People on this board are actually excited to replay a 15 year old MMO because they want to be kids again

>People on this board are actually excited to replay a 15 year old MMO because they want to be kids again

Attached: WoWClassicFans.png (400x267, 37K)

it's literal shills, zoomers and incels
nobody would pay to play an old game they already played to death

You are willfully stupid if you think nostalgic boomer piss-bottlers aren't thirsty for this game (even if they drop it in a month when they realize the gameplay is shit).

Attached: we're going home bros.webm (432x768, 1.94M)

Just wait until they realize those feelings ain't coming back

thank you I needed that

>american "culture"

>woah dude, it's like, people like to replay games they like or something

If they'd actually fix the few things wrong with vanilla I'd be excited.

Biggest example would be the dishonorable kills issue (which will KILL city raids).

This world is a dying collapsing society, we just want that homely feel from 2004 before social media got popular one more time. Even if it is all pointless and not worth a damn no matter how much you tell us we will still strive for that feeling once more before we all perish. Chasing a butterfly that was once a friend.

>I-It's gonna bring back the golden age of my youth!
>We're going home bros...see you on the nets... *closes blinds and windows*

WoW already ruined my life and made my gf leave me once.

I won't fall for it a second time.

>if I pretty it up with buzzwords it’s sure to become the truth!

>nobody would pay to play an old game they already played to death

In my opinion, everyone excited for Classic WoW should be put on a government watchlist for potential terrorist incels

woah, just like old school runescape...

minus the giant system overall that drove the initial idea forward, or online voting for new content.

well you could argue that the voting system has its pros and cons, like the time the sailing skill almost got passed, but a minority of retards decided it wasn’t “good” enough

>current state of video games so shit that they want to go back to a time when they were better
Imagine my surprise.

>sailing skill almost passed
Nigger what, that was always a joke

Wow was always shit, only neckbeards that never see the sun liked it because they could pretend to have a life.

Its almost like nostalgia is a real thing and people would like to relive the past come back once you have had a life and you will understand.


Imagine being this wrong and a huge faggot at the same time

I'm a sick sneed I like a quick feed

That's offensive to neckbeards like myself who hated WoW from day one because it's literally the most blatant skinner box "game" ever released.

I honestly don't even consider the people who play garbage like this human. It's not fun, it's just work that you PAY to do.

basically this. I can live again

It's glorious nippon culture, baka.

Attached: toilet-restaurant-review-f.jpg (980x508, 503K)

I know nothing can recapture that feeling of beeing a teenager and playing Classic WoW again but god damn am I going to try.