A Plague Tale

>female protagonist
Why are they doing this to themselves.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Great, I always wanted to play as an useless girl

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Dammit, not sure if I should buy the game now

>literally le strong weemin
You can't make this shit up

Isn't the whole point of this game that you're weak and defenceless

>Women bad
>Men good
Gonna play this waifu simulator in french as it was intended to be played
That's right, fuck you haters!

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I don't know why they did it but it was a terrible decision. I watched a trailer for the game and those templar looking dudes look really badass. Why couldn't one of those have been the protag? Anyway, hard pass for me.

Yes, but don't let that get in the way of bitching the same way people thought Hellblade was feminist propaganda despite it being explained that every person she fought was her just being a schizo.

I see no problem with this when she's hot and will have a kid with her throughout the game. Women SHOULD be strong and independent for children.

have coitus.

female protag increases the amount of vulnerability players feel.

It's realistic. A woman who lived in the plague era is physically stronger than modern man because they did physical work every day.

>western game
>with a female protag

You just know it belongs in the trash.

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>Women SHOULD be strong and independent for children.
Ding ding ding, fibally a dev team got it right.

french sounds like diarrhea.

They want me to have a chance in hell of caring. Black Plague setting's cool too but you know what else had a cool setting? The Order 1886. Gonna wait and see on this one.

Try hard as fuck

Can we please just talk about the game, yesterdays thread was a shitshow.
Is the stealth any good? Is the enemy AI any good? Is it all stealth all the time or does the gameplay change a bit at any point?
And fuck rats.

why are all these female protagonists always boring, frail, ellen page types? what happened to bad ass women with big tits, like OG lara croft and bayonetta?

Everything is shit beside story and setting. This is litteraly a french medieval The Last of Us.
I guess the music is good too.

i thought people liked playing as girls so they could stare at their asses?

the power "babe" thing is basically dead outside of irony
which is a shame because now we have the graffix to uh properly bring them to life

Sure, because a grown ass templar having to use a sling to save his brother would have totally made a lot of sense.

Game's literally The Order:1886. Think about it; janky ass gimmicky gameplay, tech demo graphics, contrived plot, excellent performances, retarded AI and more.
And everybody loves it. All it took was a few PS4 walking simulators to come in the last 4 years.

She's extremely qt though.
I bet she dies.

>Complaining about a female protag when it fits the tone and structure of the game.

It will always be amazing to me that Yea Forums became the right wing version of tumblr snowflakes.


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Shit the FUCK up, no woman is ever, at any point, stronger than me

It looks like things get changed up often, though stealth is the main part of the game. Honestly, it looks simple but well made. Serious kudos to the writers and character / setting designers too.

It looks better than The Order, which I played. That game was extremely generic and never changed things up. In just the first couple hours in this game, there's a handful of different things you do.

She has disgusting freckles that look like acnea. It's like she has birth stretch marks on her face.

>rail thin white bitch
Every time.

I watched the trailer for and thought it would've been a great game playing as some evil templer dude man they fucked up

I remember seeing this game at E3. The themes are cool but I've never been much of a fan of exploration games. Does it have a fair amount of stealth gameplay or is it more of a set piece walking simulator.

The Order did have good combat for a console TPS, there just wasn't enough of it. Being a 6 hour long game that's half walking was disappointing when the pieces for a solid shooter were absolutely there.

>liberal NPCs still trying to co-opt the npc meme
Maybe if you understood the meme, you'd realize why that doesn't fucking work, dumbass.

take a shower and get a girlfriend

have sex

>movie shit walking simulator comes out on sony console
>movie shit walking simulator comes out on pc

... So were the men, then?

A 14 year old little kid in the plague era could probably kick your ass

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>Press X to call Hugo
That's a french movie simulator, alright.

It's nice when Yea Forums gathers together to talk about video games

Wait, you play as a cute 15 year old girl in this?
Torrenting as we speak.

