Delete one video game from history.
Delete one video game from history
Other urls found in this thread:
wolfenstein 3D
Team Fortress 2 just to disappoint all the redditors and furries
world of warcraft
call of duty started it all
Why would you delete Fortnite?
It's a good containment game.
Your favorite video game.
Team fortress 2
Fuck loot boxes.
>implying it's tf2's fault
Delete Fifa then, they're the ones that birthed this cancer.
>wahh I hate what children like
edgy 19 year olds hated minecraft for a while when it was peak childcore but look what happened
kill yourself wannabe boomer
Final fantasy or Dragon's Quest
Overwatch deserves some blame.
I remember Yea Forums complaining that every game was a COD clone, things start changing up and Yea Forums hates that they're changing.
What do you guys want? Also this game is holding a majority of 9 year olds. That's like deleting why would you do that?
I know it's been said, but seriously, TF2.
Super Mario Brothers. Fuck it for reviving the industry after the crash.
wise 21 year olds disliked Minecraft because it became too popular before Notch delivered enough content.
enlightened 23 year olds are still disappointed because the lazy fat fuck sold the franchise to Micro$hit before implementing the modding API, something that will now never ever ever happen because MS have split the game into two and prefer working on their Executive™ win10 & xbone version.
Yeah, contain the zoomies and mongoloids there.
I'd delete botw
>you can only hate one thing
Fortnite and CoD are both bad, why is that a tough concept?
>d-delete this free mainstream game because kids love it!
>meanwhile, actual full-priced shit games like 1-2-Switch, Labo, and Pokemon LGBT are fine
Yea Forums is fucking blind and biased as fuck.
What impact do those shitty games have on the industry as a whole compared to that shitgame OP wants to delete?
Do I get to keep Save the World?
resident evil 4
diablo 3
fallout 3
Even Lotus Land Story and Mystic Square were objectively better, and they were made with older hardware for an inferior OS.
Tennis for Two
I wonder what kind of state this would be in if BR didn't explode. If it didn't die I can guarantee that it would have went in a totally different direction. Now days they're cutting down their workload by working around a theme from a BR skin, then building a story around it
>OK we have this dinosaur skin thats been in BR. Let's try and make an excuse for it to exist in STW
>how about the child robot saw the cube and everyone calms him down with dinosaur costumes?
>OK, but how should we tell the story?
>Sounds good lets ship it.
I haven't tried doing anymore wargames since the fucking trap durability reset isn't functioning
This or wow desu
Labo is fun and only slightly overpriced.
whatever fifa game introduced lootboxes
Would that mean blizzard would actually make warcraft 4, if so, this.
It's kind of a doubled edged sword or monkey paw because despite BR being the obvious focus of fortnite, STW wouldn't even be where it is currently (might even be dead) without BR existing. I don't mind skins being made for BR and then sent to STW later as scraps because some are still fun
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
but Capcom already did that.
Super Mario Bros
t. halofag
Why? Stop caring about what other people play, retard.
it still exists thou and if I have to change my pick then I'll choose MK11
VtM:B. That game is overrated as fuck and I'm tired of the threads. That and Undertale.
Resident Evil 4.
I love it to bits but it brought forth a near apocalypse last gen.
Why would you delete Fortnite for its a fuckin
>people completely forgot that Valve was the company that made loot boxes popular
and they still have the worst kind of loot boxes in gaming, meanwhile Fortnite BR not only doesn't have them but it limits the amount of money you can spend on store
Half Life.
The only thing crates give you are shitty unusuals.
No you dumb fuck, FIFA were the first to implement lootboxes as we understand them today.
>containment game
>literally the reason the epic game store exists
read my post again retard, Valve made the concept of lootboxes popular, not EA
CoD never used to be that bad in fact alot of those early games hold up. And from what I've seen fortnite is a respected game with a rather cancerous following, and that happens when anything gets popular. I like minecraft, but hate everything else around it.
The question becomes do we not like these games personally or just the effect it had on the industry? it's literally okay to say both
no they haven't
lootboxes exploded in popularity because EA's current CEO is the guy who first proposed having them around in FIFA
Someone should beat the shit out of you. Only a concussion would justify such a shit opinion.
Resident Evil 4.
Yea Forums hates Fortnite now.
What happened?
Factorio. Its the rick and morty of videogames.
Dwarf Fortress.
Uncharted 2.
I mean I love it, it's a pretty funaction shoot em' up with charming characters and some great animation work, but the influence it had with all its awards and attention that year I think set games down a very bad path. It's really sad to see something genuinely good have such a negative impact. Alot of games tried and still try to emulate the cinematic parts of Uncharted without understanding what mode them work, which was tying those cinematics together cohesively to a good action/adventure game. Sadly God of war fell vitcim to this shit, and it seems like all sony wants is this market only now.
