Who here climbing the ranks of nyaggers and hags?
Mahjong soul
Other urls found in this thread:
Had a game against a chinaman with maxed out cat. The "intense riichi" music is obnoxious as hell.
Open tanyao detected
I gave up that shit. After 50 games I'm still novice 2 and always end up on 3 or 4. Fuck that, I'm mad it stole away so much ofi my time.
just play friendlies
>Open tanyao 3 dora mangan
Why is this allowed?
just fucking git gud my friend
I have no friends, and I don't want to play with Yea Forums's circlejerkers.
I tried, didn't work out.
4p south 5+20
join in
keep at it
To the user who recommend the AMOS Gavan set of Mahjong from Amazon JP.
What color is the Green dragon and the Sou tiles?
It looks like it's fucking black from the pictures.
Not the user but im sure they wouldnt use black for green ink.
hope you dont get ripped off
>What color is the Green dragon and the Sou tiles?
>It looks like it's fucking black from the pictures.
It is, and you should probably give up hopes of finding a Japanese set that uses green ink. They are stupid, shockingly rare. They just use a lighter hue of black so that at first glance you get the impression of green. They do the same thing with the pin tiles, they're not actually blue.
The only Japanese sets I have ever found that had actual green ink were crazy, defective-level cheap, or intensely expensive. Chinese sets use green ink, but the designs are slightly different, and the red fives will be DIY.
Why, it's not like I would ever become a pro or make money with this. It's pointless to go through that much of agony for nothing. I could just watch my walls 18 hours straight.
I prefer the chinese sets myself. having fatter tiles feels nicer.
t. chinese set owner
I mean, it's fine if you give up. The game won't be for everyone. But the fact that you're lingering around tells me that you're really just feeling sore at your bad luck and want to be convinced to be pulled back in. The only real things we can do for you though is review your logs and tell you what you did wrong, or for you to git gud.
Either you aren't learning from your mistakes or you play east which is luckshitter central and you're getting the short end of the stick.
>want to be convinced to be pulled back in.
Quite the opposite, I want people to convince me to stop for good and kill myself not joking, that is what I want.
Wah wah. Shut up and keep playing, faggot. Nobody cares if a neet gives up on life, you whiny baby.
>It is, and you should probably give up hopes of finding a Japanese set that uses green ink.
Alright, thanks.
be sure to get one of these
considerable quality of life improvement
That is some good stuff
Open letter to Mods and Jannies
Can mods please only move this to /vg/ after like a month or so?
This is probably a flavor of the month game, but it hasn't even been TWO WEEKS yet.
Vast majority of posters here are complete newbies who are still learning as you can see from the discussion in mahjong threads.
I hope this can stay in Yea Forums so it can gain exposure to lurking new players out there who might be interested without needing to seek the threads on /vg/
I really love mahjong and I hope this game can grow big outside Japan too.
Thanks for understanding.
Open for 2 players
Added to cart, thanks.
Does it folds?
you take off the plastic walls and roll of the mousepad-material mat
being able to get players into my friendly lobbies is too valuable
>Keep hand closed
>Reach Pinfu
>Haha just kidding IDIOT you have no yaku because your waits don't fulfill one of four conditions
How do I conguer the fear of losing? I like this game but I hate losing. It makes my blood boil and my mind go haywire. I already broke my mouse and monitor because of this.
Check out this SSStylish finish into 3rd place
just focus on getting better and having fun. no point in getting mad when luck can fuck you up even when playing perfectly
It's hard to have fun when all you want to do is break shit.
Theres no point to get ever mad at video games, but tell that to my mind.
Seconding this. I only learned of the games existence because I saw the thread more than once and was curious. I'm having a great time playing with people at my skill level and the discussion is mainly gameplay based.
Lost 12000 when I dealt into , then got all of it back the next round and finished with this hand coming in 1st.
You got 2 Ura Dora or what?
I can't count more than 4 Han there.
riichi, ippatsu, pinfu, red 5?
That nyaggers smug emote infuriates me to no end, holy fuck, it makes me tilt.
Yeah the hand was worth 4 han and I think 30 fu. It was Riichi Ippatsu with an Ura Dora, Red Five and Pinfu
>meme myself into a hell wait riichi in the last hand
>win a bullshit haneman because of luck with the uradora
>go from 4th to 1st
I think this semen slurping game is definitely for me
Ah never mind it.
I thought you/he said you/he won the 12,000 points back with that hand, but for that you/he'd need a Haneman ( at least 6 Han ).
>It was Riichi Ippatsu with an Ura Dora, Red Five and Pinfu
That's 5 Han user.
Still a Mangan tho.
how the fuck do people have extra characters already? you need so much copper or even $$$ to get one. Am I missing something or are people really just whaling in a game that still browser only?
how to get better at reading discards? only thing i can notice is when people go for full/half flush or all simples. outside of those i have no idea what people are building
Just disable that shit in the settings.
