Public autism

I made a youtube channel where i go out and film strangers without their permission. Your opinion?

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How do your parents feel about you?

one died.

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thats not so nice of you to say

did you sniff any brappers?

in the previous episode of eastern european girl turned and pushed her ass real close to me. almost sniffed

Gast dit is echt kankersneu

thats nice is it videogames?

>871 subs and 150.000 watch minutes in three weeks.

yeah, nah

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episode three is me spouting vidya game quotes at people

OP fuck you for spamming.
That said, i giggled like a schoolgirl at some of the stuff.

They're the lucky one

So you're claiming that it's okay to just film people because government does it too. But would be it okay if I handcuffed and imprisoned you in my house? The police does something like this, so should there be no police?
Or maybe there should be no government at all an we should live in anarchy? Just remember that you would have no Youtube to upload these videos and no Yea Forums to shitpost about them. People like you and me would be the first ones to die.

Take your pills user,
hes just filming

This autist is still alive? How

Good, kill the other one.

It is perfectly legal to film people without their consent in public places

how's your sex life?

You sound like fucking hubert the frog and need to be banned for not posting vidya.

Had 30 sexual partners
3 long term relationships

Right now women bore the fuck out of me cause i noticed a pattern with most of them:
suck you dry of your attention, mention kids somewhere the line and not be funny or creative at all.

Im having a break.

>implying inhavent been permabanned multiple times already

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I would respect you a little if you were a virgin and did this to have revenge on society but you're just a sociopathic failed normalfag

definitely a Yea Forumsitizen

again, you assume a lot about me user. why wouldnt it be possible for me to be in a flourishing job sector? cause of what you see in the videos? cause of 1 act in public?

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>without their permission
So just strike your channel three times?