I'm gonna give it a go when i get home, won't be playing that new zenimax game until a crack comes

>there's a handful of different things you do
Walk Stand still
Talk Run Wait
Look at rats
Wait for rats to disperse
Walk until you stand still and wait for rats to disperse
Collect shit Craft shit in nuGod of War UI
Throw shit *CLANG* *UUUGH*
Janky as fuck aiming
Look at the pretty scenery
Move torches Light torches and fires
Push shit around Press button to climb shit

Good thing is it's cheap, so all in all a nice purchase if you're into walking simulators.

user, I...

Why is it always the same shit? Literally just new Lara and Alloy and Ellie and every other fucking female character these days.

Hold on. This game is out? I thought it was announced yesterday.

>triggred beta cuck

>Trained in the art of hunting
I'd like to think they refer to trapping and treating the trapped prey, but I fear that's not what we're talking about.

>every other fucking western female character these days.


YIKERS, cool it with the hygiene shaming, you bigot. not very progressive of you to assume xir can afford a shower

Game looks shit from its characters, writing, gameplay, levels etc.

I don't know why you even bother to talk about it.


Women can hunt and kill animals. What are you talking about?

No they can't. We're humans not lions

Bird Box made a couple million, so they're probably seeing if the concept has steam

Yeah, with traps and modern firearms. Women cannot into archery unless we're talking modern bows that do the lifting for you.

Why do you guys hate women so much?

Do you really have to ask?

I love Chara!

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My grandmother was big on archery and grew up on a farm doing serious labor.

Humans are animals.

There's literal cave paintings of women with bows. Stop trying to erase history to fit your modern views, incel.

>Ruin friendships
>Can't play video games
>Destroys western civilization

Men are much stupider and far more destructive because they hold more of the power.

You just described men.

I don't, I've always liked women.

>Men are much stupider
Citation needed
>And far more destructive because they hold more of the power
Should I have said "destroys western civilization with all their power"? Would that satisfy you?

>Citation needed
Men are responsible for the liberation of women.

>Should I have said "destroys western civilization with all their power"? Would that satisfy you?
No because men are still far more destructive than women.

literally men

False. So utterly false. White men were strong,smart and brave enough to CREATE western civilization. No seriously how can you even pretend as if white men didn't spearhead 90%~ of the modern worlds advancements and discoveries. Read a history book, it's almost entirely about white men.

Good for her. How many times did she go hunting with that bow of hers?

There are literal movies of women with bows. Stop trying to erase history to fit your modern views, incel.

Men can be weak
Men can be stupid
>Ruin friendships
Men can ruin friendships
>Can't plat video games
Some men can't play video game
>Destroys western civilization
not worth responding to a meme poltard talking point

No one said men didn't create civilization. They also destroyed it though. Or are you really trying to argue that what's happened in the last few centuries was woman's doing? Woman, the sex that you describe as weaker than men. If they are weaker than men, which they are, then how can you say they're the ones who destroyed civilization? This is a contradiction. You blaming women for our fuck ups is part of why men are so fucking stupid sometimes.

Yeah Perfect Dark was terrible.

>Men are responsible for the liberation of women
Women disagree.
>Men are still far more destructive than women
How so? Europe has seen war, destruction and carnage for thousands of years under the leadership of men, but the Europeans still exist today. On the other hand, Europe has seen peace, prosperity and stability for most of the last century and the Europeans are dying out. I'd make a more global example if I could but only in Europe+few other places have women gotten actual power.

I saw the gameplay several months ago and it was pretty clear it would be shit regardless of what gender the protagonist. I can't find the exact video anymore since it got buried by all the new videos but this was what was shown:

>there's a non-rat-infested hole in the wall right next to him
>the game makes you kill him because hurr durr you have no choice
>sad music plays
>you exit through the hole and your torch goes out but you're still fine, further hammering in how retarded that guy was
Oscar bait garbage. Anyone who thinks it's a good game is brain damaged.

