Excited for tomorrow Mario Maker bros?
Excited for tomorrow Mario Maker bros?
>Need to pay for the online service
No thanks Jewtendo.
Hell yeah.
Not really
For fuck's sake. I hope the E3 ends up being loaded and diverse due to this, not another fucking "here's two games now fuck off we're gonna talk about Smash" or whatever
Nani?! What really needs a direct is Astral Chain!
What the hell did they add to get a dedicated direct?
>Mario Maker 2 Direct under a month from E3
Go back.
Looks like Luigi is holding a turd in the thumbnail
It's more likely because the first was one of the best selling Wii U titles.
They are flushing it before E3? Interesting.
Who the fuck cares, I won't even watch this direct
crummy astral chain? they should make a direct about pails of water!
That's a good thing, increases the probability of unannounced games being revealed.
New themes, multiplayer and other features they haven't acknowledged yet. It's perfect to come now because it's released like 2 weeks after E3 and allows E3 to be dedicated to titles later in the year.
>Flushing it
>Not using this to allow us to get info now and not bloat the E3 direct with it
Do i need an online sub to play other people's levels?
Going to kill myself if I have to sign up for Nintendo Online subscription to play other people's levels.
>making a Direct for 1 game a month before E3
That's just dumb. Even if the game does release the same month as E3, they should still showcase it there.
Or a playable animal crossing.
WOOOO can't wait.
I have no idea what the fuck you mean.
Think Amiibo support will return?
>excited for Mario Maker
no, no I'm not!
>2017: Zelda, Mario, Xenoblade 2
>2018: Octopath (now on PC), Pokemon, Smash
>2019: Fire Emblem, Mario Maker 2, Pokemon
reminder you bought a switch
Well enjoy your next 24 hours because they'll be your last.
Definitely. Besides Smash, there's no big amiibo titles on Switch.
No, is a good idea, that wait the E3 direct has more time for other things.
i cant wait to make porn maps on this
it comes out a week after E3 they aren't going to reveal most of it there
Probably not much but it's gonna sell millions and gathers a fair amount of interest
I'm not interested though
I'm buying one for Pokemon, and I'll grab monster hunter too
those are probably the only games I'll ever get for it
the rest are Wii-U ports I already played
>thursday 12PM
fucking hell nintendo
True. Was thinking the other day about Animal Crossing on Switch supporting them too for outfits/clothing, but that seems like a huge stretch.
>tfw started working nights just in time to be able to see this live
Can’t wait bros
2018 was dick but that doesn't mean that I didn't love the 2017 games or the ones coming this year.
By the time E3 rolls around, the game will be in the hands of critics and being sent out to stores. This is safer. Plus, I'm sure there's a lot to cover, both in this and E3.
>Ignoring Splatoon, Kirby, No More Heroes, Mario Party and other more frequent B-List titles because it suits your narrative
Fuck yes, Mario Maker is the pinnacle of comfy.
well I tend to ignore garbage user
It doesn't seem that out there, you have to remember they essentially made two games entirely around amiibo with both We don't talk about that one and Happy Home Designer, not to mention the pretty extensive collection with their cards and stuff.
>nothing count! I can't lose if I close myself in my imaginary safe place!
fuck off, clown.
>Xenoblade 2
utter trash
I love this "smug anime girl is wrong" constant
>Nintendo directs are mostly on Wednesdays
>I have every Wednesday and Thursday off
Maximum comfy
>SMM2 Direct on my birthday
i didn't choose where to be born
Funny how you say that posting an anime reaction.
Looks like we got one of those deviants who prefers pokemon creatures to pails of water.
Mario Maker is just like Little Big Planet
fanboy-specific bait games that make people inflate the value of something that isn't there in the first place
Cool. With it being released in such close proximity to E3 I'm glad they're getting this stuff out of the way prior to the event
Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?
season 3 soon
nobody asked if you chose it they're just making fun of you for it
Who TF cares about Splatoon at this point? The game is already "finished" and the only updates until the final deadline one will be Minor weapon changes in order to balance the game competetively.
A Kirby game on e3? Don't make me laugh.
Mario party? The stopped giving a shit about it after Wii. Even then, Super Mario Party is a solid title that did well achieving a familiar but new stance for the series
No more herpes? Really? What series is this?
Name you B-tiers, because the only possible b - tiers I can think of is Pikmin 4, but it could most likely not be shown again because Miyamoto is a damn liar and dors not know what a deadline is
Happy early birthday, user!
So, other than multiplayer and playable Weegee, what could they show off for SMM2 that would actually make you go full autism I NEED THIS SHIT NOW?
Give me Charging Chucks, a Beach theme and at least one more game type/theme, and it'll be 10/10 for me.
How long, 10 minutes? What kinda content can they make to justify a whole direct?
Look user you fucking know they've not finished putting out Pail of Water simulator yet, have some fucking patience.
Hope I can get off work early enough to see it, it starts as soon as my work shift ends.
If you click the link it says roughly 15 minutes.
No, this is good. It means they may want to show something, you know, new. After 2014, all their E3's have been really lackluster with only one game that appealed to me. Plus this gives the crybabies their monthly direct.
That's...actually kinda short, oh well.
Yeah I know, but I just wanna wallow in self-pity for a bit. Feels bad not owning a gun man.
>Nani?! What really needs a direct is Astral Chain!
That's E3 material
That's great, but is the community going to be awful again? MM1 was full of people who wanted levels that literally play for you.
Well, that means the E3 direct will have one less thing to focus on then. Now I'm really curious what are they going to show there.
people who like video games are young and vivacious, while you are old and about to die.
>Splatoon 2
barely felt like a sequel
>Kirby Star Allies
unfinished shit that needed to be patched up with DLC
>No More Heroes
only good thing in this list
> Mario Party
spin off trash
>other more frequent B-List titles
Most of those B-lists aren't noteworthy or as hype as the other big names hence why he didn't mention him
Maybe it's good that you don't have one
The majority of the population don't know how to make a good Mario level, so prepare for the same old shit at last game. You will get automatic levels or kaizoshit, with nothing in between.
