Imagine paying full price for a game, the expansions, having to reach level cap, grind for 3-5 weeks...

Imagine paying full price for a game, the expansions, having to reach level cap, grind for 3-5 weeks, and finish a dungeon just to unlock a race?

Then, imagine that if you want their special armor, you need to level again from scratch? And just to kick you in the balls, the devs convenient lengthened the leveling process around the same time?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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what's wrong bunnyshitter, complain about actually having to play the game before you can start your tranny erp?

If you want a ffxiv thread just make one normally next time.

Are you pretending to be retarded?

>not already at cap with all 70's
lmao get a load of this guy

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I mean say what you like about WoW as a whole (I'll outright say it plays like ass) but I actually enjoy the scaling world. They did fuck up some aspects like enemy health scaling but overall being able to quest anywhere you want is fun.
Too bad I played FFXIV before I ever played WoW so I'll always feel more at home in Eorzea.

Rent free

At least the scaling isn't as bad as ESO, where you never, ever feel more powerful.

Viera and Hrothgar aren't unlocked from the start if you buy Shadowbringers? You actually have to beat ARR, HW, and SB first? I forgot if you had to beat ARR before being able to make Au Ra.

Anyway, aren't they running a campaign right now where you get HW for free if you buy the base game? There's still almost 2 months until Shadowbringers is out so I figure if a new person was interested in the game now would be right around the best time to start.

Soon to be new fag to FF14 and MMOs in general
So i have questions
When I get this game i have to buy the base game and then the expansions? Also is there a Twink race? Planning to be a Magic DPS

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The OP reference is to WoW, Viera have no requirement other than owning SB.

You buy the main game and the most current expansion. Buying the most current one gives you all the old ones.
>twink race
Male Miqo'te.

You need to buy the base game and the latest expansion only. You can get quite a lot of time out of the base game.

There's a twink race, the Miqote are gay as fuck svelte catbois.

There are three magic ranged DPS, Summoner, Red Mage, and Black Mage.

Soon, brother

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base game and xpacs are separate yes. you can get the free trial to getto 35

its a japanese game. of course there's twinks.

>imagine that if you want their special armor, you need to level again from scratch?
You can buy all racial starting outfits from a vendor in the 3 starting cities. You just cant equip it unless you're the race(+gender) matching

Just started too, male Miqo'te are nice desu.


Doesn't that not really change what they said? Why the fuck would you buy the gear if you can't wear it anyway?

OP is talking about WoW, not ffxiv. He is just too retarded to make a clear threat for the idiots of Yea Forums

>the city of OP

I'll refer you to this post instead

mystery niggas on the moon!

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I played wow from 1-120 last year and the scaling seemed fine. But I came from a vanilla server.

Thanks anons
The new expansion is already out right?
Also any Bara races? Also any tips on magic dps?

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>I actually leveled 2 allied races
the thought that I actually did that makes me want to kms. Fuck WoW is garbage, never again.

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>Imagine playing the game
I don't have to, I just play the game instead of bitching about it

The newest expansion releases at the very start of July.
>Bara races
Roegadyn and Highlander Hyur.
>magic dps
I can't speak completely for Summoner because the pet mechanics annoy me but Black Mage and Red Mage are too self explanatory for me to really explain anything.

the new xpac isn't out till july. as for magic dps, you have two options to start as:

thaumaturge/black mage, in which you'll be using Fire and Ice alternately in a mp burning and gaining cycle


arcanist/summoner, in which you have dots and a Carbuncle that likes to push things and piss off people in your party. arcanist also comes with a free healing class at level 30

watch this for a synopsis:

ESO is probably the worst level scaling mmorpg there is. Use gear that is 1 level below your current level? Enjoy that 10% damage penalty, which makes your dps worse than a level 1 player with a level 1 sword.

>being poor

lmao fucking wowfag

>wanted to make a bunny mommy on launch
>waited with playing ffxiv because of it
>suddenly realize I have to reach 70 and then beat a dungeon

Oh no no no

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But you don't have to beat anything to play one

So I can just buy the expansion on launch and create one? Thanks, I thought OP implied you had to reach 70 and do an instance to unlock the race.

You don't, user. That's the requirements for all the new races in World of Warcraft. user is taking the piss.

I believe they were referencing WoW and their allied races, not FF14

>they took the game down for nine hours during prime time just to make Seiryuu's dog buyable

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They're getting close to crunch time and the 2-3 weeks before the 'ok, all of the shit is on the table and we gotta fix it NOW' phase before early access. I imagine there was some work done under the hood

He meant WoW


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You have to get the expansion and do a dungeon for them?
Glad I'm not just starting out then.

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He was talking about WoW

I know, right, why can't games just give us everything on a max-level character the instant we log in, fuck actually playing the games I want to ERP in the inn slowly taking off my endgame raid armor for cheering patrons.

If OP wanted to talk about Final Fantasy XIV then why did he need to shit himself retarded over a different MMORPG? Is FFXIV so awful that the only way to get attention is to scream about some other game?

>if you have muscle in your chest you have boobies!
Why are Yea Forumsirgins so rock-humpingly stupid?

Will you defend every timegate blizzard creates for the purposes of milking more subscription time? Not like FFXIV is innocent of this either but I don't get why locking a race behind activities on another separate character makes sense in an MMO.

Damn, this thread really exposed all the retarded Yea Forumsirgins that try to talk shit

>ERP shitter mad he has to actually play the game for once
l m f a o

>Also any tips on magic dps?

Thaumaturge/Black Mage: Stand still and make huge dick explosions. Encounter memorization-based job, to avoid having to move.
Arcanist/Summoner: Run around and make small dick explosions, then shoot massive lasers once per minute. Also has a pet and can buff the party and raise in battle. Big brain job.
Red Mage: Alternate between casting from a distance and jumping in to do a melee combo. Can heal and is better at raising than the healers, hence "rez mage". Small brain job.

It does make sense if you actually pay attention to things instead of just screeching like a dental drill over the mere fact that you need to play a video game to get things. Will you defend having to run dungeons to get things instead of just being handed them to you?

Imagine busting the fattest nut inside this dumb bunny

calm the fuck down spergo, dont make a thread that's nonsensical to anyone but you next time bro

After reading all the replies to OP I don't even know what's ironic or sincere anymore. I have ascended into a state of post-ironic ennui.

Yeah man, how DARE they make you play the fucking game, its preposterous

Here's an idea, don't assume everyone in the entire world knows about the intricacies of a video game.