There's something I learnt from Akagi.
Check your opponent's early discards, like if someone discards a 4P in example, then he continues to discard honor tiles and or terminal tiles, that means 2,3P might be safe.
That's something I've been using for a while now and it fucking works when I am out of 100% safe tiles.
>can only remember the simplest of yaku
>if i try for anything other than tanyao/1 dragon/winds/triples, fail miserably and feel like a brainlet
>can't even tell what safe tiles are, all focus goes to making a hand
>haven't even played against a human being
I don't think mahjong is for me...
>I don't think mahjong is for me...
It's not for me everyone it's not for me either.
Playing it in person can help a lot, people who play mahjong and have tiles generally love helping new players out. It can be hard to find groups to play with though, especially if you live in the middle of nowhere
How different is Riichi Mahjong from Hongkong Mahjong?
There's a Mahjong club not too far from where I live, but they play Hongkong Mahjong.
Majsoul Friends Room 97064(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
>Playing it in person can help a lot
I would probably punch them, if I played in person.
You could try not being a faggot for once.
>Fuck that, I'm mad it stole away so much ofi my time.
Sounds like you don't actually like Mahjong so it's good that you stopped.
I like any game I can win.
All are welcome! 2/4
1 victory away from ranking up, but I bet I'll just get a 4th place streak.
I feel you user.
I got back to 400/800 from 750/800.
I think I'll just take a little break for now.
Haitei on the sanshoku
100% skill
Majsoul Friends Room 59094(4-Player South):
Or just not play with people
I feel like such a shitter. I've been playing this game almost non-stop lately, but I don't know what any of those words mean.
Is Mahjong fun to play? Is it balanced?
>walk into dealer baiman on round 1
>try to get it back with a 4 dora tenpai I got thanks to magical sands
>somebody else gets ronned before
>riichi my last 1000 points on a chiitoitsu
>get ronned on the final draw
I guess that's enough mahjong for today
100% luck, it's balanced in the sense that anyone can get some bullshit to win.
No, no
come on nya
(can technically also refer to sanshoku doukou - three triplets of the same number - but that's so rare and such a comparatively low payoff that it's not often referenced)
haitei is winning off the last tile
sanshoku is 3 mixed straights
Majsoul Friends Room 15627(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
let's play, Yea Forumsros
A quick read shows that a winning hand for HK mahjong takes points from all other players so I'd guess it doesn't favor defense as much.
Riichi mahjong is pretty defensive in nature.
>can't find this room, please check the room number
How are the rules in south games different? Started yesterday sorry if this is a retarded question, googling it doesn't seem to help
I want to channel my inner Akagi and bet my blood but I know nothing about mahjong, any good wikis that explain everything I need?
>Either you aren't learning from your mistakes
I make no mistakes
Just chii and pon at every opportunity and you'll be a master in no time.
Don't forget to use the cat avatar.
What rank do I start getting currency to summon?
Thanks, I'll try to read what I can, it can't be harder than go
>cat avatar only
>Playing Mahjong with everyone is FUN
Fucking Chink Koromo.
it's longer and with the same rules (besides the shift in prevailing wind) but since you'll have more opportunities to land well constructed hands and/or come back from an unlucky deal-in it's less luckshit oriented
that said, nothing wrong with playing east games if you're still picking things up
It's more fun against only AI
>go for chiitoitsu
>discard 7p and keep 5p
>next discard is a 7p
>get ron'd
I knew it was a risky tile but I really wanted to get that Sanshoku
This thread reads like one of those retarded EEnE MMO threads.
I did it, friends! I just got the Sanshoku Jawbreaker Old Country Yakuman double riichi, and busted everyone on the table!
Man, I love this game.
Thanks for answering. Thought maybe south had no open tanyao or something like that.
she's great
I've only played Mahjong soul in Yakuza's minigame.
That game was about having to memorize combinations... how is that a game?
How many tsumo can you get !
I got busted into negative points for the fifth time today. I hate this fucking game.
heads up to my nyaggers, there's an event coming
Hey spergs, they implemented the tiddies on both NA and JP.
It's called senki suji and like all other suji it's a last resort technique
>tfw 89% tile efficiency according to the trainer
>tfw still can't even tanyao reliably
It was on the CN already. The pink gifts were non-dustable. Prepare all your REEEEs.
>play silver
>lose 300 rank points
>play bronze
>advance to expert rank in less than 6 hours
Thanks for the game
god I thought those draws would never end and chip me out of 1st
I used to have 4th dan on tenhou so I know what I'm talking about although I'm not a pro.
Here is my conclusion: the chinks here did not make a fair random generator. It is fucking rigged. In what way? Too many yakumans. Everyone gets them (myself included). It shouldn't be like that, you should have like 1-2 a year playing several hanchans a day. Here if you look at any random pleb he's going to have a yakuman in recent hands 80% of the time. Bull shit.
what should i have discarded here?
i was thinking the four, but maybe the six instead?
