I am Forgotten
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Eh, not really, just waiting for DLC.
Why did they not include any FF characters?
Too many unresolved plot points to cover.
The only reason Nomura included FF characters in games early in the series is because he thought kingdom hearts couldn't stand on its own and with kh3 he was more confident in it being its own thing.
Too many characters and KH doesn't need them anymore for advertising
Because they suck and have no importance for the plot.
You're right, and he also made a fucking mistake with his own series. Right after the game released, Nomura stated he may have fucked up not giving any FF characters screentime.
and yet here we are.
Every day with this shit.
Waiting for the PC release.
You made this thread yesterday
I played it, had my fun with it, and I'm moving on to FFVIIR hype.
Final Fantasy characters were always a way of marketing due being the most popular jrpg series of that time
I don't have enthusiasm for anything anymore unless it's really special and despite the decade plus wait time this wasn't that. It's still sitting there begging me to finish it. Even RDR2 I immediately got sick of on completion.
God I regret buying this shit so much. This shit came out a fucking decade too late
Series should have ended with KH2
Literally the perfect ending
Fuck BBS for introducing even pointless shit
Holy shit this! Even the ending cutscene feels resolved with everyone back together on the island.
Xemnas was also a far better final boss and antagonist than Xehanort
It was his turn!
This has to be like the laziest bait format after "HOW WILL ___FAGS EVER RECOVER". We have like multiple of these threads on several current games at any point in time.
People can only talk about a thing for so long before it becomes a circle jerk. Game's been out. All the dlc we've gotten so far is a new difficulty mode. People are waiting for news to drop
They didn't have any time left after Disney forced them to play Let it Go wholesale
Honestly never got the appeal of this game, main character looks like he literally has autism and the whole disney thing is fucking man child tier
but I mean I guess 90% of this board is man children that play on their nintendo switches and shit
That's literally it. Put angsty anime designs next to iconic wholesome characters and boom - Kingdom Hearts. Never mind the writing.
>I only play mature games for mature gamers such as myself
Yeah, woo, such riveting experiences like The Lesbians of Us.
>Honestly never got the appeal of this game
You mean KH3, or the series?
It basically went like this:
KH was marketed with Disney Nostalgia and Weaboo hype, creating a generation of weebs.
KH2 doubledown on the weebiness, while also being an extremely fun action game.
All the side games provided a convoluted plot to rival Metal Gear in its ridiculousness.
So, basically, you got star power of Disney, mixed with weeb-loving elements all wrapped up in gameplay that is actiony and enjoyable.
I liked Billy Zane.
Why is Cloud's hair brown?
Level 1 - Arendelle
Fucking no. Your own picture related. Zebra Man's final attack is a QTE you can't fail, Xehanort's final attack is the most vicious attack in the game you have to block and evade by your own devices.
I was going to buy it at release but some other stuff came up and I had to pass over it. Then they announced DLC so I figure I'll just wait until that's out.
>Xehanort's final attack is the most vicious attack in the game you have to block and evade by your own devices.
What? The final attack is the trinity laser where you just have to mash x.
That's the sealing beam, which incidentally is also handled way better in 3.
>Mansex just slumps over and takes it when you do the sealing beam in 2
>Xehanort overpowers the beam and puts you in a fake game over that Donald and Goofy have to bring you out of before beating the beam struggle
Xemnas's desperation move is the beam spam, Xehanort's desperation move is EXPIRE
It was bad, of course it was forgotten
The only good thing was the gummy ship which was made by Einhander Devs and is used as groundwork for the upcoming Einhander game that is going to be revealed at E3
God this game really was awful
>Mansex just slumps over and takes it when you do the sealing beam in 2
Right, because Sora and Riku had just overpowered him and gave him a concussion, dazing him long enough for them to shoot the keyblade laser at him.
>Xehanort overpowers the beam and puts you in a fake game over that Donald and Goofy have to bring you out of before beating the beam struggle
Because SDG didn't do any real damage to him, they just whittled away his health bar a little more until he decided he was done playing and shot them with the darkness beam.
Xemnas feels like it was an even match against two of the strongest keyblade wielders in existence, he exhausts them with the laser dome and they manage to pull out a win by working together. Xehanort is just "psh, nothin personel... kid" in that fight, until SDG pull their last second bullshit superpower out of their ass to instant win.
no your not. just finished critical mode. not sure if i want to do the super boss or not yet. i do wonder what kind of new content they can add to the game.
Goodbye Kingdom Hearts 3, you could have been good if you had only included Halloween Town
>The Frozen world was shit.