>How many times did she go hunting with that bow of hers?
I wasn't there obviously, but plenty of times according to family. She would go out with her brothers and liked competing with them. Better than them? Doubtful, but incompetent with a bow? Far from it.

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>historical evidence is same as movies
What? Is this american education in action?

Absolute terrible argumentation.

Is this another women with a bow and arrow as a main weapon thing?

Women are weak unless they really try not to be
Women are stupid unless they've really gotten the genetic jackpot
Women don't even know the meaning of friendship
Women don't know the value of western civilization, so judging by your response you are one

>Women disagree.
Who cares?
>How so?
Well, the liberation of women, for one thing.

>If they are weaker than men, which they are, then how can you say they're the ones who destroyed civilization?
Because strength, force and (threat of)violence has gotten way too little place in modern society.

>I wasn't there obviously
Then your entire worldview is irrelevant

A painting and a movie are both media pieces on which you can whatever you want. They are equally accurate representations of reality.

Women lead the charge to destroy civilization with leftist policies based on emotion. The only blame men have is that we've forgotten how to beat our women. The muslims do it and their society strengthens everyday. To prevent your civilization from decaying you literally need to silence the voice of women

You might be a retarded person on the same level that believed in shield maiden

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>make a weak man

Are you really surprised that I wasn't alive when my grandmother was a young woman? And I have photos of her in action and stories from family members.

Men destroyed western civilization by shipping niggers into their country and invented the concept of diversity and giving welfare to minorities. Women didn't want any of those things.

Plague has a very low mortality rate with modern hospital equipment.

the average man is much stronger than the average woman
men have on average 10 points higher IQ
men are much more loyal, friendly and trustworthy than women
men are much better at video games than women

>Women lead the charge to destroy civilization with leftist policies based on emotion.
First of all, that's not entirely true. Second, women are only leading anything because men allowed them to.

>The muslims do it and their society strengthens everyday.
Their society is not as advanced as ours and they aren't even a quarter as strong as us.

>Women didn't want any of those things
Are you for real buddy?

>Women didn't want any of those things.

why cant they learn from the japs

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except those things were caused by feminists

>allow women to have an opinion
>they immediatly destroy it
>this is somehow mens fault

Ok, kike

>Yea Forums actually gets enraged over this

You lads are not worth anything anymore if even this gets you pissed beyond belief. It's literally just a medieval hunter's daughter, who gives a fuck? She's strong, eh, okay. It's explained.

people are saying this game is good
but people also said GRIS was good so why would I trust them

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Now, now. We mustn't make the mistake of dividing the world into a too simple "men vs. women" thing. The Jews have both genders as well and are very much a part of the diversificiation.

>give a child a gun
>they kill you or themselves
>this is somehow the child's fault
Go fuck yourself and take some responsibility for once, you castrated faggot.

>caring about what people say

The Boss was an awful character.

isn't india the reason why old ass diseases like this are still around

Women resisted the idea of diversity for first decades when it happened because they knew it was bad for children and society, then jewish men brainwashed them into believing it's a good thing.

yeah, us on the right never use emotion to make decisions, thats why we want to build an absurdly expensive wall, ban abortion, and put tariffs on things when we get angry

It's a movie, you dip.

Diversity has been embraced by both men and women, but women in particular, since Hippies and even proto-Hippies. Hippie culture is indeed a jewish brainwashing scheme.

Those are fact based policies not emotional ones. Border defense is a necessity for economic protectionism, abortion is wrong because it's literally killing babies/murser because someone doesnt want to be responsible, and tariffs work and Trump is winning the trade war and America's economy is better than ever accordi ng to almost all sources. Lowest unemployment in years, kike. Stay mad. Trump 2020

Looks pretty cool, probably gonna pirate it when I get the chance.

If it's anything like pic related then I'm sure it'll be worth a playthrough.

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The real problem is that women try to reject negative emotions when making foreign policy, which is exactly what you shouldn't do.

Not all effeminate men are Jewish, buddy.


All you whiny pieces of shit need to start accepting that your life sucks because YOU suck. It's no wonder you let women walk all over you.

