>Epic games is sponsoring PC gaming show at E3
Epic games is sponsoring PC gaming show at E3
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>PC gaming
imagine Gaben rolls on stage and announces HL3
it obviously won't happen but would be hilarious
IDGAF, just give me a date for Bannerlord, please...
>inb4 it's EGS exclusive
PC Gaming is anti-consumer
>Epic throws more money at shitty PR stunts
Who cares.
Who gives a fuck.
based. Epic games bought out PC game reveals
People would legit riot.
Please no
Absolutely based.
They actually show up to E3. Unlike valve. You steam cucks really need to move on
>steam gud
>epic games bad
based a show where steam cucks can watch games they never get.
They're trying so hard. It's kind'a sad. Like watching a tiny kitten trying to climb hardwood steps and keep falling down.
Because most PC gamers absolutely don't give a single fuck about Epic, no matter what shills like PC Gamer and IGN want to push (Epic is a paying advertiser with banner ads on their sites, btw, which I'm sure is just a coincidence)
Not going to watch like always
cool, guess i don't need to watch it
>persona 5 epic games store exclusive
>RDR2 epic games store exclusive
this was so easy to predict its nearly comical.
get for free you mean
b-b-b-b-b-b-but china :(
I would get pissed and say how much I hate epic but It's not like anything at all was happening before they decided to go there. Whatever.
Numales love Epic because it doesn't have problematic anime titties.
holy shit, the madman's done it
And here I was looking forward to E3. It's over.
enjoy, friend
oh no, not pc gaming show. now how will I see a couple shitty indie games and the newest total war? it's legitimately the worst section of e3 and I primarily play on pc
Persona 5 has been on PC for over a year. RDR2 is published by Rockstar Games, not Take-Two. Though Rockstar is a subsidiary, it maintains independent publishing rights. RDR2 will not be an exclusive to any PC store.
How many years now has the "PC gaming show" been a thing? 3-4?
Never once has it been relevant, never once did I watch that cringefest with day9 and came out feeling hyped. Unironically the only thing I remember was the nvidia old lady shilling the cards 2 years ago.
>epic literally killing pc gaming
>no sony
>xbox irrelevant
>nintendo winning like usual
e3 is dead
holy shit this pic holds so true
Only reason anyone would be watching this E3 is SE's presentation for FF7R.
People were serious when they said P5 will be an EGS exclusive.
But I played that game 20 years ago already
with more soul as well
And more trailers for the movie Death Stranding.
>PC gaming show finally got it right last year, after 2 years of shit
>now sponsored by Ebin
I guess last year will be an outlier
We have come full circle.
>Persona 5 has been on PC for over a year
>drops to 25FPS on a $3k PC
>RDR2 is published by Rockstar Games, not Take-Two
what does it have to do with anything? lmao, they can pick any distribution platform they want, if epic games pays them tons of money they have no reason to not accept the deal
why would that be at E3
I'm old enough to have pirated games over BBS on Dial-up and haven't pirated anything in like 10 years so I'm employed and financially stable and Steam has all I need. But if there's ever a game I want that's not on Steam, I will pirate it. I am not paying money to have my games scattered all over different store fronts. I am autistic about keeping my shit organized. If it's not organized, I'd rather not own it. I'll play it then dump it.
Shit every fucking year it's existed anyway. There's way more interesting PC news in Microsoft's events. Fuck, even Sony announces more interesting PC games.
why do Tencent operate under this name in the west?
in due time, all will bow down to me... and i will make newell eat his own store alive
>nvidia old lady shilling the cards 2 years ago.
That was AMDs CEO user.
> RDR2 will not be an exclusive to any PC store.
>this is how steam fags cope
last year was also shit
not him
played P5 to completion on my i5 + 970
You are right mr chino
Sega Europe would probably complain if they have to deal with the PR disaster of having an EGS exclusive
What the fuck, damn, so much for being independent.
I dont remember last year being any different other than it wasnt an advertisement for AMD
Cool, I can't wait to see if there's any games worth pirating.
PC gamers look at the other shows anyway, nobody watches that shit it's all indie trash
>Steam store takes ages to load up
>complete outdated shit
>Epic store takes seconds to load up
Yea tell my why should I prefer Steam over Epic?
>epic games is sponsoring the PC gaming show
oh boy, can't wait for it to be just as shit as last year, but this time with added cancer thanks to tim sweeny the ugly weenie himself
Nigga, P5 is 60FPS on an emu with a graphics card 2 generations old. That's twice the FPS of the console version itself. It is literally a better version of the game. What are you going on about?
>at slideshow fps
not everyone is ok with console experience
>PC gaming show finally got it right last year,
wat? The only thing from last year I remember was the 10 min shit tier indie game compilation trailer and the usual cringe
based le gaben
Why wouldn't it be?
It fits right in, its a highly awaited game for a specific niche audience all games that are like that are going to be EGS exclusives from now on
>Epic downloads not even a tenth of the speed of Steam
lol ok
>Steam store takes ages to load up
when was the last time you even launched RPCS3?
At least there was the trailer of Resident Evil 2 remake.
>what does it have to do with anything?
I'm seriously not going to sit here and explain the history of Rockstar, and how subsidiaries and publishing work in general, to some faggot on Yea Forums. Go google it yourself.
>one is an old app that has tons of features
>the other is recently released, barely has any features and is only a storefront
>t. brainlet
unlocked 60 fps =/= constant 60fps
even on a 9900k it drops to 30's in town area
>The last time Steam actually did anything was Artifact
only one reason is enough
payment fees
steam pays for it when you buy
epic makes you pay for it when you buy
pirates pay nothing
>>Steam store takes ages to load up
Delete your htmlcache folder in app/data.
The PC gaming show has always been utterly worthless garbage. Just a glorified commercial for AMD graphics cards interspersed with a few worthless indie game trailers. Fuck Epic and fuck China though.
The butthurt would be legendary
>Implying RDR2 has any weight to it's name anymore.
People have played the game. We know the hype was bullshit. It is not the legendary title you want to pretend it is just to use as an argument. RDR2 is probably around the same level as Super Mario Odyssey at this point.
I think you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, you retard
Go on lad! This one's on me.
at least one of us is capable of expressing genuine feelings, bugman
Only good thing to ever come out of that shit was the announcement that Yakuza 0 would be on PC. Shit blew my mind.. Never thought I'd see the day that Yakuza would officially be on PC.
Nice video. You sure showed that brainlet. And yes, P5 ran at constant 60FPS for me on a 1080ti/i7 setup.
>people on this board thought shartifact could beat hearthstone
god I remember the threads here.
What? I had the same setup and I gave up about a month ago because the anime cutscenes keep stuttering.
Everything else runs decently enough though.
Did you play it recently or did I had my config wrong or some shit?
Mind sharing your config please?
Might be bad if they only show epic exclusive games, other than that, this isnt such a bad thing
>epic actually supports PC Gamers
>le bugman le chinks le no soul
When was the last time Valve did anything for PC Gamers?
Meant to reply to this.
