Are all Games Journalists Retarded Mutant Freaks?
Are all Games Journalists Retarded Mutant Freaks?
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What word is he referring to?
I think he just doesn't like that RAGE 2 is a game about killing Disfigured Mutant Freaks like him.
And that's a good thing!
Wow, this article is so ridiculous that it makes me want to go out and buy the game today!!
here's his face btw
>It's another "journalist enjoys a game but dislikes one thing about it and Yea Forums simply cannot cope" episode
>The mutation, I explained to Willits, looks like an exaggerated cleft lip and cleft palate. The original Rage used similar imagery for its mutants, and I told Willits how disappointed I felt to see the sequel following that same path. Fiction has long associated clefts with both villainy and mental health disorders, and it appeared the Rage franchise would perpetuate this cruel, damaging misrepresentation to a broad audience.
This faggot's cleft lip is barely even noticeable. Even if it was, it's not even disability. He badly, BADLY want to be a victim.
The resemblance is uncanny
He had a birth defect so now every time he sees someone with a fucked up upper lip he identifies as that character. He actually told the developers to change the game because of his problem and now he's mad that they ignored him.
>He badly, BADLY want to be a victim.
while I agree with this it's probably a really touchy subject for him, like the subject of hair loss with balding guys using pathetic comb overs.
Those types of birth defects are usually fixed in the first years of their lives. He's a retard.
>find one tiny instance of exploitation in a game
>you now have your clickbait article
honestly being a games journalist must be the easiest job in the world.
Wow, that's hella based. This man a cuck. BETHESDA SOFTWORKS LLC = fuckin based and redpilled. Now I'm preordering this game I had no interest in today to stick it to those blue haired dykes
In all seriousness, fuck off marketer. Stop using our political beliefs to get us to buy your shit games, you mutant freak tranny.
>journalists literally relate to deformed mutants
Every time I think they have reached max stupidity they manage to go further.
doc, i'm not sure this off brand medication is working for me
thanks doc
Doc, I can still hear them!
The suffering children!
He's clearly just really insecure and hyper aware of it so he think it looks more noticable to everyone else because of how much he worries about it than it really is.
>broad audience
>cleft palate
what a freak
>mutant aren't allowed to have genetic defects
what kind of stupid sauce are these people drinking
Kill this mutant freak.
>I am the Dragon. And you call me insane. You are privy to a great becoming, but you recognize nothing. To me, you are a slug in the sun. You are an ant in the afterbirth. It is your nature to do one thing correctly. Before me, you rightly tremble. But, fear is not what you owe me. You owe me awe.
>Fiction has long associated clefts with both villainy and mental health disorders,
Complete and utter fiction. Can't even remember the last villain who had a cleft palate. And just because people with cleft palates bear a superficial resemblance to downies does not mean retards are being associated to cleft palates.
>I can now say with certainty that “the Avalanche guys” have not been “very good about being a little more sensitive.” Or perhaps Willits meant “little more” in a literal sense. As in they have made the smallest effort.
>Rage 2’s use of cleft lip and palate imagery in the final game is worse than I expected, and certainly worse than its predecessor. I already mentioned the The Crushers, who are both recurring bosses and environmental hazards, each of them with an identical facial design.
>The cleft is used with such frequency that it feels like a visual cue: The exaggerated cleft signifies the most mutated of mutants, subhuman beasts that are caged, ridden like horses, or mounted like animals.
>Early in the game, I meet a scientist riding a humanoid beast. The creature also has a cleft lip, this one less exaggerated, more like my own at birth. The creature is covered in its own drool, a straw hanging from its mouth. There’s a certain Total Recall Kuato schtick going on here between the scientist and the creature, but one thing is clear: the beast is meant to be a freak. The intention is for every player to be repulsed.
Suffer not the mutant to live.
Yea Forums never could cope. Only point fingers to deflect from their own massive flaws they're too lazy to fix
Balding people aren't even human. They're freaks, only fit to die as entertainment to real people. Same goes for fatties.
His reasoning is dumb.
>born with two dick holes instead of one
>mutants in games ever made me feel oppressed or sad
Yikes! Now that's cringe and bluepilled!