You posted it. This fucking game is ruining the industry. I miss when epic games was useless
so much this
Something would take its place, and PUBG would still exist.
I'd rather get rid of League of Legends.
ET atari. imagine a world where the game market didnt crash, and didnt have to pull off a miracle to come back.
imagine everything being arcade.
2d animation actually used to be an artform, huh.
league of legends
wasted too much time playing it
I agree with this user here
Mein Kraft
Why do you people hate fortnite so much? I haven’t seen one valid reason on this website.
a game that single handedly saved the mmorpg genre, and then killed it.
It spoils people, everyone expects a content update every week now or their ADHD can't handle it and they move onto the next game. Remember when a game releasing was it? One and done, maybe you would get an expansion pack a year or so after release but usually not.
Pathetic excuse. It’s a battle royale game. It’s an online multiplayer game. Constant updates keep the game fresh. That also sounds like you’re hating the fan base rather than the game itself.
Kill patient zero, save the MMO genre
It's affected the industry as a whole not just the fanbase of bingbingwahoonite
The amount of shit that epic games is trying to pull these days with all their exclusivity bullshit deals is all thanks to their bucketload of fortnite bucks
It’s popular with young people, which means that Yea Forums is rigged to hate it automatically. Remember, you aren’t a true Yea Forumsirgin unless you remember to hate everyone who’s younger than you and things they like.
Battle Royale's as a whole.
All of them.
delete you
Get better taste.
It’s been out for a little less than 2 years. I doubt it had any impact itself. That’s just the direction the industry was taking.
Yet they love smash and Nintendo I just don’t get it
BR is DayZ for people with ADD in the same way ASSFAGGOTS is RTS for people with ADD.
What's the problem with Factorio?
Unreal and everything Unreal engine related
Wolfenstein: The New Colossus
Final Fantasy XV
Let’s summon “him”
I sell them all the time for mad cash, stay poor pleblet
You posted it. Epic needs to be erased.
League of Legends.
Dragon Age 2. It was the turning point of Bioware, maybe if they never made it, they would still be a good company.
Smash brothers
FIFA or any of those sports game that made EA for what it is today.
Fuck you, FIFA 98 was great.
Gta 3 or half life 2. It's time to get the fuck over it.
What impact does fornite have? Kids doing dances in public? It's not even the game that really popularized the genre that was pubg and dota 2 had battle passes long before Fortnite was a BR.
Dark souls 2
unironically one of the gamest vidya in the current year and Yea Forums hates it because the females are attractive, doesn't have selectable gender pronouns, and doesn't have nazis.
also because it's free and doesn't divide players into 60$ season passes and dlcs.
Don't know about DOTA but PUBG didn't, it got it's battle pass after Fortnite, Battlefield and Call of Duty both borrowed heavily from Fortnite, you're a fool to think it had no impact, Apex was released as a direct competitor to Fortnite.
Tiananmen Square 1989
Yea Forums hates things that are popular, there are no principle positions here
people with principles don't come here
I was specifically talking about Dota's battle passes. I know pubg only had one after Fortnite. My point is, is that battle passes arnt something that originated from fortnite and would probably be closer to being dota's impact on the industry rather than fortnite's. Though battlefield and cod specifically made thiers to look like fortnite's ill give you that.
Destiny literally ruined my marriage.
That entire franchise. Played both 1 and 2, amounted to a mediocre experience. Really only the G Man made the game for me as well the opening setting of HL2. Das it.
It ain't bad. But it ain't that great either.
MMO genre died for it, but actually it was social media and ability to single play the entire fucking game with multi clients and anti-social behavior being rewarded instead of punished... and others games copied it!
Dark Souls 2
>Delete one game
>The entire Half-Life franchise
Assassin's Creed 2
Every open world game since it's release has turned into a game where you just go to waypoints to get menial rewards. Assassin's Creed 2 was a great game when it came out, but it's influence has stagnated the industry heavily. We are only just now seeing open world games deviate away from the Ubisoft formula, but they still retain elements from Assassin's Creed 2.
Mario Bros.
Woops, faux-pas on my part ~~
In such case, HL1
Fire emblem
With some luck the rest of the series would follow
t. doesn't know about Unreal Engine
that's where they make the majority of their money
Warcraft III.
Gas all MOBAfaggots.
MMOs were doomed from the start and relied on tedious and punishing mechanics that average players only tolerated due to the novelty of an online virtual world. Also, the average players are needed for a good MMO because the community (and your standing in it) is so important.
Social media and and the maturation of online multiplayer in other genres (leading to games like Fortnite and other Battle Royales) is what killed MMOs.
Fallout New Vegas
Cut all the cancer off at the source
Seige of Dragonspear
Probably the most influencial game which contributed to the death of arcade games.
RPGs are fucking cancer ruining video games.