Please announce special edition for the us
Please announce special edition for the us
In Australia, you can get the Amazon Prime trial, get the 3 month NSO membership Twitch Prime deal, then cancel the membership.
I really wonder what themes like desert or ice would look like in SMW's art style. On that note, God I hope they retouched the ugly Bowser/Jr. sprites.
right so basically just pokemon
you are rolling on the floor yelling at this point. Nobody gives a shit about your stupid tantrum, clown.
For a single game that's pretty decent considering all we've had so far are a few trailers and posters for us to speculate on.
>only get to play the game for 3 months
I'm interested in this, just because the smash stage builder threads were so damn fun. Sharing and playing each other's stuff was great
What? I just got in this thread. Calm your tits.
SMW Bowser Jr. looked adorable tho
you are really pathetic today. Is your mom behind you so you can't post your usual shit?
inb4 furfag
>desert and ice SMW
probably based on the all stars graphics
Imagine not having online friends to do a family membership with
only if online isn't not mandatory
I don't think it'd be that hard to have every amiibo (at least the first party ones) have a clothing design attached to them
That's pretty long for a single game. They've done entire Directs in 20 minutes.
What’s an impossible addition you want?
>Mystery Mushroom for all modes, not just SMB
I'm actually a whole new person and I haven't checked in on Nintendo for a while
so it's just Pokemon right
Imagine paying for the privilege of using your own console to host online games for other people.
yeah... gawd i hate my life.
Also good news since Mario Maker 2 is probably going to take up very little time at E3. They must have a lot of stuff planned but I'd be a fucking retard to get my hopes up.
Super Mario Land 1 and/or 2 themes.
Imagine enjoying online games on Switch instead of seething on Yea Forums
Just imagine
After seeing Detective Pikachu, I'm even more disappointed with Pokemon SS. Seeing Hollywood be more creative with Pokemon than GF just shows how lazy they are. It little looks like a 3DS game.
automatic and kaizo levels segregated from actual levels
You realize Star Allies was revealed at E3, right you idiot?
I'm probably the only ninfag who never got into Mario Maker.
If you can't afford that yearly, you should reconsider playing vidya in the first place desu.
you are getting convoluted and frankly unintelligible. Is Ramadan hurting you harder than usual this year?
I'm more excited for there being 15 minutes less time spent on SMM2 at E3 and going to Smash instead.
Not that I disagree but wrong thread
It's 2019 and Nintendo can't even match the introductory version of Xbox Live
Why does everyone bitch about the $20 a year online and never the $60-$70 a year online?
I forget I have NSO it's so pathetically cheap. And I got another free year from Twitch prime, So I pay nothing more til 2020.
Playable Wario, Peach, DK and Yoshi
Smash is alright, but the fandom is cancerous as fuck
Not him, but if they announce a new Kirby game it's probably gonna be a spin-off.
Considering the endless I AM GOING TO/I ALREADY PIRATED X GAEM threads and post among other things, I don't think a majority of Yea Forums actually spends money on anything ever unless absolutely forced to.
>The cost is low, so the ethics of paying for something that should be free are irrelevant!
What are you hoping for Yea Forums?
I never buy collector's editions but I really want that one to come to the US since it comes with a year of online. You're basically paying $20 you would have anyway for online, but getting a steelbook too. Makes me sound like a good goy excited to pay for online but whatever.
>playable yoshi
but how would you do yoshi levels?
I was joking about the last part, Nintendo has been showing too much Smash shit at E3 the past 5 years.
There's still bitching about those services, but it's been over a decade and most have just accepted that bullshit sadly. NSO is newer compared to those services and manages to offer even less than those ripoffs do.
You get that from the costumes. I know what you mean but Nintendo doesn’t care.
is that tsum tsum shit really exclusive, fucking cringe. I'm selling my switch
No servers, no voice chat, no web browser, nothing.
And you retards are still defending it.
I'm hoping Costumes come back, and that there's big and small versions.
Yeah I’m not going to pay for an online service in order to play a game. There are no games for the online service!
>still bitching about the paid online
It's been two years, get the fuck over it.
>Nintendo has been showing too much Smash shit at E3 the past 5 years.
but we only got smash literally last year
Yeah, I'll boycott Nintendo's online services and miss out on hours of fun with friends because it's unethical, kek. What a loser
a basic overworld/hubworld editor to link your levels together
If Switch online gave you all that BUT you can't play online, would you pay for it?
Amiibo costume for all the mario bros styles. I don't want to be stuck playing my characters in old mario style.
It's 2019 and Nintendo can't even match the original DS.
>it's cheap so I'll accept it even though I shouldn't!
Sword/Shield is also getting a direct before E3.
AC coming out this year, lots of connectivity/influence from Pocket Camp, out October to coincide with the big anniversary 3.0 update of Pocket Camp.
Link's Awakening is the big holiday title from Nintendo this year and will get a lot of focus at E3.
MK8 Deluxe DLC (out in summer) and Smash DLC to keep hype around the holidays as well.
Big secret announcement for E3 which is Splatoon 3, comes out Q1 2020.
i hope you family kills you for your birthday
fuck you
>nintendo games
Dont make me laugh
my only realistic hope was slopes so i couldn't care less what else they do. fucking excited
pipe (heh) dream, but mario rpg characters (geno and mallow, fawful, peasley, popple, etc.) as costumes
I wonder if all the costumes are coming back, including stupid shit like the famitsu mascot or Chiitose
i wish :( although, i'd rather scarcely any influence from Pocket Camp
>hours of fun with friends
who the fuck are you trying to fool
>consume media, don't think, pay up, consume consume consume
Who put you on the planet
they are starving, they will dig up wii music for E3 and I'm not even joking.
I wouldn't pay twice to use my own internet anyway, but it's insulting that Nintendo thinks it is acceptable to charge for their service that is 15 years behind everyone else. The console doesn't even have an ethernet port, you have to buy that separately.