>Played for ~15 hours
>Still no adept
6 for sure.
>double richii-nya
>no one deals into it the entire game
how can you have no yaku when you're closed
Just went through 27 people from lobbies I added and only one of them has a yakuman
It's worse when you get roned near the end.
I have a general idea of how the game works, but is there a place where I can learn which hands to go for?
I seem to completely lack any intuition in this game and have no idea what information I should take out of all the discards.
when did they change it?
I've got a cat pattern forming
>Tfw your country has a very similar to mahjong card game so you know the good player habits just by heart.
Pretty based honestly, people can't even count cards/pieces.
You don't go for hands. Hands either come to you, or they don't. Here's a nice book if you know the basics: dainachiba.github.io
is it better to play in Bronze though? How's the punishment for getting 4th place for Adept? same punishment with in silver room? I might as well playing safe in Bronze since I only need this much to level up
If you don't turn on auto-ron, can another person beat you to ron-ing? Or does the game wait to see if you ron or not(for whatever reason?)
Don't get fucking scammed dude, play it online and leave it at that, you're making me cringe.
So if I don't have any potential I just immediately play on the defensive and try to not deal into any hands?
Good for you
You can get head bumped; the person closer in turn order gets priority, so the game will wait if there's another Ron in that case.
What used to be different?
No, that's not what I meant. I meant that you shouldn't try to force shit like honitsu, toitoi, straight, whatever unless you absolutely need those points.
What do I do with my gifts
if anyone liked Legendary Gambler Tetsuya you should play the PS2 games, they are amazing and you can do a lot of cheating there, it's a shame they are jap only tho
No. You both will Ron at the same time just like a normal game.
No, you try your best to form SOMETHING. remember that your starting hand doesn't matter much, but your draws is what important. You can have 1-shanten starting hand but never get in tenpai because your last wait is shit, but shit hand is actually flexible because you can make anything from it.
it's very rude to tell lies on the internet
Majsoul lets everyone with a valid head ron their winning tiles, with the guy who got ronned paying for every hand. In a normal game it depends on seating order.
Majsoul Friends Room 35943(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
uh, that's not what Akagi taught me
with a valid hand*
Got Desh twice before
Summon scrolls used up today
despair despair fuck
Akagi uses ancient rulesets
Her milkers were covered
Just a suggestion for you guys
People often say that you can only "win" around 25% of your game, but I think that's completely wrong.
Don't treat getting a first place as the only way to find a sense of victory in this game.
Your goal is not to get 1st, but to avoid getting 4th.
Statistically speaking, you should be able to enjoy 75% of your game. maybe more if you also treat simply winning a hand as a victory.
>finish watching Tetsuya
>winrate goes up
Let go of your greed, user.
Most of irl riichi doesn't use atamahane for decades but the opinions on the triple ron validity differ.
Her cleavage used to be covered up with an extra bit of cloth on her top. Not the most drastic censorship, but it was weird all the same
Majsoul Friends Room 76943(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Hop in
>you should be able to enjoy 75% of your game.
My enjoyment is on the negative scale.
Mostly because kimonos don't work like that.
Need one more
I'd be happy if I can just win 25% of my hands for now. If I don't screw up on the other 75%, avoiding 4th should be easy enough for now.
>just got a chinese spam call
Now you are obligated to get wasted twice.
when you answered it did you hear
ron nya~
Just tell him stories about Winnie the Pooh
I should develop a Larry bot clone that just reads out the Tienanmen copy pasta.
How many tiles should you have to realistically get all green?
I had 130 faith but decided to max Nadeshiko instead of getting another girl. I'm going to be physically ill.
Majsoul Friends Room 35299(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
ahut it hag
what do you do?
found the cat with a 90% call rate
Why is this weeb shit more cpu intensive than some games with actual graphics?
>yfw hag got a HUGE buff
both Chrome and FF are bloated monsters
going nyaggers is the only true way to play
Close the game
what browser would you advise to escape these two shits? opera?
Stop using meme browsers and it should be fine. My cheap laptop without a video card can handle it perfectly well.
internet explorer
go to settings, there's an FPS mode
GPU is barely in use
my computer fan starts going full blast when playing. not him btw
Two different hags just now double kan'd just to get richi'd to death
Why are you even whining about cats doing it
>tfw my phocomeme runs the game better than my i5 laptop.
>cat riichi first row 4 times in a row
Mahjong is a game of skill
Exactly my point. The game is just badly optimized under certain conditions. You can use a basic machine with no specs and have a fluent game and you can also get a laggy mess on a good rig.
Maybe the battery saving mode works around the problem.
>in a two way wait for a full flush straight with two dora because some nyagger kan'd
>get cucked by a tanyao
Honestly full flushes probably only work in the bronze room anyway.
a game of luck and averages
I usually play in bronze and it's full of tanyao spammers, I usually go for big dick hands but get fucked too
Hag has some of the softest titties I've ever seen.
i thought that hand only happened in anime
>player to left pons the dora (dragon)
>he has 2 sets of man tiles as well
>fold immediately
>keep drawing man tiles
I have a close one that just happen
>stuck between 4s and 5s
>choose to keep 5s
>someone discards
>it was the 4
Isn't it the easiest yakuman to get?
