>*makes you switch to consoles*
*makes you switch to consoles*
Other urls found in this thread:
*makes you pirate again*
It has done nothing to me. I don't like multiplayer and always wait a year anyway for Western shit to get a complete product.
enjoy your $50,000 fine plus tips, bad goyim
I fucking hate how this board is full of newfags and mostly because all oldfags are gone now.
>Beliving politicians care about pirating games in 2019
Nigga you what
Lmao where do you live that you can actually get fined for piracy??
lol what. not even the US does it. at worst your internet provider sends a letter and will strip you of your internet
*makes you pirate even more*
>*makes you not buy games you would maybe buy*
>he thinks the I don't already own consoles
Poorfag OP gonna poor.
haahahahahaha im eastern european i havent bought game in years,and i have pirated hundreds of them,and ive never had any problems
based Epig Games making everything free and paying for my copy of the game
>implying piracy ever went away
I'd rather use Epic Store then ever pay for online again, let alone get fucked in every other console cucks do.
*changes nothing*
That actually has been pushing me away from PC gaming.
>you care about those games?
Console Sleeper Cell
Prior to 2019, I can't remember the last PC game I pirated, and this is a memory failure due to absence rather than overload.
I've pirated 3 EGS-exclusives already lmao. (And they were all pretty bad, too, Metro was good though and I would have felt fine paying for it.)
Fucking chinks man
Nah, I'm quite fine with the already available DRM-free games.
I'd rather buy from Epic then use a console.
>exclusive buying rich corporate closed platform makes you switch to another exclusive buying rich corporate closed platform
Who so smart user
*blocks your tracking with a VPN*
lmao get fucked nigger
>can't even run ubisoft games
Epic has managed to accomplish what took years in the streaming business in just a matter of months.
>Netflix gets popular
>Piracy goes down because it's convenient and has everything
>Other corporations try pushing Netflix out of the way and making exclusive shows
>Piracy soars back up again because people don't want to subscribe to X, Y and Z
More like
*forces you to play your backlog in the meantime*
Based epic
there is literally no point to buying ubishit games on EGS or steam. pirate them or get them directly on uplay, one less middle-man
It almost died with denuvo was a new thing
Denuvo is winning again.
Weeks now since a crack.
This. You can also use their credits to get a discount on anything there too.
i'm not that much of a faggot
heres a pro-tip; ignore it.
Buy borderlands 3 day 1
watch everyone else cry while they wait 6 months for "muh extra features"
>"trying to control and monopolize PC gaming is the worst thing in the world!"
>tries to control and monopolize PC gaming
What species of snake is Tim? Closest I could find on nationaly geographic was the western hognose.
I use linux.
Stop supporting game exclusives on Botnet 10.
Snakes are cool, Tim is a scorpion and the gaming community is a frog
The amount of contradictory bullshit that comes out of this man's mouth is astounding.
He's an idiot, but an operative system that has a 80% of the market share can do much more damage that his shitty store with a non existent market share.
>I use linux
anything you say now is invalid
but unironically, just dont care about i
I choose pirate because fuck UPlay. Patch that shit out and I'll start buying Ubisoft games on PC.
Not really.
More like switched back to TPB.
Never heard of a single case, kys chink shill.
but based and redpilled
why is this store so shitty?
>we're sponsoring the PC Gaming Show in E3
>meanwhile Valve
>uhhhhhhh index lol
>uhhh steamcommunity.com
Whats the fuckin issue chimp?
Pirated shakedown Hawaii because it wasn't on steam. Sorry devs.
>Our infrastructure is so fucking shit that adding a game means delaying others
> again
Buyfags in denial
PR stunt targeted to Valvebros only, because every single steam dev knew it already.
I don't think the devs knew because people constantly say shit like 'valve doesn't earn their 30% cut'. I don't know why they would sell their games on steam in the first place if they thought that.
It actually did. Sony is loving Epic games store.
All I'm reading is "easily sell your games to foreign markets"
I'm pretty bored of the whole anti Epic thing at this point, how about something constructive?
