Which Halo has the best multiplayer?
Which Halo has the best multiplayer?
2. The maps are amazing and there's no filler weapons
The fuck is a filler weapon?
Halo 3 is the objective answer
weapons that fill the same roles as others and don't really have a reason to exist
custom games: 3
multiplayer: 2
firefight: reach
None of them - Every Halo's multiplayer/campaign has some fundamental flaw their developers overlooked - This is coming from a hardcore fan btw
>hardcore fan
>doesn’t like any game
That sounds about right.
Halo 2 for matchmaking
Halo 3 for custom made maps (fat kid, tunnel digging and all that good shit)
I never said I didn't like any of them - I love them each in their own way - but to deny there being issues with the games is just delusional.
2. How’s 5?
The original question op asked is “which halo has the best multiplayer” you responded “none of them”. That’s more than just saying the games have flaws
3 and reach
Not a Halo game, just a god awful COD clone.
2 for matchmaking, 3 for custom games, Halo Custom Edition for stupidly fun games if you can scrounge up enough players.
5. By a long shot. Single player is absolute shit though.
0/10 bait
Fair point.
I honestly don't know if I could place any above the other with multiplayer, they're all so vastly different than one another (save 2 to 3, but they were supposed to be the same game, so kinda expected) - I suppose it'd come down to how OP prefers to play? I've been finding H2A to be fairly reliable when it comes to hit detection on MCC, so if OP's going for an older style slow-paced Halo, I'd recommend giving H2A a shot. I'd say try Halo 3 Backwards compatible, as the MCC still has hit detection issues (rather fundamental 'cause of how Bungie made Halo 3). If OP's looking for faster-paced Halo, he should try the new ones (4-5).
For a clusterfuck, he should try Reach - Combat Evolved if OP's fine with a clunky kinda slow.
2v2 halo CE, 4v4 both halo 2 or halo 3 depending on your preference. 8v8 halo CE,2 and 3.
A good game with a shit campaign, don't believe the haters, 4 and maybe reach are the only ones on the absolute bottom of all the Halo games
Not baiting. 5 has the best forge and the best standard MP of the series. Not to mention Warzone. I've been playing Halo since its debut, only nostalgia fags pretend 2 is somehow the better game.
Halo 3 multiplayer was an improved Halo 2
All of this is lies. That game is irredeemable garbage and not Halo at all. Fuck off shill.
except for the hit detection
>Shilling for a 3 and half year old game
okay nostalgia fag.
Even I, as a person who played 5 before CE and 2, recognize that 2 and CE are superior in every way.
5 is dogshit, fuck thrusters, fuck sprint, fuck the new BR and fuck weapon variants. But most of all, fuck the jannies
>2 it's still the king, no BR starts of course.
the first game on blood gulch, fuck the battle rifle.
Halo 1
I have no idea how anyone can enjoy SMG starts in Halo 2
>Halo 1
Based, samefag that started with Halo 5, I love CEs totally broken multiplayer with the OP magnum. Adds an element of an even playing field, without leaving other weapons under powered.
CE is the best for regular slayer, 2 is the best for swat, 3 is best for CTF, 4 is good for wiping your ass with , and 5 is good for a random after wank play, it's fun in every gamemode...it's just not Halo. Anyone who calls 5 a real Halo game needs to be strapped to a chair and given a prostate exam by 5's Cortana
Beam Rifle had the double tap and no reload advantage.
The Spiker in Halo 3 as well as the Spike grenades were just garbage.
Halo 3 for customs
Reach for modded customs
2 for matchmaking
I played the fuck out of Halo: CE multiplayer on the PC
the only thing missing is that I really liked some of Halo 2's maps and that gauss gun warthog
never got into halo 3 let alone anything later
Halo 3 and 5
Don't @ me
IMO 3 was fun less because of the actual gameplay and more because of the vastness of it's community; custom maps, games modes, infection servers and what not. I could play some slayer on guardian and then switch to a big team lobby or some custom forge fuckery.