>Jack was the only guy to give a shit about Sora, Donald and Goofy and treated them as friends when everyone else was shit talking them in the ship.
>Tangled was meh but Rapunzel was really cute.
>BH6 wasn't too bad
>Sully and Woody were the MVP.
>Axel was way to weak in the Keyblade Graveyard and it's better to not say anything about Kairi or the jobbers of light.
>Xehanort being a good guy all along was fucking bullshit.
It wasn't that bad and I like KH in general but it was a bit of a let down, like watching the Pokémon anime after realizing that it will never end in a good way and that the MC is destined to be used forever and won't fulfill his dreams until the day he stops printing money.
He is the best Ansem.
KH and KHII were localized so I experienced the English dub with KH 1.5 Remix for the first time and it was glorious. KHII Aerith on the other hand had my ears bleeding,
Wheres the fucking SFM model goddammit
>hype for ff7r
user... why?
Literally no one talks about it except to explain how bad it was.
You have to have extremely terrible taste if you think this amazing game was "awful".
On Yea Forums? Yeah. Most people love it. Yea Forums is full of NPC-like individuals who had a hateboner for KH in the first place. You're a fucking moron if you think otherwise.
It looks amazing. Why wouldn't he? It's like the only game worth being hype for at this point now that KH3 is out.
The "I am forgotten" meme is the kind of stupid mentality in gamers which cause companies to release games unfinished and slap entire levels behind DLC.
good riddance
>Yea Forums doesn't talk about videogames anymore
Truly the most forgotten medium.
>being hype for Square Enix fucks up again: the squeakuel
You deserve this company.
Never reply to me again you circumcised tranny with legmeat.
Sora, Riku, and Kairi's story should have ended at 2. Every game after that should have been a new story, like BBS could have been Terra, Aqua, and Ven but with a different villain and a new story that has no connection to Sora, Riku, and Kairi's.
>DM happens after rage form moment
>Shortcuts: Meow Wow Balloon
>don't die.
I mean...
KH3 Ansem did an excellent job though, Epcar's best performance in the series.
Based Meow Wow
What happened to Aqua's armor and competence?
What was the point of the new Princesses of Heart if they didn't do anything?
Why would Yen Sid make Sora train at all the Disney worlds if he literally just needed to wish for the power of waking?
Why didn't they just make another replica for Riku replica or Namine? He literally had no reason to sacrifice himself
Why did the Demon Tower cut Riku's hair?
Why spend all this time on Kairi's training only for her to half assedly wail on a boss for the first half?
Why did the Demon Tornado make Aqua just flat out give up and die? Wouldn't Aqua at least TRY to beat it?
And why is every mainstream work of fiction like this now? With one fanservicey scene like Lingering Will vs Terranort, and then the rest of the finale being pure Frodo moments?
I agree, but I still miss Zane.
>why are all these easily answered things in the game
To make mainline fags like you cry
>What happened to Aqua's armor and competence?
Being darked removes brain cells for those with no natural abilities with it apparently, just ask Sora.
>What was the point of the new Princesses of Heart if they didn't do anything?
It was just Xehanort's ultimatum to force the guardians of light to fight his dumb war with him.
>Why would Yen Sid make Sora train at all the Disney worlds if he literally just needed to wish for the power of waking?
Because Yen Sid is a terrible teacher and didn't actually know.
>Why didn't they just make another replica for Riku replica or Namine? He literally had no reason to sacrifice himself
He didn't need to but he chose to because he still felt like he couldn't be his own person as long as Realku existed.
>Why did the Demon Tower cut Riku's hair?
Dumb writing.
>Why spend all this time on Kairi's training only for her to half assedly wail on a boss for the first half?
Genuinely awful writing, also Nomura may genuinely be gay.
>Why did the Demon Tornado make Aqua just flat out give up and die? Wouldn't Aqua at least TRY to beat it?
More bad writing, Nomura can't into females.
>And why is every mainstream work of fiction like this now? With one fanservicey scene like Lingering Will vs Terranort, and then the rest of the finale being pure Frodo moments?
Welcome to the post modern age.
Kingdom hearts 2 is my favorite game.
3 is such a shitty game. The attractions completely ruin the flow of combat and there’s no option to turn them off. Same with the keyboard transformations. I only got to Twilight Town before giving up on the game
>but triangle to style on enemies and even trivialize certain bosses is my favorite!
KH was always stupid user.
Get over yourself
What bosses get trivialized by reaction commands? They're almost entirely just counters to knock them out of attack or no damage states.
>The attractions completely ruin the flow of combat and there’s no option to turn them off.
There's an ability to turn them off now, in Critical Mode, with recent updates.