I've heard it was a Soviet brainwashing scheme to demoralize people in the US so that they'd eventually become communist.

>Hippie culture is indeed a jewish brainwashing scheme.
How? It's anti-war and jews want to use whites in wars to defend Israel.

>And I have photos of her in action and stories from family members.
post it

When the race war begins and whites win, we will have plenty of time to fix women and learned what mistakes to avoid so we restructure society. Brenton Tarrant laid it all out in his manifesto, a race war will happen and whites will win and on that day at least all white men will be able to accept that women do not deserve rights

This "game" is just another hide and seek simulator, right?

Non-Stalinist soviets were all Jews.

>It's anti war
True enough, but public will doesn't matter much when going to war, as long as it's on another continent and it doesn't extend for more than a decade.
Besides the previously mentioned pro-diversity and globo-homo ideals it's also for degeneracy and rebelling against "the system" by doing drugs and being a mindless consumer. Not to mention that it is/was almost an entirely cosmopolitan movement, which incidentally is also where Jews hole up and excert their influence.

>don't worry Hugo, I think we'll be safe from shitposters in here.

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You must be really bluepilled if you dont know theres a difference between Israeli Zionist Jews and western leftist Jews. Both are evil for different reasons, both try to subvert America but for different causes

Pretty sure Charles Manson thought the same thing. I guess getting buttfucked by niggers in prison really made him afraid of them.

>user's trying to fap to another user's gma
that's gangsta as shit user number one

Seething shitskin detected

Fancy clothes for a hunter's daughter. Was a court hunter or something?

Is a woman not allowed to be portrayed as strong and competent unless it make your dick hard?

Reactionaries are worse than SJWs.

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Her papa was the Lord of a small village.

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>Is a woman not allowed to be portrayed unless it makes your dick hard

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A 15 years girl cannot be strong in any shape or form.

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Why would he teach her how to hunt? Especially if he and his wife were still fertile and able to have more children? Wouldn’t he be trying to marry her off instead?

She can be dedicated and protective of a child though.

ta gueule, sale pédé

walking / hiding / waiting / press X to jason / rock throwing simulator

You can't be THIS insecure.

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Yes but not strong. Especially physical.

I don't see in the game where it really portrays her as unrealistically strong.

Believe it or not, but sharing your favorite pastime with your beloved family is something most people would do, if given the oppourtunity.

You can't be THIS delusional you worthless hole.

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Intro chapter has her "training" how to "hunt" by knocking apples out of trees with a sling. Its all more playful than the bio describes above.

>stronk wamen
>still taught everything by a man
of course

non, toi. merde de cafard

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The word "strong" encompasses many things you retarded pedantic faggot.

Because women need to be strong and independent to raise kids. Weak women and their kids die. Natural selection.

>Not being supportive of good fathers
what r u, anti-male?

>implying people are supposed to learn only from one parent

I only saw her using a sling. Didn't look particularly strong to me.
Also I bet this idiocy was written by a marketing person.

hey man, he made an almost believable story bout her granma being a hot smoking animoo archer stronger than man.

How else?

>brother and sister
That sucks.

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Lol get your asshole ready white boi. Someday a big, burly nigger is gonna make you his play thing.

>I bet this idiocy was written by a marketing person
Wow, what gave it away?

Comic books and video games shouldn’t shape your knowledge of history.

It was chapter two or three where she gets her first sling kill.


Hunting has very rarely been anything more than a source of entertainment since the ice age. Especially for a noble.

Can't afford to have more children, maybe? This is such a small and particular detail that you're getting hung up about, as if this type of scenario never happens with families.

>When the race war begins and whites win
Yeah yeah, shaking in my boots /pol/tard

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If you don’t want an accurate portrayal of noble life for a female, then I won’t press the point.

You guys can never be happy.
>ree sameface white male in his 30s
>ree nigger
>ree afro nigress
>ree white roastie
>*game about a 15 years old virgin girl*
what fucking games do you even want

If noblewomen NEVER learned how to hunt, why does Artemis even exist?

