Why do we as gamers do this, Yea Forums?

Why do we as gamers do this, Yea Forums?

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because it works
proof: your post

To intimidate the weak

Because it’s fun to bash cucks

I just post :3
Beginning of game, end of game, win, lose, always :3
Usually top 3 of the scoreboard, creates unbelievable rage for how innocuous :3 is.

Makes people want to improve so they can shittalk too

people who get upset by this are mentally weak

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only zoomers and manchild do this

I'm not an epic gamer like you guys

But I do it because it pisses them off

>gg well played
>nothing happens
>gg ez
>get entertained by baddies raging & coping
What do you think OP

>play bad
>team carries me
>gg ez

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Because most "gamers" are teenage children trying really, really hard to make everyone mad.
Being a spastic retard is the best way to make people not want to be around you anymore, which the retards mistake for being mad.

Thank the edgy memers on youtube for that.

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low self confidence in real life so some try to overcompensate that online by asserting their virtual dominance. Kinda sad honestly.

u mad cuck, lmao

I want to fuck Nick

Loss of community by shifting from server browser to matchmaking + the rise of gaming popularity in general. You didn't see this anti social behavior as much back in the day because there were social penalties for doing so. Nowadays, you'll probably never see the same people in games with matchmaking twice, which allows aggressive behavior to run unchecked, which in turn spreads to others as it begins to normalize in the online culture.

It's one of the same reasons Yea Forums is full of negativity and hostility.

>An unironic furry is the kind of person that gets triggered by gg ez
only non betas say gg ez at the end of the match, others are just coping lil bitchs (and apparently furries) that try to cope with their betaness by trying to claim the moral highground.


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Kys furfags

Literally me

That's very devious of you user but have you considered

It makes them feel good after a day of being bullied by chad in highschool, unironically.

user, it's 2019
Yea Forums is 80% furry now

the fuck is that smell

maybe I'm just too used to them now, but it appears to me that furries are nowhere near as popular as they were in the early 2000s.

It's called banter, and it's common between competitors.
>b-but sportsmanship
That's for the public. Players talk shit all the time. Even fans talk shit.

Quit playing shitty team based games then

Banter usually has some effort put into it, gg ez just comes off as you caring way too much.


wut, I'd say there was MORE childish ironic shittalking late 2000's than now, then again I'm not part of teen gamer culture any more.

Me and lads just post "?" whenever the opponent loses or says something. Tilts them real bad.


I also feel like the quality of online etiquette has improved over the last decade. You fags remember what early 2000s forums looked like.

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this is the worst

mad as fuck

>already making negative ASSUMPTIONS about them
>heh they fucked me in the ass but I bet their life is bad
this is what cope looks like.

Why you mad at my posting skills though?

I got so upset about all of this, that I haven't played any game with another person in 5 years.

Does anyone have that yearbook photo of some asian kid saying "It isn't enough for me to succeed, others must fail"? It's basically that sentiment but applied to videogames

Furries and bronies usually stick to their containment zones, unlike /pol/ and the SJW menace. That foam adventure video isn't nearly as cringe as your average tranny these days.

You don't see them as much because they got their own real board and because social media and stuff like discord allows furfags to connect with their groups much more easily than back in the day. Rest assured, there are many more furfags now than there were back then, they just got better at hiding themselves, and a bit better at policing their own community.

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>talks how he dislikes /pol/
>uses their rhetoric
fuck me, you had one job user


>all contained in their containment vaults
i'm ok with this

What were you expecting? I know they don't stay in their containment zone from first hand experience. HAIL HORTLER


>their rhetoric

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>then again I'm not part of teen gamer culture any more.
In other words, asspull


>carry team to victory
>teammate types GG EZ in all chat after game
>team chat "don't be a dick" to him

I guess I expected a more liberal mindset than talking about cringing at trannies, but I guess I'm too much of a onions drinker.


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Same thing can be said to the user I replied to. So you're statement is biased.

Is this the birth of a new meme?



This. Remember: love trannies or you’re a Nazi

>you will never hold Nick in your arms after he confesses his undying love to you
It's just not fair..