Nonsense. I'll replay just after replaying Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2, finally playing Dragon Quest XI, finishing Tales of Vesperia (at least if it finally becomes good some time after returning to that port city with an arena where I stopped playing) and replaying Nier Automata.
By then the DLC should also be released.
>people complain magic is broken OP in 3
>remember liking that about 1
>try 2FM afterwards thinking it will be more balanced
>magic is still insanely OP especially with later drive forms
I dont get it
You can only store 9 at a time and you have to be good enough to dodge/block his attacks to get them in the first place.
That doesnt invalidate what I said?
It does, have fun "trivializing" Xaldin with Jump if you can't even collect any.
So a boss/enemy having a specific move (thats always triangle) that you have to use the command on over and over to get free damage so the battle doesnt take ages is good design?
I would rather have more freedom.
That hardly matters compared to the gambling reaction command though, whoever thought that was a good idea in the middle of an action games fights is actually retarded
The appeal is the crazy gameplay. I know this is hard for you to understand given you play gay ass movies
>that you have to use the command on over and over to get free damage so the battle doesnt take ages is good design?
There's the crux here, you don't, you can go the whole fight without touching triangle. And casuals can't just get free damage from it because you need the skills to collect it in the first place, it's free damage for people who already know what they're doing.
>That hardly matters compared to the gambling reaction command though
Now that is definitely skill based and has nothing to do with your argument of "free damage trivializing bosses".
Kill yourself
>Now that is definitely skill based
It would be if they didnt pair them with the big heavy hitting nobodies and snipers that can teleport shots and shoot through walls in the CoR final hallway.
I literally died there more than anything else in the game because I would go to use the reaction and suddenly a different enemies command would get in the way because proximity
oh and
>braking the flow of combat for a garbage minigame is good now because its "skill based"
Fucking checkers is skill based but I dont want to play it in the middle of a boss fight
So your complaint is that you're a casual then?
bufmen coor
>a single fight being more difficult than fucking data bosses afterwards because enemies RNG would screw up the most casual feature in the game means I am the casual in this situation
Sure, I just obliterated them with magic spam in a drive form after 3 tries anyways since KH is such a challenging game after all.
Fighting everything else in the game was fun enough but having triangle to win be a feature is not fun by any stretch of the word because you dont get to choose what it even does.
I would rather take longer (meaning enemies have more chances to hurt you) and use proper combos and magics than triangle any day
>reaction commands are a casual feature
There's your mistake, clearly you're too retarded to use them well.
>game has a pop up telling you when to use it
>using it results in making the fights easier
>but its not a casual feature that was only implemented to look cool I swear
Theres a reason no one takes this fanbase seriously
Even fucking flowmotion had more nuance to its combat usage.
I hate this fanbase so much!
>Theres a reason no one takes this fanbase seriously
>proceeds to defend flowmotion
Because casuals like you think everyone should cater to your dumb ass?
If he thought that he'd be defending reaction commands.
You should act retarded on purpose user.
I said triangle to win is utter shit.
I then said that even fucking flowmotion which is a bottom of the barrel mechanic has more nuance than triangle to win simply because the player chooses what moves to pull out and when depending on the environment.
Kingdom hearts 3 is forgotten because it is not on nintendo switch.
wrong as usual.
The absolutely nuanced reaction commands serve to help the player better engage even normal mobs; this allows mobs to have wacky animations while still being essentially "fodder". Compare KH2 Dusks to KH3 Dusks. They both share the same animations, except that KH3 Sora CANNOT perform Reversals. This results in the player camping out instead of being fully aggressive.
>that moment when user realized he was the casuals the entire time
t. hit and run bitch
No wonder you complain about battles taking too long.
>literally cant read
You are complaining about "not being able to play aggressive in kh3"
I was complaining about fights being too short.
2007 called, they want their video quality back
>Anons of the board of Yea Forums, I will not allow this thread to be archived, not yet.
>If shitposting and bait are eternal, we reddittors surely must the the same.
>Epcar's best performance in the series.
Everyone knows CoM is the best KH game.
If you haven't ended a fight with a perfect Guard boosted Wrathful Flurry on Level 1 then you haven't really played KH3. youtube.com
It's no 2FM but it's a good effort for the first real console entry by Osaka team. KH4 should be great.
Sad but true.
Go outside.
KH2 deserves another mix
do another KH game but more like KH2
So were there only like 5 or 6 worlds in this game?
I really liked Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 back in the day but I didn't even bother to get this one.
there are 8.5 plus 3 massive space worlds with full 3d exploration in your gummi
If you keep fucking making daily threads, it's pretty clear it's not forgotten, you retard