Playable Peach, Daisy and Rosalina.
Daisy was playable in SMR, Rosalina in 3DW and Peach in both.
user you post in Yea Forums
it's a meme off of this shitty cartoon
>Splatoon 3
are you retarded?
>if switch online wasn't online would you pay for online tho?!?!?!
fucking mongoloid
Sidescrolling was just an optional feature of the 3D World style. In reality, you can make fully 3D levels. Also Mario 64, Galaxy, and Odyssey
This is why it needs a Direct
Fuck off, I spent tons of hours on Splatoon 2. Still haven't touched it since Switch Online. Fuck Nintendo.
3D World style to have more characters than Mario, Luigi and girl Toad.
Did Super Mario Run teach them nothing?
So? would you or would you not?
>crypt of the necro dancer
wont be buying that
game is absolute garbage made for hipster faggots
Sorry for your loss
/ink/ says hi
>being this bad at playing to the beat
That would make you extremely fucking pathetic and stupid. But don't worry, I don't believe you
Exactly how it worked in NSMB2. Not the on in 3D Land, not the one in 3D World. NSMB2.
Also playable Princesses + Rosalina.
Still buying it regardless because 3D World motif.
Sony and Xbox have online services with full free games available as subscription to actually validate the cost of online.
nintendo has full games too... full games from 30 years ago that anyone can get on their cellphone or a more presentable format (the NES Classic.)
if nintendo made available games from all systems, not only the nes, then NSO would have great value.
hopefully, the direct will give us the good news that NSO wont be mandatory for the game.
absolutely seething
enjoy not enjoy things user
yeah you and your friends are going to have dozens even SEVERAL dozens of hours playing Nintendo Switch games
just crashing at the pad!
just gamers just hangin out!
awww no, can't afford to pay $20-$30 a year? kys
It's a "full" AC game like the ones you know but also has limited events like the mobile game and yes those will require leaf tickets. Nintendo is working on marketing to stress that it still has all the things that normal AC games have and that the leaf tickets are new optional content, not taking anything away from the main game.
Game looks like what an HD New Leaf would look like but you can travel to different locations, big focus on online and an integrated world/friends villages/city/islands which is what's new to this version.
not him but
>buying crypt on a system where you can't play to your own music
>this game is fun
>but the online does not have features or functionality that would make it worth paying an extra fee for
What's so pathetic about that?
enjoy paying companies for things you should get for free user
would I pay for an online service that wasn't online?
probably not
Koopalings or we riot.
>I can afford a $300 console and a $60 game, but not $20 a year because I'm a pretentious faggot trying to "make a point" and stand on my imaginary "moral ground" to receive validation from people on Yea Forums
Peak autism. Just kys
by the end of 3 months, maybe switch online might be worth the purchase. It's a longshot but it's possible.
Seething drone, it's true and you can't do anything about it. The online wasn't even fixed yet it still has to be paid. You shills that actually defend this aren't human.
this but ironically unironically
Teaser trailer shown, out Q1 2020 and it fnishes the conference, more details to come at a later time.
>poorfags still cannot afford nintendo online
music is shit made my sluts and faggots music has ben shit since the early 2000s not a single good new act in it
why would i want a game around music?
cry into your pillow about it you tissue paper soul bitch nigger
you sound very upset
I will enjoy playing games online, yes. I would prefer if online was free. But I would rather play games than bitch on Yea Forums like a faggot.
It hasn't been worth paying for since the console launched.
Yeah, but in order to pay 20 bucks a year you gotta earn that money first. Makes you wonder how many people here are underage or NEETs.
circular shill logic
So would you pay an online service that IS online?
oops, meant to quote
You guys are just poor
I make MORE than enough money to swallow Nintendo cock without gagging
tastes like 2007
>claims not to be poor
>needs to buy nintendo games and the cheaper nintendo online
>probably can't even afford a 4K TV
can't even make sentences anymore.
>Not already having online
It lasts for a fucking year and it only takes like 2 days to gather 20 dollars if you're out of work. 2 hours if you are working.
Can't wait for Halloween to suck up some ghosts with my boy Luigi.
this basically, overworld maps are always fun to design.
>I would prefer something better, but oh well, I'll just suck the dick!
>fell for the 4k meme
credit isn't wealth
>all these people with no intention to buy the game or the online in this thread
why are you even here? no seriously, why? just to bitch? to show how better than everyone else you are because you're not paying to play online? explain to me
Or I could pay for something worthwhile instead.
Instead you'll just respond to everyone bitching on Yea Forums
clearly you have transcended
>>I can pay for a $300 console and a $60 game, but not $20 a year because the lack of features isn't worth the cost and the free online they had years ago offered more than just the ability to play with friends in certain games
If "suck the dick" is the example that came into your head for "do thing I enjoy" then yes. you sound pretty gay but eh.
Would I like this game if I'm not the creative type? Like with littlebigplanet I just liked playing other peoples levels
True but switch online launched 8 months ago and nintendo did vaguely promise more features for the service that we have yet to see. I'm doubtful it will get better but for now, I'll have switch online free for 3 months.
Poorfag third world trash make up the majority of console war posters. For them even just getting a console means using up several months worth of salary.
It’s my birthday tomorrow too user, happy early birthday!
What else is there even bitch about anymore?
It has slopes. That was literally the only leg romhack fags were standing on.
>discuss game that requires switch online
>people discuss what the metric fuck Nintendo is still thinking with this shit
How about you fuck off to whatever hugbox you came from.
I'm poor and can occasionally get Live for free or $1 for a month. Plus my brother and I can share an account and both be online simultaneously on different consoles while playing our shared digital games with one purchase (or free games). I only have Nintendo online because some generous soul on Twitter gave it to me for free.
You mean the online in the region locked consoles known as the 3DS and Wii U? It was fucking dogshit
"You have to pay for it so Nintendo can maintain good servers"
>pay for it
>nintendo's servers are shit like they've always been
how many generations has it been now?
Probably not, 99% of what random people make is absolute trash.
