to it. Even when they fall flat on their face, and the community blacklashes they keep doing it.
We might win the battles, but the war is likely not going in out favor. Time to look for another hobby, maybe motorcyles or woodworking, something that requires skill and craftsmanship. It should be enough to keep the homos and transfags out.

god who fucking cares
this is the "journalism" GG fought for, lmao

Imagine people criticising your love for slicing off your own penis is being "triggered"

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user, you're trying to use logic here. I don't think he understands the concept.

This is stupid, it's just a flag. And if it was a confederate flag instead of a trans flag, the people who are demonizing GfB for including it would instead be fighting for it to stay in.

That's clearly demonstrably untrue, though. OneAngryGamer continues being impotent while it cries as media is not normal enough for it.

It's like one of them is meant for kids or something

the absolue state of resetera tranny nu-Yea Forums

and they call everyone else weak willed pussies lol

>(((medical professionals)))

I don't give a shit about that.
I was merely stating that the reaction is just normal.

It's normal to be a guy and like big plump juicy tiddies. That's the majority stance. If you take something like that out people gonna rebel.

It's not normal to go down on where your shit comes from. That's also a majority stance. Therefor people will rebel if you propagate it.

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

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>the main character is an impure degenerate, you can tell because she has a one night stand
>the women in this game arent nearly sexy enough due to sjw influence
how can someone write this out and not see the inherent contradiction?

Is this a pasta? Ironic? Unironic? I can't even tell anymore.

Literally get woke go broke.

true. the only way to stop these people is with rope

>He's not a complete triggered faggot over this so he must be transexual

this level of cope lol
literally cant handle it so you have to project to feel better

Welcome to clown world.
Take it for what it's worth to you I guess.

Call them whatever you want. The people crying about Mortal Kombat 11 not being busty enough are the same people crying about Ratburn being gay are the same people crying about the tranny flag. They're faggots and I'm glad they're impotently seething.

>Mortal Kombat 11 got /pol/tards crying about it because the women weren't busty enough.
Not the black historical revisionism?


Or by not caring about this nonsense.

Most media makers are virtue signaling faggot coddlers though.

Not even shittalking here, it gets them nothing but the attention they crave and therefore the money they need to stay relevant.
Either by outrage or by people sucking their dicks for holding the same positions.

nah I'll blame the triggered retards who cant seem to handle existing in a world with people who are different to them oh boo hoo my heart WEEPS for the straight white cis man such oppression

Obligatory (and on-topic!)

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Im not saying to remove it but i would blame them regardless on attracting pol shit. If you want pol shit, from both sides, in your game just fucking do it, but be prepared to know the discussion you will attract.

most of the backlashes are caused by triggered SJW cancerous tranny faggots or games journalists you dumbfuck


So... what was the easter egg?

I wonder how Jontron feels about no one wanting to associate with him anymore

Youve been furiously defending this since this thread started. Maybe take a break? Jamal needs the PC to look up restaurants to take your wife to.

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>being impotent while it cries as media is not normal enough for i
hows that working out for you?

what is it then you dumb tranny faggot? A choice?

busty shapely women in vidya is worth fighting for

gheys? no way

you cannot refute this.

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>I doubt either of you have even read a paper on the topic

Funny you mention it, cause I have read a relatively recent article on the publications of a sexuality researcher and she stated some serious trouble about getting shit out the door with the current climate in academia.

And it shows not only in human biology, but also other fields. I write papers for CS conferences and that gender identity shit is in full effect whenever you try to submit something. It is actively woven into the statistics.

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probably pretty good

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The fuck are you even saying here?

Huh? Didn't he just make some great videos this year where he very much did collaborate wiht others?

I mean, do it but you will never change people from either side, if you add a sexy women the left will bitch, if you add a gay character the right will bitch.

If you think if everyone on the side you hate died tomorrow all the bitching would stop you are surely mistaken, as people will always have diverging opinions on politics, some more extreme than others, and when you add that topic to your game, people will come out of the woodwork to bitch.

The controversy is free publicity weather intentional or not. They'll burn bridges with a minority of people, but at the end of the day weather you think it's pointless pandering or not, it gets eyes on the games. Even the majority of people who don't like it aren't going to pass up on the game for it.

That stupid piece of shit calebhart42 only getting a week ban for saying the n word despite using it all the time.

everything is shit now. hows ignoring things you don't care about working out for you?

have sex

>everything is shit now
No, it isn't.

sexy women is great, what's so great about homosexuals, is this a Yaoi thing? like that southpark episode i get it, but you can't really have both sexy women and man on man in the same game, pick one and don't mix and match.

I thought you guys were against censorship and wanted devs to do what they wanted.

Pretty good. What do you mean, "everything is shit now"? Most things are pretty good. I mean, sure, AAA games are pretty shitty nowadays, but they'e been tumbling in that direction for the better part of a decade now, or even more - for a lot of reasnons, and definately not because some dev decided to add a fag or a nigger.
What exactly do you mean that is "shit" now? And when do you think was the last time it wasn't shit?

censorship is ok when it's trolling the libtards oppa epic style

Post some of your papers, because I want a good laugh.

The industry is so bad that I'll give political shit a free pass without a second look as long as they aren't being anti-consumer.

Trannies and people who make a big deal about being masculine or feminine or nonbinary or being a helicopter should just fucking kill themselves for being obnoxious faggots.
Psychiatrists are incompetent and would rather throw pills at a 4 year old for "being unco-operative" then tell their parents to stop forcing them in front of a tv and to be quiet for 12 hours a day while they masturbate on their phones because they're so "exhausted" and can't bother to raise their own children.
The "professionals" need more help than some of these fucked up 20-something year olds who were raised on porn and anime and think they're women.
sage because everyone in this thread including myself is now a nigger

I was thinking about buying this game until it was revealed that the devs glorified mental illness. Now I have better things to spend money on. Pic related

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Okay, dad.

>autosage over just banning shitposters
Gas the mods 2020 thats my platform

There's something pretty weak about this inclusion though. The flag is in a pretty remote part of the game where you wouldn't necessarily see it if you didn't know it was there. But the most talked about thing with the new DLC is the presence of the graffiti flag, not its actual gameplay content. If they hadn't included it at all people would just be talking about the DLC, but now it's expanded into something beyond the game itself.


5% master race

Because /pol/tards love to bitch