Is being too defensive a valid strategy when you're second / first ?
I don't give a damn about my hand when i don't get anything worth it after 2 or 3 turns and I keep deeling safe shit.
that has to fucking hurt, yesterday I saw some poor fool deal into a yakuman that made him go from 1st to 4th, I play defensive like a little pussy so I usually don't deal into hands but don't win by much
depends, you can get fucked because there are other 3 players than can deal to each other hands and can knock you out of 1st same time unless you have a big advantage, I just go all-out unless im 30k in front, which usualyl doesn't happen
How do I turn my hate into fun? I want to like mahjong, but there hasn't been a game since csgo that has made me actually cry.
>great starting hand
>turn 4 riichi
>press without looking
I'm a fucking idiot
read akagi and make some introspections
Have sex
I read it, and saki and kirinji
Please post more Chiori quotes. I want her to dom me.
maybe but that doesn't mean much
>tfw keep getting 3rd because not dealing in but also can't get good hands for shit
The easiest is dsg, you can call for it. Then it's a suuankou because you can morph it in the cheaper yaku variations if shit goes south. Kokushi is only third because you fight for it from the very beginning and all you can make out of it is an open chanta and only if you see your tile four times on the table pretty early. Otherwise it's just a folding hand and a wasted round. Now I'm not saying defense is a waste of time I'm saying if you really committed to kokushi you must be pretty desperate and it's one less chance to get back on your feet.
gee gee fellas
> riichi mahjong book converts poorly to kindle format
It's probably the font used for the tiles.
learn all the yaku and their rarity
discard carefully, watch tiles so you don't get RON'd
learn all the yaku and their rarity
accept probability as it is, even if human brains aren't made to grasp that
learn all the yaku and their rarity
emote when you know you can't avoid a risky discard so at least you have your honor
learn all the yaku and their rarity
aim not to be 4th, don't aim to be 1st all the time
learn all the yaku and their rarity
also learn how to combine yaku and climb into better hands
how do you even let it get this bad holy shit
This only makes you learn the game a little
to be fair all it takes is a single furiten tile to screw up his entire wait
and there's a decent shot at a tsumo
How I am supposed to tell which tiles I need to win when playing not-online mahjong with hands like this one?
nerf doras
nerf red 5s
>riichi with double wait
>3 turns later, hag richis
>2 turns later, draw red 5
>have to place
>hag rons
>single wait richi, red dora, ura dora
so this is the power of intellect...
give rooms
I have no patience and little to no impulse control
Okay but what do you do? Play South games that take at least an hour to complete for 1/10th of the currency needed to exchange for a costume?44
>South 4
>Second place
>Player in third calls a bunch
>Calls 3 sets of bamboo tiles
>Not playing into that
>Brainlet cat continues discarding bamboo tiles
>Its the fucking all green hand
>Yakuman causes 3rd place to shoot past me losing me rank because a retarded cat could not betaori
Thanks mahjong very cool
thanks for paying for the game for me
recognise different configurations of pairs, triplets, sequences
also keep a few wait patterns in mind
that said, user has the most extreme example that isn't 9 gates
dude, how much did you spend? are you okay?
jesus christ how much did that cost you?
Try every combination close to your final remaining tiles.
>1? Oh, it makes 12223, turning 22 into the pair
>2? 222 becomes a triplet, my pair become 77
>3? Oh, 33 is the pair
>4? 22234, 456, nice
>5? 56777, 77 is the pair
And so on
To be fair this practically never happens anyway.
>too scared to queue since Im about to go 4th 10 times in a row after getting this lucky
someone make a room please
isn't it like 300-400 bucks to get 150 faith off of jade?
No shit you expect people to chose the waits on the fives in the game with red doras.
Even better, normal 7 pairs usually is built to wait on 1 9 winds dragons and doras but it could be just a normal 5 tanki wait hoping for a free red.
Majsoul Friends Room 12301(4-Player South nya):
Not-Koromo is eternally btfo.
the characters are literally impossible
1 2 3 horizontal lines
4 rectangle
5 the one that looks exactly like 9
6 star
7 X
8 ^
9 the one that looks exactly like 5
I think the rest should come with experience
it really all comes down to what you can tell from what opponents discard and how good you are at probability calculation on the fly
9 is an angry dog, you don't want it for your tanyaos
5 looks like 16
you can just memorize them like a non idiot
or just buy a numbered set
Impressive right?
I hope you can afford that.
Yeah but the problem is that I hate this game. I want to love it, but it's just horrible. It makes me mad, sad and jealous to see people enjoy it so much.
>450 dollar for a shit not-riko
Ah, that wasn't my question user.
