Based male audience

Based male audience

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shit I actually forgot NewType existed.

>gay cartoon loli shit.
>completely male dominated.
Beta males everyone.

women just have garbage taste

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nice! what video game is this?

Japanese publisher have mastered their target audience. Supply and demand baby

Being a beta is fun in 2019. If this were 40 years ago I'd probably have an ugly wife and a kid that I hate

>that last one


Is that daniel craig?
The fuck's he doing in... whatever this list is of?

I love cute girls

what site is this from
>he forgot the magazine where our lord and savior kira yamato ranks on top forever

I'm moving on, moving so far away.
There's an anger deep down inside me
I'm moving on, I am saying goodbye.

>what site is this from

Craig is starting to look like some middle-aged russian mook. Its high time to introduce a new bond

Fuck off normalfag

Last one is just movie magazine.

>y-yurifaggots are women

Attached: 1551523068885.jpg (483x477, 75K)

>men like women
>women like men
I know this is shocking to a typical American leftist, but this is normal for everyone else.


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>Gochiusa fanbase 100% male
How does Chino manage having so many husbands?

>anti-yuri shitter has plenty of pics of sweaty men at his disposal

>males into lesbians
>females into gays
wow who would have known

>getting this triggered by drawn girls kissing one another
Literally majority of magazines that primarily publish yuri have dominant female demographic.

Attached: 1440967106856.jpg (300x225, 33K)

>men like women
>women like men
Jesus fucking christ, kill yourselves.

Don't bother user.
His kind will shit up anything remotely Yuri that gets posted.
It doesn't matter if he's factually wrong so long as the thread dies.

Attached: cute.png (1032x1457, 1.65M)

>haha these men would never be interested in me not because i'm a terrible human being but because they're gay haha

>men like women
>women like men

what the fuck

That poll is over 10 years old but it's nice to see a/u/tists still reposting it despite being men-hating men.

But why is it that seemingly only males do something with their lifes? 90% of artists are male. 90% of people in any hobby are male. 90% of 90% all fields is male. Is it the patriarchy? Or are women just content with ephemeral shit like social media and eating at restaurants?

> Likes Yuri
> That means you hate men
The retardation is off the chart.
Here's (you)

Attached: (you).png (508x494, 179K)

>despite being men-hating men.
I'm sorry, but just because Americans are literal subhumans who constantly jump from one extreme to other doesn't mean that everyone else is as retarded as them.

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Oh noes, the yurifaggot is also a frogfucker, who could've predicted that.

There's plenty of female artists and authors. There's tons of good female mangakas for example.

>men like women
>women like faggots


Dunno user, i judge purely by the behaviour of people from your shit board on other boards.

Skies are grey
I am alone now
I will spend my whole life missing yooooooooou

Just one of many I have saved.
Keep going faggot.

Attached: you.jpg (600x600, 58K)

>I've lurked all summer so now I'm a professional
Ok, here's that last (You) from me for humoring me.


I will never understand why so many people even today yearn for a time you were forced to live the rest of your life with a woman

go watch ahmed fuck some little kids eu*oid.

>all summer
More like at the very least the last 6 years.
Yurifaggots are the most desperate shippers, the loudest shitposters and retards and it shows every single time they decide to shit up something with their presence.

Still is funny to watch obvious newfags do mental gymnastics to try and push their faggotry.

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GochiUsa is truly the high IQ series

Wasn't the mangaka female anyways?

>men like little girls
>women like faggots
fixed fixed

>men likes yuri loli
>girls like faggot yaoi
fixed fixed fixed

>Implying anyone who watches this shit should be called a "man" or a "woman"
There are some things for which lines should still be drawn, boys and girls

God women are boring

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Machikado Mazoku next season, bros.

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what's that on the cover of newtype?

Loli yuri is based, men truly are the romantic gender.

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nvm, of course it looked familiar, it's genocidal organ

yeah, im calling the police

Sorry FBI, but lolis can love lolis.

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This. Fucking yikes to the soi boys playing this trash.

What is the ratio for Cune and Yuri Hime?

>Yuri vs anti Yuri again
Goddamnit Yea Forums I swear to God.

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feels good man

Daniel Craig Harem Hour is an interesting choice of magazine.

girls should only love girls

Wouldn't be a problem if they kept it on their board.
People hate yurifags because of shit like this

You're not old enough to use this website Mimi.

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Who the fuck was talking about Americans?

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Yuri is shit.
Yaoi is shit.
Vanilla is the only correct choice.

uguu kawaii anime desu ne baka sempai OwO.


Based Mimi.

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You didn't even attempt to disguise this as vidya

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>being so new he doesn't even recognize obvious memes
It's not a yurifag problem that this site has, it's a newfag problem that it has. Lurk more or fuck off.

Anons wife chino sells exclusively to men.

Attached: Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka - Ep04 (BD 720p) [Kirakira] [437E2F52].mkv_snapshot_05.35_[2018.04.26_06. (1280x720, 117K)

Yurifags have been awful all the way since yuru yuri.

our wife chino is so cute!

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t. pic related

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Why bother? Off topic threads hit bump limit pretty often.

so cute

What is this position called?

its called a child crawling on the ground faggot


Where's that Symphogear fightan you promised me Yea Forums?

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>liking cute girls is gay and beta
you might be legitimately retarded

>loli yuri
Someone please scan all the Itou Hachi books we're missing, there's so many of them.

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The annoying yurifag meme and also actual complaints predate Yuru Yrui. It's just for a long time yuri was and seemingly still is used as shitposting material by IRC/foolz faggots. Of course the more popular the site got the more it attracted actual annoying tumblrites. Just like how Yea Forums, /n/, /new/ and /pol/ would attract actual stormniggers, when in reality majority of anons were just edgy teens or just shitposting trolls.

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What is second from bottom on the left?