- Easily the best core movement and shooting in the series: Feels hyper responsive, has just the right sense of momentum, guns shoot straight, accurately, and have oompf to them
- Every gun is at least decently effective in their intended roles, most are also more versatile then they usually are; IE the AR being able to engage at mid and even long range, though it's not ideal at it
- Map design has the most verticality it's had since Halo 2, with tons of skillumps thanks to the new movement mechanics.
- Easily the best forge in the series, with object grouping and prefabs, multiple forge world sized canvases, limited texture editing and programming, swappable weapon properties, time of day and weather effects, etc, and the most custom game options
That being said the MP is always online so that makes 5 shit and you shouldn't buy it.
2 and 2/A are a close second: It's got really tight, respoinsive gameplay and shooting, it's got the best map design, etc; the problem is that the weapon balance in 2 is absolutely fucked and the BR is broken as shit, especially in OG 2: Even without BXR and doubleshot the BR breaks the sandbox, but with it it makes the CE pistol look like the Halo 3 pistol
>3 for customs
Every game after 3 has had better custom game options and forge then 3 itself did m8
great, see above
>CoD clone, not a Halo game
Everybody who says this clearly has never actually played Halo 5
>loadouts are gone,
>perks are gone
>ordiiance/killstreaks are gone
>even starts are back after reach and 4 fucked it up with armor abilities
>on map weapon pickups are back after 4 removed it
>descope is back after 4 removed it
>Has the golden triangle back after 3 fucked it up with equipment and Reach/4 did with armor abilities
The vast majority of those points are true, though.
Huh? Brute Spiker bounced off walls allowing for more complex shots than needler, and spike grenade could set up traps and trick a running target.
Don't talk about the game unless you've actually played it, moron.
That's the problem with 2, and is what was saying in : ALL starting opitons in Halo 2 are fucking busted by the BR
>SMG starts are shit because the moment tone team picks up BR's, they instantly win because they can pick you off without you ever having a hope of turning the tide in your favor.
>BR starts are shit because then just everybody uses BR's without picking anything else u[p other then power weapons, and hell, even some power weapons are worse then the BR itself:
H2A had the potential to fix it if they were willing to update the game to diverge more from base Halo 2: Give the SMG extra range and give it and the Plasma rifle extra damage when single wielded, give the Plasma rifle and needler faster projectiles/needles extra tracking, and slighjly up the pistol damage and give it a scope.
Also, since H2A actually has an AR, have it use AR starts with that now scoped magnum, albiet maybe giving the AR a bit less spread. If you did that H2A would be perfect.
Halo 2 would be even shittier without the BR. The biggest reason why I hate SMG starts is because power weapons were too good in comparison. The reason I liked CE the most is because you can contest players using power weapons with the pistol.
5 unironically has some great multiplayer. Maybe not the best in the series but Arena/Breakout is true halo MP.
The absolute dogshit clusterfuck of a campaign is what brings down the entire game as the worst Halo game though.
ReEeEEEeeeE I rEmeMber SomEtHinG hE doEsNT so He's a mOrON
Why 3 over Reach for custom games, I thought Reach's forge was more indepth
>2 without BR starts
t. swatfag
2 because nostalgia :)
>Brute Spiker bounced off walls
How the fuck did I not know this
I think the main reason people prefer 3's customs is because forgeworld has a shit color palate
Surely you mean, SAND TARP
Serious question: Will you play the Halo Collection when it comes to PC?
i already have it on xbox so probably not. i still have 2 games to finished on legendary on the xbox version anyway.
That's why I suggest buffing the other non power weapons in that post, user
Except the only maps you can forge worth shit on in 3 are foundry and sandbox which have just as big color pallete issues, so that justification has never made sense.
I'll check it out for mods and such but probably not actively play it. I imagine having mice will make precision weapons even more OP then on console.