>Epic caring about Jap shit.
>5 seconds on an ssd
>"calling him a retard makes it clear that I'm well-educated on the topic!"
the fuck?
t. seething sjw
Even if it was, Epic wouldn't be able to afford exclusivity for long anyway, they only got BL3 for 6 months.
>get rekt
>blatantly lie
keep yourself deluded faggot, i don't care
>Look at the list of dev/publishers that will be showing up
>Only recognize 2 of them
I hope this one is the worst PC Gaming Show yet.
So no Halo MCC on PC news
Not having chinese spyware in the client and supporting anti-consumer practices. Whenever there is a major fuck up like the paid mod fiasco they fix it within a day or two.
Don't forget forums for every game, customer reviews and decent sales every once in a while.
Good point.
persona 5 runs pretty consistently on RPCS3 for me. It stops for a few seconds when loading new shaders and has a weird line on the screen, but can't even tell a difference between it and the ps4 version beyond that.
>hl3 epic exclusive
>trading a couple of extra seconds of boot time for being able to purchase more than one item at a time
it was a few months ago, i remember having to do some shit with freezing SPU threads or something to stop cutscene stutters but after that it ran at a "smooth" 30fps
i've since changed my settings to try to play demon's souls so i dunno if those will be of much help, i found a leddit post with a fix for the cutscenes stuttering though
Get with the times grandpa, the Steam monopoly is done, I want good games not cheaply made android ports, fuck Steam
What else can Valve possibly do to support PC gamers? Aside from shit that's just people's opinion. They've already done it all. Epic is the one that has to play catch up. And every time they make a baby step people are like "OMG EPIC IS DOING SO MUCH FOR GAMERS" when it's shit Steam did a decade ago. There comes a point when you're simply at the top of your game, and Steam is pretty much there outside of some censorship issues.
>the existence of other stuff means you don't use Steam anymore
>piracy solves censorship, "sjw", microtransactions and always online
Boy that's retarded
>Not having chinese spyware in the client
Steam is spying on your data as well
>supporting anti-consumer practices
>Whenever there is a major fuck up like the paid mod fiasco they fix it within a day or two.
Good thing it took 4 weeks to fix the cheat inject in CS:GO based Valve.
>Don't forget forums for every game, customer reviews
>useless shit
>decent sales
Epic has free games you know?
>can't even tell a difference between it and the ps4 version beyond that
then play on a console faggot, native port could run at fucking 200fps, fuck outta here with your 20-30fps bullcrap
Steam hasn't had a decent sale in years. They only had decent sales early on to get more users onto the platform.
Also Steam pretty much single handedly invented the idea of you not owning your games on PC. Doesn't get more anti-consumer than that.
actually it will be a r* games social club exclusive, rockstar had their own store since 2008 you dunce
Piracy does solve micro transactions and always online though. If a game is a grindy piece of shit in SP to encourage you to pay up, you can just use cheat engine.
>i don't care
Well, obviously. Making the effort to reply to him doesn't mean you gave him any care. Way to show him who's gangsta. Ryder, nigga.
People only watch the PC Gaming show to laugh at it anyway so it makes sense.
>Also Steam pretty much single handedly invented the idea of you not owning your games on PC.
But I own them user, your fault in being american. :)
On the last version of RPCS3 I had a lot of audio issues where it would reverb really bad for 20 seconds then go back to normal. This happened every 10 minutes or so. Flawless otherwise.
And the last big update to RCPS3 fixed that. So now it is 100% flawless.
Name ten single player games with microtransactions or always online you can cheat in.
>persona 5
>on EGS
Im honestly ok with this, dont care to which store it comes, as long as it comes to pc
Most SP Ubisoft games after you pirate them? Bethesda's going in that direction as well. Also the last Sim City before EA relented and patched in offline play.
>Steam is spying on your data as well
Chinese spyware. Learn to read chink.
exclusives are anti-consumer. Steam doesn't pay for exclusives.
a bug in the game doesn't represent a bug in the client.
>useless shit
lol okay bugman.
>Epic has free games you know?
so does steam.
You do own them. You may lose access to download from their servers and to access their apis through software but they can't take the games right from your hard drive.
Steam "spying" on your data is really just store curation and hardware surveys which they explicitly ask for your permission to take part in when you log in.
name a country in which you can resell Steam games.
Hint: you can't
Nah, i'll just play my free pc version that runs pretty much flawlessly that i didn't just a cent for. And enjoy every second of it.
Then learn how to use the search function or top-selling lists? You don't have to just click on Steam's 'Featured' page banners like some brainless soccer-mom. You'd rather lose access to hundreds of thousands of games than simply click "Top Selling" on the left side? Or set tags so your Featured page is tailored to your preferences?
Fuck off with that. It's completely illogical and counterproductive.
it's already on PC friendo
Anywhere in the EU.
>name a country in which you can resell digital software.
>Hint: you can't
Epic reserves the right to deactivate your account and remove your games.
Runs like shit on my pc, i dont find 24 fps playable
>Steam hasn't had a decent sale in years.
Other than the major sales every other month? Where the products and discounts are chosen by the PUBLISHER and not Steam? Have you been in a coma since 2004?
Man, Epicfriends sure do get mad when someone says they'll pirate an epic store exclusive.
This was gonna be the first time I actually watched e3 and now it's ruined.
Only Netflix can save us now
I don't think that the japs like the idea of exclusivity on a western storefront that heavily depends on Fortnite popularity. Fortnite isn't as popular in Asia, and I'm sure any exclusivity deal would prevent releases on more local storefronts.
I want her to blow my standing popsicle!
is this going to be the worst E3 yet? which one is the current reigning champion?
It's being so scaled back this year that I might only watch Nintendo's.
Okay so how has epic remedied the whole "you don't own your games" argument. GoG is the only service that actually lets you keep your stuff after a ban.
You literally can not install Half Life 2 without an active connection to Valve servers.
If Valve ever decides to lock you out of Steam because you refused to agree to the newest change in subscriber agreement, then the game you paid 60 bucks for is no longer yours even though you have the original DVD.
That kind of anti-consumer bullshit is Valve's biggest contribution to PC gaming.
mount & blade II exclusive on epic, calling it
No bannerlotd or yakuza confirmed
>E3 without Sony
>is this going to be the worst E3 yet?
ask yourself.
>nintendo winning like usual
Did i travel ten years in the past?
Furthering Linux support with Proton and other stuff (while Epic actively fights against it).
Wrong. Valve won in court. No reselling of Steam games in Yurop.
You can not resell physical games that use Steam DRM either. They are permantently tied to the Steam account they were first registered with.
Okay so how has Epic fixed it?
Everything that Epic does Steam does better.
good i can pirate without guilt
Fair enough, that shit didn't even come to my mind. I'd still argue that most people who hate online only and micro-transactions wouldn't even find Ubisoft's shit appealing in the first place to even bother cheating, and there are so many more and better single player games that don't have those issues.
>Everything that Epic does Steam does better.
