Yea Forumsintendogaf constantly bashes Sony "movie games"

>Yea Forumsintendogaf constantly bashes Sony "movie games"
>worships Atlus reading simulators

I don't get it

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best doujin of hers?

I need to test something. Please reply to this post with the words in pic related

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Imagine being this illiterate.




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God I wish that were me

Nothing better than seeing a white girl get BLACKED. To know that her blonde hair and blue eyes will not be passed on in favor of superior black genetics is beautiful. Fuck white boys

>Nothing better than seeing a white girl
>To know that her blonde hair and blue eyes will not be passed on in favor of superior black genetics
that makes absolutely no sense
why do you want to see white girls, if black genetics are superior
shouldnt you be watching black girls get fucked

why are you cucks so low IQ

Congratulations, you figured out that Yea Forums is in fact SonyGaf 2.0

I’m not a cuck. I’m black.

t. Connor

>I'm black
If you actually are like me then please stop that

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Because Yea Forumsintendogaf is full of hypocrites that mindlessly follow board culture. They were the ones shitting on Nintendo during the Wii U and Treehouse localization era, but now that the cool kids hate Snoy, they also hate Snoy, because being a Nintendofag on Yea Forums means you hate Sony and talk more about it than you do about Nintendo shit.

We get persona 5 hate threads all the time now that the rumors about the switch port are dead (and all the shitposting that comes with it). Retarded contrarianism and stuff

>"posts like an ethnomasochistic, self-loathing white boy for (You)s
>gets told
>"btw, I'm a big black bull"

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does anyone besides sony niggers think this place has a nintendo bias?

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Cringe and bait

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What's the difference ya dumbass nigga

Its why post counts are so low these days and Yea Forums is losing popularity. Normal fags know of this site's Nintendo bias.

>Its why post counts are so low these days
but that's wrong you incredibly dumb person

Who is Connor?
This makes no sense retard.

Gee, let's see
>multiple Smash threads simultaenously at any given time, some just about Rosterfags
>only Nintendo shit gets stickied
>mods allow the cancerous "Comfy Switch Thread" despite it acting like a fucking general that belongs on /vg/, hell it even uses the same 3 pictures all the time
>no sticky for when P5S was announced as a Musou to stop the influx of threads, though i can guarantee it would have gotten a sticky if it had been Persona 5 Switch
>port beggers shit up threads with their portbegging, and 95% of Nintendo criticism comes from "Snoyfags"
Read But yeah, crazy that people think their is a nintendo bias right?

>not a cuck
>watch your women get freaked and fucked my slave masters for 4 centuries
>watch the whole world divide and deplete your homeland
>sit in jail dodging dicks while everyone back home fucks your girl and crack head mom
>not a cuck
Okay Tyrone

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>Yea Forumsintendofag
>constantly shitting on botw
>constantly praising BB
Yea Forums hasn't got an agenda retard

Reading requires higher IQ than watching TV.

State of Play got a sticky though

I'll gladly take Nintendo bias Yea Forums if the alternative is corporate dicksucking of Sony. At least nintendo learns from their mistakes. Sony keep doing it and making new ones I didn't think were possible.

>At least nintendo learns from their mistakes.

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Appealing to third parties more than Wii U era, went as far as listening to Capcom to add more ram to the switch
Switch is first explicitly region free Nintendo console
Censorship policies basically thrown out as far as we can tell
They've still got some problems but alot of the ones I had with them have been fixed

>I like Nintendo corporate dick sucking, not Sony's!
I'll give you Sony makes new mistakes, but you are a blind, braindead fanboy if you think Nintendo "learns from their mistakes."

Literally read the post above yours. Nintendo has explicitly made moves that I support recently. What has Sony done?

It only took 4 fucking console generations for them to learn the lesson. It's also a lesson the had to learn specifically because Sony took all of their third party developer support.

>Appealing to third parties more than Wii U era
except they still made another console that's too weak to run modern games. and they switched back to cartridges, meaning that third parties have to pay out the ass if they want to do physical releases.
>went as far as listening to Capcom to add more ram to the switch
and still cheaped out on everything else, so capcom still can't put any of their newest games on it.
>Switch is first explicitly region free Nintendo console
why are people sucking their dicks for doing something that sony's been doing since the psp?
>Censorship policies basically thrown out as far as we can tell
censorship policies are even worse than the wii u era. treehouse now flies out to japan during the development process and dictates to the devs on how to make their games more sjw-friendly.

Made a console great for multiplats, with good exclusives, supported projects that seem to mostly stem from passion (Dreams, GR2, The Last Guardian), released the game of the generation, offered users the ability to play certain games before anyone else (Nioh, Yakuza, NieR). Nintendo is still lacking in the third party support, their online service is shit, and Smash, Splatoon 2, and Xenoblade 2 are the only must-have exclusives. Portability is overrated because of poor battery life, and the system is a better indie machine than a first party one. Some of their IPs give me hope, but 2019 needs something more than Yoshi. 2018 was really dry as well.

>Muh history and muh stereotypes

>Yea Forums is one person

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>Yea Forums is one person
I think the meme is just for the David Cage games, that are admittedly pretty shite

Reading makes you smarter

>you can't say nin tenye aro ld either
Dont see any bias here

I Am Silly

It's okay since the girls are cute. CUTE!

ten shitter. Maybe "nin" if that is a word.