It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow. But this man will save Final Fantasy...

It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow. But this man will save Final Fantasy. While Nomura took 9 years to make Final Fantasy XV, took 5 years+ to kill Kingdom Hearts, and will kill Final Fantasy VII with a terrible, no one asked for, remake, this man will craft a Final Fantasy game we have not seen since the PS1 era, since Final Fantasy 9 and 6. He will save Final Fantasy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>While Nomura took 9 years to make Final Fantasy XV

except Square kicked Nomura off and put that hack Tabta in charge, who ruined everything

all past tense. FF will be saved within 5 years.

>no one asked for, remake
Just the kind of drool that slips from the lips of someone whose favourite is 6.

>FF will be saved within 5 years.

I doubt it, hell I don't even know who the guy in OP's pic is.

Can't be Tabata, Square pressured him into resigning after XV cost them $33 MILLION by itself last year

Actual VII fags are perfectly fine without a remake, specially because the remake will probably butcher the original dialogue and Cloud's personality


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Final Fantasy 7 doesn't need a remake.
>I don't even know who the guy in OP's pic is

I am worried the remake is going to add all the extra stuff from CC/DoC/AC/etc... and mess things up.

If I see Genesis, I am out.

> I don't even know who the guy in OP's pic is.
2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

yea, he and people around him are only worth people in square

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don't worry

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thanks XV Kun

please, I am not that ban evading piece of shit.

If I was, I would be saying how Tabata "saved" XV when in reality Tabata is the reason why it's a damn unfinished mess

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Whether or not it needs a remake was not the point.
It has been asked for since the tech demo years ago.

We're never getting a game designed like 5-9 ever again. Square hates abstractions like the World Map and weird character designs like Umaro, Gogo, Red XIII, Cait Sith, Freya, Quina, etc.

>the reason
He's part of it, but Nomurafags acting like he had no hand in the clusterfuck and Wada isn't the real culprit are insufferable.

They need to make another FF with all of the different weird races, fuck the same-face anime bunny anime cat girl faggotry, literally so bland and generic compared to the crazy designs

the last game to go all out fantasy was 9, almost 20 yearss ago
feeling sad yet?

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>people wanting him to make ANOTHER mmo instead of focusing on polishing his current one which is already solid
Yea Forumseddit is so fucking retarded, no wonder this board is a laughing stock

They don't have the balls anymore. They would make Red13 a hot boy if they could.

actually you are the retard here. I am implying he leads development of Final Fantasy 16, not another MMO.

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We want him to direct a single player game, jackass.

Why do you think there's going to be another MMO?

I'm actually really interested to see what Yoshi delivers with his own set up. He's proven himself an extremely competent producer at this point, so at the very least Squares legendary dev hell shenanigans shouldn't happen. Plus he's on record saying he wants the series to go back to it's more high fantasy roots which I personally agree with.

i literally am, and am actually playing through that right now. why the fuck do they refuse to make an amazing world again.

>apparently each FF takes place in its own universe
>fucking obliterate all of the newer FF-universes
>focus on the great universes that already exist
>new ones based on the great successfully soulful ones

literally ALL OF THE pretty onions faced online FF's are blasphemy to the fucking entire IP, the worst fucking character design

Seriously OP are you gay or something? This level of fanboying isn't natural.

How many developers can you claim saved a MMORPG from certain death? Only one. The man in the OP. He has expressed interest in helming mainline FF and wants it to go back to its high fantasy roots, something not seen since Final Fantasy 9, almost 20 years ago.

Tabata had to clean up nomuras mess

Spiritual successor to IX please

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>Hazmer says the team was stuck for a week or so trying to solve a level design problem, and when they met Nomura he solved it in 5 minutes, "He looks at the game at its completion, it's already there in his head. He's obviously very adaptive; he can change according to the situation. But man does he have a lot of answers in his head."
>Asked why Nomura's games "take so long to develop" he says it's not under Nomura: There's so many circumstances involved in development, it’s not really the director there’s so many other things even if it’s not in control by the company, e.g. the ecosystem, platforms changing.
Sounds like this isn't what happened

Even XV was high fantasy. Go look up what terms you're using

Oh fuck off you know what I meant.