I was doing fine until normal stage 5 SA. I just haven't gone back to practice it since.

this, except the shitlord irony.

How is gg ez offensive?
It's just saying "good game, easy".
I can't really recall anyone saying it to me but the only thing that honestly irked me was people who won't teach me after a clutch match they win in

-losing team

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Nice try, but I saw that meme on encyclopedia dramatica.
You forgot the weird cat pic though.


Heavily moderated by power tripping admins and mods? It's one of the reasons Yea Forums got so popular.

it's not hard to understand user. If you say easy that implies your opponents weren't a challenge, that they are bad. Granted you should have ticker skin that be offended at that, but it's not hard to grasp why it's offensive.


Whether the other person is a whinny faggot or not, you are still a dickhole.

main reason why I started coming here honestly. Wish I could stop, I've been hating this place ever since gamergate.

Because the trash talk will drive anyone with an interest in improving to get better, and scare pathetic betas away.
Win win situation.

based and truthpilled

>Why is it considered poor sportsmanship to say my opponent was bad at the game?

>you're statement
lmao this dude is retarded as they come


yes, the " 're " mistake, truly the height of mental retardation.

>Someone ggez's
>Threaten to beat their ass IRL
>Now they have to resort to calling me an internet tough guy
>Ask their address
>Default to calling them a pussy when they don't post it
It's really easy if you don't mind looking like a goofball


But trashtalk in games is only used by pathetic betas, because they stay behind their screen. Thats why 4channel is full of them and full of insults. Do you really think 99% of the overweight incels would actually insult any person in the real world?

You are right when it comes to trash talking the enemy football team who is right in front of you.

It's so much that anyone is triggered by this, it's more about how people who say it sound like children. Shitpost is still shitpost, ironic or not.

>Playing Rocket League
>Enemy self scores
>His teammates rage at him
>He tilts
>Teammate starts to take up for the self scorer
>Enemy team implodes due to self scorer creating more conflict due to support from my teammate
It was fucking genius, note to self, always agree with the enemy that's tilting his team

>dota 2
>playing CM on dire
>enemy is harassing my slow ass
>tell carry im going to bait him out of position
>im harassing this guy and getting pretty low on HP
>almost lvl 6, bait enemy carry towards sideshop
>my carry is attacking him and im running into the trees
>have 30 HP and i ding lvl 6 and skill my Ult
>hidden from enemy carry and my ult goes off
>he dies and i type "?" in all chat
>rest of the match he is tilted and does fuck all, hides in the jungle for most of the match
>enemy raging about him in all chat

not sure about 99% of anons, but I definitely have stitches to prove I shit talk to people in real life too if they annoy me or I consider their behavior wrong. It's usually very drunk arrogant morons I shit talk at.

>someone talks shit
>respond to threats and shit talking with homoeroticism
Never gets old

>Their rhetoric.
They didn't invent the concept of disliking trannies.
I hate /pol/ because they willingly invited reddit into the site and for that their whole board should burn.
Having said that go dilate.


>no u post your address fgt

I posted my actual address more than once when people threatened me online. Still waiting. Granted I don't live there anymore, but still waiting bitches. Where you at? WHERE YOU AT? FREEZING YOUR BUILDINGS WITH MY FROST WYRMS IS NOT SOMETHING TO GET SO UPSET AT PEOPLE.

"Unf, say the time an hour handsome"
Never fails.

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>same guy that was showing off with the gg shit cries about hackers or how unfair something is the next game when he loses

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Doesn't work when you're the second one, just makes you look like a pussy trying to back down

>winning team says wp
>losing team says gg
is that so hard?

>Somebody picks some OP shit
>kick their ass
>call them out on it
>they leave
>They end up in the next game
>Play the same OP shit
>Is being carried by their team so they start shit talking
>Act stupid when I say they left last game and that they sucked

>gg wp easy
What would you say to this?

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or :^)

Sounds like you're the mad one in your own greentext.


send a friend request

For me it's spamming "thanks" voice line after every kill so they see it in the replay.
Also I type "thanks" on MVP

It causes incandescent rage in today's toddler world

The weak must fear the strong.