If you buy the base game, the first expansion is free now until june.

>mad he has to play the game

I would defend that because it makes sense in a MMO system. Would you defend every race except human and orc also being locked behind reputation in say, classic? Why is it acceptable in this specific case?

>my friend is level 49
How do I prepare him for the pre-Heavensward quests? Should he just skip all the dialog?

There were some buff/debuff "Fixes" too so I imagine something was severely broke somewhere for somebody and they got enough tickets bitching about it to finally get off their asses and turn them back on or delete a 0 tacked on somewhere.

Here's an idea, don't post when you know nothing about what you're talking about

Reading comprehension is your friend. Can you people simply not talk about your favorite game and need to get attention for it by screaming about a completely different game?

Even the OP didn't understand what he was talking about to begin with

If the game was set up so that you heve to work to gain the other races' allegiance and trust, thus building the Alliance and the Horde, yes I would. And that's exactly how it is with the Allied Races, you're earning their allegiance and trust, working for a goal, playing the game if you will.

they do try to talk about their own game. But someone always goes into their thread and bitches about them talking about. Probably you

I understand it perfectly, faggot, are you so genital-lopping stupid that you can't understand a word I'm saying?

No, that was all you bud
This is a hot topic at the moment and you had absolutely no idea

>they do try to talk about their own game
Like here, where OP is screaming about WoW instead of trying to sell us on FFXIV?

Do you guys have any tips for a new Monk/Dragoon player?

When Yea Forums was good, the response to people who don't know the intricacies of the topic at hand was "lurk moar". At some point, it became acceptable to enter threads and be a complete fucking retard.


Bro I don't think you could cope any harder with your aborted fetus of a shitpost right now.
Just stop

That does make more sense but your alts aren't related to each other in terms of the game universe. It's not like they're members of the same group or anything so why would you need to "recruit" or "earn" them to play them? If it was like an armour set for your character I would get it.

Yeah, just play sam instead.

>if you play video games that means you're an in-depth expert on every single game to ever exist! THIS I COMMAND!!

Do you rage this hard about games that allow you to use things you unlocked in one save file in other files? They're completely different universes after all.

>WoW will never have our devs
I pity their players

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I played WoW before XIV, WoW is fucking shit. I just could not get into it at all

Imagine going into a thread about a game you know nothing and then spout shit you know nothing about just to sound cool to 'own the lazy kids xdd'

he's making fun of wow advertising allied races as an expansion feature and then making you do a bunch of bullshit grinding and also delaying two of them until over a year after the expansion launched

I want to raid in first person

Imagine assuming retarded shit in order to try to win an internet argument. Also imagine needing to shit on other games in order to prop up your own shitty game.

>lmaooo ERPing bunny girls BTFO'd! Imagine playing the game
>wha-what? It was citing WoW and included an image of a competitor to bait me into looking stupid?
>I understand it perfectly, faggot, are you so genital-lopping stupid that you can't understand a word I'm saying?
"Hot topic" is a common phrase. Please look it up.

People need to just be bullied into lurking.

When Yea Forums wasn't made up of retarded underage phoneposters like you, people posted in threads about the games they had knowledge about.

I know what it is and means, you false-flagging faggot. This whining bullshit is not a hot topic.

Thanks anons
That handsome highlander oof my dick

Yes it is you dumb fuck. There have been constant threads on alliances races for weeks.

When Yea Forums wasn't made up of retarded underage phoneposters like you, people made coherent threads and actually talked about the games they liked instead of screaming and shitting themselves for attention.

>Imagine paying full price for a game, the expansions, having to reach level cap, grind for 3-5 weeks, and finish a dungeon just to unlock a race?
You don't. Owning the expansion unlocks it by default.
>Then, imagine that if you want their special armor, you need to level again from scratch?
There's a vendor in Gridannia that sells all race exclusive gear for almost nothing.

OP is a faggot as per usual.

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Most WoW races added after Cataclysm can't wear headgear either. Some of them can't even wear armor and just have default clothing.

Lay it on me hard boys.
Have I been tricked?


>full price for the game
It's $19 cheaper if you got it on a sale (like the fucking golden week sale on PSN) alternative you could have gotten free with twitch prime and now have HW free
>the rest
Oh man I have to play the game to unlock stuff, who would have thought?

It's just an ESL faggot who is really bad at conveying his points and assumes everyone stalks this place like they do, or go into WoW threads or gives a shit about WoW at all in the first place.

It’s mostly mods but you get the general idea.

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People that ERP have a high correlation of being an orange parser and having thousands of hours poured into the game unlike you're nasty smelling ass lol.

Constant threads about a non-issue, lord have mercy. It's like whining about having to unlocks characters, stages, and music in any other game.

Ignorantia juris non excusat

Many in the Orange Parse ERP, but many more ERPers themselves cant even gray parse because they dont run anything harder than MSQ.

if you have fat on your chest you have boobies fatass barafaggot

Okay? You still didn't know about it yet came into the thread to shitpost like you had a stake in either side. Go fuck yourself shitposter.

Your post ironically shoots itself in the foot, how embarrassing.


So if you're not a twink then you're fat, got it.

I can't believe it. I can't believe Yoshi P is going to ACTUALLY delete Summoner on the 23rd

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>You still didn't know about it
You're just going to keep assuming this, aren't you, child.


Dont feed him

Nice desu
I'm so sold on this game but one last question. Do i wait for the new expansion and just play the base game for now?

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I don't think I can until Stormblood and I looked up rotations for the melee dps jobs and Samurai seems too difficult for me.


Honest question - but why do MMO expansions even feel the need to perpetually increase the level cap and add new leveling zones?

For the most part this is dismal content that is stale after the first 1-2 times its done. And the amount of manpower and resources that get poured into making this grind each expansion is absurd. It feels like leveling is just a relic from the past that keeps getting brought back because its tradition or something, despite no longer having meaning. Because leveling used to be actual content and a part of the mmo experience, and now its just something people want to get over with so they get to the real (endgame) content.

Would the modern (endgame-centric) mmo not benefit more from having all the time and resources spent on leveling zones, quests, etc instead poured into making more new dungeons, raids, story and so on?

What would a character like that look like without mods? Would the face be the same at least?

SAM is a CYOA kind of rotation
You can actually button mash and still pull pretty solid numbers by comparison to many other players(Barring Savage Chads and the like)

So you want the entire world and everything in it completely revamped every expansion? No new areas, no new content, just change somethings and call it a day?

