This is what you got when you bought a game in my age

This is what you got when you bought a game in my age

Attached: Fallout.png (880x660, 948K)

This is what you get if you buy a game today

Attached: TQ_CE_Mockup_final_56ff2239.jpg (1000x562, 132K)

Pay more

Pathetic. Who buys games in this day and age

>get a whole bunch of useless paper that you can get in pdf form nowadays
>pay a little extra get some cool stuff that will look good on your shelf
wow its like you pay more to get more

>helmet replica

Attached: spiderman-costume-spandex-1.jpg (600x438, 50K)

>cheap plastic shit
>looking good
Why do people keep falling for this?

Lots of paper crap you have no use for after skimming it once?

Better than cheap paper shit


Fuck off, Gramps. You don't even need that shit anymore with all the wikis each game has these days.

In my day the only way to get a cheatcode was bribe your friend who knew it with snickers bars

>he had to bribe his friends with candy
Sounds like you were the retarded kid your "friends" took advantage of for being a retard.

what if he had a peanut allergy?

No, he just had the subscription to a gaming magazine because his parents weren't poor

You zoomers seriously have no perspective

What I am saying is your friends took advantage of you for being a retard and made you give up your candies for cheat codes. When I was a little kid my friends and I shared our codes, we were not assholes who made each other pay for them with candies.

>can't wear the helmet
What the fuck is the point?

Waste of paper to please an obsession with material objects.

Has soul though

> Fallout 76's Platinum Edition doesn't come with the actual game

Fallouts other than 1 and 2 are irrelevant cash grabs

I want the fallout 1 box so bad