Do you feel sorry for him?
Do you feel sorry for him?
No, cycling is the shittest form of transport and exercise.
Very little.
Cyclists have it pretty rough, honestly.
i think you mean best
This is common in Japan, not only for Nintendo
What's unsafe about riding a bike?
Trying to avoid another Gunpei Yokoi, I see Even though he died after retirement
Cars can kill you.
Drivers and cyclists usually don't know the safety laws for cycling in their city. Any accidents are going to fuck up the guy not in a metal cage.
No, he has ruined so many things in the last couple of years.
I can't blame him as there's recently been this insane rise in traffic accidents in Japan, because they let 85+ year old motherfuckers drive. A mother an child on a bike just recently got plowed down along with eight other people by an 87 year old who they basically let get away with it because he used to be a government official.
You could get Gunpei Yokoi'd
Of course they don’t want him to get cancer from all the car fumes biking to work in Japan.
He was literally killed by the Yakuza for refusing to pay the retirement "tax" to them.
Half life
>because they let 85+ year old motherfuckers drive.
every country does that
they dont take away licenses from old people until they get into accidents
Lucky. At least from my point of view because of where I live. A lot of stupid ass drivers and stupid bikers don't know the fucking rules.
Fat fuck.
they really should and i will never understand why not. driving isn't a right, it's a privilege earned by being capable.
That was obviously a yakuza hit. Is shiggy in trouble with his yakuza overlords?
i tinku...
what does he actually do nowadays? Apparently he hasn't directed anything since the N64, or designed anything since SMGalaxy
He's just an ideas guy now
He's working on Big Marring
Bad ideas guy
there should be a mandatory test once you become senior citizen, and a test every 5-10 years after. The problem is Japan is that they are up to their elbows in elderly people while the youth dwindle and in fact are being culled by the old in these accidents.
they don't want him getting Gunpei Yokoi'd
Ever heard of japanese trucks?
But in this case lore than half Japan is already old as fuck.
Legit, bicycles is for fags
He's busy ruining any Mario games made
i actually feel sorry for your OP, you will never be this valuable for anyone in your whole life
He ruins other projects
I don't think SMO was ruined. I like their approach but think that the moons didn't require enough effort to get, so they just weren't that fun to find.
I take my road bike to work and I almost get killed by some retard not paying attention about once every two months or so. People do not know how to treat bikes on the road
This is the case in leafistan, I think the cutoff is 70
Didn’t he do Starfox Zero?
Bikers do not know how to behave on the road
Nah, fuck him for ruining paper mario
do americans not have sidewalks
do you walk on the road with the cars
There is a bicycle lane in the roads.
you're supposed to ride in the road, riding on the sidewalk is proven to be retarded, dangerous, and it's extremely inefficient in places with fucked up sidewalks. so you either argue that bikes shouldn't be used at all or not, but don't argue for the shitty sidewalk idea, it's not even up for consideration to anybody who rides a bike to work.
>up to their elbows in elderly people while the youth dwindle and in fact are being culled by the old in these accidents.
thats the problem here too
kids drive plastic shitboxes and the old fucks drive these metal behemoths
the old person inevitably forgets which way is left and gets into a head on collision with nothing but scratches, and they scrape the other driver off the road
then the geriatric shit winds up being on some board or commitee, gets a slap on the wrist, and is back on the road in 6mo
in like 6 gigantic liberal shitholes and nowhere else
that's what we do here and no one gets into accidents or has problems with it
america is the only place where people screech about bicycles
everwhere else using a bike is completely normal and most people do it at least occasionally
A car burns money and accumulates fat.
A bike burns fat and accumulates money.
>car stops suddenly forcing Yokoi and friend to rear end it
>they get out
>count 'em, 2 cars hit him while taking a look at the damage
Kazuma Kiryu confirmed for smash
Yep that's the truth
These Mr.Magoo motherfuckers putter away while mayhem erupts behind them, it's a joke