It's just a sponsor. Means they'll have to show the EGS logo in a commercial or mention it by name from time to time.
Sponsoring doesn't suddenly mean every game is going to be EGS exclusive, you retards
I hate Sweeney so much.
This. People always say "well Steam does it too" but nobody is showing how EGS is supposed to be any kind of improvement. I get it with GOG, GOG is DRM free, it's actually doing something different.
If you wanna shill for Epic, you don't get to shit on Steam for doing a bunch of bad things Epic is also doing.
Epic doesn't remedy anything but the same people who are fine installing Steam DRM on their system refusing to use another DRM client that works exactly the same way is pathetic.
I hate to say this but you're just either a newfag or pay no attention to devs, which is understandable but doesn't mean that they're bad
>Fortnite isn't as popular in Asia
yea only because they're still stuck in PUBG
I don't know of any local asian storefronts existing though, aside from, ironically, chink platforms
This. He needs to go.
Except nobody is bitching about EGS being DRM you fucking dunce. That's not anyone's problem with it. For some reason, it seems to be a lot of bugshills' problem with Steam, despite Epic being the same thing, but nobody who refuses to use EGS is doing so on the grounds that its DRM is bad.
wtf you mean everything isn't 100% black or white?
don't tell Yea Forums, ok?
PC gaming's rapidly becoming as cancerous as console gaming.
tim sweeney has done nothing wrong
Except that's their only complaint.
They were fine with Valve forcing them to install Steam with exclusive games but now they bitch about Epic exclusive games.
The sales are still great
You just bought all the good shit already
Please give examples chinaman. The Epic store lacks basic store features like a cart system and customer reviews. I agree that Epic has the /ability/ to be better than Steam, but at this point it's just a lack of effort akin to console exclusive "we won because we bought everyone out" attitude.
Why install a worse client that spies on me? If it "works the same" then why are people shilling so hard for it and being so anti-Steam?
>Yakuza 3-6 and future Yakuza games exclusive to Epic Games Store!
Epic always wins!
The article from PC Gamer says they have some exclusives but still I don't want them shilling shitty EGS crap to me.
This is a list of people we can expect to be there.
Legit wish nothing but the worst for him. He's very quickly become one of the most hated people in gaming.
So that's why PC Games shilled Epic 24/7 for months.
>Steam with exclusive games
stop trying so hard to bait for (you)'s fucking retard.
use a price comparison site for once. In 9 out of 10 cases Steam has the worst deals
>PC Gaming Show
Has anything interesting ever actually happened at that show?
Show some proof that publishers were signing exclusivity deals with Valve to publish their games only on Steam.
Remind me again why you first installed Steam. Was it by any chance because you wanted to play a game that required you to install Steam in order to play it?
you're fucking retarded
Friendly reminder that 88% > 70%
Epic is a SJW platform, they'd never allow "problematic misogynistic games" .
Where did you see the list? Theres nothing on their site, except the sponsors
PCGamer is a major EGS shill.
Nope, but thanks to Epic revitalizing the PC as a gaming platform we might actually have a reason to watch it now. Can't wait to see what they have to show.
Weebs need to officially be contained. Fuck Yea Forums(nel) and their weeaboos shitting up every non-anime board.
>I'm fine with exclusives in a program I want to use
>I'm not fine with exclusives in a program I don't want to use
>this makes me a hypocrite
how do you figure that, champ? Of course I don't want to be forced to use an inferior, spyware-riddled chinese joke product to play 0.02% of my library alongside the program I actually wanted to use. That doesn't make me a hypocrite, it means I resent someone trying to compel me to use their software for reasons other than "it seems like good software to use"
>it doesn't even have forums or a fucking shopping cart
Last year was an improvement. The Yakuza 0 PC was probably the biggest announcement.
Friendly reminder that 100% > 88%
Why there are no big games on itch.io?
No one's complaining about ForkKnife and Unreal being on the Epic store. People approached steam and asked to sell stuff on their store, not the other way around.
Friendly reminder that this does not affect the consumer in any way if the prices don't go down.
>EGS exclusive
pretty sure devs stated it won't be
It's anti consumer to make online play and cloud saves free.
>an indev piece of software is in development
WHOA HOLY FUCK EPIC BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Epic revitalizing the PC as a gaming platform
You mean the same Epic that completely abandoned PC in PS3 era, saying that PC gaming is dead?
The PC gaming show at E3 is always like a 5/10, 6/10 AT BEST. So who cares?
I actually use the forums on Steam.
>non-anime board
imagine being this retarded, naive and gullible
>It's only a beta!
>not including features steam and every other online store had for 15 years
it's laziness at this point.
It's as much of a solution as "don't like it, don't buy it" and "voting with your wallet" are.
If they're not going to buy out more Sony exclusives I don't care.
you should know It's fairly fucking obvious the majority of people here are degenerates. furries, gays, brony fags, futa, hentai, racists on pol, and the mega porn spam. can you explain to me why anime reaction images trigger you the most?
how come my buddy managed to set up a gay ass weeb forum when he was 13 but Epic Games can't?
A reminder to this is how refunds work at Epic Games.
come back when you don't get spammed in the email every day for chinks trying to get into your epic games account
>but thanks to Epic revitalizing the PC as a gaming platform
By paying companies not to release games on steam and do literally nothing else.
Is was on PCgamers site.
>abandon pirate life for fat jew Gayben
>Remind me again why you first installed Steam.
To see what the fuss is all about and my first purchase was Two Worlds and Audiosurf in 2008.
I pirated Half Life 2.
Just when i thought i left the pirate life. All the bullshit just pulls me back in.
Steam gave up
Your president is a disgusting human
Global warming is real
You're all a bunch of losers and will never make enough money to buy a real state
Propaganda is aimed to make your kids slaves
China will eat the western culture and you will accept it
We're all going to die by floods and heat by 2035
You won't be remembered
HL3 never ever
Usually when I don't like a game to the point where I won't buy it I won't play it either, you know?
I don't think you get a deposit for such a poor defense post, Wang.
>This is finally the year for XCOM 3
>PC Gaming is sponsored by Epic
man i sure hope to see all of those epic developed games like unreal tournament 5, bulletstorm 2, shadow complex 2
oh, its just games that could've been on steam anyway
>being in denial
Face it user, nintendo just won't stop styling on us
Have they announced the presenters yet?
Imagine thinking this is a good excuse in an industry where literally every live software is "in development" including steam. Epic is making literal millions from one of the most profitable games in existence and that's the best you could come up with.
No, I mean the same Epic that's literally bankrolling a second renaissance for the platform since Valve let Steam stagnate into what it's become. You know, the same guys who are the only thing keeping your $4000 dollar `rig from being made completely obsolete by Stadia and other game streaming services?
Valve made a neat VR thingy though, so I guess that counts for something.
>epic actually supports PC Gamers
>supports PC Gamers
I needed a good laugh today, thanks.
Hey now, they also bought up and killed a company that was doing work to bring anti-cheat software to Linux and forced them to stop working on it because of Steam's involvement in Proton.