We're talking lower nobility here dude. Hardly the aristocratic kind.

Japanese games.

>why does Artemis even exist
Sexual fantasy, as most of the Greek pantheon was in some way.

>Japanese games.

>Sexual fantasy, as most of the Greek pantheon was in some way.
The barbarians that ransacked Greece in the end probably had a better understanding the Greek pantheon than you.

And it's not cringily written in any way either. It's barely two sentences and simply mentions that her father taught her how to hunt.

This site's shit. Everyone's shit.

>people who were actually there probably knows better than you
No shit.

Imagine you're a medieval man who wants his kids to stay alive in a era without proper food sources and healthcare.

Do you want to marry weak non-threatening woman who can't hunt or strong woman that can hunt?

mmm, muh dick

Looks like another generic YA literature female protagonist.

Pro tip: if the character description uses the term "strong", it means that the character is bland and boring, and that her "strength" will feel forced.

Marry the prettiest one because I have serfs to make food for me.

Basically a christmas cake. Way too old.

Stop being a dumbass contrarian. My point was that you know less than barbarians. The idea that girls never, in the history of Western civilization, were taught things that boys were taught, is preposterous. Not every family has the privilege of being able to raise a good and healthy family, and sometimes even noble families fall out of nobility.

What everyone seems to be overlooking here is that she is:

>has a child with her that she is trying to protect

For these things alone, she is better than 99% of female characters in games right now. Stop being butthurt over what some marketer fag wrote on a website or whatever.

>I have serfs to make food for me.
Nice power fantasy there, kid. Nobles suffered from food shortages just like common people. Their enemies regularly cut out food sources from their towns causing mass starvation.

Incidentally I'm also dead in the game's setting, so whatever.

Is it any good? Politics aside, I like stealth if its actual stealth, and the setting is interesting. Is it like old stealth of you can hardly fight back or is it dishonored type stealth where really you can just magic around and slaughterer everyone


The Boss is pure feminism fuck off.
Is this character was western and released today Yea Forums would be crying about it

>Politics aside
Politics? What fucking politics??

FEMALE PROTAG type shit, I just want to know if its good.

women start more wars than men do while in charge of their country, so I'd say you're full of shit.

I don't think these retards understand what politics actually is, if you go to /pol/ you'll pretty much see no one discussing actual policy. Just a bunch of trite nonsense about flavor of the month ethnic boogeyman and "muh white geboside!"

It's The last of us - rats edition.

>The Rats of Us
You had one job.

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Every time someone decides to do a happening people get critical or call it a false flag.
How can you fucks still to this day think "the day of the rope" wont be anything but a mass hanging of white males by every other race

Yea Forums makes fun of sjws for being easily triggered and not actually knowing what they want yet they do the same

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Men do more than just start wars. They also start religious cults and institutions, both of which can and have been far more destructive than any war.

>implying women are ever strong or competent


Nay, vixen! Nay, I say!

>Yea Forums makes fun of sjws for being easily triggered and not actually knowing what they want yet they do the same

It's been that way for years and everyone makes fun of you for it, nobody gets triggered like Yea Forums over the most minute and insignificant shit

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cant wait for sfm porn

I don't care. It never feels any different regardless of gender. The only thing I care about is if I like the personality. Game is too 3dpd for me to find anyone attractive anyway otherwise I might have cared.

Ser I must insist that you do

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Why do game characters often look so damn similar? Like half of the faces in that pic look almost exactly the same to me.

She cute

Because male gamers throw hissy fits to devs if male character isn't a mass-approved power fantasy.

>much more stupider

White* male

The mainstream always kills every form of art. People should spend less millions on one game that has to appeal to the masses and lowest common denominator and rather create something original they would want to play or see.