What features would it take for you to consider using the EGS?
Personally, I don't really mind using barebones launchers but the EGS in particular is extremely laggy/jarring while scrolling through the store, I'd like to see that fixed at least.
Actual good games.
Yeah, fixed OP.
Agreed, figured it was a given, but anti-EGS folks seem to care more about the launcher than the games.
> doesn't earn their 30% cut
I bought only 3 games on steam this year - Vesperia, RE2 and Sekiro. How exactly Valve earned their 30% for allowing me to download these games? They are quite big yes, but it doesnt cost so much.
Imagine living in a literal dystopian cyberpunk society where you are a slave to corporations.
People shit on this man but here in Canada they actually implemented a bill saying that people "caught illegally downloading" can face a fine of up to 5 thousand dollars. Needless to say I'm finally buying a VPN
I'm just incredibly miffed that they made this whole statement that steam is filled with trash, which is true of course, and that they're going to curate better but it's been a few months now and looking at their catalog it's just total fucking mediocre garbage.
Like fuck. Not to mention the only thing I want which is Anno is already on Uplay. And Hades is fucking early access so fucking whatever that'll probably be on steam later.
God at least use your fortnite bucks to get some actual good games.
Both of these are becoming true for me because of this crap.
They don't. Steam is literally a vending machine with a skeleton crew for support that might get back to you a week later about any issues. Steam today uses their brand recognition to take an oversized cut in the same way retail did when Valve was just getting started with Steam. If Discord can do what Steam does for a mere 10% cut, then I would certainly argue that Valve doesn't deserve their cut- you're just paying a premium because they've literally groomed a generation of gaymurrs to use their service exclusively.
I'd have to agree with you there.
Consoles are still worse.
Does the epic launcher cost $200 more or less?
>buying VPN
Man I just LOVE how VPN providers make cash on computer illiterate idiots.
>paying to pirate
thats a fucking LOL right there
That, and the fact that Netflix makes exclusively propaganda shows made me not pay for any more subscription bullshit, I'm back to pirating again. Also I realize that when I pirate I watch better quality shows, because I watch what I actually want, while with Netflix I would just watch whatever is available and almost always ended up being crap.
>Man I just LOVE how VPN providers make cash on computer illiterate idiots.
I swear, we don't keep any logs! *wink*
I'd rather not risk a 5k fine friend.
They have like 3 exclusive games right now, internet is going full butthurt already. Can't imagine the fun i will have when epic will win over steam, it's going to be glorious.
I want that John Wick game.
>turn based mobile shit
This. Initially, I was content with just waiting for the timed exclusivity to end and for the games to come to Steam, but the more developers that I see engaging in these anti-consumer business practices for the purposes of making a quick buck makes me want to just pirate the games instead.
Make the games available on both storefronts. If you are taking a bribe to lock consumers out of their preferred launcher, I won't be paying for your product. I hope the Epic money is good
It is a turn based strategy game focusing on finesse and skills of a single character. This has been a game I have been dreaming about really.
>make a VM
>do a clean install of Steam on it
>change the contents of all the Steam files to Tiananmen Square pasta
>install ebin chinkbot store and let it scan your totally legit Steam files
>watch Tencent getting sent to labour camps
I wish
Are there any decent free VPNs? I used to pay for NordVPN and that was pretty sweet.
I feel the same way. I'm putting every game going to EGS on the ignore list, funny enough most of the games going to EGS look like dogshit anyway and I wouldn't have bought them anyway, shit like rune, outer wilds, ancestors: the humankind odyssey, they all look like early access trash.
>Beliving politicians care about pirating games in 2019
The video game industry has surpassed the film industry in terms of profits.
"makes you click on epic store launcher icon"
>they all look like early access trash
The worst part is that their store is filled with early access trash.
wrong there m8
> switch
Based Epic
You have saved us all from chink and their Epic Dogs
Go slurp some noodles obnoxiously Chang.
ching cong nip nong flied lice
Okay, now this samefagging is epic
I would rather kill myself than go back to playing on consoles.