As we all know, killing anything Linux-related and helping to cement Microsoft's total dominance over the PC gaming landscape is revitalizing the platform immensely.
stop shilling that garbage you yellow piece of shit, you've been making these atrocious posts for weeks, epic is objectively worse than steam in every aspect
>visit PCGamer article about it
>they're deleting comments on calling their epic shilling out
wew lad
Found it, so far nothing really exciting.
Total Warhammer 3 please.
Probably some cooler gamer dudes and dudettes.
you know it
In other words it was never about buying or voting with your wallet. You just don't want people to play games without paying.
Technically yes, since it was Antichamber. But I don't recall Gaben paying a million dollars to prevent it from being sold anywhere else.
How about I hammer you, haha, get it?
>watching PC Indie Shitshow that will be PC Chink Exclusives Shitshow now
Nah, fuck that. Not watching it.
>WH3 goes Epic Exclusive along with the other games
>have to rebuy all your games and DLC to play Mortal Empires again
Indeed, P5 is borderline fucking free on RPCS3 these days. 20-30FPS (even at the lower end beats console tearing experience), higher res isn't a perf hit on capable GPUs.
Even my Ryzen 1600 at stock laughs at P5. Second gen must be having a field day.
>lying this hard on the internet
I never thought JewK could get any worse, but I really should have.
in what world they would announce anything related to Halo not during the MS conference?
do you sleep under the mattress?
Hey paypigs, explain to me why I should trust steam or Epic. When I buy a game, I want to own it forever, without strings or EULAs attached. But with DRM clients, that's not possible.
Oh shut up. You can't enforce an EULA unless you shove DRM in my face. I, for all intents and purposes, permanently own a game once I buy it or pirate it without DRM. You know what that means? I can sell it to my friend, I can modify it as I please, I can copy it infinitely. I have no restraints or shackles. Now, explain why I should give all of that up for Daddy Tencent or Daddy Gaben.
Imagine for one moment shilling for such a terrible store because you fell for the Yea Forums contrarian meme this hard. I don't understand most of you.
Im glad they are embracing chinas culture.
unironically impossible because (I hope) they know the audience will chimp out super hard ever since the Rome 2 shit
on a serious note, all the chinks who review bombed WH1 won't be able to play on the EGS so there's no way CA would ever consider that, maybe with that "tactical shooter" they're making but no way in hell for TW
Here's the idea:
you pay for the game because that's what you should do, to support good games. If Steam goes down tomorrow and takes your games away, you can turn around and pirate them anyway, so it won't cost you anything. Meanwhile with Steam you get some nifty shit like update management, cloud saves, etc.
Try to keep VR developers open to all platforms.
Some of my games on Steam are literal DRM-free GOG versions. Stop implying Steam is at fault for providing their DRM and publishers use it.
However, it's seemingly easy to de-Steamify your stuff assuming there's no other intrusive DRM stopping you.
Taleworlds won't be at E3 this year, they 'll only be at Gamescom.
I really don't understand why someone who isn't an epic employee would shill for EGS. they're literally fucking over consumers.
I meant that I hope it will be showcased during the PC Gaming show, not that I want it anywhere near the Tiananman store.
Bankrolling what fucking renaissance.
All they did was paid exclusivity money for a handful of games that are shit, already forgotten or years old ports.
How much shill money do you get paid for spewing this nonsense.
Never buy any video games so i dont give a shit.
Anyway, wheres the release date of Beyond, Heavy Rain, Detroit, and Journey game, Epic Store ? i want to pirate it.
Press D to dab on steamfags.
Fucking how?
also impossible because they'd be trying to get people to buy 3K
>Stop implying Steam is at fault for providing their DRM and publishers use it.
Steam were the first to use this kind of DRM. It will always and forever be Gaben's fault that PC gaming is plagued by DRM clients like Steam, uplay, origin or Epic.
All of this is on the assumption that Valve will continue being merciful and won't start shoving major DRM into every game. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy when I see a drm free game like Hollow Knight or FTL, but a major corporation never does anything "for the customer". I usually always suspect an ulterior motive.
They probably paid someone off
Fortnite is popular so here's a pat on the back
Because fortnite is making trillions of dollars WAIT
3K is already out by then so fuck it no more chinkmanii shit ok.
Whenever you think those parasites cant be worse, they show it that we lived in a utopia just a year ago
Reminder that David Cage got a BAFTA writing award for Heavy Rain. Gone Home got one too.
given at this point CA is known for having to fix their games post launch it won't do them any good to start showing WH3 this soon
I mean if WH3 just released and they start showing 3K a lot of people won't be happy
>retard user doesn't know about Starforce and Securom
I'm putting together a team...
>you pay for the game because that's what you should do
Not him but why should consumers be expected to "do the right thing" when companies get a free pass to act amorally in their own self interests?
If you end up having to pirate your games anyway in order to maintain your ownership then you might as well pirate them to begin with. For the record there's nothing wrong with buying from steam if you want features like easy updates and cloud saves, though they should provide access to older updates of games (another reason why piracy is necessary)
Epic got literal millions of people onto the platform. Epic is backing small/indie devs with fucking grants to develop PC games (that don't even have to be Epic exclusive). Epic is attracting the big name devs towards the platform with exclusivity deals and guaranteed sales. Sounds like one company doing a whole lot to save a what has traditionally been a hobbyist grade platform notorious for stealing everything but the kitchen sink.
God pls no
>Anyway, wheres the release date of Beyond, Heavy Rain, Detroit, and Journey game, Epic Store ? i want to pirate it.
This, especially Journey as a previously PS3fag. Even fucking Flower, the superior predecessor, is already out on Steam, GOG, and Epic.
It's still up to pubs to use Steam for more than a storefront and distribution client, such as their DRM and i.e. VAC. Given the state of Valve and making games, the fault is on those who keep using it not the one who started it.
It's definitely a far cry these days, but CD keys/pack-in keys or more nefarious DRM solutions existed back then too.
Not really a suprise when you look at their video games board.
you're giving them to much credit. they know, it's just revisionist history and FUD
Epic is buying cdpr.
only thing I'm excited about is some news about cp77 or vtmb2
>Epic got literal millions of people onto the platform
*Fortnite players that are underage and will most likely not buy anything
Fix'd that for you
Starforce and Securom didn't use online activation back then. They were purely disk based DRM.
Steam required you to have an account, tie your game key to that account and an active internet connection to install your game.
When was the last time Valve did anything for PC gamers? VR doesn't even represent 1% of the market and is literally bigger on consoles.
>over 100 million users
>WWZ sells only 250k copies
Tim Sweeny is the Death Grips of vidya billionaires.
Not him, but there's definitely a blurred line between DRM and a distribution platform.
The former just happens to incur the latter in this case.
>All of this is on the assumption that Valve will continue being merciful and won't start shoving major DRM into every game.
That's a pretty fair assumption to make considering they admit that their own DRM is ineffective and as a dev you shouldn't rely on it in their own documentation for steamworks. It's highly unlikely that Valve will shove hardcore DRM in their games seeing as not even Epic is doing it.