>i'm not fat i'm bearmode

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>and now its just something people want to get over with so they get to the real (endgame) content
only fat lazy westerners like you share this retarded mindset

I’d probably wait for the expansion, though that’s entirely up to you. It doesn’t hurt to get into the game now to find a job you like.

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Zones have hunt spawns and gathering areas tho.

>I don't know how muscles work

Aside from no eyebrows, which you can use face paint to give them some. It’s not the best but it functions okay with the general idea.

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SAM rotation isn't really complex. It just looks that way because you have different Sen/Kaki counters and rotation guides write the whole path down. Once you know which type of counter you want to build, it's easy to freeform into it.

Buy base game and grab HW for free. Once ShB comes out you get that and get SB for free with it.

SAM is literally just 1-2-3 while pressing your cooldowns as they come up.

>another fatass barafag that's never stepped foot in a gym thinks he's an expert on anatomy

What the fuck are you saying

How do I get good at tanking? Is there some necessary macros or anything I need? What's the best way to keep up on gear if I don't have a whole lot of gil to spend and barely touched crafting jobs yet?


How many hours do you have to put into this to experience it to this point?

>What's the best way to keep up on gear if I don't have a whole lot of gil to spend and barely touched crafting jobs yet?
huh? play the damn game you get thrown gear

Yes I know how to play sam, but that poster just spouted absolute gibberish

What mods are they?

It might make more sense once you actually know the name of your skills.

Most bis is tome and raid gear. What are you doing negger

Without crafted gear it takes forever to get adequately geared if you're starting with none. Crafted gear is also cheap as fuck this late. If you don't start with it you're wasting your time.

>8 hour maintenance just to add a feature that lets you buy an in game mount
such hard working devs

The maintenance was probably to fix the buff problem

Honestly it should be fucking illegal to worship companies this hard.
>t. I raided with this back in Delta and Sigma

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Says the one who thinks that if pecs aren't as flat as his mother's tits then the guy is fat

I know the name of all the skills. They're talking about building "Sen/Kaki(Kenki) counters," which is meaningless.

>using nexus mods
big yikes

They explicitly mentioned a lot of the patch was backend stuff to prepare for the expansion retard.

Raid and tomb shit isn't really going to do me much good at like lvl 20 and already did story on another job so I'm not getting tossed nearly as much shit

Wonder how long till XIV reaches that point. Just the story plot alone for ShadowBringers is pointing towards WoD.

why are you making stuff up

>nexus link

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Someone explain this meme

Well after hitting cap i realize theres fucking nothing to do in this game

Nexus is far from the place you want to go to for FFXIV mods.

There's level appropriate vendors in each capital if you're looking for level 20 gear.

bet SHB will flop. Flop hard. Because release date is too close to WoW Vanilla and because SE is in bad state.
All SE games flopped and now XIV is the only source of income for them. So they will milk their players and will cut costs on development.

And WoW Classic will be HUGE thing on MMO market and will draw auditory from EVERY mmo in the world because it is alpha and omega of the genre.

Actually we already can see difference between old XIV and NEW. For example new race in XIV is literally prostitutes without story, lore and logic.
And wow has cool new races with awesome style and deep lore. Like zandalars have Aztec style, man, this is super cool. You actually know this race before, you can see their capital in game and you can understand their lifestyle and problems, they have deep story and their existence is lore friendly.
But what about bunnyshit? Jeez

So... SHB is already dead and SE with it. Because SE don't have any other big games, and they need money, so they will cut costs and force more microtransactions.

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This pasta's a little stale

>play 1 month of ff14 for fun
>encounter like 30 trannies
It was suppose to be only a meme what the fuck
I am never playing that shit again
Enjoy your game trannies

I buy FF14 expansions even though I think the game is shit because the characters are pretty and I'll play for 5 minutes before moving onto something else.

There's plenty to do, allow me to spoonfeed off the very top of my head.
- Omegascape raid-series is the current eight man and is twelve trials/bosses, which drop loot to better gear your capped job
- Ivalice 24-man raid series is released in its entirety
- If you're more interested in high-end content there are three EX primals to wet your whistle on, and past that is Omegascape's Savage difficulty
- Level a crafter or gatherer
- Try a different job; one character can be every job in the game at once, no need to roll new characters
- Check out the 8-man and 24-man raids from previous expansions you most likely didn't do
- Try out Eureka which is an open-roam instanced zone designed to accommodate several hundred other players
- Muck about with glamours because all MMOs have the curse of fashion

I'm sure that happened tranny obsesser.

don joke about that user, i just got mimesis lux

>8 days till the Live Letter

Fucking hell just let it be here already

Why did you pick the worst datacenter to play on

1. more dungeons, no thanks
2. more dungeons, no thanks
3. more dungeons, no thanks
4. ok yeah level my crafter/gather seems cool
5. Level a new job... again? No thanks
6. more dungeons, no thanks
7. Need more info on that Eureka thing
8. Glamour seems to be the only worthy thing

>They delayed the benchmark so it won't be out until after the live letter
Fuck off square give us something I'm high and dry here

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>Imagine paying full price for a game, the expansions

All the previous expansions become included in the base game whenever a new expansion comes out now, and the base game itself is free. So the only two things you ever need to start playing WoW is to buy the most recent expansion and have a sub. They also give you a free boost to the previous cap which is something you have to purchase separately in XIV.

>all these things don't count because I don't like them

Oh! OH! Main story quests should gear you up proper. Other than that, the merchants at quest locales have gear leveld to the area.

Ffxiv has a decent amount of players that play it for the main story quest.

The Omega raids aren't dungeons fuck boy there 12 high end boss fights.

literally me, just resubbed and already bored


t. blacked mage

I don't play XIV but i save all the pics of cute girls in these threads, if you guys could post some that would be greatly appreciated.

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Sounds like MMOs aren't really your thing

Holy fuck all I want to find is some crafting collectible rotations but every fucking post on the internet is sperg central.