>i can't afford it
>therefore it's a meme
Enjoy your sub-720 30fps rehashes, nintenbro. Can't tell the difference from 4k60, right?
And it was free, it's still just as bad but paid now.
and the Switch's isn't? Smash 4's servers may have been bad but at least I wasn't paying a subscription fee to use them
>thread about game
>>discuss game that requires switch online
go on then
Your feature is the privilege of paying $60 for NES controllers.
I hope you can make your own music like in Mario paint.
>4k60 FPS console games
now you're just delusional
But you are here. Complaining about a cheap online service.
>with full free games available as subscription to actually validate the cost of online.
Sure if you enjoy shovelware there hasn't been anything worthwhile since Bloodborne and you can grab that for $5 on its own
I will. Enjoy reddit.
>tfw can't even buy the overpriced controllers because nintendo's website only accepts credit cards
Feels neutral man.
I will enjoy Mario Maker 2. Cry more.
>here sir, have a steaming shit on your plate
>why are you complaining about it? it's free
>because the lack of features
It pretty much offers the exact same thing as the others.
I mean, romhacks also offer more features beyond just style swaps and certain enemies, Maker's really only better in that it uses a simple drag and drop system albeit with a limited amount of usage, whereas romhacks can achieve a lot more than what Maker is capable of
Never seen it for yourself, pal?
Sure lol, I bet chad and stacie wouldn't pay for PSN if it wasn't for THE FREE GAMES! not to play FIFA or GTA online, it's all about THEM FREE GAMES
lmao some people actually believe this
This pretty much confirms that E3 is going to have scattered focuses instead of only 1 major game like Smash, Odyssey and Zelda
Which is good, we have a bunch of shit to get more info on and see announced including Retro’s new game before Prime 4 that everybody ignores Reggie leaked the existence of
I'm pretty hyped for Super Mario Maker 2, loved the first one. Can't believe it comes out next month, and finally we can have comfy Mario Maker level sharing threads again.
yep I can see you now sitting there making a level nobody will play posting on here about how much fun you had but in reality you didn't have any fun at all
name some examples cunt
if i konew mario in real life i would hate him for being a simple minded redneck piece of shit
ANYONE with that haircut is a redneck piece of shit
There are no servers, everything is peer to peer.
Mario Maker is also a single-player game.
Etrian Odyssey now that Switch styli are confirmed.
>still no animal crossing
Wow this is a whole new level of projection. Funny enough, I suck at level desin so I'll probably stick to playing levels made by others. Again, cry more.
Lots of new ENEMIES
MM2 will be fun but fuck man, you can only get SO FAR with creativity by having the same koopa, goomba, piranha, bobomb, spiny, lakitu, chompchomp, boo, beetle, wiggler and moles. Give me chucks, dragons, boomerang bros and stuff.
>I can't have fun with it, therefore no one can have fun with it, because everyone else is exactly like meeeeeee
There'll probably be a lot of Animal Crossing
chad and stacie think you should have committed suicide in 2017 and are focusing on their 2nd child
>here sir, have a steaming shit on your plate
>Nah, even if it's free, I don't want shit, can I pay for real food?
>No, but you can pay for this shit now, it's not free anymore.
I don't know what else you can say about level-creation games. Long-term support is obvious. Maybe at the end of the direct NoA will uncuck themselves and announce the capacitive stylus that's coming with the game in Japan/Europe.
Fire Bros were in so Boomerang Bros seem likely enough
Miyamoto doesn’t work on animal crossing you ninger. You should be bothering him about Pikmin 4 instead.
I'm still pissed that Chucks aren't an assist trophy in Smash, would be fucking perfect. Maybe they'll get in MM2.
no I'm sure you and 6 other people worldwide will have a blast
Seriously, If I can just get a proper No More Heroes 3 and Animal Crossing I'll be fine.
it has a browser now?
Making levels is the fun part, and people always play them especially if you post them in the Yea Forums level sharing threads. Have fun shitposting about games you don't like.
Why would he be retarded? It will have been three years since Splatoon 2 if what he says is true. Content for Splatoon 2 has been done for a while now as well.
>but Nintendo only does one iteration per console of multiplayer games
Mario Party
nice counter! you really outdid yourself on that one.
Just use literally any phone stylus that already exists. It will be 20 times cheaper and you won't look like as much of an autist using it.
that's just a basic touch screen pen you can get one for less than a dollar at any electronic store
Splatoon 2 came out in that short amount of time because it was a new console and the Wii U flopped, which was in dire need of a replacement.
There's literally no reason to have a Splatoon 3.
do it
do what
Depends on how much you like mario, if you enjoy it, then there will be plenty of people making levels for you to play, but A LOT of them will be trash, so you need to like mario a lot in the first place to stomach it.
nah I'm sure me and the rest of Yea Forums will have fun in the level sharing threads so stay mad :)
>there's no reason to make another game in a wildly popular new IP that's guranteed to sell millions
Are you retarded?
>A stylus, plural styli or styluses, is a writing utensil or a small tool for some other form of marking or shaping
both are correct you fat faggot
Isn't stylus a latin word?
done, now what
yes you and all 45 same posters who keep up the illusion of a vibrant community by bumping your own shit repeatedly and trying to make Mario Maker a thing
>falling for the online scam
What does Nitendo's online service provide over free online offerings on PC that make it worth 20 bucks a month? Dedicated servers with high tick rates? Player hosted servers? Mod support?
holy shit you're mad
Paper Mario will be revealed as an optional aesthetic and then Paper Mario will be revealed for Smash at some point
Nintendo's online service is so bad you might as well be giving your money away for free. I can't believe people are still defending it.
They don't even have game invites.
I feel bad for anyone who owns a switch
I sure fucking hope so, Splat2 was fun but it barely feels like a sequel with the amount of new stuff that was in, so i hope they have enough additions that it makes actually not feel like a port.
Also, i want all the power ups, even if they stay exclusive to their games, no reason to not have P-baloons, Hammer suit or Ice mario.