>SecuROM gained prominence in the late 2000s but generated controversy because of its requirement for frequent online authentication and strict key activation limits.
She's just announced she's coming back for it
PC gaming show is a fucking waste of time anyways.
>generic pixel dungeon crawler RPG
>arty experiences that react to the word 'gameplay' the way a japanese person reacts to the mention of Unit 731
>VR tech demos that last 2 hours but want you to cough up $60 dollars
Surely underage fortnite gamers only play on console? PC gaming is more popular with people who can actually spend money, as I doubt some kid could convince their mom to buy them a PC when they already had one in the house.
Feel free to explain to me how much sense it makes to want to play a game you're morally opposed to so much that you wouldn't buy it. It seems to me you just don't want to pay for games you wanna play, but somehow you want to make me look bad.
I pirate games to try them out by the way, I see nothing wrong with that.
>Steam were the first to use this kind of DRM. It will always and forever be Gaben's fault that PC gaming is plagued by DRM clients like Steam, uplay, origin or Epic.
>Sounds like one company doing a whole lot to save a what has traditionally been a hobbyist grade platform notorious for stealing everything but the kitchen sink.
Fortnite can run on a toaster. So a pre-built 300 dollar PC is good enough. "MOM! I NEED IT FOR SCHOOL!"
But Steamworks is easy as fuck to bypass. That's what I'm saying. I get the argument you're making, I do, but if tomorrow Steam went tits up and/or you got banned, it would be trivial to fake your Steam authentication and play your games offline.
Meanwhile if you pirate everything without paying, you incentivise publishers to add more intrusive and difficult to bypass DRM (like Denuvo) to everything.
>late 2000s
Steam launched in 2003/2004. It predates SecuROM using online activation.
>Feel free to explain to me how much sense it makes to want to play a game you're morally opposed to so much that you wouldn't buy it.
>I pirate games to try them out by the way, I see nothing wrong with that.
really gets the noggin joggin
Nice of you to regurgitate that kind of reply, must've cost you a pretty neuron or two.
>Not him but why should consumers be expected to "do the right thing" when companies get a free pass to act amorally in their own self interests?
The only one giving companies that free pass is people like you. Plenty of people refuse to give any kind of money to companies that act in a way perceived as "wrong". Take, for example, Epic games, and all the people here on Yea Forums who just refuse to buy anything from it despite mountains of shilling.
>It predates SecuROM using online activation.
No SEGA at the show so no reason to watch.
Gonna skip this shit
I doubt anything in the world has the power to jog your nogging.
they play it on phones and tablets too
I want Tim to come out on stage and dab at the star of the show.
The announce that Epic is buying CDPR, Team Cherry and Bannerlord dev.
Then he will dab again and leave
They've got their niche at least. They can stick to social media announcements and use word of mouth alone.
They'll miss the normies at first, but they'll catch wind eventually.
Is the Shartifact shiller Day9 host again?
as a HL fan ill say: just stop, HL3 is dead and will never come. period, you should be happy we got at least Third Epistle.
I frequently forget that the Epic Games behind UE4 is also the Epic Games behind the EGS. UE4 was and still is fantastic, and Epic did a lot of cool stuff just a few years back (making the engine free, the grant program, etc), it's honestly astonishing how quickly they burned up all that goodwill with the stunts they're pulling with the EGS.
I have the Epic Launcher installed on my desktop right now because I use UE4. I still won't buy any games from it. I harbor nothing but ill will toward them; seeing the OP post got me upset just like everyone else because now their name is synonymous with "all the exclusivity bullshit" instead of "all the great games being made with UE4".
I'm not the one defending companies shitty practices and buying their games. Refusing to give money because you think the company is acting wrongly or their game shouldn't be supported is part of "voting with your wallet".
Also they can have announcements in other panels (M$, Nintendo) with plat-specific trailers but then upload all-platforms trailers to social.
Name a 2004 or earlier game that requires online activation with SecuROM.
Wikipedia lists BioShock as being controversial for needing securom online activation, which was years after Half Life 2.
> no SEGA
> no Square Enix
Hard pass
Haha epic dabbing.
Le epic dab
Dabbing on epic like epic dabbing.
bro haha laughing for real epic dabbing style.
Dude weed and dab
Steam didn't invent online activation.
Who did?
On one hand im sad we probably won't see big announcments such as Yakuza 6, Judgement and who knows maybe even Persona 5.
But on the other hand i'm kinda glad they won't be in this Epic Games show circlejerk.
shhh don't correct the revisionist
You literally answered your own question. You don't need any help to make yourself look bad.
Square Enix have their own shit, why would they need to attend that?
I thought this part was hilarious.
Yakuza 0 saved last year
I'm going on a pogrom if that happens
How's Kiwami 2 performance? I have a Ryzen 1600 and 1060 6GB. Can I 1080p60?
The problem with EGS is that they don't have flexible enough payment systems for japan, people would legit not be able to buy games on EGS because all EGS has now is paypal and credit card, that's it.
Meanwhile on steam there's all these
Bank Transfer (Japan)
Pay Easy
Steam Prepaid Card
Yes. Just don't turn on SSAA.
Stardock games
The bigger they are the harder they fall.
Ever wonder why Valve is all passive nowadays trying to make vr stuff and some shitty little games like shartifact without generating much hype and without interfering with people's needs? You know why they won't for Ebin meme?
This very same reason. They know they will be fucked if they dare to make Ebin levels move now.
There is only 1 conference at E3 that's worth watching
Literally the best E3 ever. Imagine the shitposting.
>absolutely nothing on Metal Wolf Chaos ever since the announcement
But it's also a game that runs on user made content. Does Epic have an equivalent for Steam workshop? I thought not.
So there will be some Japanese games. What they will be is still a mystery
Valve doesn't add DRM to non-valve games because it's not their decision, it's up the to publisher. Steam is just a distributor,valve has 0 say in what DRM games use.
PC fags have had it coming
They've jumped on the Epic dick riding so expect some exclusive aids. Hopefully Croteam wont be affected by these cunts doing that shit and Serious Sam 4 will be on Steam still.
More like Jap host
They have completely muscled out indolent and ignorant Valve from their own audience now.
The only setback is them perhaps not acknowledging or realising the fact that the PC Gaming Show isn't exactly a popular presentation at E3.
The sun will burn out before they run out of money
You're correct, I just don't really see what reason I should have to be upset with Valve. Apart, I suppose arguably, from "they have a form of DRM", but it's not a form of DRM I have a problem with since it doesn't impact performance, is trivially easy to bypass, and is often enough to satiate publishers who might have otherwise gone with a more invasive DRM.
If you're gonna say "I stand on principle and pirate everything not available DRM free on GOG", then okay, I'll cede the argument to you.
This is still fucking retarded.
>Consoles exclusives
>Locked to hardware
>PC exclusives
>Not locked to hardware
>Can pirate most EGS trash anyway
What a load of horseshit.