I already know the Kanji Numbers, the winds and the dragons.
But thanks for that info, might be useful to someone.
user you're not looking at the background, look more carefully, it's much worse than 450
Damn, man...
Don't know what to say
Getting 150 faith is around that sum. I assume he got other characters from rolls.
You poor(rich) bastard.
no user, he didn't.
There is nothing wrong with not liking something, you can walk away anytime
I was in a similar situation with a certain gacha game that you could play pretty easily as F2P but I missed out on an event-only super-duper-good character and hated every second playing it afterwards since I wanted to collect them all
So I just walked away
>1-4 are easy to understand
>You can remember 5 because it breaks the easy to understand pattern
>you can remember 6 because it looks like a guy and looks like it should be 5
>9 looks like an N for nine
posting this out of curiosity
Thanks will check these.
I think that's one of the things I am still lacking.
Then what the hell am I supposed to do. This was my chance on getting in with others on a newgame without a bunch of tryhards ruining it. But I hate it. And I have nothing else.
五 is made of five lines
七 is 7 upside down
九 is the n for nine
To be fair it's not all that important but sometimes it can help to know that when you have a hidden triplet it forms pretty interesting waits whenever a tile is close to it, and even stronger if you have a sequence close to the triplet
Just don’t play, retard.
I'm tired of just browsing the web and lurking Yea Forums.
6 is also made of 5 lines, dumb fucking japs
I seriously can't get any good hands lately. I keep getting 3rd since 1 guy always deals into the other 2 for massive hands.
That one 4th place was due to a random disconnection and auto-dealing into a fucking baiman.
This game hates me I swear.
Well 六 resembles an unfinished pentagram, which you need to summon demons, and you know 666...
>dumb fucking japs
You should read whole posts
I got everyone else from rolls but only wanted Rui from the start. I am annoyed but also relieved there is no reason to spend another cent on the game. Copper is stupid high now. Body count
FIVE Nedeshiko's
3 Yui's
3 Mai's
1 Kana
325 dollars. I can afford it but there is no justifying it. The game just ground my patience down to nothing and broke my spirit.
Uhh, just don't think about that
Wasn't the Chinese who made these?
Thanks for funding the English server.
At least the Chinese didn't put fucking 两 on the tile instead of 二
You could have organized a tournament here for those 300 dollars if you're that rich...
then japs are double dumb (and also cucks) for using chink characters
1/2/3 = 1/2/3 lines
4 = box has 4 sides
5 = 5 lines
6 = first conventional breaking number, uses diagonal lines
7 = upsidedown 7
8 = symmetrical
9 = 9
IIRC, that basically means "twice".
They use that term for 2 when counting for some reason.
Yup, Chinese and Japanese use the same symbols for numbers.
That god, often the exact same symbols mean completely different things between the two
I'm guessing you didn't pass world history.
Not too hard since you can move your tiles around, so you can do that to help you recognize shapes. Like putting a pair of 2m away and notice that 23456 is a three sided wait on 147. Then realize that 33 can be a pair, too and the rest are three melds. Then also realize that your shape is symmetrical.
But in general you eventually quickly recognize certain shapes, especially those made of 5 tiles.
>when mom calls and you get a tsumo and win
Mother's blessing to my luck
but if you move tiles everyone will know what you just drew
so was dinner ready?
Did you do your homework?
>"ara ara user, you're playing that game with the Chinese girls again?"
If you play against non-beginners yes. But in that situation if you call riichi with a 8 sided wait, you probably need to ask for a small pause. Which isn't even that bad since tsumo is very likely.
Majsoul Friends Room 41590(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
>match started
>There is nothing wrong with not liking something
There is, if it's the only thing that's going on in your life.
>user-chan, could you come help me out of these tight jeans?
>afk for east round in silver
>come back and finish in 2nd place because some hagfag kanned for no reason
pic related, this is what you idiots look like
Fuck it, this game is too luck based. I'm going to learn Shogi.
>1 2nd place until rank up
>got last place
I hate this game.
Is Ilya worth watching?
>only one country plays it
Just play Go.
back to 700/800 for the 10th times
It's going to get worse.
Forever Adept 2.
are you guys good at mahjong yet?
But I want to learn weeb chess, user.
I'd play chess, but many of my relatives are already fucking pro at it, so I have no motivation.
>deal in rate has gone down 1% in the last 10 games
>nearly to adept 3
A single game will be luck based, but getting good on the long run is about skill.
gg nyaggers
My perfect closed kan, ruined...
then you have a steady supply of opponents to teach you as they style on you.
same with me, and then
keep at it user
But I don't want to play with them, I ahte their condescending attitude and "you will learn some day :)" comments. I don't want anything to do with chess because of them.
Mahjong would've been nice as my own go to game, but it sucks.
