Obscure video games

Can anybody suggest some obscure video games that people either never knew about or just completely forgot about? For now I've found pic related to be pretty fun, also Wanted Weapons of Fate is really fun. I don't really care about when the game was released just something that might have flown over everyone's head or just overshadowed by bigger budget games at the time.

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I remember 90% of what you did in that game was jump out of one car onto another one

I played this because I wanted Vin Diesel to bang my teenage ass

There are tons of these OP, can you narrow the requirements somewhat?

My friend and I used to play wheelman all the time. I remember liking it.
Has anyone played pic related? It's like Mario golf but with the added randomness of your ball being a live frog. Shame they never made a sequel. I miss early 2000's era mid tier games.

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It was really stupid but also incredibly fun, i never beated some of the challanges with the pandas

Was actually about to make a thread like this with this exact game. I actually enjoyed that game. Immense fun, biggest mistake was no local co-op. I mean, it's a huge fucking mistake.

It was repetitive as hell. Definitely style over substance.

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I 100 percented that game. It wasn't bad.

I was reminded of the Stuntman series, which were pretty good but now mostly forgotten.

That sounds dope, will check it out.

In return, for a comfy time, check out The DOG Island, adventure game that is pretty easy and relaxing.


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It was like a japan-exclusive arcade fighter, except with no arcade release, not unlike pokken.

Shame they won't do anything more with it, would be a natural game to port to switch.

Remember seeing it in Nintendo Power, game is expensive shit now.

are you sure you're talking about Anarchy Reigns?

Xbox exclusive nobody remembers

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Admittedly I never actually played it, just watched a friend play it back in the day. It was a sort of third-person arena beat'em up though, wasn't it? Was saying that it was like some newer Japanese arcade machines, which are designed to have two sides, and one screen/controller per side. Pokken was the same way in Japan for the arcade version. Maybe I am misremembering details about anarchy reigns though, most of what I remember anymore is gotta get the cash, gotta get the dough

Another Xbox exclusive. Pretty fun game. Not very subtle with the colonialism commentary

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It's awesome, just listen to this soundtrack



Super meat boy but it's not for spastic 12 year olds

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Very cool game. Haha gottem. Emulate it and try it out

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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron

Not obscure but still a great game from the forgotten era of Midshelf games still existing.

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was a multiplat ratchet and clank ripoff but this game was so goddamn good, and the simple deathmatch multiplayer was it

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It plays nothing like ratchet and clank. It's more of a predecessor to the Transformers Cybertron games.

I recommend The Rarest Gamer on Youtube if you're into some really obscure stuff, and I mean indie sharewares and games by unknown developers. Some are really melancholic for reasons unknown.

Other than that I'd recommend Samurai Western, pic related. Very fun times with a really unique setting

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>The Rarest Gamer
>those views
I appreciate the guy for his dedication.

Man, those games used to be really popular. What happened?

Holy fuck, my dad played the shit out of that game. He was an old school weeb, every night he'd come back from one of his shows (he was in a local band/music teacher) at like 3am and just play Western Samurai or Hitman: Blood Money in silence.

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Tell me about it, the guy's a fucking hero. Most of his videos don't even reach 10 views and yet he still soldiers on with about 3 vids a day. What a champ, I wish he never stops

Thanks. I'll check it out.

Your dad sounds like a cool guy

Maybe games released before the year 2006. OP could be pretty young, because I distinctly remember Wheelman having an E3 2005 Yeah, THAT E3 trailer for PS3. Vin Diesel was pretty famous that year, so he could easily have pushed a game to E3. Luckily, it was one of the games that actually came close to its promise as being enjoyable.

I don't remember E3 2005 being anything special, are you sure you aren't thinking of 2006? Especially for PS3 memes.

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RIP smaller scale devs, we Hollywood now

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Another video series worth mentioning for weeb obscurity is "Swan song", a series a guy did charting 60-odd wonderswan game releases, going in order of release. He really goes in-depth and is respectable for his work even when it's just shit like mahjong or a failed VN.

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This isn't really that obscure anymore, unless you never visit retro japan-only circles.

2006 was actually when the Wheelman trailer dropped, and the PSP memes. 2005 was the year of those PS3 "technology" trailers.
youtube.com/watch?v=GZMPrlJwt1U (The most believable one).

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Forgot all about this shit, in fact I dunno now if I even paid attention to E3 2005.

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Nobody talks about this game to the point of it just being a fever dream I had as a child

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Even as a child I knew this was awful and returned it immediately.

Hey this guy's pretty good as well, thanks for the rec

But for an obscure game, or in this case a game forgotten by time, you can try Gun Metal. It's literally 89 cents on Steam right now. I only had it on XBox, and would have loved it on PC.

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I tried the game a few weeks ago and dropped it after the second mission.
The 30fps cap hurts the game a lot and maybe I would have continued playing it if I had a flight stick/joystick.

Incredibly broken kino

Loved the first 3 missions

It's a shame. I miss going to thr store and picking a random game off the shelf and there being a chance of it being a gem.

>The 30fps cap
A lot of the games itt won't do you good, then.

area 51 ,its also free now

I'm fine with old console games and can tolerate it.
But when it comes to pc ports, at least I wanna unlock that shit.
30fps on a 144Hz monitor is just disgusting.

If you want smooth PC games that aren't so popular, you may just want to browse the indie sections. Anything else I can think of is more forgotten by time. Stuff you would probably already know.

Can you really unlock most older games' framerates?

Thanks to source ports and fan patches, yeah.
I mean, Gothic 1 is capped at 25 fps, good luck playing it now without the community systempack.