Some food for your brain.
Probably Squeenix because some of the games they've published on Steam were not recieved really well. The Quiet Man and LEFT ALIVE are really good examples of why they don't want to be on a store that has user freedom.
Steam brought millions with Half Life 2 on its cancerous shitty spyware a few years back, you probably weren't born, but I was. Fuck you, and fuck Steam, I hope the chinks will wipe the floor with them before this whole joke of a platform comes crashing down
Glad to hear. She's cute. And got a sexy, big mouth.
I get that you have to cater to your target market if you want their business but it's honestly bizarre as hell to me that the Japanese have such an aversion to using regular old debit cards for things.
>posting a Twitter screenshot from a phone
That client wasn't mandatory like Steam. It was an optional extra. That's why nobody remembers it.
Steam was required to play Half Life 2. No way around it.
Which is what makes it so funny that mustards are shitting themselves over it.
Left Alive was released? What was it even about?
Is this all really because of Fortnite?
damn steam is falling behind in some places huh?
>>Epic games is sponsoring PC gaming show at E3
Just as the PC Gaming Show was starting to become a worthwhile event, Epic shows up and kills it. What a shame.
I'm hoping for Etrian Odyssey ports, but I don't expect this type of game to be shown at E3.
My point isn't so much about Valve specifically, I just responded to user who was arguing with someone else by asking a question. I don't see how I'm giving a pass to companies who act amorally by not buying their games.
>Steam was required to play Half Life 2. No way around it.
Except I just played it on a pirated copy, and replayed it a billion times. You underestimate the third world.
>haha mustards are actually upset about these bad practices, they should just accept it and never once question their corporate masters :DDD
Is this a Jew of African descent/
90% of Fortnite players are on consoles and mobile. PC is Epic's least important playerbase right now, which the store is likely trying to fix.
This is also likely why they haven't tried Valve's TF2 thing where you get exclusive cosmetics for Epic Store game purchases: locking exclusive content off from a vast majority of your playerbase with a game as big as Fortnite would likely cause actual riots.
I heard they still use fax machines, no clue if that's still true considering I've been hearing that for years but it seems like they're very stubborn when it comes to abandoning some technologies.
nobody knows
And it's only going to get worse.
I'll be honest, I'm assuming every argument thread winds back upward to "Steam sucks and therefore you should let EGS do whatever it wants" and/or "Steam and Epic are exactly equivalent levels of anti-consumer evil so you should pirate everything".
It's a shitty game where you hit mechas a ton of times with steel pipe. It sold poorly on Steam and there's still no pirate version of it because even scene won't toich that turd. Not even Yoji's artwork saved it.
This is an unacceptable way ro treat a customer, while also being sociopathic enough to act like its for their benefit.
those games were shit even on console, I doubt that'd be enough to make them change, especially when they should be aware of EGS's limited customer base in Asia
I bet they meant there are japanese games there but they aren't EGS exclusive
Yeah that's not what I'm saying at all. People who actually think those things are legitimately retarded.
So the pic is accurate then. You´re fighting for some software that is easy pirateable...
But all that netcash shit is just going and buying a prepaid debit card. I would understand the technological aversion if it was pure luddism, but it's weird when it's an insistence on buying prepaid debit cards instead of just having a debit card.
So the picture is accurate?
It's pretty hilarious to see Epic trying to stir up this massive shitstorm to take over the market and Valve literally doesn't even acknowledge they exist.
Someday they'll get bought out by china and we'll all have daddy Jinping up our ass. Until then we can only dream.
No, but this one is
Well then my bad
I can cross that off my schedule then
Not really, the same shit happened with gfwl and it was even worse because gfwl was the most garbage program AND you had to pay to play online at first. PC gamers shit all over it until eventually gfwl died and took a bunch of games with it. Remember gfwl was made by microsoft who is a much larger company than epic with a much greater history than epic.
Valve yesterday released something about a Steamworks update to better inform devs of the stuff they're getting for free in exchange for the 30% cut. Which is great, but still won't stop publishers from going for them big fat stacks of exclusivity money.
Because most pcfags don't want to pirate. You guys constantly shit on PC for being filled with pirates and when they have an issue with something that hurts people who buy you give them shit for not pirating.
Reminder that all competition is not good, and that Epic's way of competing is a sham as far as competition is concerned, and not good. And never intended.
The movie industry already went through this, and it was a hot mess. Now everything is taking a 180, and supervening all the previously established restrictions through new technologies that the old policies never accounted for. And this time videogames are along for the ride.
What sentence did the police officer get, who shot an unarmed man sitting in front of his computer?
RIP Fable 3 and Dark Souls
This literally perfect human female (female) is back.
is there a way to read that as a pleb? I'm interested
Might be a way they manage money, you can wipe out your account with a debit card if you're not careful but with a prepaid card you can only spend what you paid for in advance
It won't last. Fortnite isn't going to last forever, and Epic isn't going to keep throwing literal millions at temporary exclusivity deals for games that aren't making them any money back.
You and I both know the answer is "nothing". Which is why it iwll
>not asian
not perfect
Valve planned this stuff long before Ebin started their shitshow. First mentions of it were back in september 2018 iirc
I only have this. You can only see the webpage obviously if you're a member of Steamworks, that is to say, if you're actually developing games for the place.
Yeah that´s probably annoying to people but yeah the deals should make people ok to piracy since the devs get paid anyways: .`)
Console exclusives though are way worse since they require people to buy another piece of hardware, in the hundreds sometimes.
If HL3 ever comes out it will be Epic exclusive.
>Which is why it iwll
Which is why it will happen again.
look at this dude
Don't count on it, Its probably something like Kingdom Hearts 3 but since the game uses UE4 and Square are pretty jew, They might make it exclusive.
>do the damage
>pretend you're innocent
>shocked when devs started to find ways to circumvent piracy
Zoomer too young to realize people pirated fucking diskettes
Probably nothing. American ""law enforcement"" are trained to bump up the kda and go for yolo epic headshots to kill criminals, instead of being trained to shoot somewhere nonlethal, like the stomach or the legs.
He was talking about a legal copy, you dolt.
So none of the Epic internet defense force have addressed Steam's support for Linux when they ask "What has Valve done for gaming lately?" and I find that interesting
This is how I feel about Uplay, GFWL, Epic launcher, Blizz launcher. I was strictly physical collection until Steam came along and the first time I ever had to deal with GFWL to play my steam game was the last I put up with that, and the first time I looked into torrenting. I was strongly antipiracy and with more platforms forcing you to download them for a single game rather than make an account and call it good I find myself torrenting more often from companies who support those practices. I should not be forced to go through their marketing tactic with tons of fine print to play my game I already bought.
The "man sitting on front of his computer" approached the cops and reached behind his waist.
Post yfw you didn't fall for the boycott meme.
>curtains fall down on stage
>pic related walks out
that host was pretty cool, his awkwardness was kinda charming
is he returning to shill for EGS?