I'm all for Yea Forums becoming an Asian board game board
It is the only good fate series
>player to my left is obviously going for honitsu with manzi tiles
>player to my right looks like hes going for either honitsu or chinitsu with souzi
>im not even in tenpai yet
>my entire hand is man and sou
>Going for three little dragons
>Get it
>"fuck it let's go for three big dragons"
>someone gets Ron for 2000
fuckoff fag
move to /vg/
this belongs in /jp/
just learn chess and get better than them then shit all over them
theyre probably low iq anyway and chess is a thinking mans game
>it's a pinfu tanyao episode
why do I never get away with dealing dangerous tiles while my enemies just keep doing it ALL THE TIME and I never able to ron them? what the fuck!???
You don't believe in the heart of the tiles.
>theyre probably low iq
Nah, that's just me. They are all fuckign autistic savants, who actually can see ahead in the game. My father is one of them, and he has played in the national championships. I hate him.
okay yeah youre fucked then
he would be good to learn from if you can get over being destroyed all the time, i dont know anyone irl that i cant beat already so its hard to improve
>declare closed kan
>that kan turns into 4x doras
>other players declare kans as well
>four kans draw
any good mahjong anime/manga that aren't about cheating. i would like to learn something for once
cheating is what mahjong is all about
just a recommendation
I'd rather find my own game, and carry the family honor to another place instead of just mooching of other peoples success. But I fear I'm too late to actually get anywhere in anything, when all the others have played since they were children and I'm just looking around.
if youre over 20 you have pretty much no chance to be world level in any new thing you pick up but you can still be very good at it if you just put in the effort
fucking open tanyao cats
Just watch Akagi and Saki like everybody else. Akagi even has some good psychological shit, although it's almost not mostly not applicable.
that's a big fuck you if I ever saw one
This game is way too loud
Yes, I'm 26. I guess I just give up. Maybe in the next life.
>put anime girls in and Yea Forums will play mahjong
Tetsunaki no Kirinji is just mahyong with no cheating
i'm a nyagger and I love doing that, get fucked faggot
Is mahjong actually good? Is it a slow or fast game? I feel like playing some after reading Higurashi but I don't really know what I'm for
You can put anime girls on anything and make it interesting. I've been wanting to learn for years so it's a good that I'm playing with other newbs.
cute girls + memes + an actual decent fucking mahjong client in english
it's a winning combination
Standard rules south game #50753
Mahjong is actually pretty good. Speed depends on the players. The better they are, the faster it gets. Eventually a turn is just a few seconds at best.
Faster than you'd like, slower than you'd expect
it's pretty fun once you get to grips with it
single east round games tend to go fast, 2 round hanchans a bit longer and even then it can vary with the players
fuck this game is getting on my fucking nerve.
I was 1 STEP AWAY from ranking up for a billionth times already and the god of mahjong ALWAYS give me shitload streak of bad luck every single fucking time. Didn't win even a single hand in these 3 matches holy fuck despite opponent keep discarding dangerous tiles left and right non-stop all the fucking goddamn time and not a single tsumo from me ever, but one time i did it, I always got punished by at least 12k points what the fuck am i supposed to do with this shit luck!??
I was 20 pts away and now it's 175 pts.
It's been 11 games since I've gotten 1st for fucks sake.
fuck this game
Thanks, i'm in
maybe it's just you being too focused on ranking up that you lose sight of things
post last game log
gg guys, it was a rough game for me.
Master nyagger proved he was indeed a master.
I lost sight of my luck, yes, thank you.
as expected of a nyagger
chankan nomi
silver really is no better than bronze
it's time to tap into the deepest reaches of luck and play off the remaining 270 points needed to reach Expert. Wish me luck anons.
You'll get a 3 losing streak -400 points
how many tiles left should i start calling to try to get to tenpai for ryuuuokououokou?
also whens a good time to fold?
You better emoted the fuck out of him before ronning.
>people winning such shit hands that we never cross the 30k barrier
release me from this
I did get my payback with a quick mangan tsumo the next round, but that draw hurt me physically.
Calling that late can be risky since you still have to deal tiles afterwards. But if you think you won't get into tenpai otherwise and your discards are safe, you can call for tenpai. I usually do it in the last two turns.
When an opponent clearly has a higher scoring hand than you and when you don't need the points. For example when someone called a yakuhai dora and you're point leader, there's probably little reason to push. Let others deal into it or just pay at the end.
>last round
>down in third place at 20k, first place 32k
>2nd place riichi's turn 7
>look at his discards, no man tiles at all
>start hoarding man tiles, end up in tenpai
>5-man tsumo, 12k haneman
>overtake them all and get first place
>check the log and he was waiting on 5-man too
apparently we could have 3 way riichi in the last round.
First Yakuman in the same game I hit 3 heart bond
Wait, so calling closed kan opens the hand?
Closed kan doesn't. That's why you can still kan even if you're already in riichi, as long as it doesn't change your wait.