Red dragon uses a villian with a cleft palate.
that's the only thing i can think of and in Red dragon it wasnt so much the deformity that made him evil but childhood abuse from his mother
>two holes
What, do you jizz from one and pee from the other?
>it's the /world has to adjust to make me feel better about my own insecurities while I do nothing but complain/ episode
>on repeat for the 9,512,178th time
the absolute state of western media, jesus christ
>>born with two dick holes instead of one
seven vaginas, maybe more
>On its wall, instead of posters, hang a series of identical mutant busts, all with the same exaggerated cleft. This isn’t a Crusher or the scientists’ beast, and the asset, while custom, is not central to the game. Now I’m no expert in game design, but I feel confident saying these busts could have been removed with minimal time and effort. It wouldn’t have required canceling pre-orders, delaying development, or halting production on novelty special editions.
>But here it is anyway. Another mutant with a cleft, letting me know this one is truly subhuman, so far from the other humans that it can be mounted like a hunted animal. It adds the tiniest environmental flavor for some players, but makes others feel like absolute trash.
>So much for a “little more” sensitivity.
>misrepresentation to a broad audience
Isn't Rage 2 more aimed at guy gamers?
>Rage 2 is a fun game
Game journalism was a mistake. This game isn't fun. Look how hideous it is at max everything.
C'mon, user. That bait ain't even worth the (you).
>this game isn't fun
>look at how bad the grafix is
It doesn't even look bad and even if it did grafixfags disgust me beyond anything else on the board.
that looks like some EA Survival Game
Why is this motherfucker even playing it then???
Bethesta should give him a full refund and ask him to fuck himself.
Are americans so fucking primitive that they eat with their bare hands?
This is something fucking Pajeets do.
Here in Brazil everybody uses knife + fork, even for pizza.
Somebody start photoshopping this dude's face into a cleft palette again. That ought to really upset him.
>calling other people less civilized
Good one, huehehuheuhehuheueuhe. Shouldn't you be out ruining a f2p game?
This shit writes itself
It is a bad game. If you want this game just play the Mad Max title Avalanche made. It is the same game but superior.
I fucking hate releases like this because you can't get a straight answer on if the game is good. it's 50% praise for being le based and redpilled and 50% asshurt from the other side.
No it isn't good. Just play Mad Max instead. Same game but decent instead of subpar.
White people have always ate with our hands. Even when the first trade route was established between the west and japan they noted us as barbarians who ate with our hands
Whatever you say, I honestly don't care. Grafixfags are trash.
>put a black, gay person, or unattractive woman in a leading role
>legitimately believes hes personally underattack by the media
I'm sure your typical white gamer guy is the best example of how to properly adjust their expectations to reality.
>pay 60 dollars for game from studio known for setting the baseline for all other 3D games to be judged by (ID Tech)
>finally play game
>looks like shit
>somehow not allowed to complain
Gee wiz, I wonder who is behind this post?
past participle of eat is eaten
have eaten
Lolygon pretends to be the wokest and most progressive gaming outlet out there yet most of their staff are white males.
>here's your news bro
Madmax is a shitty batham 3rd person action game, completely different genres.
The thought of that guy playing the game, continuously holding back tears and nervously scratching his upper lip is actually rather amusing.
My good retard. I want to ask you a question. Several, more like it.
Are you a mongoloid? A single-digit IQ mongrel? Do you have a single thought running in your head?
Are the metarcritic numbers the only thing that can tell you how the game is like? Time and time again, journos have proven themselves to suck shit through straws when it comes to video games, and users who review bomb a game for banal reasons can never be trusted.
I don't give a flying fuck if the game is a 0 or a 10. If it's the best thing since sliced bread. What grinds my fucking gears is scumsuckers who look at a metacritic score and it dictates all of their opinions, as if they cannot form one if they don't have the guidance of other morons.
Anyone that thinks like this should rethink their life.
Paying full price for a title with the industry in it's current state solely based on the reputation of the studio alone, is quite foolish.
When the hell was that precedent set?