Modern warfare or oblivion for the dlc.
what is your problem with this trash, at least it's a great containment game for stupid kids, meanwihle other developers could focus on actual games
Probably minecraft just because I think it inhibits young children's ability to learn problem solving, resolution, reaction, etc. from videogames. Kind of think it just kills any development potential that other videogames offer. Autist reason for solving an autist problem.
GTA3. Fuck sandbox games.
But that's 1.6
Fifa and Ultimate Team. It was the birth of all shit ass DLC and p2w bullshit in the west.
WoW or LoL.
>no crossplay in any game for several years
>F2P games remain pay two win nightmares
>steam still has an effective monopoly on PC games
>apex legends is never made
But at least I don't have to look at some videos of kids doing le cringey meme dances :^)
This is really selfish but Sonic 06 that thing still hurts my soul to think about
What's wrong with CS?
It's the game that popularized the now invasive cinematic ots tps. It also helped kill classic RE.
what? cod is a untoppable shooter till bo1 if we seperate cs from the genre due to differences.
Wow who gives a fuck about crossplay, about steam getting money and about fucking apex legends of all fucking things?
Fucking shills, begone. Winnie the Pooh is waiting for you.
arcades had been dying long before FF7
There still got plenty of awesome arcade games released back then though.
Even in 2004 there still got produced awesome titles.
Afterwards it went totally downhill though, mainly thanks to RPGs and other movie "games" for console tards.
That's on you for being retarded
Sonic the Hedgehog or Five Nights at Freddy's just to spite all the furries that latch onto those properties.
>mainly thanks to RPGs and other movie "games" for console tards.
keep telling yourself this
Are you having a stroke?
It's just the truth. RPGs can be played by anyone, because they are easy enough for any tard thanks to progression systems, plus they have a ton of content for consumer tards.
The dumb masses love them.
you're a retard if you think arcades were killed by one game. take away FF7 and consoles/widespread PC gaming would still kill them. the idea that arcade games are somehow more worth holding onto than the wealth of great games you can play at home is, itself, retarded. in short, boomer.
It's not like arcade games were much better. Artificially hard mixed with trial and error just to get you to insert more coins.
I think it would be ME3 (fuck you guys, I love ME2) but I might also delete Apex Legends just because it is preventing Titanfall 3 from existing.
>t. assfaggot
This. The worst part is that it didn't just crash the MMO genre with no survivors, it spread it's disgusting tendrils into other genres and made Blizzard a target for Activision.
Seeing valvelards seethe is worth it existing.
Wolfenstein The New Colossus
>Thinking it was the game and not the localized culture of the studio.
>you're a retard if you think arcades were killed by one game
Nice strawman you waste of oxygen. I never said FF7 was the only reason, but it definitely was one of the most influencial games in this regard.
The thread wasn't about removing a whole genre, dumbfuck...
Arcade games are video games in their purest form. You actually play a game there, learn and study it to get better.
Modern "games" like RPGs are basically just interactive movies which is fucking boring.
end it all
Mmos were perfect before wow: autistic sandboxes. All the good stuff ultima, galaxies etc was that, wow completely casualized the genre reducing to the minimal common denominator.
I want all cinematic games to die and the only way to do that is kill off the source.
>wasting money on video games
You know an "rpg" could be anything from dark souls to paper mario right? Which of these is a movie in your opinion
Fuck you, your favorite game's not safe.
Whatever game pushed consoles to the forefront of development and demand instead of PCs. Delete that one, all evils stem from it.
There already is a very established definition of RPGs, retard. Dork Souls is an action-RPG.
that wasn't a game, it was the fact that the PS2 was a more affordable DVD player than most devoted DVD players of the time. plus the fact that consoles are inherently more accessible to kids than PCs.
/codg/ is fucking dead
>Implying they aren't already swimming in cash from all the unrealdev money
why bother replying to anyone's posts if you're just going to ignore their points completely?
enlighten me on this definition. is FF15 an RPG? arcade games were always shit. the only good thing going for them was the socialization aspect, nothing more. go pay 5€ every few hours retard no one is stopping you
nice projection dumbfuck
You are just listing positive things.
yeah cool fps shit designed for joysticks, only a zoomer can think joystick are good for fps, also who cares
>f2p games
evolve your tastes and stop playing shit
>steam monopoly
who cares
>apex legends
its now in the "who fucking cares" states, oh wait is in that state from a week to release.
lmao le reddit buzzwords. you dont even know what it means apparently
>arcade games were always shit
for you, because you are obviously a fucking retard who couldn't 1cc anything
that's why you enjoy pressing X to skip text more than actually playing a game
Unreal 1
Maybe you were always shit at arcade games.
yea you can 1cc everything if you had spent at least 20 hours watching people play or playing yourself. either way nice expercience. also what's the point in playing a game if you can 1cc it everytime? are you trying to impress somebody?
your point: kill FF7 to preserve arcade games. my point: that won't work, arcade games would die anyway. but all you can do is sperg about movie games instead of addressing that. how fucking old are you? I would assume you're some kind of boomer but you post like a 15 year old. kys.