Isn't that the same shit they say about learning languages? It doesn't matter as long as you can sink thousands of hours into it, which I admit many can't once they have a job.
i said world level
any skill including languages you can be extremely good at with enough effort at pretty much any point in your life
being a world champion or competitive on a world level you need to have started as a child on top of having natural talent
>Go for Nagashi
>Discarded my last tile, we're good
>Guy to the right of me discards a dangerous tile into ron
Holy fucking shit, that dumb fuck was apparently trying to save his tenpai, not realizing that he won't be getting any points for it anyway.
And it was fucking gold room, too.
The cheating in Kirinji is the plot shield the MC gets.
bronze people take like 4-5 seconds to discard
silver people take 1 second, especially japs
you cannot play it casually if you want to be good. meaning, you cant have a movie on or a youtube video or you're going to get fucked. It requires (mostly) your undivided attention.
I have no respect for shitters like you that just give up and don't improve
>50 games
I dropped dota 2 after spending 1 thousand hours on it
i like any game i can win *without putting in too much effort
fixed that for you
>only 1000
getting killed out here in adept 2 star losing all the free xp they gave me
Hags win again
Mobile version when?
how do i stop being a defensive faggot
>when you end up in a room with two dc:ing chinks and east keeps winning with shit hands
fucking east ate away at my hand 2000 points at a time from discards off the dc:ed chinks
>you cannot play it casually if you want to be good. meaning, you cant have a movie on or a youtube video or you're going to get fucked. It requires (mostly) your undivided attention.
I only ever play with something to watch on my second monitor and I'm so far having no issues nearing 3 star silver.
And I don't need your respect
Yes, naturally. If you don't have a chance in the beginning, why bother continuing.
In riichi it's better to not lose dealing into a mangan than try to win.
I always get ron'd whenever I be aggressive.
Because this game is inherently luck-based game. You can discard whatever the fuck you want. Get lucky? you won't get ron'd ever.
default rules
enjoy getting dabbed by open tanyaos
What level of bots do disconnected bots get replaced with anyway, is it based on what rank the match is?
event when
They're not bots, it's auto discard
Not AI easy at least. I mean, the DC:d never call anything, so I guess it just randomly discards tiles as if they were timeout?
We can do our own room, user
I'm going for it.
>mfw got my first double riichi
Makes sense.
Event please come soon, so I can forget about this depressing MMR shit.
I thought this was some FOTW porn game.
What the fuck is this even?
>already have all honors
You'll get it
Good luck user, your chances are good.
best yakuman
legit mahjong disguised as anime
2 star adept is literally where everyone is.
Get in fags. 60s turns so use that to train your discard-reading skills.
Majsoul Friends Room 46406(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
+2 join
>Enter silver room
>Player with no Chinese name.
>Yea Forums... Is that you?
Ok fusing the two rooms, one place left in
>bothering to read discards
its all just luck anyways.
and yes, I wait on the tile that you just played before I riichi'd
the only decent english mahjong training simulator
also has catgirls for some reason
Witness my power
Get absolutely fucked by my open Tanyao
Looks like they sort of fixed spectating in today's update. Now I can spectate friends and "watch" actually returns one game in the gold room.
>tfw third but dont lose points
does anybody else know this feel?
A nyagger dashed my hopes against the rocks. I only drew 1 more 9 for my double and just got shitty 3-8s to discard. This retards first hand was an open tanyao for 1k, then this, then I hit the table for 6k and thank god this retard got shadow realm'd by a full flush at the end.
Not even a cat
holy shit that's disgusting. I'd be so mad
any room
>Not +/-0
Are you even a lesbian?
What do the two white lines mean in the top left?
The hag at 4th sure as hell didn't
riichi and honba sticks on the table
Evidently you don't need to play games either since you're so bad
>Playing with a bunch of adept 2 cats
>They're winning all their hands based solely on having a triple dragon/wind
>The only time their hands go above 1k is when they luck into a bullshit hand and riichi in the 2nd round or have doras (I'm 95% sure they don't know what a dora is)
>end up losing because they keep having ridiculous scoring hands by the 6th discard and ronning off me
I fucking hate cats
Doraniggers deserve to be burned
You don't know me.
Dora needs to disappear.
>ronning off me
>Watched Akagi twice and read the entire Manga
>Still only have a vague idea on how to play
Well at least Yakuza 0 is giving me a reason to actually sit down and learn how to play.
Then play HK if you don't want dora.
>haha you're supposed to know that cat is waiting on a 1 pin on the 6th discard despite 2 of them being played and them discarding nothing but 9's and 1's
What happens if you run out of copper?
How is that fucker getting so many riichi early.
>open tiles on the left
>pon not showing who is came from
Majsoul Friends Room 24246(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
You're on welfare.
double riichi is a curse. I don't think I've ever seen anyone who has called it win their hand since everyone just plays fast from the get go.
Is this chinese mahjong or Riichi?
riichi mahjong
>turn 2 riichi
g-good games
was really close up to the end
Lucky fucker.
