Play rpg

>play rpg
>save country
>king invites you for dinner in his castle

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fuck this shabbos goy hack

uh this is america we dont have kings, trumps time is coming to and end next year


This is shopped, r-right ?

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Keep seething leftard

hahah no, he served that to some athletes

neocons get the rope before anyone else

Donald Trump is a notorious germophobe and has said that he prefers to eat at places like McDonald's, or Wendy's because they've made so many burgers, and so few people have gotten sick, that their stuff must be clean. I don't know if I agree with that. Every McDonald's I go to is staffed entirely by Haitians.

No, but it is out of context. He invited people to the White House, but it was during the Government Shutdown, so instead of spending money on expensive food they just bought Fast Food for everyone.

I'll play devil's advocate here, but there's fucking nothing like junk food after a long day of sports and exercise.

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Nope. During the shutdown, the White House didn’t have any chefs for a dinner with some ahletes and Trump had his staff pick up fast food from several chains nearby to make up for it.

>Emperor of Evil Empire turns out to be really just some puppet controlled secretly by an evil otherworldly being/demonic cult

Hate it when weeb games come up with these unrealistic storylines.

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It's cute that you have faith in the Americans.

They'll continue to eat eat the "based red pills" and would sooner sell their son's genital skin to goblins and sacrifice their daughters to sexual predators than admit they were wrong about trump.

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I love how /pol/ has noone to back now, chink yang denounced them all and now they have nothing. /pol/ is a headless chicken at the moment and im already seeing Fuentes cucks slipping on the maga hats again. EMBARRASING.

Israel is a friend to the USA.

It's good bulking food for teens, but I couldn't eat that shit, McDonald's is a fucking assault on your body.

What game has a king invite you to his castle to celebrate winning anyway? Typically in my experience it's the damsel you rescued either marrying you or giving you cake or some shit

Just like how a shot of insulin goes down well with a glass of chocolate milk.

Israel is in charge of the USA

It got weird fast though.

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then we are in good hands, gentile scumbag.

This isn't London or Germany sweetie Trump hasn't let in any Muslims our daughters aren't the ones getting raped. Fuck Europoors.

You call that dinner when it's obviously fast food

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Trump hasn't been a bad President and is better than the alternative. Every top Democrat candidate except for Biden is a socialist, and Biden is gonna be like 80 years old (which is even older than Trump) and will be forced to have a socialist VP because he is highly unpopular with young Democrats.. I am not saying Trump has been a good President, but I'll take a mediocre Trump over a literal socialist or an 80 year old who is gonna have a socialist Vice President.

*kills off the white race* heh nothing personal....goy

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t. Shekel Shekelberg

I never got why people were so upset about this
I thought leftists didn't like that the ruling class were so extravagant in their expenses and were out of touch with the people
Then every time trump eats fast food they drag him

Egads my white house dinner is ruined!

But what if....

it's "orange man bad" all they way to breathing

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>says this while whites sell their daughters and foreskins to Israel

It is true for the most part that they are clean, if they aren't they can get sued for millions and lose billions from the bad news.

>cripple commerce with tariffs
>make an incompetent, criminal joke of the office
>be an Epstein pedophile
Why can't we stop winning, bros? Praise KEK
absitively and covfefelutely baste

What game? Last Remnant or something?

>time is coming to and end next year
We will see you again crying in another 4 years user dont worry : ^ )