That's what she's saying you mouth breathing retard
Even the shithole brazil would mark it as normal
I have never met a motherfucker with a cleft palate that had an IQ above 80 behave like a decent human being.
Every cleft palate mentally challenged person I've met were fine, happy and simple. Every 'mentally sound' person I've met with a cleft palate repaired or otherwise was a raging lunatic asshole regardless of how well or respectful I treated them.
I short fuck this specific cleftie.
Yeah, and I was saying there's no one less civilized than Brazil, ergo they can't pass judgement.
So, go fuck yourself, yuropoor.
I guess you don't know who John Carmack or ID Software is then. Because all modern engines are forks of ID Tech 1 engine. Everytime Carmack created a new engine he'd release his code stack for the previous version and studios would use it to upgrade their shit. Literally everyone did this, even Epic, until Bethesda bought them up.
I'm a jew for calling you out on your fucked up priorities?
Die grafixfag, die, this board is about videogames , not jerking off to pretty landscapes.
Of course you're allowed to complain you fucking dolt, his point is that bad graphics != bad fun. I'm sure the game is ubertrash but you're presenting two entirely different points and arguing that they're connected when they simply aren't.
This but with outie belly buttons.
People with outies need to be gassed, mulched, or roasted.
It's disgusting enough that you have what looks like a phallic tip protruding from your stomach, don't try and act big and bad because you're a joke. Just kill yourself.
>Is the game good?
Asking others for their opinions
>Opinion aggregator whose source is known for positive bias gives it low rating
Do you think the game is good?
Western countries fix that shit with surgery, it's a pretty simple procedure
Forgot to link, too grossed out at the thought of outie mutants. Worse than lotus tits.
>cleft lips
>not a disgusting birth defect/mutation
>my visual "disability" was repaired and is no longer visible
Is the game objectionably sound?
You twat.
>guy trying to define himself entirely by his birth defect even though there's nothing really wrong with him
I'm going to need a much stronger dose doc
What a fucking stupid fraudulent sack of flesh. He should be ashamed to be stealing air from us.
>objectionably sound
>Can I complain that it's competent?
>I'm a jew
Well there certainly is at least one place (^:
What more could you possibly expect from a retarded phoneposter?
Fags like this are the reason that eugenics is based. If he, along with all other mutant or faulty children, were euthanized as a child then we wouldn't have to listen to him today nor would we run the risk of his faulty genetic slurry befouling the gene pool for future generations.
What's an iotus tit?
I'm not clicking that shit. Somebody else do it.
what is this horrendous art style?
>games journalists are actual goblins
Bruh i forgot about that image, thanks for that.
>muh grafix
Die fag.
Talking about retards and media
instead you'd have to listen to (physically) healthy sjws pretend to be disabled
Go home schlomo.
this is why people are pro choice
Why would you save that?
>it's another liberal projects its own flaws onto Yea Forums episode
Wait am I missing something, he looks normal to me
>(((white males)))
ESL moron
that's not a disability you giant faggot. he just wants to be a victim
t. person in a wheelchair
brilliant click-bait.
He's having chicken tonight.
>"Fiction has long associated clefts with both villainy and mental health disorders"
>is both villainous and mentally ill
what point is he trying to prove here
>us white people
I smell trickery in this post
post a pic
how much you wanna bet this guy never actually had a cleft palate and just wanted to make a bullshit hit-piece for woke points
You're full of shit. Even as far back as the Ancient Greeks did Europeans eat with forks and knives.
they really want me to buy this game
Isn't Chris Plante the guy who whined about a scientists hawaii-shirt being sexist when he announced some record-breaking results on mars-landing or something?
Where do they get these retards and how can I get a job churning out video game shitposts for money
what? he looks fine
it's a shame anyone who preaches eugenics is retarded so would have to be killed off by the very standards they push.
>Chris Plante
eh it's just as retarded as when large swaths of Yea Forums started identifying with nazis from fucking wolfenstein or the kkk in red dead 2...
It's called a defect for a reason
didn't need to be reminded of that today, those bastards
What a fag.