>four lines of no more dungeons
Get used to it boyo dungeons are the majority of this game's content, and Omegascape isn't a dungeon to begin with.
>Level a new job... again?
Jobs are more playstyles than anything with this game, since any job can clear any content. The only role where this doesn't apply is healers since each healing job has a vastly different purpose from the other two; White Mage is the best at actually healing, Astrologian is the worst at healing but can dispense buffs, and Scholar is the best at preventing damage through shields.
>Need more info on that Eureka thing
Eureka is four huge zones themed after wind, earth, fire, and water respectively, and have their own separate level-up system and an Elemental Wheel that allows you to tune your damage output and resistances to gain an advantage on the enemy. Most of them end up as chasing overworld bosses in a big train, but the end-result is Hydratos which has the Baldesion Arsenal, a 56-man dungeon

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They're all fucking dungeon content besides 3 of them. Are you not seeing the problem? Let me list off some things in OTHER Mmos, that ARENT dungeons, that would be fun

1. PVP, FFXIV Pvp is completely dead and worthless, the gear you get is solely for fashion, not to mention the queue times being 5 minutes on the best day. While 30+ on off days.

2. Open World Jumping puzzles like in Guild Wars or WoW where you reach an end goal for a prize or achievement

4. BDO, Has sailing, horse taming/stable, you can manage your entire business of workers and sell/travel products between cities

5. Open World Bosses, don't need to say anything more about that

6. Actual Open World, FFXIV is practically a mega sized Dragon Nest. Each zone is very linear and i'm sure merging all of them together would be smaller or if not the same size as the Witcher 3 Map

FFXIV lacks so many basic things it's fucking boring to do nothing but raid/dungeon content non stop. For what fucking purpose??

I recognize this feel. I've already given up.

I been playing this game for 6 ish years and I have yet to find any trannies. Are you going out and looking for trannies? Seems like you’re a bit obsessed.

Welcome to crafting you brought it upon yourself. Your rotation/macros is tailored to you and your stats there really isn't an over all guide.

I only have this nice highlander saved.

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Are you just starting out? Following the main story nets you a decent amount of gil and gear. I got over 1 million before stormblood and the story gears you up. Endgame is mostly running instances for tomes so you don't even need gil.
Just turn enemies away from the party, make sure you have hate on all them and use cooldowns when necessary. Tanking isn't that involved for 99% of the content.

Gatherer's don't have this issue. Why is crafting so goddamn autistic?

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Scaling is never good

>encounter those little characters
>i am barely legal
>always close to my character and send me mp
>the cat ones
>i am kawai ugu >.< prrr
Fuck your entire game

Even makes me mad because the only reason to play this was to fight vs kefla one of my favorite characters in ff. They did a fenomenal job with that raid but the fact that i need to play with trannies is not worth it

Could probably get to the latest expansion in under 200 hours even if you took it fairly slowly.


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open world bosses is the worst thing any mmo can have.
is a boring zergfest where mechanics doesnt matter.
making odin boos fight instanced was a good thing thing., now the fight is fun and you have to deal with mechanics.

>2. Open World Jumping puzzles like in Guild Wars or WoW where you reach an end goal for a prize or achievement
Sightseeing logs
>4. BDO, Has sailing, horse taming/stable, you can manage your entire business of workers and sell/travel products between cities
If this thing ever has anything like large-scale trade it'll be side content done for gil, tomestones or allied seals and not part of the main game
>5. Open World Bosses, don't need to say anything more about that
>6. Actual Open World,
That's what Eureka is for

Actually fucking obsessed, kill yourself.

>That long ass face
user your character is plain and ugly

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Looks like a horse desu

You can buy gear from level 1 up to level 50 in all the city states.

remember to get your weekly kills today

someone never played Guild Wars

>PVP, FFXIV Pvp is completely dead and worthless, the gear you get is solely for fashion, not to mention the queue times being 5 minutes on the best day. While 30+ on off days.
Depends on your datacenter really, I get into frontlines within like 2-3 minutes
>2. Open World Jumping puzzles like in Guild Wars or WoW where you reach an end goal for a prize or achievement
Have you never been to Gold Saucer?
>4. BDO, Has sailing, horse taming/stable, you can manage your entire business of workers and sell/travel products between cities
I mean you got marketboards and chocobos to breed and raise for racing. Probably not the same but it's something
>5. Open World Bosses, don't need to say anything more about that
FATEs, especially in Eureka
>6. Actual Open World, FFXIV is practically a mega sized Dragon Nest. Each zone is very linear and i'm sure merging all of them together would be smaller or if not the same size as the Witcher 3 Map
What would be the real benefit to that other than "Oh cool, look at that"?

1. Use the simulator at
Plug in your stats and add skills in order until you get a nice one that completes the craft with good average collectability. You'll have to tailor your own while you're levelling because stats and skills available vary. It lets you export macros too. There's also a solver but last time I used it it sucked. If you have no idea what a decent crafting rotation looks like then observe the ones in the following guide:

2. If you're max level this guide has good rotations for different common stat tiers and item levels. They're near the end.

fates are practially just any other MMO's heart quest or zone quests

>caring about pvp
>in mmos
this is how you know it is all blatant bait
go back to assfaggots or your zoomercore shooters, pvp tranny

Give me savage 4 man content

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That's not my character, I just have a few nice highlanders saved.
You cannot troll me like this. I know that character is nice.

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They don't know what a man with testosterone looks like. Blame their single roastie mothers

I am so mad i fucked up
Still makes me mad i will never fight kefka

Really? Job specific shit and not just DoW/DoM shit? I'll look into it

Want to know how I know you're a fucking retard?

You have to be trolling about the gold saucer, it's a joke in comparison

Fates again are the same as any other MMO's zone/heart quests

And an actual open world, what do you mean?? You've never played WoW, Guild Wars, Witcher, Skyrim, BDO, any game with an open world?

You want open world bosses and some dates have bosses you fight in the open world.

Fuck off pedophiles

I'm confused about how glamouring works. If I glamour some good end game armor what do I do when I find better armor?

>Calling 8 mans, 24 mans and primals dungeons
This is a new level of casual

based ESL wow shill

All I've found with the simulator is that it doesn't give a single fuck about XIV's %.

You cast a glamour on the new gear.

Name another MMO with open world sailing (besides maybe archeage) that takes a literal hour to get across the ocean, where you can fish, and hunt sea creatures on the way, i'll wait

>You actually know this race before

We've known Viera pretty damn well since 2006.

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Being this upset

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imagine thinking having more people or calling it something different, actually makes it different

Sea of Thieves
The game is actually fun now

They are mostly correct. Sometimes progress values are off by a very slight amount, so if you meet the progress exactly it might not be enough in-game. Quality has random influence anyway due to goods/excellents.