Specially how varied Chucks can be (stalker, football, rock thrower, baseball, multipliers, callers) they woul breath a lot of life into SMW part of it.
>still having hope for anything paper mario related
I envy you user
>Super Mario Party is a solid title
youre a retard
Ready for disappointment bruhs?
>Game will let you put water in levels
>but its only locked to the forest theme.
It’s 20 bucks per year
>trying to make Mario Maker a thing
It is a thing you retard
would unironically cum
Games worth playing
>$20 for a Y E A R
>people still bitch
>but it barely feels like a sequel
What would make it "feel like a sequel"?
Sorry, meant per year. Still a scam
>everyone is right stop arguing
ok mom whatever you say you smoking slut
you can't play Mario Maker online if you give your money away for free beforehand, user
>i-it's super popular I swear!
You know what was just as popular and cooler? Steel Diver
fuck you where's Steel Diver 2
It would split the player base, very risky move of them unless it is a 100% upgrade of splat2 to the point where you need to buy it.
This. Just like the 20 or so Minecraft players and the 30 Fortnite players that pretend that their games are actually popular. lol
or the 20 people who bought 20M PS4s each to inflate the numbers.
$20 dollars for yourself
as little as $2-3 dollars if you join in with 7 of your bros
>come into thread expecting speculation, talk about the japanese magazine leaks or general ideas for levels using the new mechanics
>it's just shitters whining about online being a paid service
Yea Forums - South America
Steel Diver: Sub Wars? It was on 3DS.
>comparing Mario Maker to Steel Diver
lol you're delusional, Mario Maker is in a totally different league than Steel Diver for many reasons.
>paying a subscription fee for a one-player game
Nah, I'll stick with the Wii u version. I don't fell like shelling out 60 bucks for the same game.
>I have now retreated into sales numbers to argue quality and defend unethical pricing practices
>haha GOT 'EM
It's retarded. They can literally make their own thread for that, but instead shit up a Mario Maker one. I don't know why people even give them (you)s
After all the updates (like more maps, new modes and the expansion pack) Splat 2 felt like a very worthwhile sequel, plus considering how much they changed the meta to begin with I think I got my money's worth.
Not sure how much they're adding to SMM2, honestly, considering how much new shit they showed off in the announcement trailer I'd assume there's still plenty to see because you'd still want surprises I guess. I'd love more powerups though. Powerups that are actually interchangable across games would be the tits. Take Ice Mario, he's just a fucking recolor. That shit'd take zero effort.
I want to believe post-Odyssey Nintendo is smarter than before.
>I love paying for things that should be free
>take THAT
>I applaud Nintendo for doing what they shouldn't do
100 Mario run takes you through one world of each theme, or with branching paths where you can decide whether you want to do a water level or a forest level and so on, ending with a castle.
no you're right, only 5 people played Mario Maker
Why is "poorfag" the only misdirection your shills can offer to defend a shit service?
Yeah, pretty much
Because you literally cannot afford 2 hours of work at minimum wage.
Splatoon 2 has sold almost nine million copies. If even only half as many bought Splatoon 3 it would be more than enough to sustain a healthy player base.
I don't even think we'll get Splatoon 3 at E3 but trying to argue it somehow doesn't make any sense or it wouldn't be viable is pretty stupid.
who are you quoting?
Plz reveal worlds
Mario Maker justified buying my Wii U and it'll justify buying my Switch. As soon as I get MM2 I'm tossing my Wii U out.
I need that money to pay bills and afford to eat user ;_;
>literally does not understand principle
this would be free from any other company and you only defend it because it's nintendo doing it
What smash
exactly. and only 10 people play fortnite
i pay like 3 bucks a year for this shit. have sex and get some friends, cuck
What about backwards compatibility?
>this would be free from any other company
lol like Sony and Microsoft with their free online? ;^)
Maybe you should stop playing video games if you can't afford 2 hours' work in an entire year.
>m-muh principle
It's not free from any other company. In fact, it's more expensive.
3 of them are just sluts doing it for webcam money though and that's OK
You are aware that the other major console manufacurers also charge for online right
You know your game is loaded when it gets it's own direct
Splatoon got its own direct and launched with 5 maps and 1 mode.
so nintendo is exactly the same as Sony and Microsoft, no better or worse
good that we agree
took you a while to get there
Not even that $4 dollars a month that's nothing.
how will this even work on switch? yeah it comes with a stylus but how will i play it docked
>b-but sony!
I already have a Wii and all the VC stuff is pretty easy to emulate on my toaster PC.
If you're just going to keep your head in the sand and dishonestly ignore the problems people have with the service (not that it costs money) because you don't want to face reality if you're a literal shill, I'll have no guilt over ruining your threads and seeing you seethe about it.
with the joysticks and buttons
Hey you said they're all the same
>shits on Star Allies
>praises Mario Party, especially the Switch version, of all things
What a dumbass.
It's still had loads to show off lol and more after that. Promote your game and maybe Sony will realize that's how you foster an IP
Well they only charge 20 dollars a year instead of 60 and Nintendo actually has video games for their video games console but yeah they're pretty much the same
>so nintendo is exactly the same as Sony and Microsoft, no better or worse
>Nintendo's online is far cheaper, yet they're exactly the same
No one claimed differently? The fuck are you even talking.about faggot?
Someone is seethin alright.
I'll enjoy playing Mario Maker, Smash, MK8D etc online, you keep coping :)
Yes and according to you the price doesn't matter, it's just money
4 dollars, 6 dollars, 20 dollars
what are you poor?
just pay for it haha
Nintendo doesn't have an ethernet port, so it's much worse.
Case in point, Mario Maker 2 is gonna rule
>pro-NSO posters resort to console wars because people don't agree with them
hate this playerbase
>and Nintendo actually has video games for their video games console
Nice try, but I'm an idort
You forgot to mention the garbage state of the Nintendo servers, the shit voice app, no VC.
>It may be utter shit, but at least it's slightly better utter shit that what those others guys sell so i'll eat it right up. We don't have to improve things.