All this has done is made me pirate more western games and buy more Jap games.
Unfortunately, Epic can't bribe Jap devs, so I'll never have a reason to use their store.
And people still pirate games.
>I hope the Epic money is good
Epic is giving publishers guaranteed money even if their games don't sell a single unit. Tim Sweeney is personally paying for your pirated copy.
Besides MK11 and Anno there isn't much worth cracking at the moment.
this whole quantity over quality shit has seeped into every piece of media and I hate it
>you can watch THOUSANDS of shows
>THOUSANDS of movies
>THOUSANDS of music tracks
>you can play THOUSANDS of games
info overload, plug me the fuck out
PS4 and 3DS here
Have not regretted it one bit. There's still a huge backlog of good JRPGs on PS4 as well as all the big multiplat games. Meanwhile the 3DS is a treasure trove of niche games that are pretty cool to have on the go.
Ebin can shove their exclusives up Tim's ass.
I feel bad for you, americucks
If you go to the curator page or a dev/publishers store page you can follow them. Valve said during the GDC that they will ad feature where follow pages will notify you with release dates for new games, dlc and other shit in your messages in a new announcements tab. Valve isn't reacting to epic, they have been working on this for years. Are people just going to assume every feature valve adds to steam is because of the Epic store and "muh competition"?
There is not a single game coming to Epic game store I have cared about yet besides maybe the David Cage movies because I actually like movie/VN type of games. Anno 1800 was on Uplay so I just bought it there.
The fact cloud saves are not implemented yet is just sad. It's actually a deal breaker for me because I make use of the feature very frequently on steam. They should have spent more time developing their client instead of pushing it out half baked with not even half of steams features.
based vlad
You're a moron if you think torrenting is protected by a vpn.
Based 3DS bro
>Steam is literally a vending machine with a skeleton crew for support that might get back to you a week later about any issues.
What the fuck are you talking about you braindead shill? I’ve had to contact Steam about several different issues and they resolved all of them within 48 hours. Also dozens of members of the staff team listen to feedback through the platform and the subreddit, so saying they’re basically innactive is utter bullshit.
What you’re thinking of is their game development team, they’ve been dead for a long time now
>people constantly say shit like 'valve doesn't earn their 30% cut'
Most of the people who say that aren't even game devs.
you don't know what you're talking about
Corporate PR, cocksucking shills and games journos have sold this idea to people that they should worry about what devs make, their share of the revenue, poor Mr Dev won't be able to pay for the milk next month.
I don't give a single shit what those idiots make or don't, all I care is about the products and services I purchase and my convenience when purchasing. But of course, the narrative is that us, the consumer, should bend over backwards and let big publishers/developers fuck us raw for their benefit, and Epic is siding with them, not us.
Objectively speaking you're a retard if you support these sleazy tactics that won't give you anything in return, but instead make it easier for companies to screw you over.
Mój brat.
Your picture is missing something, the part where he says "we also got a big paycheck upfront, making sales pretty much irrelevant. Also we don't give a shit if Epic has no features, that's your problem now, goy"
I don't see that part.
even origin has cloud saves, they've had that shit for a while now. EGS has jack shit, they don't even have the bare minimum to compete with uplay or origin because their decision to become a store was a last second one and they rushed it, everything about their store screens 'this wasn't meant to be a store' and it's going to bite them in the ass if they don't fix it.
My number one concern is security, epic seems to not take that shit seriously at all so even if I was head over heels with the store I wouldn't buy shit there
>but anti-EGS folks seem to care more about the launcher
EGS launcher is simply objectively inferior compared to Steam though.
I don't give a shit about console wars or store exclusivity, I don't give a shit about fortnites zoomer fanbase, I refuse to buy ANYTHING from epic after what they did to Paragon
The launcher IS part of the experience, shit experience shit time. GWFL?
Better again, gog galaxy has cloud saves. An optional launcher has more features than EGS
Steam is officially dead.
>what they did to Paragon
what did they do?
they killed to to put everyone onto FORTNITE
>furry girl