>Are americans so fucking primitive
>here in brazil
o' im laffin
>Expecting a bunch of upper middle class white people to want to be around anyone who could possibly call them out on all of their bullshit, like getting mad that a game has disfigured mutant monster men
Like all video game "journalists" they want to talk the talk but don't want to walk the walk
birth defects aren't just caused by genetics dumbass. Eugenics is a crock of shit
They're not males.
It's not like it would be any better if they were women.
( ( ( white ) ) )
She's using utensils there, mongrel
Well, it's good to know that it's a fun game. Don't really care how it makes him feel about a birth defect he apparently doesn't even have anymore if is any indication, so I appreciate his sticking the main point of the article in the title.
>All it takes for you to feel like garbage is a game
Fuck me. Imagine having this level of self-confidence and sense of agency. Just imagine what their daily life must be like.
Eating fast food with utensils is pretentious
Right, the guy who got the shakes because he fired an AR-15.
Its this guy: He is still 100% definitely retarded.
>Expecting women
>Especially white women
>To have any shred of self awareness
C'mom man you're smarter than that
>when hillbillies try to educate you about dining etiquette
I bet he reads books too, the fag
WTF, he's just a normal guy. Game journalists have more in common with incels than they realise.
If you wash your hands what's the big deal? Friend chicken is a dry food, eating that with your hands makes sense. Does the pizza in Brazil not have crust to grab and eat it by?
these niggers thinking they are the miyazaki of games "journalism"
As expected. They even liked it when EL GOBLINO killed the Night King.
>literal retard grasping at MUH NAT ZEE straws
I didn't know developers are supposed make games just for him.
what a faggot,i thought he was based
You don't have blonde hair and blue eyes, you're not even white yourself.
How can one man possibly be this triggered?
Those hacks are not journalists and no one should take them seriously
D&C jew.
is that even really a cleft lip, the things upper teeth are tenting upwards with the lips, it's just a really fucked up mouth
God, I fucking hate that you guys make threads about this absolutely stupid shit.
This isn't videogames, it's Yea Forums tier bullshit. Fuck off and die.
>thought he was based
He's an idiot. He's been living in a feedback loop with people telling him he's brilliant, so now he thinks that he has monopoly on creative thinking and everyone else is wrong.
Reminds me of those bohemian "artists" in the 80ies that kept enabling each other and making absolute shit "art".
>green eyes
Nooooo. I was so close.
Alas the doors of the much sought after /pol/ brand of whitenes are forever shut for me.
Go on my brothers, leave me behind. Woe is me truly.
There are fair skinned americans, but due to the way they talk and the way they live and think they are pretty much honorary niggers.
There's no actual white people in the US.
Nah the south and west has plenty of white people in the small isolated communities. The urban north is nothing but communist mutts and kikes.
It's got good shooter mechanics with a mediocre game built around them. I wouldn't call it particularly great, especially if you're not burning to play an AAA shooter.
Defect detected.
>eh it's just as retarded as when large swaths of Yea Forums started identifying with nazis
Ah yes, I forgot if you don't like the Black Liberation Front you are a nazi.
Instead of him saying "Whoever made this doesn't understand a thing about pain" he should say "Whoever thinks this is interesting is a shallow degenerate."
He's right when he says using the distorted human figure as a tool to give players creepy impressions is an insult to life itself. It shows complete lack of respect for humanity, life and evolution, reducing it all to a grotesque trick and nothing more. It's literally someone showing you pics of something gross to get a raise out of you and expecting praise.
Why im not surprised
>John Carmack
Didn't he leave id some time ago?
Oh wow and I thought he was an insufferable cunt purely based on the OP article, I had no idea he was the same piece of shit who wrote this.
Except a much better combat system in rage 2
Its holding me over til eternal. Gunplay is fun, im thinking i will get my 60 bucks out of it but doubt id play through it twice.
>I told Willits how disappointed I felt to see the sequel following that same path. Fiction has long associated clefts with both villainy and mental health disorders, and it appeared the Rage franchise would perpetuate this cruel, damaging misrepresentation to a broad audience.
whoa... i had no idea binding of isaac was such a problematic game.
not cool edmund...
Nice of you to eat your boiled monkey head with a knife and fork like a civilized human