>Yea Forums is one person

>being this much of a projecting nigger

Is it so hard to strive for some consistency?
Games are about fictional stories mostly, so why can't there be fictional reasons for things happening that also make sense?

retarded and newfagpilled

you lost me bro what are you trying to say

I don't want to see the same stuff all the time though. And selfinserting never worked for me anyway.

>an useless
Epic ESL, buddy.

Why is retardation always synonymous with leftism like this post?

an hero yourself you retarded newfag

>complaining about white french woman in the medieval era
>no complaining by attempt of making a black wamam cuz diversity
You all are doing so bad, guys



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I'm not leftist.

I'm talking about power fantasies. You need your character's achievements to make sense.
Neither should they be able to do everything and anything, nor appear to grow their ability to fit whatever is expected due to writer's fiat

How do I take screenshots in this gaem

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>pretty decent walking sim/puzzle game with good graphics and story
>no politics, story is basically entirely internal and just deals with a plague incident, alchemists, and a family
>Yea Forums throws a hissy fit because it has a female protag despite liking other games with female protags
>why? because the character isn't in anime/cartoonish style

did I get that all right? why are female protags with realistic 3d models triggering to you sensitive fairies?

Because threads, that aren't started with bait, don't any bites and are left hanging.

>did I get that all right? why are female protags with realistic 3d models triggering to you sensitive fairies?
Because she's not walking around with half her ass and tits hanging out.

this shit is the biggest example of dumb modern videogames ive seen in my life its all there
>massive story focus
>has boring characters
>evil religion
>underwhelming bosses
>so much handholding its actually a feature
>on-the-fly crafting
>lock on aiming
>huge fucking button prompt when close to something
>shitty stealth that requires one click
>cover mechanics
>motion blur

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Why are retarded leftist like you can't do any basic reading and lack any sort of common sense?

So basically Ciri? Stop being a crybaby you dumbfuck reactionary.

>this woman in a fantasy setting is totes the same as this historical setting
I ask again, why are dumbfuck leftist like you can't do basic common sense?

so you're triggered by a character bio that's not even involved in the game, but in a fucking menu? and why? because a female being described as strong in any sense is a hate crime against you? she doesn't even have people jerk her off in-game, the player is running from danger basically 100% of the time. I bet plenty of games with "Yea Forums approved" female protags are described as strong in-game and out. if character bios trigger you, you're basically a rightoid SJW at that point.

Why does she wear pants?
Why are her clothes so skintight?
Why is she so in-shape?

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>so you're triggered by a character bio that's not even involved in the game
>hurr durr no politics in the game
>what the fuck why you show me politics in the game you SJW

retarded to the core.

that's a bit on the nose

do you always have those long shirt things? Do you get any good ass shots during the game? its a very important question, for research purposes.

You're too dumb to know what actual politics are.

>Women lead the charge to destroy civilization with leftist policies based on emotion.
Wrong, so very wrong. Nationalism is based on emotion. Women vote for cold, hard cash handouts.

what the fuck does "reactionary" supposed to mean?

>politics is whatever his triggered fee fees say

acquire brain cells /pol/ nigger

isn't it better to just, like, figure it out through the journey? instead of being told what a character is like? feels forced

Nobody cares if the protag is female, as long as it's not blatant feminist bullshit and the game is good.

This game is boring as fuck.

Better go play Nier Automata

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at least she's cute

>featuring ellie from the last of us

>first ahit trans flag
>now this
looks like /pol/ is losing battle on all fronts

>hurr durr if its not a detailed list of policies in Senate bills its not politics!
too dumb to argue and shifting topic whenever possible. A true mark of a naturally retarded leftist.

not an argument and lol at leftard saying anyone acquiring brain cells.

Did her face get acid-attacked

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trans flag are still banned in Smash though.= and no /pol/ will forever be rent-free in the minds of every 4channelkids since time immemorial.

chicken pox scars probably dude. no vaccines.

Realistic would be a 15 year old girl orphan in medieval times having to take care of herself and a child would do nothng but prostitute herself to rich men all day.