Truly the darkest of times
PC nearly died there
Only an obsessed kid like you unironically spout this nonsense, and then think you're right
Well fuck...there goes the only thing i was looking forward to seeing this year on E3
I got steam when they gave out Portal for free back in 2009
People just want a good service, they don't want to have to deal with hoping around a bunch of different trackers for torrents, messing around with patching pirated games or trouble shooting pirated games.
It's like even though music is so easy to pirate people would rather use spotify or itunes to pay for it because everything is so braindead easy and accessible.
>Aiming for the legs
Legs are small and very moving targets, which is why you don't aim for them, because you can't afford to miss when you got a guy coming at you with a knife. Cops are trained to shoot to kill, not shoot to wound.
Barring lol epic aside, what the fuck is even left with this E3?
I feel like everyone is trying their hardest to avoid it.
Will we ever get the absolute cringekino that was last year?
I hope so
Nobody who has received any firearm training is trained to shoot for anywhere other than center mass. This is a good thing, because (a) it's the easiest target to hit without sending a bullet flying past your target, (b) it's the surest way to neutralize a threat, and (c) it's a terrible, terrible, hollywood-fed idea that you should ever rely on a gunshot to be nonlethal.
The first thing you are taught when you pick up a gun is "you never aim it at anything you aren't prepared to kill".
>Then why are you so mad?
>screaming due underage console war faggotry
Yeah you tell em
Ubisoft and EA is still there aren't they. The latter would just reveal FIFA 20 or some shit.
Take your meds sperg.
Epic games makes almost all of their money from fortnite on mobile (including unreal engine mobile games).
Mobile gaming is literally killing the pc master-race, how does it feel Yea Forums?
Assassin's Creed Origins and Odyssey
Farcry whatever number is now
Most open world games
Wonder how much of the crowd is going to be Epic Games and PC gamer staff. I'd love to hear some boos when anything Epic exclusive got announced.
We'll probably only have Ubisoft to mock again this year.
EA isn't there this year.
We will get new CP77 gameplay footage.
CDPR claim it has changed a lot, I hope it's PC(m&kb) footage this time.
Devil May Cry 5, unfortunately.
Reminder, this brand faggotry is brought to you by underage consoletards trying to drag PC gaming down to their level
Hey. I install a copy of HL2 repeatedly that is keyed to a permabanned account in the younger days. Why are you full of shit? Do you think a disc needs an internet connection to install a game, zoomer?
Hey /g/ how impossible is for AMD to announce or at least say something about Navi at the PCGS?
Legs also have big arteries and hitting them may cause you to bleed out quickly.
>I feel like everyone is trying their hardest to avoid it.
What? Aren't Sony and Microsoft going to do some stupid shit again?
I bet steamfags would jump to defend them if they bought exclusives
Sony ain't going.
Why add sjw? If you won't buy a game due your perpetual oppressed victimhood, why the fuck would you pirate it?
Is this the same retarded "one pirate = one lost sale" retardry?
Mobile gaming is killing PC gaming as much as its killing console gaming and already killed off handheld gaming to the point where the only one left is a hybrid console.
E3 is not a PC hardware conference for quite a few years already. So no chance
What the fuck. E3's becoming less and less exciting every year.
all because of fucking fortnite
consolefags are truly a blight on the gaming industry
Fuck my 280x died 2 weeks ago and I dont wanna buy a second hand 1070 before seeing Navi.
>stomach or legs
people die from that, guns are lethal force
Come back when this stuff actually happens
Oh boy! Can't wait to play Fortnite (tm) on my favorite digital video game distribution platform: the Epic Store. Time Sweeney is based, however also redpilled!
the links still work for me
>Steam works a bit differently than other stores in that we don't organize our store around paid ads. In fact, we don't sell marketing space at all.
>giant RAGE 2 banner on the front page
honestly I'm not sure if a game using UE4 would make it more likely to be EGS exclusive because at this point there would be even more exclusives, I doubt Epic can pay for whatever SE wants
but now that I think of it, Shenmue III does use UE4 and is being published by Deep Silver, that is the most likely to be snatched up
even in movies or tv shows a lot of characters die when they get wounded in the stomach
If they announce something it will be at computex in a couple of weeks.
That's a retarded bet considering you would only have Epic to blame for proving its a viable business model.
>They were fine with Valve forcing them to install Steam with exclusive games
boy, you just live in whatever world suits your little victimhood fetish, don't you?
Also if there was some hardware announcements it'd still be impossible for AMD to get in here since Timmy boy prefers to suck Nvidia's dick.
>underage consoletards trying to drag PC gaming down to their level
Kek of course you blame consoles. Mustard race can do no wrong.
Ah yes like all the other epic exclusives they rioted then immediately bought and played
Buddy every kid with a PC I knew growing up torrented everything to this day- music, movies, games, college books. I think you're underestimating how easy it is to read comments/click the Trusted user if even that to have peace of mind clicking a magnet, hitting enter, and saving money.
Mobile and PC are co-existing in China extremely well actually.
It's consoles that are obviously the ones looking worse for wear in the wake of the shitty mobile business the most.
>In my own hypothetical fantasy land, you're all the bad guys
i am so tired of this being treated like a legitimate worldview
I hope they finally will show games and presentation too will be watchable.
>When was the last time Valve did anything for PC Gamers?
sdl support
Give me an accurate and objective probability percentage of that happening, I want a number.
>Literally the same EPIN shitposting template as console cucks smear in their shitty underage circlejerk threads
all these updates have been the norm for years
only being highlighted as "steam counter move" because of epic
Consoles have actual exclusives, you plebs fight over multiplats.
Undeniable proof that trannies have room temperature IQs.
Well, in 1989 at Tiananmen Square...
these chodes need a crusade to fill their empty existence
>Mobile and PC are co-existing in China extremely well actually.
Not just China. Most of Asia too except Japan.
Other way round retard
So, what's the "chi com" spying gonna do? I'm more worried about NSA taking my family to a black site for shitting on the government on steam than chinks denying me tourist visa
>"consoles have actual exclusives"
>someone names PC exclusives
>"no i meant GOOD exclusives"
not this time faggot
go away
HL2 is literally encrypted on the DVD and will not install without Steam having an active internet connection.
How did you get your account banned?
Did this happen before or after Fortnite/Gambling 4 Kids and their shareholders' aggressive appeasement came around?
cute peener, no homo
>inb4 Epic adds in more trash into their catalog
I fucking swear.
They said they were going to curate properly then can someone fucking explain to me why half of the shit on their store is god damn trash? They have all this Fortnite money for fuck's sake. Can't they get some actual good games?
>inb4 but BL3 is good!
Amazing. Yea Forums now care only about China due Anglos, ever obedient slaves demand that you must hate China and love Jews, because of their clown in office demands it.
Truly a breed perfected to be subservient willing slaves.
That's homo.
EO was the only Atlus series with no platform options in the survey. Don't count on it, at least not until EO Switch comes out since that might work on a single screen.