Nigger what?

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>You have to be trolling about the gold saucer, it's a joke in comparison
It's still there like it or not
>Fates again are the same as any other MMO's zone/heart quests
And? It's a big ass boss that spawns out on the field.
>And an actual open world, what do you mean?? You've never played WoW, Guild Wars, Witcher, Skyrim, BDO, any game with an open world?
I played some of them, I see no benefit to making it open world over zones honestly. It accomplishes the same thing, well besides quenching your autism

You're assuming anyone would want to play that p2w korean trash.

imagine thinking one person calling it a dungeon makes it a dungeon

It does, it goes from being called a dungeon to being called a raid.

I'm going to assume you quoted me by mistake since my post was about as milquetoast as it gets.

But it is different you dummy. Just say you don’t want to do pve.

WOAH! That's kinda epic, it's almost like it's the exact same thing, but a little bigger

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Yeah, I'll take the futa.

But it's not bigger...

Both are shit, the state of NA monkeys

Do I have to get the same items I glamoured over the original armor again?

what? Im arguing that that's all the game fucking has, theres nothing else to do. Square needs to add another 10 PvP maps and revamp the whole thing. They need to add world timer based mega bosses that everyone can join on, they need to make an open world zone that's actually open world, have things top do like site see, and actual good side quests like guild wars has, a living story type deal. So much potential

I think this game just isn’t for you. Maybe you should find a new game to play.

Is there any reason why M'naago's mother is a mooncat?

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so you're telling me that raid i did with more people, and had a bigger map than a typical dungeon, wasn't bigger? Yikes. That just proves my point that it's still just a dungeon.

mmo, not see 1 person every hour

>They need to add world timer based mega bosses that everyone can join on,
Odin and Ixion? So far it's seeming like you're mad XIV isn't a different MMO

F'lhaminn (Minfilia's adoptive mother) also uses a mooncat model.
SE is probably just too retarded to even tell the difference between two when making them.

I fucking hate it. Blizzard did the same thing to ‘more racial customization’ that they did to ‘player housing’ with garrisons.
>okay the players are asking for more character customization to match this new stuff, and some old stuff
>instead if just adding it, let’s make it a “”””feature””””

I think it even esges out the gender locked races in XIV in the department of “putting in extra work just to fuck your players around”. What the fuck were they both thinking?

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yikes shills really do ruin everything

Theres honestly so much more to do in an open world like guild wars it's impossible to put it all here/not worth the effort to try explaining

All you need is another glamour prism to copy the look of the gear you want over the one you're wearing. Casting a glamour doesn't consume the gear itself.
You could also use the glamour dresser at inn rooms to store gear and make glamour plates, which are basically costume presets. You can only store 200 items total though.

honestly maybe i should just play Guild Wars again, the 30+ World Boss train puts Odin and Ixion to shame. Odin and Ixion are instanced, you have to load in. I'm talking you literally face the boss within the map, real open world mechanics

You don't lose the items you glamoured. As long as you don't throw them away you can keep re-using them.

>Odin and Ixion are instanced, you have to load in. I'm talking you literally face the boss within the map, real open world mechanics
No they aren't, Odin appears randomly in the Black Shroud and Ixion appears randomly in the Ala Mhigan zones, you're thinking of the instanced Odin fight you can open up at any time. Ixion will also appear randomly across worlds as part of a cross-world stress test.

bros my wife was really scared for my characters life

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>I'm talking you literally face the boss within the map, real open world mechanics
Those are always fun when you can't even see what the fuck is happening.

It's obvious they never go outside either, otherwise they'd see in-shape guys with pecs.

UwU stop playing highlander/femroe ogres and come join the smol lizard transbian master race

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The same reason Minfilia and Lyse look like Midlanders but are actually Highlanders.

>expecting the falseflagger to know what the fuck he is talking about
You guys are keeping him baiting go for too long

To be fair, XIV netcode is far too shit to handle open world like other games and they know it. The game is still working with console limitations in mind.

Nah the basic stuff that you'd get from msq rewards but that'll see you to 50 where the level 50 job quest rewards you with decently high ilvl specific armour and then you can go for the tome gear.

Where do you live where these men are regular sights, im jealous

Can someone catch me up on FFXIV? Last I played was during the first Eureka or whatever, then I dropped it completely and have no idea about what they've been up to.

I understand there's an expansion with bunny girls coming. What else is going on? Are they changing anything interesting about the combat system?


Uhh excuse me but that is my wife.

They are changing something about the battle system but we wouldn't know what until next week.

Oh, another one of those live events?

No way, man. Fem highlander is the best. They're practically the designated tomboy race.

Yeah, in may 23

>Tia or Nunh as last name
>it's a female character
>it's a lizard


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Tp/mp are merging into one resource. MCH, WHM, SCH, PLD, DRK are all getting reworks of various degrees.

>Queueing this early on a weekday

Oh I see I originally thought glamouring meant eternally bonding these two pieces of gear together.

>leveling roulette
oh gee I sure enjoy not having access to most of my skills and also getting virtually no exp for this, the entire reason I queued for leveling in the first place.

i already got the coat, i aint going through that shit again, especially with garo babbies

and MNK

what datacenter

U guys are gonna think I'm a faggot but.

>Start playing this game
>Meet mentor who's an au ra
>Play male midlander because wanna self insert.
>Mentor is pretty cool helps me out a lot
>They end up liking a lot of shit that i like, like Sekiro and even Death from above and Archer
>Decide to do a call with them while they help me with aurum vale.
>It's a legit non-tranny chick.
>She's surprised I'm a dude, or at least not a tranny
>We pretty much hit it off, she's a bit of an SJW but besides that pretty cool.
>We pretty much play/talk every day for like 6 months now, this guy she's friends with starts butting into our activities now.
>He's a gook, calls her by her in game name which is weird because it's a dudes name.
>He obviously hates me.
>Suddenly it feels like she starts hitting on me a lot more, gets upset when I don't wake up at the same time as her.

I've been thinking of flirting back with her but the gook dude is always around, it feels like I'm fucking up but she mostly does it when we're in call with her friends.

Leveling roulette scales your completion bonus according to the level of the dungeon you've been plopped into

Hopefully you get AV next time.

fuck her right in the pussy

You should flirt with her just to fuck with the gook if he's already acting like a clingy faggot.

come out of the closet already faggot

I'd run Sastasha a dozen times before having to do motherfucking Totorak again

You talk shit about tomboys again and I will backhand you into the fucking sun my man.

