Is it, dare I say it, HAPPENING?!
Mount&blade bannerlord playable in august
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The game has been playable for at least two years now you moron.
Playable by the devs, with a camera behind their shoulders.
Now it will be playable by actual visitors who aren't paid shills.
No, you idiot, the game is already playable. Just because your dumb ass will be able to play it if you pay up to go to Gamescom does not mean that the game is unplayable.
Soon, right? W-will I make it, bros?
Maybe by year's end, certainly by next year's end.
Oh shut the fuck up you retard
>didn't read the post
I don't give two FUCKS about the multiplayer aspect of this game, the combat specific to that also doesn't interest me unless they actually have something really cool to show that wasn't revealed previously like proper wounding and limbs falling off
Yeah, good argument, enjoy not playing the game until it actually comes out.
Last year they had some singleplayer to show, but it was only pre-recorded by the developers. At least we have for-the-public gameplay this time.
Shut the fuck up retard
I'm guessing that you completely missed last year's Gamescom then where dozens of journalists were playing the game and uploaded their gameplay to youtube?
>Bloodlines 2
>Cyberpunk 2077
What's happening? The vaporwave is becoming reality
So when is Prophecy of Pendor 2 releasing?
Must be the setup for a cruel joke when we get drafted for WW3 just as they come out. If Half Life 3 is announced, I'm cutting off my toes in advance.
WW3 is already going on for years user, it's just fought by proxy wars
I just wanna get into it, SINK MY TEETH into the best game of the millenium
I hope Perisno gets ported as soon as the game releases, playing elves in that game is so much fun just watching your 500 elite archers pelt the enemy army within minutes
Or those fucking leaf bombs man, what fun
>part of the game is combat
>cheese everything from a far
what's the fun in that? the ai is dumb and just keeps rushing you
hey I totally get you I main Rhodoks
I play this game for the cathartisis alone, that is on all settings as easy as possible except for troop size in battle
I'm quite frankly terrible at these games when it comes to strategy in any way, the best I can do is position my ranged units on sloped hilltop and just watch them decimate the shit AI slowly walking towards their death, I can't play games like Total War for shit either even though I really like them, so I have to make do with the indignation of playing on easy mode
The elves in perisno have like 10 million range compared to vanilla archers or even Noldor in that other mod that I cant remember right now, I hope that one gets ported too though because it was probably the highest quality conversion mod I've ever seen and those cthulu banner honor troops destroyed cavalry charges like no other and I really like that
Wake me up when it's truly playable.
Warband strategy isn't that hard.
>archers in front
>heavy infantry in back
>skirmishers on the near side
>cavalry on the far side
>archers shoot while safe, pull back 20 meters when unsafe to reveal the shields and they keep firing from the back
>when the engagement happens get the skirmishers to engage from the flank
>lead the cavalry yourself to the enemy archers or to the back of the enemy
>occasionally retreat the cavalry with yourself and then do another charge
>if it turns to a meat grinder order the archers to take out their big melee weapons
Thats about my strategy on the field.
no thats point. Last year only "industry" people could play it, those in the business section of the event.
This year, anyone can walk up and play it.
>multiplayer only
so....its the same game but with better gfx?
I always put my infantry like 30 paces in front of where I place my archers ( always on the high point of a slope is possible, of course) and the cavalry just slightly behind the infantry
It usually works out and I just end up watching and contribute passively with my surgeon and first aid skills
If you get fucked in a campaign in terms of troop recruitment you have to adapt your strategies of course so if I'm heavy with cavalry I'll just move up to a good distance and then charge and let the blood flow, mine or theirs
he don't have the leaked demo
>not just going 100% cavalry and letting them do whatever
wasn't fucking warband one of the very first early access games on steam and was a massive success? why the fuck bannerlord hasn't been available too for early access i have no idea.
and before some retard says "hurr the games not done yet retard" neither was Warband. Don't underestimate a massive cash injection and everyone streaming it on twitch / shilling it on youtube.
You said "devs", not "industry" people. Not the same thing.
Not only that, they could get so much actually worthwhile feedback from the players. I reckon the M&B community is one of the most fervent in their belief that it's the greatest game ever and I wholeheartedly agree
I don't see any point in delaying a playable early access version unless the devs are ashamed at what they're making currently and they just don't want your neetbux
Actually the first game was released like this:
>Mount&Blade beta (its broken shit)
>Mount&Blade for purchase (its broken shit, but its very fun)
>Mount&Blade: Warband for purchase on Steam Green Light (which is a different game from Mount&Blade, and you purchase separately) - basically a patched Mount&Blade + arab faction
So it more or less had a 5 year long playable pre-release, some of which you paid for.
amazing looking water
>I don't know how game development works: the post
Shush, little bird.
Have your arrowfodder peasants make a line in front
Have your swadian knights circle around and charge the enemy in the rear once they're against the line
combat AI looks a bit too same-y from what I've seen in combat videos but otherwise they're expanding gameplay loads based upon the blog
dynastic gameplay, sub-factions and politics between lords, crime, the expansion of siege warfare alone makes it worth playing
building and placing siege equipment along different portions of the wall of a keep
I'm not the OP, I was just pointing out that you had to be in the business section to play it last year, but any casual goer can play this year (I'm assuming that it was OP meant)
p.s Rhodoks are filthy nerd virgins
Warband was Early Access on Steam in 2011. It was one of the very first Steam games to utilize the Early Access feature. It has nothing to do with GreenLight.
>make everyone in my army horse archers
>just ride in circles every battle
I might not be good at this game
I don't want a 5 year long wait cycle until we can get deep into conersion mods but honestly I think they really need actual feedback instead of just doing their own thing, it's not like the community doesn't know what they want at this point
Bannerlord just looks to be an upgraded version of Warband in any imaginable way anyhow so I can't see them fucking it up, they're just taking way too long without any solid reason
Systems like having marriage and childbirth effectively create a new heir for you to play as later on in the game is fucking amazing and I'm glad they put something like this in
Especially if they make it so the passage of time is far longer so you don't just conquer the entirety of a continent within 1-2 years even though you start as a literal who