Reactionaries are a group of far-right dingbats, much like most of Yea Forums, that wish to return to the good ol' days of living. This can be as miniscule as whining about black people and women getting more roles in movies and videogames, or as extreme as straigh up wanting to roll back centuries worth of civil rights.

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The only thing modern bows do is make it effortless to maintain the draw

back to /pol/, cuck

>f its not a detailed list of policies in Senate bills its not politics!
Correct, hence why it's called POLItics, not "My feewings hurt because icky wymen bad-atics!"

Not when you are the daughter of a noble.

>play Pathologic
>female character Haruspex route you're just supposed to sleep as much as possible to minimize getting fucked by the plague
based, and nappilled

is there an ending where you ditch the brat and live the good life?


You're also probably one of those retards that believed Deus Ex isn't political just because it isn't spoon fed to you. But hey, progressives have always been retarded and mentally ill so I don't fault you for thinking like that.

This game was pretty comfy, it's more a running simulator than a walking one, along with puzzles that are dead easy but fun because of the rat mechanics with light and alchemy. combat is shitty but it's way better than a qte and used in the same scenarios mostly: to solve a combat puzzle or trigger a sequence where you take out baddies in cinematic fashion. but it's really the party of characters and world that make it feel comfy, reminded me a lot of GoT arc with bran and the reeds traveling to the wall, there is even a night-fort section with rats just like in the book.

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Gender war. Like in "Black Moon" (1975)

Humans from back then in general. Working on the field is way harder than it sounds. Most modern people live comfy as fuck, even most of those who do sports only do it for their health and take a break whenever they feel like it, it's more of a privilege to do that than an actual chore. Not comparable to non-stop physical work every fucking day since childhood. At best you can compare these people to modern construction workers.

So by your retarded logic, everyone is a reactionary since multicultural society, same sex relationship and trannies are nothing new and have been existed in past societies.

Deus Ex is more political than fucking plague tale for including some line in fine print about how strong a female character is.

Studies show progressives have higher I.Qs than rightoids, go figure.

Good. I hope she rapes her little brother.

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It’s shit
The story is decent
The gameplay is ass cancer

The game is just okay. Why does Yea Forums always got to go into school shooting frenzy when they see a woman?

stay triggered by the word "strong" in a character bio, then, how politically aware you are ;)

I am unhappy with society too but I want my space age utopia to get rid of that. FTL travel fucking when

Because women have taken over marketing positions and hiring positions in corporate America.
t. Work in marketing, it’s mostly women even though 80% of people who buy our products are men. Sales have been down two years in a row. No one can figure out why

Feminists cunts reeeing
Meanwhile My story always feature hot babes action scenes and a huge middle finger to functional realistic clothing

>especially if you are the daughter of a noble

That's my fetish

A reactionary isn't defined by how "new" these issues are, they're defined by how much these issues bother them and want them changed. Trans-rights is a more recent issues, but there have been reactionares all throughout history buddy. it went from "Ugh, soon they'll even be giving negroes jobs" to what you see now.

In this case you're unhappy with the changing status quo of videogame protagonist. just 10 years ago every gaming protag was a generic-white male with a buzzcut and barely any personality beyond being some grizzled wolverine badass wannabe. Now that's changing and you don't like it

>Deus Ex is more political than fucking plague tale for including some line in fine print about how strong a female character is.
retard and non-argument pilled. Again time and time again, it is proven that leftist are nothing more but a bunch of retard who can't argue and lack common sense. Even with genuine proof of the author's political stance they still doesn't see the outright shitty political message that directly conflicts with what history have shown.