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Flirt back pussy. Also cute story.

Unless you get thrown in one of the 4man ARR trials.
Always get trash exp for those. Always feels like I wasted a roulette.

bro she's obviously into you, make the move before it's too late and you get friend zoned forever.

I did years ago. The best part is that since Yea Forums doesn't think lesbians exist on the internet I can shitpost about whatever degenerate gay shit I want and nobody will ever find out who I really am.

Except I have and every world boss is a fuckin joke mechanically.

Go for it man. I met a two year GF through this game, we've since split up but it wasn't a bad split and we both had a good time while it lasted.

imagine mentoring a lala sprout

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love truly can bloom on the battlefield

Japtaru's voice is so fucking cute desu.

>EX roulette
>Everyone is geared and competent
What is this feeling?

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>call it expert roulette
>it's easier than aurum vale and stone vigil

Attached: expert.jpg (423x189, 39K)

I'm assuming that this is this year's rising event or something. This is gonna kill my Answers orchestrion roll market.

i met my wife through the game, go for it lad.

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>Entire expantion hook is just "Tataru sad"
Hack writers.

Is she huwhite?

>b-but muh sexy human with bunny ears shes so hot
fucking retarded trannies. fuck this character creator

Nah. It's just some new thing to get people doing MSQ dungeons. The vendors are already in game by the main city aetherites.

what size is black mage brain

Nothing was ever stated against Miqo'te breeding outside of their specific species. In Naago's instance, clearly the Suncat genes were dominant to the Mooncat genes

we have bara furries now so you can jack off to them

I would love to play that game but the monthly fees are too expensive...

Tataru's the reason we got such a fucking unsatisfying ending and why we aren't searching for a way to get the scions back right now.
>Y-yoU GotTa StOp FIGhtInG For nOw!
fuck off you wannabe hardass jew

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the garo event was a mistake

Normie brain.

People are just going to spam cyrcus tower 50 times which will help basicly no one.
Fuck madatory cutscene 8 mans.

tfw refusing to do roulette because of tank anxiety

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lorebook says her ancestor was a mooncat that sought refuge in the M tribe when the Autumn was was happen

>Y-yoU GotTa StOp FIGhtInG For nOw!
Take this shit back to twitter where it belongs.

Galaxy-sized if you're flying by the seat of your pants and doing well despite not knowing the fight (BLM has more than enough movement tools to make things manageable in this regard), average if you know the fight and where to sit ahead of time so you can sit in your ley lines recliner

You can't comprehend it.

Attached: BLM player.jpg (650x487, 71K)

>pressing buttons is stressful
dont think this game is for you user

I hate people praising this. They literally planning to put out a race that was so rushed that they didn't bother to allow headgear on it. Then when they get hit by a wave of backlash they suddenly "find time" to get it finished. And im supposed to praise them for doing their job?

Then go back to be a sissy BRD/RDM

One millimeter larger than SMN at all times

au ra mentors are great. go for it if you also want private lessons

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is she ugly irl?
stop being a pussy and start flirting back, cuck the stupid gook

>not being willing to go on a dimension hopping quest to protect her smile

Fucking casuals

I love to play as a tank, but returning and doing new dungeons with bad gear will always make people butthurt

Seeing a good BLM is such a spectacle. HP bars just get CHUNKED

I don't like WoW anymore but 3-5 weeks is waaaaay too much. It took me less than a week to unlock the Lightforged Draenei.

Bro, I've had a thing for tomboys ever since I can remember. The first friends I ever remember making were 2 girls who lived next door. We would play outside and roughhouse all the time. They moved away though but once I started noticing girls more in THAT way shortly after starting school, it was girls like that I found myself liking. Forget girls who spent recess looking at horse books, I wanted the ones who played tag and wore baseball hats and/or ponytails.

Nerd just queue up, I'll heal for you

The only smile I protected is Krile's aka the only one that matters.
>There are eurekalets who didnt protect her smile

>self-insert male character
>tranny obsessed
>beta orbits female characters
>gets cucked by a ricedick
story checks out

A 'good' black mage is simply riding on the coattails of the rest of the party allowing them to do well.

Fucking sauce

>tfw protected both

No lalagirls will be sad on my watch goddammit

>Push AoE threat skill as you run into pack
>Face them away
>Push 1or 2 of 6 CDs per pack
>Spam Damage AoE skill

Tank anxiety is the stupidest shit, your just playing a dps that has to open with a specific threat skill instead of going right to damage.


Unironically agree. Besides being HIGH TEST they have great animations with a lot if energy behind them.

Did they nerf it? When I still played WoW it took me at least a few weeks to unlock void elves, and that was with trying to do every WQ as it came up.

so, teamwork?

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You can buy 380 gear off the MB then upgrade it to 390 with Mendacity. No one is going to bitch about a 380+ tank in exroulette as long as you pull everything.

Don't be upset metafag. Maybe one day you can do BLM damage. Just keep trying!

Any Aether friends wanna do Eureka challenge logs?

>tonight's raid night
will miss out on Seal Rock night

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Is this the same SMNfag who was crying about BLMs last night?

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Yeah, basically. But I have to make it sound controversial since even pve is a competition.

Dont say that word, SAMfaggots screech at the thought of that

Worse, an RDMfag

I just saw the gw2 thread and now I'm reading the ffxiv one. The differences in quality and shitposts is like fucking night and day. I was a gw2 player at launch, but I haven't played in years. I have that mmo itch though, so I think I'm going to switch to final fantasy. It's not too late for me, is it?

>we added some group synergy to MNK since we discovered trying to have a selfish dps class wasn't a good idea
>also yoshi
btw, here's SAM

It's not too late this game is very beginner and catch up friendly

I actually play black mage as my main dps. And it is made much easier by my groups avoiding me when I'm marked and taking marks away from my position.

whats the difference in shitposts like

also no its probably the best time to start since you can prepare for expansion

The only thing too late is that you missed getting the base game free with Twitch Prime a few weeks ago.

At least SAM's identity is more consistent
>here you go mr fast punch job, a slow mode

game is built to never be too late to start playing

Why do FFXIV fags never shut up about WoW? Just play your game, man. Have fun.

Veteran players receive bonus for helping new people, so it'll never be too late to start.

Where? Can't find anything about it in M tribe section.

I'll praise the devs who realized what a shitshow it was and went behind Yoshi's back to make it happen.

