All of Yea Forums gets dumped into Sonic Adventure 2. Can we beat it?

All of Yea Forums gets dumped into Sonic Adventure 2. Can we beat it?

Also keep in mind, we are granted space suits for space levels so we have a chance.

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I'd shoot Sonic in the knees. I'd hospitalize him.

Nope. No-one stops to take a piss or shit. I'd die when my bladder and/or bowels explode.

Have fun getting stuck in the first loop-de-loop.

Uhh how would we not fucking die the second the GUN truck showed up you asshole? How are we going to beat the mech? Let alone navigating clusterfucks like Pumpkin Hill or making it across the rails in the latter space levels

we would need to sacrifice many, but yes it could be done

>Dumping all of Yea Forums in San Fran
We won't make it past the first level

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We'd all die falling out a helicopter on hero story, and be slaughtered by the GUN mech in the dark story, not a chance.

>gets run over by the truck in City Escape because I can't run fast enough

nigga do I look like I can beat a giant ghost?

We get mowed down by the truck of peace if we can even make it down the side of the building mid-stage first.

We can glitch it! Anyone here know how to homing attack?

>break into building
>go down stairs

Okay but how the heck are we going to survive this part?

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>die falling out of a helicopter
>die falling down the side of a building
>die getting ran over by a giant truck

We’re not getting very far

>Can't go inside any of the buildings because the doors are all flat textures
Truly nightmarish.

I never thought of it that way.

Okay well can we S-Rank Metal Harbor?

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>This fucking thread
Good job OP holy shit

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If we hijack the helicopter at the start instead of jumping off, we can just use it to bypass every stage hazard that isn't indoors!

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>interior of the helicopter isn't solid

>completely ignore rocket
>find boat (there have to be since it's an ocean base with several unconnected installations)
>row to the platform with the goal ring

Land on the springs.
They bounce you towards a pole.

Also, we could use Mystic Melody shortcuts. Also we all know GUN bots are made out of paper so any user can beat one and even if they aren't we have Magic Hands.

You know fucking long it would take to beat a Knuckles or Rouge level? Even with shovels, we'd be digging for hours.

Where's Amy

user don't

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FUCK y'all I ain't mastering chaos control one of y'all do that

Ok we clearly need to establish some rules here. Are we taking the inside the game route where everything is just polygons or are we taking irl logic into it? Are the robots wet paper or actually metal? Can we lose rings to not die to bullets or are they going to pierce my skin? Some user has to guinea pig that

what now, Yea Forums?

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>crushed by mech
>shot down by attack helicopter
>legs crushed by free fall

lol nice tubes stupid fucking lizard
we'll just climb up and start chewing

We get cool boards for the fall and the street is very much so a downhill slope so our fall is broken.

It's the boarding part I'm worried about. All that momentum means it'll be hard to stop.

... what if we hijack the truck somehow?

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>first level is in San Fran
Bro we’d die by an STD before the GUN truck has a chance to kill us

>our fall is broken.
Yeah, so are our lower bodies. You're falling from the fucking sky.

rouge tiddie

I'll handle the beginning of City escape cos I do a little bit of snowboarding. ConcreteBoarding can't be that different.

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you just lose all your skin if you slip and fall, is all

that 5 minutes Rouge level makes it impossible

who is going to be Amy and be our sex slave?

Assuming we’re working as a team, we can cover a lot more ground by splitting up

just wait a minute

>can't lightspeed dash over a pit
>can't run fast enough from one edge of a military base to the other to hop on a rocket ship
>can't use chaos control to escape a rigged chamber set to explode in space
We wouldn't even survive the very first level when jumping out of fucking helicopter, let alone the rest of the game.

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He loses his rings, runs around to collect some and then keeps going. He's a menace.

What's with all the SA2 threads lately?
>because Projared
But it's been going on before that though.

This one is at least refreshing and actually interesting for once. Makes me miss when there were fun threads a lot.

Hello, Shadow.
>not hijacking a vehicle in the beginning on the stage instead.
Wanted to come up with a snarky come back, but crap, you're right. Just how many of us can use Chaos Control without passing out. Maybe Sonic can do it, but he runs at the speed of sound. How fast can you run user?


idk, but for me personally, the recent shitty sonic trailer caused me to start playing through the series again,

trying to play all the games I've never touched. just got through the advance games, and now I'm onto Rush and Colors.

Oh please, Yea Forums was having SA2 threads daily long before the projared shit.

Yea Forums fucking loves this game

Good idea, but I don't think that strategy works very well

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I'll be hanging out in the Chao Gardens while you do all the hard work.

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They're called the G.U.N
What if we pick up gun?

Could we keep up with the president while avoiding traffic?

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The only level that can be beat is Chao Garden.

I think we'd be able to find the crystals in wild canyon or the keys to eggman's base. I'd be chillin in space with Rouge though
>0G or low-G sex with a bat-woman

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