>Studies show progressives have higher I.Qs than rightoids, go figure.
lolno if they do they wouldn't chopping their dicks off and larp as some made up gender while the right is winning everything political.

not an argument and lol at leftard accusing other of being triggered at petty stuff

not him, but yes, most people today are reactionaries, tribalists, and generally people without principles or perspective. they have a strong belief that they are principled and politically aware purely to belong to the tribe, not out of genuine unbiased personal curiosity about the world. people have been getting steadily stupider since the later 20th century. you can blame the internet but it's really more that people have been exposed to steadily more bad information. people that previously would have simply been clueless have become the ignorant reactionaries. people are also dominated by a subconscious fear more than they ever have been. political extremism and general tribalism is a coping mechanism to deal with the fact they have no direction or bedrock in their lives. they cling to groups, legacy, and delusions of traditionalism and universal schools of morality because the idea of being truly alone and individual in the universe scares them. better to belong to "the side". they only ingest information so as to confirm their position.

>they're defined by how much these issues bother them and want them changed.
Again, by your retarded logic everyone is a reactionary.

>Trans-rights is a more recent issues
Yet trannies existed in past societies as evident by the Buginese people's culture in South East Asia and many more.

>but there have been reactionares all throughout history buddy.
And there's also retarded progressives who easily got killed for applying their retarded belief in society. Just look at the fucking state of communist Russia before they implement vanguardism.

>it went from "Ugh, soon they'll even be giving negroes jobs" to what you see now.

And those motherfuckers were right about their concerns. These negroes literally never benefits society at all and are just a drain in taxpayers money.

>Now that's changing and you don't like it
And somehow you think that anyone wouldn't complain about a retarded, poorly written characters that serve no purpose other than to be a wheel for their political agenda just anyone wouldn't complain about generic white males. Retarded to the core.

*just like

You're a low I.Q subhuman reactionary racist and I have no desire to engage with you any further. Come back to me when you have actual ideas of substance to discuss and not just raw unadulterated hatred for people unlike yourself.

Does she get raped?

Serving in random landlords militias?

welp I guess its safe that you just got BTFO what with spilling all these non-argumental spaghetti all over the place .

Should've been a Warhammer game.

Yes and she's strong

my niece is like 3 and she could propably beat you up.

>You're a retard and aren't making any argument so I'm done

literally pigeon on a chessboard analogy to the T.

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>men are much more loyal, friendly and trustworthy than women
you need to get out more.

>>Destroys western civilization
Stalin, Hitler, arabs, chinese, japanese, literally every single nation hostile to west.
People wanting to destroy western civilization have always been men.


What the FUCK

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Yikes, that not a good look, who hurt you?

well its a french game

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Need them UHD balls

pigs can empty a ton of semen into a sow

holy fucking shit

How many little boys will I have to babysit in this game

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How many little boys will I have to fuck in this game?

Why only eurojank and indieshit are allowed to have cute females nowadays?

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>makeup on vs makeup off

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Looks the same to me


stop molesting her

Everyone looks better in monochrome. Gray skin color should actually be a thing, but noooooo

It`s the Guybrush vs Galbrush problem, just extended to everyone who isn't a white male.

But male MCs are almost always gary stus as well and save the world and shit. I agree that I want actually awkward and flawed characters or just some guys that take the initiative so that they might as well be the antagonists in another story. I hate almost everything about classical heroes.

Did this game just come out of nowhere?

It's borderline indie without a big publisher.

The Order: 1886 looked beautiful, though.

I guess Gary Stu works well if you want to tell a story and the player just goes through the motions progressing the story.
If you want a flawed "deep" character hero, white male is still the safest bet for sales and to avoid any modern journo backlash.

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damn I gotta admit that's a cute

the girl is cute and sweet, this thread is retarded

That's why I prefer indie games, they have everything and don't give a fuck about mainstream and press. It's also hard to critizise a flawed character if it's done right. I mean Shiva has flawed Rabbis for fucks sake, maybe there would be one journalist who wants clickbait by talking shit if it was an AAA game but why care. I honestly think it's just a cheap excuse to shit out the same uninspired shit as always.
If it was just about white males why aren't there more interesting white male MCs? If they can do everything with them because no press why are most of them the same cheap shit? It's either the typical hollywood badass and gary stu or some edge fag who is also competent and kills everyone who's pissing him off. Of course exceptions etc but it's the big majority and they mostly look exactly the same, see that pic.