>brainlet monks hating on RoF

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Hope you like a manditory main story quest thats atleast 100 hours long.
And classes that dont come together until 60 at the earliest.
Im a die hard sucker for this game but the new player experiance really needs an overhaul.
That said just play the 35 trial, the game bends over backwards to allow for easy catching up at all times.

The shitposting has intensified due to BfA being a dumpster fire and the WoWfugee meme becoming real.

>using that haircut
Absolutely, unequivocally, undeniably based
My brown girl looks similar

RoF just slows you down so you can spam the fuck out of Forbidden Chakra you brainlet.

>Pinglet MNK praising RoF
Just because you can't double weave you oGCDs doesn't mean the rest of us want to be slower than a DRG half the time.

Free trial up to level 35. Free Heavensward expansion until June 27th with the purchase of the base game. Purchase of Shadowbringers comes with the Heavensward and Stormblood expansions for free, but they don't unlock until Shadowbringers launches.

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What's up guys! Is your game ready to die on august 27? Huh?

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Here's my highlander say some excessively cruel things about her!

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Im shocked Blizzard didnt set classic for July 1st.
You just know their rushing it to be even close to shb.

imagine being a rabbit playing tranny

Not fond of that face. You should've taken face 3, it's more expressive. Good choice of chest gear.

I did it pre-BFA

Nice hair, sonic.

amazing cringe

Fuck I mean face 1


She looks like she fucks malboros.

Y'shtola will never love her back!

imagine paying $15 to go home

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pls rate

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i have nothing to say about your toon because its so bland, just like every other poster on Yea Forums

so ridiculously bland

they must not have a lot of confidence in classic stacking up against shadowbringers, they're normally pretty shameless about sniping competitor release dates with their own stuff. Didn't work out very well for them trying to pit bfa against stormblood either.

based jobs:

tranny jobs:
everything else

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This is why you tell attention whores to fuck off to /xivg/, you allow one, 10 are coming immediately after.

What's wrong with bland?


Reminds of that guy from FF13-2. Or a member of a visual kei band. Very nice tho

as long as you're not avatarfagging every thread nobody cares except autists and backseat moderators

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Thanks anons, have (you)s. I'm going to do it this weekend.

I heard the story is legitimately good and is a throwback to classical Final Fantasy. Even without the MMO aspect, I'm all for that. Time investment isn't a big deal for me, I'm sure anything is better than what I've come from in all regards.

Tremendous amounts of insular and deranged anger with absolutely no gameplay discussion whatsoever. The banter isn't even smart or funny, it's just targeted hostility between lurkers attempting to name call each other out. Honestly, there isn't really anything to discuss regarding gw2 to begin with, so I guess that's why every thread for it degrades into nonsense and obscenities eventually. The /vg/ general was nuked by a hostile user with a bot. That pretty much tells you everything you need to know. I wasn't inside much of it, but it's just one reason I dropped the game.

But they are. This is the third or fourth time I've seen that blue haired highlander this week.

better than this

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posting your character once has always been allowed newfag

do something with your glamour, you got a purple thing going on

jesus christ if you morons are going to start posting characters at least put some effort into color coordination and creativity

I would

>Moogle tomes dont have the Scathach minion
Fuck off square, its still not even a 100% drop.

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every thread or only when prompted by somebody else posting their character

did they remove the loot limit from orbonne yet? I want the agrias set.

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Yes, a few weeks ago. Farm as much as you want.

Last I checked they have


>landwhale character
>it is a new race
kek every time

and thanks to lazy faggots it's almost impossible to get any HW raids as roulettes.

I used to play GW2 before this as well so I know the feeling. This game is definitely more fun to both play and discuss

the worst part is that people had to grind quests to unlock that race. at least with ffxiv you become a bunny right away.

I want to play this game but the only thing stopping me is the apparent overwhelming support for tr*nnies and pedos. Is it just a meme and specific to one server or has it gotten this bad?

Thanks lads.

dont play on aether or crystal datacenters

He is right though that a ton of people claim their opinions as the will of the majority without really being able to back it up.

It's a meme specific to Yea Forums based off of getting burned on random guild invites, Twitter screencaps, and in general actively seeking out le epic degenerates for something to complain about.

>I'm a meme-swallowing faggot incapable of thinking for himself
Play a different game, nigger.

Just shut the fuck up and play you faggot, no one is going to talk to you in game and all the trannies stick to their cliques whom you'll never interact with because they're all doing high end content.

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MRoes are GOAT no gay shit tho

How come they removed cross class skills in SB but Crafters are somehow exempt from this?

>got married in game last week to my catgirl neighbor for the white chocobo
>completely forgot about it until she teleported and gave me some stuff she crafted today
pretty neat feature that you can teleport right next to the person you married regardless of where they are in the world.

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There's no reason to gut crafter complexity for the sake of whiny trannies who won't play them anyway. They only care about getting through the story with absolutely zero resistance.

>imagine playing a game just to look at a waifu
>Imagine bitching about having to play a game you bought

Because good luck crafting anything without those (((cross class skills))).
Now pay up for my levekit and level your crafters goy!

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Marry her in game and invite no one but the gook.

There's no complexity to it though. It just keeps Jews at the top.


Final Fantasy XIV

you a gay nigga

>>imagine playing a game just to look at a waifu

>make a very cute female character
>watch her travel from around eorzea from 2.0 beta all the way to 4.5
>playing dress up with her the entire time
your character is literally the perfect waifu

Attached: 1557111212750.png (400x400, 107K)

>he doesn't know the joy of some bara degenerate sidling up to you in eureka because you're also a male roe and telling him "no way fag"

Crafters are in a good and balanced state skill wise. Trade wise, some improvements could be made to make certain ones more profitable.

>craftlets complaining everything isn't just handed to them for free

Fuck you lazy faggots, I put the time in to get this shit you can too.

>the entire of this thread
>there are no trannies pls believe us
The big mistake was >>>/xivg/ not being the first reply.

Just do levequests you whiny faggot.

It's $12.99 a month if you go for the basic membership which is all you really need. You can play for 4 months for less that the price of a new game.

it's still gay even if you say no homo while he rails you user

>Not liking the Victorian strongman aesthetic
nigga you gay

the big mistake is hamfisting the tranny meme every single thread
>but it's true
[citation needed]

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My asshole is exit-only, I'm saving myself for marriage to a nice femroe or fem-elezen.

a classic thread died for this bros

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>play catgirl
>join eureka PW spawn party
>that awkward male hyur that flirts with every female character takes an interest in yours
>flat out tell him to stop trying to flirt I'm a guy irl
>he shuts up for the remainder of the 2 hours it takes to spawn the faggot bad dragon
there's nothing satisfying about saying "no way fag" to absolute losers, that shit is just depressing.