>match is evenly lined up
>win the game by 1-2 rounds
>gg ez

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>murr... how about you dominate me in bed too :3

To filter the weak and women. Keep it up.

>Play Tera
>Castle Stronghold and Reaper class just came out
>make a character that looks retarded
>join match as the leader
>threaten if we lose they have to stare at my character's face
>we didn't lose
I post it in the Tera general on /vg/ sometimes and I get reported.

>gives you a fake address
what now fuccboi

He's not wrong. Taunting in sports has been a thing for decades and it's not forbidden. Football players have invented their own little dances to taunt on enemies. Boxers have a whole phase before the fight where they verbally trash the opponent and egoboost. etc

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gg lol

>RNG gets me the victory
>"gg too easy"

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>Mfw kid did this in CSS
>Was a kid at my college at the time
>Shout his username out at lunch
>He fucking looks up like a retard then dives out the door and runs away when we walk over
>Wasn't even going to do shit to him, just have a laugh about it
>Pretended to be sick for a month
>Everyone had to sit through an anti bullying lecture and they now offer anxiety therapy because he claimed "online bullying caused a panic attack"
>When he was the retard being a faggot


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>Boxers have a whole phase before the fight where they verbally trash the opponent and egoboost
And many people say that ruined the sport.

Based secret labs

>turn on mic
>turn off mic

Like who? People from the 60's when mohammed ali was styling on the unconscious bodies of his foes? Taunting isn't a new thing my dude and there's nobody alive right now where sports wasn't like this. Hell, do you know what unsportsmanlike conduct usually is? It's when an athlete chooses to help another contestant, ie. when they're in cardiac arrest or require your help, rather than continueing and beating their dead ass. Taunting isn't one of it.

I don't. I have chat off because i'm looking to just play the game.

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The key part of that is "before the fight"
People can justify it as a strategic decision if you're doing it to psyche out your opponent. If you're still talking shit once the outcome is decided you come off as petty or a bully. At least in sporting arenas.
Videogames is a little different I guess because you usually play the same people over and over within a short span of time.

>Hell, do you know what unsportsmanlike conduct usually is? It's when an athlete chooses to help another contestant, ie. when they're in cardiac arrest or require your help, rather than continueing and beating their dead ass. Taunting isn't one of it.
Wait, what? Seriously?
t. some fag that has no interest in watching sports.


some kind of primal instinct, i guess. civilized people don't do that much
when i see someone with a cute anime avatar, i do my best to absolutely fucking humiliate the guy in every way possible
when i see someone with anime avatar and he's beating me, i feel unreasonably enraged
it only works with cute anime avatars and i'm not even some gay erper, i can't say why i'm so emotional about that
therefore, i can't hate people who do these caveman-tier ggez taunts because i'm having similar emotional outbreaks from time to time

>Swats the house and gets random father not even involved killed
It's almost like this has already happened.

>Hell, do you know what unsportsmanlike conduct usually is?
Let's check
>Examples include verbal abuse or taunting of an opponent, an excessive celebration following a scoring play, or feigning injury.

>If you're still talking shit once the outcome is decided you come off as petty or a bully. At least in sporting arenas.
Literally when was that the case? UFC fighters and boxers shame losers after a fight. The only time it was considered inappropriate, was when those people shittalked relatives.

They get bullied in school so they have to overcompensate their insecurity in games by trying to satisfy their unironic basement dweller ego.

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You realise boxing has been around for much longer than the 60s, right? "Professional boxing" is nothing but hype bullshit to sell tickets, it's not far off professional wrestling at this point. The Mayweather McGregor fight is a prime example of how the sport has become a joke.

[citiation required]


>14. Unsportsmanlike conduct causing injury to an opponent that does not meet the standard of a fair blow;

Taunting your opponent is not unsportsmanlike conduct.

I'm glad to share a board with you guys

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Go elsewhere furshit. You disgusting zoophiles should be shot on sight.

not as mentally weak as people who get their kicks out of mocking others, though

So you're parroting the idea, "Boxing was better before taunting" before a time where you weren't even alive? Good job discreditting yourself as having no opinion.

How do you know i wasn't alive? Making assumptions, are we?