Lemme know.
I hope there will be online co-op similar to LBP. People could randomly join levels that you play online. Also it would be amazing if they add sprites from All-Stars and Super Mario Land. A Mario Bros. style pvp.
I expect there to be a content sharing community that will be better Smash Ultimate's stage builder.
Splatoon 2/Mario Kart 8 Deluxe tier ports that only have one or two things as a selling point for the game.
>switch online is so zero-effort that even a couple of fanboys and shills paying for it pulls a profit
>because of this, it will never improve
Can we make another thread about Mario Maker 2 please? This one has gone to shit
Who was car tho
What servers?
Who else played Maker far more than Smash
>fostering an IP
Laughable, they treat their properties like cheap whores, complete with strangling them and hiding the bodies in the dumpster when they're done having their way with them.
I did pay for it, 20 dollars. And I plan on renewing it when it expires. I paid for only one year of Sony's online and all I got were some mediocre free games and nothing good to play online. I'd gladly take 3 years of Nintendo Online for that price, I play Nintendo games online all the time.
go make a general about it on /vg/
oh wait it's not popular enough
Shhh, it's ok, exclusives will come to you
Can Mario GTA that car? Serious question.
>nintendo has so much shit for E3 they need to do this so its not as crowded at the show
Holy based
>I paid for it and I'm happy because blah blah blah
you're not changing anything about the conversation
Didn't sony raise the price of PSN a couple of years ago? How did it improve?
You know we'll just keep bringing up online in every single one until you take the corporate dick out of mouth, right?
>doesn’t know what thread he’s in
I have no complaints. It does it's job just fine. Go play on another console if you want voice chat, I personally don't see the need for it.
None. I expect Nintendo to do the same when they add SNES games.
>Sonyfags on literal suicide watch here, because Mario is getting news on a new fucking game
holy shit, I hope you don't wonder why you're the butt of everyone's jokes
sounds like you have a lot of time on your hands.
>actually believing this
>Trying to turn this around when you couldn't even rap together a proper argument
>In a Mario maker thread of all things
And at the end of the day you’ll still be a shitskin monkey
Exactly. Why should I pay Nintendo for p2p with no ethernet and features?
Where did the Nintendo Online service touch you little boy? Point it out on the doll.
how hard are you coping?
Animal crossing is going to be game of the decade
NSO argues against itself.
and no games to play
That's why they always have to liscence shit lol
>Animal crossing is going to be game of the decade
You shouldn't if you don't want to play online.
you do realize that they are gonna focus their E3 on fire emblem right? so don't expect any animal crossing or pikmin
it doesn't matter what argument gets posted since the default response is "ur poor" like that one Arby n the Chief sketch
>capitalizing it
do they at least pay you well?
I too have had a wonderful experience with the Nintendo Online service. Fun for the Whole Family, at a price point we can all agree is fair!
No, this E3 will be completely animal crossing focused
>Link's Awakening is the big holiday title from Nintendo this year and will get a lot of focus at E3
Why the fuck would they do that?
>focus the entirety of E3 on one game
That's why they have around 24 hours of live streams over three days. One single game. Retard.
It's about time. This shit's coming out next month and we know very little about it.
You better have a bunch of those you are going to need a lot of coping since this year you wont even get an octogenarian playing the snoy flavored flute
This. If online is required it's a no buy. Dreams only costs $30 and playing and uploading creations is free. Not to mention the shit you create in Dreams is a much bigger file size. It probably loads faster than Mario Maker is going to load as well.
Maybe if you were as successful as Luigi, you'd have $20 to spend on a Sbarro pizza. Think about your life's actions
Platinum doesn’t want to make platform exclusive games or sequels they din’t own the rights to anymore.
>It does it's job just fine
No it doesn't you braindead retard, that the point. If it did, I would actually be willing to pay for it
>Go play on another console if you want voice chat
Great attitude, let's never improve things, or have barebones features in modern paid online services.
>I personally don't see the need for it.
Congrats on being the minority.
I hope best boy is back
Animal Crossing is garbage and always has been
I'm sorry let me fix it for you
where do nintendo online rape you niggerchild
ur mom suck plentiful cock miamotos semen spill down her chin
>the most boring and tedious (unlocking) part of the game is a deal-breaker
Says the fellow Yea Forums poster, must be a compliment.
Seething projection. This is why I'll keep doing it.
I hardly doubt that AC is even in a playable state yet just like prime 4
did you forget that they had their E3 on just smash last year?
Toadettes on the box art, so how many characters we looking at? Keep in mind they have to switch between different styles too
because youre paying 20 a year for peer to peer
>shitposters have no argument and had to destroy the thread with muh online
>I have low standards, and you should too
Playable smash roster
Forgot pic
>if you're not an illiterate nigger then you're a shill
Do you think you're doing well right now?
AC is coming out this year, you bet your ass is playable, its probably already finished.
cool, so don't pay.
You have been banned from the Nintendo Online Service for inappropriate language
It's looking like they're gonna go at least two players. The question is if it's two player building or two player simultaneous on playing stages. Shit maybe both.
>Never improve things, consume cinsume consume, wanting quality is entitlement. Never stop consuming, never stop paying.
>Paper Mario in Smash
>Moveset entirely based around stickers, cards and paint
>Fan or breakdancing piggy bank Final Smash
>All spirits are Toads
>No references to any pre-Sticker Star game whatsoever
I like how all the retards attacking this post are only making note of the "low cost" of the service, and make no mention how shitty and low-effort the """"service"""" actually is. When the consumer has to jump through hoops just to do simple things like party up and voice chat, you'd think it would be universally ridiculed, but the Nintendies are more than happy to gobble down another steaming log from their corporate masters.