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>tfw gatherer chad
Nice try Goldberg. I'm not paying you lalafells a single piece of gil for overpriced garbage.

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Nah the whole story reeks of bullshit. Yoshida saw all the recent news about overworked game developers having to work around the clock to meet deadlines. He tells the press "Oh no, I didnt tell them to do it! They did it on their own out of the kindness of their hearts!" As if I believe that.


>implying I'm not also a Gatherchad

I control both the supply and production

Yoshida is general manager of an entire development wing of Square Enix now and it's already known that swathes of the XIV team are rushing to get Shadowbringers up and running by its release, via Soken's twitter. It seems like bullshit if you don't know anything about its development-process or if you're one of the troglodytes in these threads that have a vested interested in the game being a failure but it's not out of line with anything else we know about the clusterfuck that is XIV's development and team.

>thinks current blizzard won't fuck up classic
poor fool

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Im just quoting this post to say fuck PW and the 250 scorpions it takes to spawn him on average.

>raid night this far in
what the hell are you even doing? synced midas prog?

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Yoshida doesn't seem like he's very severe with his employees imho. If he was he would've fired translator-chan years ago.

Imagine doing content aside from clearing it. Imagine doing it the content for entertainment.

I want the game to succeed, but I honestly think the staff is being mismanaged and is out of touch with the playerbase.

Did someone ever make a guide on the fastest transport options to non-aetheryte places? I mean theres gotta be faster ways than riding a chocobo


>appreciator of muscle women

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You can’t fucking double weave when you’re at three lightning even with Japanese ping, dumb faggot. The greatest players in the world know that RoF is necessary so you don’t waste orecious procs from brotherhood.

The staff being out-of-touch is honestly to the game's benefit, I think. To me it's moreso they see the broader picture of community complaints and act accordingly, but at a bit of a snail's pace in that the majority of feedback that they actually act upon is done in the next expac.

Do you not have max riding speed?

convince me not to buy a sub to this gook game please

You're not wrong. But I've been playing since 2.0 so my only issue is that I'm gonna have to g like glamour my miqote waifu into a bunny slut. I've got zero sympathy for WoWv refugees that are just jumping in and are upset that the content is substantial. Play a different game and don't shit up this one the way your bitching shit up WoW.

The fastest way is to fly if you're not teleporting. If you can't fly, such as ARR, then get the mount speed upgrades from vendors.

I'm not going to convince you to not buy a game I enjoy user

Let's go back to the Stone Age because they had it rougher than us.

But user.. elezen are top mommy too? Can play an elezen and work your way up. Race requirements aren't aids like WoW (op was poking fun at it) then again maybe you're okay with starting fresh and working your way up as a bunny. No real stress in the end.

Scaling is retarded. What's the point in putting in the time to get as strong as you did if they're just gonna give away max level in the next expansion? Part of an MMO is the feeling of accomplishment being able to do things others players can't. It's part of why I hated gw2. Scaling mobs piss me off.

1-3 do palace and unlock warrior
4-6 lvl MCH to 60
7-9 lvl DRK to 60
0 play something else until seal rock night

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It's more like complaining that only people who hold medical degrees get to be doctors and you totally desreve a chance to perform surgery because you want to. Go get the degree first faggot.

>fat is a race

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>xiv team has to go behind yoshi's back to get shit done
"limited" is obviously yoshi's new design philosophy expect a lot of quantity over quality bullshit this expansion

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Enjoy your palace run to get unga cleave.

I mean no. unless he hates story. I tend to pay attention when it comes to imperial stuff, ascians and other important story while skipping fluff (lyse. Y'sthola.. you can look at dialogue and zoom through them anyway if you can read decently fast. Take care that he doesn't burnout though. pre-heavensward is burnout central, true... but so is early HW and arguably more so.

Is all of this even remotely true? I could have sworn the race specific armor could be bought somewhere. I also had no idea races were locked behind expansions

Sounds like you don't know about genes

get to work user!

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>Go buy your degree before the Jews hikes the prices up.
Fixed it for you.



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>muh genetics is why I break the law of thermodynamics

Anyone on Primal know any good cross PvP linkshells?

>yoshi was unaware of his own dev team adding glasses
ok buddy retard

I'll put down actual money that whatever character you have looks like an absolute abomination compared to that user's "bland" one

Gloves don't match. Dumb anime haircolor.

>simple is bad
this is how i know you're a tranny
only trannies unironically like overdesigned trash

The Scions have THREE white-haired characters. Anime hair colors is not a valid complaint in this game, at least in terms of fitting the setting.

>bland means simple
dumb waifutard


While I am skeptical as well, it is possible that he is seeing less of ffxiv now that he is a major SE director.

Now post mechagnomes

White is less dumb than Sonic blue.

r8 h8

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I hope Yoshi doesn't forget that he only made XIV great because he was a tiny guy who saw on the ground level what a fucking mess 1.0 was. He needs perspective or else he'll wind up the same as the old suits he replaced.

I'm still farming seals...

Seduce the girl. Make the gook accept his fate as a trap and fuck both.

people have probably already shit on you for being so wrong, but I'm gonna do it again because i feel like it.
You just have to own the expansion to be able to use the new races, you fucking retard.

imagine taking my post so personal, hit a little bit too close home? It's ok we can't all have good tastes

By what fucking metric? I didn't know the Chandler was an accepted unit of measurement now.

Thread's close to dead, posting my potato PLD again

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Nasty clipping and low effort glam.

About to do do his lvl 45 Job quest / 10

I forgot to say the reason I think you're a faggot is because you type "U" instead of "You" while writing all that text. Kill yourself after fucking her and the femboy asian.

>He won't post his
Kek I was fucking right

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Can we thank actiblizz for this nonsense? I figured they'd go the route like they did the Au Ra.

You can see her tummy

Stop using reshade.

Mobs don't scale up in GW2, players scale down. It just stops old zones from being ghost towns from max level players ruining it all for newbies.

Live letters and taking community feedback whatsoever are already leaps and bounds above XI's director and the clusterfuck he created with 1.0