>cognitive dissonance at play
having to do chargebacks on random aliexpress orders has been a common problem in canada lately
mostly because every fucking facet of our life is sold out to the chinese in some way or another so we call tech support for our local ISP and it goes to some chink call center that stays on the line and listens in to the call when you get connected to the actual agent
Epic has the capacity to make console-only games a thing of the past.
Think about it. They give companies money up front eliminating the risk of porting and the game not selling because PC gamers don't like it.
They don't actually lose money as most of these games make their money back and many of them sell much more making Epic further profits.
Chinese don't use consoles. PC domination is coming.
Here's what you don't get steam drones. Epic is injecting cash into the industry. They're giving back to pc gaming.
What has steam done? That's right. Nothing.
I harassed Gaben with bad photoshops of himself back in the day, and made it a daily effort to get a rise out of his actual account. My disc still installs fine, was what you mentioned implemented at a later date and thus not on launch copies?
because what we really need in PC gaming is more console ports
They're not exclusives, they're games that are also on consoles, what's the fucking point? Epic will get me when they actually make PC exclusives instead of paying for games to not be sold on Steam, fucking pieces of shit.
Valve imho is at fault here because they do fuck nothing to combat this. They literally think Halo is going to save them. When it couldn't be further from the truth.
Epic has their Fornite kiddies and has groomed zoomers to not care what's happening here, in fact, they even used spyware to determine that 40% of their install base doesn't have Steam... Epic doesn't care what we say, we aren't their target audience, they're just waiting for all the Fornite kids to grow up into young adults and primarily buy games at their store, much like how Valve did with Counter Strike and their other Steam exclusives.
Either way, it's time for me to don my pirate hat and eye patch! Feels good, idk why the fuck I thought PC gaming was going to get better.
consoles don't have good exclusives these days so that point is moot, compared to the 6th gen a lot more games are multiplatform and there's only a handful of exclusives, most of which aren't even that great. I have a PS4 and a switch and I've got like 10 games between both consoles, exclusives only.
Hi, Sonytard. Kill yourself and enjoy your censored games.
go dilate
They're helping Linux become a decent platform for gaming but that's the only thing I appreciate Steam for.
>all this epic shilling and i have literally never seen a screenshot of the store, library page, anything at all on this video game imageboard
>steam libraries are constantly posted in backlog/"what should i play" threads
>we've had plenty of steam skin threads
>steam sales often have a screenshot of the store
is it really that bad? I see people complain but is it SO barebones that even the shills won't show it off?
Last year's show was better than everything that wasn't Microsoft. The girl was cute too
Steam has more games than Epic.
Steam has better games than Epic.
Can't show off if there's nothing in the first place.
Well, let's pack it up boys, no half life 3 this year
the epic games store is a pile of shit and is lacking many features(including bad security), underneath an "epic modern look!" for their UI. If you've ever seen an epic modern UI, you know what I mean, and you know why it's terrible.
Who ever gives a fuck about the PC gaming show anyway? The only shows people ever actually care about are Sony and Nintendo.
this thread is so fast nobody will know I fap to toilet femdom captions
Realistically what is valve supposed to do that won't fuck up the digital distribution market for other competitors? Valve is the most successful business in the digital distribution market and if they make the wrong move they will make it very hard for competitors and then we'll be much closer to a monopoly.
Let's say valve drops their cut to 12%, now everyone else above 12% is fucked
The entire Epic shill modus operandi is immediately pushing the attention away from the store itself and going 'b-but steam' or 'cope/seething/etc'.
dont care
>no SEGA
Worthless E3 then.
Can't wait lads.
>E3 comes rolling in
>every announcement is an Epic exclusive
>RDR2 coming to Epic
>CDPR buckles and says Cyberpunk is exclusive to both Epic and GOG as well
>at the same time the EGS matches Steam's features and more
>Epic announces that they're buying out Dota 2, CSGO, and TF2 from Valve
>all Valve has done is lol vr lol
Just waiting to see all you cucks seethe.
Cap this post.
Judgment day is coming for that fat fuck Gabe.
>imagine caring about pc gaming show
Besides showing off gpus and indieshit what else will they do? I'll wait for TGS to see if there's anything worth buying.
I don't think they've announced all publishers. Could be some surprises
Oh and all the Japanese devs are going to join in on Epic as well.
I don't think even even pc users care much about the crap at E3 pc gaming bore.
>at the same time the EGS matches Steam's features and more
this is literally impossible
The worst thing about this whole situation isn't even Epic killing pc gaming but actually Valve doing nothing to save it.
>Just waiting to see all you cucks seethe.
My point immediately proven.
>Caring about Sega at all.
Valve provides quite a bit of resources and features for it's cut, it also pays for all the backend/processing fees out of that cut too. Epic is simply a storefront with none of the support, and the reason why their cut is so low is that they make you the consumer handle those extra fees. Instead of the dev/publisher essentially handling those things YOU get stuck doing it.
Rockstar has their own launcher and regardless of what third party stores they decide to throw their games on it'll require Social Club and will therefore be sold on their store independent of any third-party launcher.
Does anyone even remember what in the actual fuck the pc gaming show as about? Serious question.
Literally the only thing I remember from last year was that 2 Point Hospital announcement and Day9.
PCGamer apparently asked Sega about attending but got show down. Sega could probably just stick with teasing using images and shit on Steam anyway and would do fine.
How is that seething then?
>imagine being a chink shill for a gaming company on an anonymous internet forum
Wasn't it filled with lots of AMD/Nvidia shilling as well?
>does nothing to save it
You clearly don't know what Valve is actually doing to grow the PC market, they couldn't care less about Epic.
Satisfactory announced for Steam half a year before it became an Epic Store exclusive, I think it was one of the first titles to announce its exclusivity deal.
Two Point Hospital was shown but you're right, most games were extremely unmemorable and the exclusives coming next month aren't going to make it any better.
Dios mio
If I'm not mistaken the EPIC eula says a few things about content creators completely abandoning any rights or ownership of their creations in favor of EPIC the moment they're uploaded to their services. Fun stuff.
Not really seething when I'm getting free games, guilt free.
yeah except its a game people have waited 7 years for, also devs are turkshits who get funded from government
lmao valve is doing nothing
they're literally investing into the biggest scam pc has ever seen --- VR
VR is a meme. Moore's Law is a meme.
>can't even see their own games
Nah they'll kill your beloved Sony instead.
>Epic buys out Sony and shut down Playstation completely, making all their games Epic Store exclusive
This is he most pathetic reply they could ever come up with
Sure thing faggot
How in the fuck was Valve ever able to convince those hardheaded isolationist nips to get their games on steam? Fucking how?
abandon pirate life for convenience
They never had to convince anyone. The sales speak for themselves. Chink see sales, chink sells games.
They invested in payment methods that are popular in Japan, the reason why they are doing really well in Asia overall is because they are investing in all those non-standard payment methods that see a lot of use over there and I think the recent success of Capcom putting their titles on consoles and PC is definitely signalling to other Japs that PC might be a profitable market.
nice job triggering the trannies, I didn't even notice that initially
Which GDC video is this