The Mario directs gonna happen anyways and we're gonna have a lot to talk about tomorrow. It's probably like getting your anger out early because they can't cope
pretty sure the online is the argument
>maybe the princesses
hopefully Wario too
Expect more limitations between versions.
funny thing nintendo are the only ones that dont do that
So you concede having low standards at least
Nobody shitposted again MM2 retard
It's just a hint for the Mario kart 8 Deluxe expansion, Mario Kart Maker
For the love of god please let us link levels together to make full campaigns. I don't even need a world map editor, just a way to share a whole bunch of levels to be played in a set order rather than having to go to each seperate level to play them. I wanna make my 8 world long fangame.
That is one way they're based
I miss Wii-U community
never stop seething, cope, cope, cope
We already have a Paper Mario stage. 'Member how shit it is? I 'memba.
that's not something exclusive to Mario Maker though. They can make their own thread shtting their pants about switch's online
Wait what
Is that real?
it's almost like people are excited for the game but don't want the online to interfere with their enjoyment
they aren't the ones skipping an E3 after a disastrous "state of play"
>trash sequels to trash series
>indie shit
>good franchises turned into soulless madden-esque husks
So this...is the power...of the switch...
Tomorrio Maker
where the fuck have you been that image has been out for months
>being poor
I wish they'd bring back Miiverse, shitposting on it was so much fun
But Nintendo probably realized the beast they unleashed lol
sure! me and my low standards will be enjoying Mario Maker 2 a whole lot
How would it interfere? $20 a year is not money
why is it bad only when nintendo does it
Seeing Smash ultimate and Splatoon 2 they did the right thing. People don’t deserve a miiverse
Yeah but if you really think Nintendo has so much to show at E3 that they're literally overflowing with content you're one naive motherfucker
>Nobody shitposted
user, scroll up. I mean he's exaggerating but scroll up.
>never improve things, insult people who want things to improve, shitpost shitpost shitpost, never defend nso, never desire fixing nso, just shitpost, just cope
heh what a dumb soi boy getting excited over things
>Yet a fanmade videogame about this idea was released EVEN BEFORE Mario Maker 1 came out
Why would you use any console messaging or voice chat options when many far better programs exist on the PC?
Honestly console developers shouldn't even fucking other with any of the extra social shit.
Not being able to afford it is not the point. How about you give me $20 a year to not come to your house and cut your internet? I'll also send you a zip file of 10 NES ROMs.
Also, no fucking way this is always going to be $20. They're going to increase the price of this shit one day when they add N64/SNES games. I don't want 99% of a $60 game to be behind a paywall that I have no control over. Make it free like Tetris 99 or fuck off. You'll probably end up paying $160 for this single game ($60 + 5 years of access) and then the servers are still going to get shut down. Not that you'll want to be playing it in 5 years because Mario Maker 1 died in 2 years. Being behind a paywall is going to kill MM2 after 1 year.
Also, splitting online with your "family" is more pathetic than refusing out of principle because you're admitting you're poor as fuck. The price is not the problem. It's the principle of it.
Can you imagine? It would be nothing but trans rights/furry pride threads
>yfw they add this screen
Yeah that's my point you have low standards
that's something for you to deal with, at least you admit it
have fun making mario levels that aren't as good as an actual mario game and thanking Nintendo for the privelege of paying for it
>How about you give me $20 a
trannies gonna trannie
games are a privilege yeah they are not a right
Fucking snoy idiots
I will thanks! have fun playing games you like and doing things you enjoy user :)
no one likes paying for online fees, I think that's obvious. Hell, no one likes paying for anything. But it has jack shit to do with the actual game. Switch online service has been a thing for a long time now. You don't need to fling a shitstorm everytime a new game that uses it comes out for fuck's sake
Mario Maker 2 is the Da Vinci Code of this gaming generation obviously
have sex
>random player in splatoon has fun in my lobby and would like to try playing some other time
>he adds me
>there is no way for either of us to communicate nor join one another's game without lurking the friend screen all day waiting for an opening
Have you ever played an online game that wasn't made by Nintendo? Or are you too young to have played anything before everyone became an online hermit?
>attempting to actually argue with shitposting drones
Foo'ls errand, just ruin their threads until they beg Nintendo for fixed online. It will work eventually.
Yes, and? It doesn't change the fact that the way Mario Maker handles it is uninteresting and using it as an unlock is annoying.
>oh, you want to make a Wario themed level? Okay, just play this mode dozens of times until you unlock his costume. Or pay $12.99 plus tax.
>glib dismissal
it's above your paygrade but this is the deepest form of losing an argument
>why should you voice chat in multiplayer games where communication and/or relaying enemy movement in a timely manner is important
I don't even own a console but don't be an idiot.
what argument user?
having to pay for a garbage service that was free for the first game is interfering, it's not about price
>why is it bad only when nintendo does it
it's bad when the other companies do it too, the difference is that Nintendo didn't do it before and sank to their level, but at the very least they provide more features than what Ninty currently has for their online and don't use free NES games as an incentive
people shit on the Wii U but it still had backwards compatibility and didn't require payment, among other things
Get ready for the Steve announcement
jesus you're pathetic. You just told him to have fun playing his game, he said he'd do it, and its still not good enough for you
It's not really that important though user. It's just a video game.
>making friends on some random as fuck game, let alone on any console
Maybe try actually going outside and making actual friends?
Just say you're trying to shitpost and looking for (You)s. Don't act like you have an opinion and then backpedal to "nothing really matters" when asked to defend your stupid premise.
Ok, but I'll also wait for Mario Multiverse and not waste my money on Mario Maker 2.
It's not good enough for him either
A level of Mario Maker 1 is about 50 KB, so hosting and providing access to that minimum amount of data is probably not going to cost anything to Nintendo, even so they will put the whole game behind a paywall.
seething negro
Why limit yourself?
Literally just use discord or Skype. Even fucking Skype is better than what any of these consoles gave for social features.
>Playing fps games on consoles
Only thing I wish the Switch online had is text messaging. Fuck voice chat, I don't want to talk with strangers (most likely 12 year olds screeching like fags).
I wish I could communicate with the underage players who add me so I can coerce them to send me nude pictures of themselves ;_;
I've just come out of a cave after dying 3 days ago.