>In American football, unsportsmanlike conduct results in a 15-yard penalty, assessed after the completion of a play.[1] When it occurs after a scoring play, the 10 or 15 yards are assessed on the kickoff. Situations that can incur such a penalty include excessive celebrations after plays
>In association football, the term "unsporting behaviour" is more commonly used, being one of the listed reasons under law 12 of the laws of the game for which a yellow card may be given. It is interpreted broadly, most commonly to sanction fouls which are more serious than most, though below a level which would merit a red card.[3] Other examples include extravagant goal celebrations (e.g. removing one's jersey) and simulating actions intended to deceive the referee (diving).
>In tennis, such conduct is categorized as a "code violation". Examples include racket abuse (intentionally throwing a racket or using it to strike an object other than the ball), ball abuse (intentionally hitting or throwing the ball into the stands outside of normal play), or intentionally shouting during a point in order to distract an opponent.
>There is considerable debate over whether sledging should be deemed as "unsportsmanlike behavior" and banned due to several high profile punishable instances of racial and verbal abuse during international matches; proponents have argued that sledging was meant to be witty and humorous and not a personal attack on the opposition player.[5][6][7]

Fucking lion get out of my game

Professional boxing is overhyped shit, amateur boxing is still fine.

You just proved it isn't unsportsmanlike conduct in football. Having a debate whenever racial slurs is fineable as unsportsmanlike conduct, means that it isn't unsportsmanlike conduct as of right now. Please read your posts when you're quoting sources.

It's called banter. Friends do it. I see you as a friend, why can't you see me the same way?

I think there's fewer of them around. Still, getting genuinely upset about autists in fursuits is a waste of mental energy lol.

stay weak

You don't.

>"oh i thought i was playing bots haha thanks for the warmup guys :^)"

The only glaring difference here, is that most footballers and boxers grew up normally or popular to some degree, and are used to social interaction.
E-sports gave a platform to actual aspergers and socially stumped nerds with absolutely zero skills. So when someone trash talks them and say "lmao he's so shit both at games and everything else", it actually hits close to home.
That's why the organizations and sponsors protects their spergs so much with censorship and penalties.

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>kill invaders in Dark Souls 3
>I use VERY GOOD IM SORRY stones
>while my friend tbags them
>get invaded again
>they black stone out

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Someone once summarized the "Yea Forums vs other forums" argument very nicely.

Other forums: "That person is an idiot because they are unpopular"
Yea Forums: "That person is unpopular because they are an idiot"

Because we have to deal with other gamers on a daily basis and it's making us jaded.

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>Out of the fucking way jobbers
Chad Widow

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>playing overwatch

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>Gives address to police station/government building
>Gets gunned down by the feds
gg ez

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You’d think with all the trash talk they’ve encountered on the internet they’d have stopped being retarded

>Why do we as gamers do this, Yea Forums?
gamers are people who turn to fictional reality because they're frustrated about having power over nothing out in the real world. That frustration is not satiated by playing the game (being completely fictitious) so they try to satisfy themselves by being hostile and shitty so that they can control the emotions of other people in the only way they know how.

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>type anything at all in overdilate
>get banned
no one plays this shit. its all about the blender porn and hair down mercy

Keep coping faggot


Reported for toxicity. :3

>Play godlike
>Carry the whole game
>shit game bg

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The only sensible man here

>How do I turn up the bot dificulty?
I chuckle every time. That's a good one.

I don't do that.


>absolutely loving being shat upon

I don't.
I might engage in some light banter but never as an attack on somebodies skill.
For the most part people that do don't really bother me but ggez pisses me off because it's a corruption of something so friendly.

Me in dota, except I say gg ez top/mid/bot that I completely fucked up and handed to them.

>it's a corruption
wow get a load of ol' principled pete over here

>gg easy
>comes from a team who lost the game

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its all they have in life

there's no counterplay to this response, it's an ultimate loss if you try to respond

>not hitting them with the stalk dung pie point down combo

holy cringe

t. Owned fag OP

I always say "epic win" at the end of the round, be it a win or a loss.

Do what? Post shitty reddit memes?

>any of that happening

You're the second underage that outs himself today