GG guys, I played my best but I was outskilled
Turn 2 riichi with two dora and a yakuhai for a mangan.
Two spots open, join
Good thing I have enough points to not get past second. I would have been so mad.
This game is making me so mad. I want to quit.
I wish I had this luck in ranked, but I need over 10 turns just to reach tenpai there.
>it's a you get ronned twice for cheap shit at the beginning on not particularly dangerous tiles while you had valuable hands ready and the rest of the fucking hanchan is other people tsumoing so you lose by 12000 points episode
Holy shit I hate Mahjong.
Yakuza show up to your house and force you to do worm JAVs
What are the chances of getting any girl in summoning? I'm tempted to drop some money but I won't if I'm not guaranteed a girl in like $50.
>if I'm not guaranteed a girl in like $50.
youre not
You have 64% chance to get any random one for $40 (20 rolls)
You can look up the rates in the summon part. They're not got. Out of two summons I got a blue gift and a purple tablecloth.
Can I get matched with a Novice 1 if I'm an Adept 3 in Bronze? I want an easy way to reach Expert.
Has anyone here played Chinese mahjong?
Is it worth learning if you like the riichi version?
No. It's even more luck based and there's no furiten.
WHAT the fuck user.
not even the chinese like chinese mahjong
Any other form of mahjong is really stupid
Does pic related increase my mahjong skills?
Yes, it's fun, the game is more about making big hands by combining all the different yaku. They have like 81 of them.
I've played mahjong with chinese people but it's just an easier version of riichi. make hands as fast as possible.
Any Yea Forums room up?
More like YakuDoko?
Nice. I'll make sure to spam Bronze to bully newbies who can't even into efficiency yet.
Depends on how gay you are. If you aren't don't bother. If you aren't cute the effects are midling at best. However if you are both cute and gay, then you will likely never lose
What does it say about your skills, if you can beat every game, against normal bots, with 50k points and also mop the floor with the kemono mahjong furballs?
>Vibrates only at ron and tsumo
>double ron
Majsoul Friends Room 91702(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
I wish to see a triple ron someday
>The vibration's duration and intensity depends on the hand's value.
If you think that's bad wait for the unlucky matches where first hand starts off with a haneman or more tsumo as dealer. The shit hands will never not stop coming so you have no choice to defend for 3rd place from the beginning unless the other luckshitter in 4th comes with their own haneman tsumo out of nowhere and now you're the only one with less than 15k points despite never dealing in at South 4. And if you force your hand into something in those games, even if you manage to get close to something like chiniitsu you bet your ass you'll either be ronned by 1k rons or even lucky open meld mangans if you don't have any safe tiles and go straight to negative because you should have been defending.
damn missed it, well have fun majsoul friends
such is mahjong.
your skill doesn't mean much.
it's all probabilities aka luck.
Does it make sense to Kan on the first turn with a wind that doesn't match the round or seat?
You can't convinceme this shit's not rigged for chinks who dump money in it
yeah when you want to give your opponents more dora to fuck you over
i played a specific chinese city version of mahjong and it was shit, similar to riichi but with lots of stuff taken out
it means you waste a lot of time playing against AIs and the reason for it is probably that your skills arent good enough to beat people
I'm also outraged I can't win every time
I finally understand why they say Soul games need Easy Modes
>Draw 4 honors
>Shimocha finishes his hand in the meantime
>Shimocha and kamicha building hon itsu and chin itsu hands of different suits
there are too many jap words in this post
Saw it once, poor guy got fucked.
Playing against people is shitty though, playing against an ai (without a timer if possible) is the most relaxing and comfy way of playing anything. People just ruin shit for everyone.
i dont understand how anyone can feel any sense of accomplishment from beating an ai
its just boring
>Tfw your yakuman didn't go through.
Maybe I should've called the 4p after all
>busted out
just fell victim to a daisangen, it hurts bros
baka gweilo
shimocha = guy on the right
kamicha = guy on the left
hon itsu = mixed flush
chin itsu = natural flush
god i almost had a triple dragon pair and with a dora for the red dragon kan too, fuck that luck shitter
post the log and we'll tell if you could have stopped it
Whale nigga reporting in. Bitch I'm still in adept 1 da fuck? Where da yakumans at?
>I managed to get 3 dragon pair
>but with 1 as a kan
>fuck that luck shitter
pot kettle
how much did you spend
I'm Adept III and haven't spent a cent. Git gud.
can you guys stop emoting before a ron?
Better to have a discount win than lose and feel shit.
A! pon...
why do you even bother playing competitive games if you cant handle losing
what's wrong, can't handle a little byanter?
Perfect, finally the luck I deserve.
I emote after a ron, how is it ?
okay. but not on the last game.
I emote my tenpai in bro matches but people seem to not catch it.
thumbs up
Jesus, that was a lot of back to back hands
They are good games.
youre not even really playing the games
What could've been~
I got scared a bit after I dealt you the north wind.