Yeah it's just pokemon
he completely accepted your terms, what do you mean?
Are you ok user? Do you need a hug?
do your palms hurt
>How about you give me $20 a year to
Stopped reading there. I'd rather give money to Nintendo's shit internet service than to you.
That has little worth, you are worthless. It's that simple.
You're missing the point by using strawman arguments. The point isn't that there are better programs on ANOTHER PLATFORM (which isn't an argument), it's that these features should be worth the money and hassle, and yet they aren't, even when other younger entrants to the console space (sony and microsoft) manage both party systems and voice chat miles better than nintendo can.
I am in agreement with you that the PC offers far more options, far more robust programs, and far more free methods to party and chat, but again, that's not the point.
Except for the "Jewtendo": FPBP
Iwata dying was probably a bigger loss than many would think.
only if you have big soft cute titties
The argument itself is worthless. What if NSO had all the shit you want and it works great. But I only need it to play online games? I have to pay 20 dollars and 90% of the features I don't need. Unless you can choose what to pay, whatever the price is or what features are included is meaningless.
No, I just put some netting in the holes.
Are they acceptable?
oh shit they making 2. i don't own nintendie consoles but i enjoyed the videos of the really hard levels people made
>Too poor to afford 20$
>using third person for yourself out of nowhere
You actually believed people fell for "I'm not him but" you posted earlier? wtf is your problem today?
The argument itself isn't worthless (because as a consumer, you should give a shit how comapnies are trying to give you less, for more money), and unfortunately you continue to try and use logical fallacies and strawmen to deflect. You are unable to come to terms with the fact that when you pay for a service, it should be worth the time, money, and inconvenience of putting up with it. If you'd like to keep giving me (You)s, that's fine. But it's obvious you don't want to entertain a legitimate discussion because you refuse to actually absorb any of the information being presented to you. Have a knowledgeable day, user.
I don't see anything
is that the joke?
Are they acceptable?
Why not buy a Switch and try it for yourself?
unironically have sex
no actually don't, just off yourself
>no timestamp
they are not acceptable
Honestly, this is the killer for me, I'm not paying for an online subscription just to browse user-made maps.
What an absolute joke of a "service".
Enjoy paying $20 yearly for access to music levels, pixel art, auto levels, jank kaizo made by 11 year olds, and spending 20 hours making a level 10 people are going to play
The replies are really pitiful, what the Hell is happened to this board?
>there can't be more than one person who thinks I'm being a faggot!
I got bad news for you, pal.
And how is P2P worse? Oh wait, you have absolutely no fucking idea what P2P is and why servers aren't the best way for every type of game. People like you would probably scream that Smash would be better with dedicated servers, right?
enjoy your soulless ripoff kek
First, allow me to clarify. I'm not the person you were arguing before.
Secondly, I don't see how what I said qualifies as a strawman. Lastly, I completely agree with you, and guess what? I'M COMPLETELY SATISFIED WITH THE SWITCH ONLINE. CALL ME A FAG WITH LOW STANDARDS I CAN'T GIVE LESS OF A FUCK
You're also paying for the ability to upload your own levels so that others can play them online
As well as the ability to play every other online Switch game online
Because for Snoy or Xbox it's $60 to play games like CoD or Battlefield which I can play for free on my PC so it's easy to ignore.
Nintendo is charging me to download Mario maps. It's not even multiplayer, it's downloading files.
It's actually annoying. I'd sooner not buy the game than put up with that bullshit.
I've never paid for online and I'm not about to start now.
>spent time to program/draw every single powerup for every single theme, including the shell costume from New Super Mario Bros on DS and the frog suit from SMB3.
P2P is worse because it's forcing 7 other people to put up with one faggot's connection in Splatoon. The tickrate and hit detection is more of a problem than the lack of servers, though. You can't properly react to the bullets displayed on your screen because they don't actually count toward damage calculation, whatever happens on the attacker's screen is law. When the game state updates as infrequently as it does in S2, you have tons of situations where you go from 0-death in one frame, or die around corners.
yeah we get it nobody is stopping you lol
All stages and characters from Super Mario Run playable in New/3D modes.
Why was Mario Maker on Wii U able to offer free level sharing?
just admit you cant afford the 20 per year
Same reason Ps3 did free online
>give them money for things they historically offered for free
2 cents has been deposited into your Treehouse Partner account.
I can afford to have someone stab me once a year, I'd just rather not.
If they really charge to share maps I'm not touching this game, it's inexcusable, quite frankly.
cope snoy
Just Tetris 99 alone is worth that membership.
>I'm a fanboy whose identity is so wrapped up in defending a company with habitually outdated business and pricing models that I'm going to just say you're poor and call it a day
yes they changed their business model companies do that
>based "brained retard" retard
they do?
holy shit they should make you CEO of Nintendo
ya like i said cant afford it
>every gaming company is charging for online
>nintendo makes poor business decision
>the people who don't blindly suck corporate cock MUST be sony fanboys! REEEEE!!!!
imagine being this dumb
Jesus, this thread sucks. You guys aren't going to respond to this type of garbage tomorrow after the direct, are you?
You seriously think I can't afford $20 a year?
Only until people stop defending it.
Do you need to pay taxes to use a road and visit other people's homes?
>every gaming company is charging for online
Nintendo is charging for a service that barely holds par with 2008 Xbox live
in fact it lacks by comparison
2016 :^)
Because Wii U's online was free
>outdated business model
Free online WAS the outdated business model
The subscription also sucks for legacy reasons. Are you going to defend it when you want to play the game in 10 years but can't because Nintendo isn't supporting the Switch anymore?
As of now there's not much to discuss, there will be plenty to talk about after the direct.
But today it's responding to butthurt
>pay road tax
>drive to McDonalds
>need to pay McDonalds road tax too
>need to pay for my Big Burger too
nah they are giving you what 20 dollars a year is worth you pay more for a VPN and those do much less than nintendo online
>paying for Switch online
Try and stop me from sharing my levels Nintendo
The consumer decides what 20 dollars a year is worth