Your favorite game.
My top 3 ever game. Dont you fucking dare to touch it
of course i was shit i was a kid. and even when i got a bit older (8 y/o) i quickly realized that arcade games werent worth neither the time nor the money. really which games do you consider good arcade games?
sonic 06
holy fuck, this
Demon Souls
>what's the point in playing a game if you can 1cc it everytime?
who said you can 1cc them everytime? there are arcade games which took people over 7 years of learning to get a 1cc (and that doesn't even include playing for score)
>kill FF7 to preserve arcade games. my point: that won't work
where did i ever say it would work? i know the industry is fucked anyway, thanks to the dumbfuck masses buying all kinds of garbage
but ff7 is still one of thje biggest offenders so why not kill it anyway? now pls fuck off and stop strawmanning
What are the other two?
me too user.
giving Epic tons of money leading to the Epic Game Store.
Battlefield Bad Company
As much as I remember it being an absolute joy to play, it began the fall of the battlefield series. Even though Bad Company 2 was a great next installment, seeing the game over the past 10 years from bf2 took a great source of joy from my life and replaced it with cynicism.
BF2 was excellent although had its problems with nade spamming, dolphin diving and hackers.
I was invited to the alpha on the first battlefield bad company game and playing with basically the same group of people, on the same map, over and over again was so enjoyable.
The characters in the story who can forget them, the story itself was pretty lame just getting gold etc but it worked out with the main characters in your squad being the highlights.
People don't realise that male bonding in war is literally one of the greatest experiences in life, and also the most heartbreaking. This has pretty much been removed from newer games thanks to subversive frankfurt school ideologies gimping out the story from male bonding to inclusive lefty propaganda.
Bad Company 2 improved every aspect of bad company one other than some of the maps, the regening health system (oh lord how the mighty have fallen battlefield from needing medics and med packs to regen...), kill cams, and hilarious bugs.
BF3 onward was amazing graphics, cool too see, but without the substance of the bad company games in male bonding led stories.
No game comes close to either BF2 or Bad company nowadays. Project reality took BF2 to realism extremes as far as it could go, the modding team create their own games like "squad" etc and hopefully they bring the game back from ultra realism stick to classic BF2 or Bad Company qualities and values rather than their own realism visions.
*tears in eye*
I would tell you to kys again but I'd prefer you to seethe over the death of your precious quarter eaters for as long as possible.
so in those 7 years they wasted like 2000€ on them, thank god arcades are dead
even if my genre is dead, i still have plenty of awesome games to play, while you are stuck with gay elf text skipping
there are also home ports of arcade games retard
usually people who play at arcades practice at home and then do real runs in arcades when they got good
Big salty.
down right pretentious and half the people who like it think instantly ending a battle is unique
fortnite is pretty great
I don't like playing it and I think building is a shitty mechanic but it keeps lots of children out of the games I do want to play
This. Reddit: The Game.
The PS2 needed a game to make it popular and work. What was that game?
Grand Theft Auto
Pic: flight simulator 2004.
Just look at any series that still continues today from the PS2's success.
this. the fact that people dont know how to build a PC and dont care about checking the exact parts they want in their PC (what cpu, what graphics card, what RAM etc.) pretty much makes them go for consoles instead of PCs. EVEN IF you could get rid of consoles, you would end up with most people just asking for whatever computer there is would make businesses capitalize on it making them buy shittier PCs that cant have their parts changed because theyre only compatible with each other and nothing else.
Also the opinion that game consoles are for games and PCs are for work is just bullshit and outdated (not the former part, but the fact PCs get stronger and stronger in a large part due to having an ability to play games that require better machines)
Pokemon Red and Blue.
It's funny how the generation and region that started the franchise is actually what killed it. Better the franchise never existed than to be dragged through the mud by retarded children, normalfags and nostalgiafags.
Mortal Kommunism 11
Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Candy crush. I saved gaming.
Oo good one, I'd delete that as well. My mother is extremely addicted to it and is currently at about level 3400 or something.
>deleting a manifestation of a shitty ideology will certainly prevent that from spawning more manifestations!
the problem is the enormous gap in your argument where you somehow think RPGs specifically are to blame for the downfall of arcade games. The reality is that it's the sum total of ALL home videogame options that killed arcades. And that's why they started the downfall in the 90s and wound up with basically just niche Fighting Game and hardcore shmup audiences.
If you're going to bitch and whine like a little faggot about games that killed arcades for the masses, try:
1. Super Mario Brothers
2. Legend of Zelda
3. Doom
4. Every SNES, Sega Genesis, and PC game from 1995 onward.
Command and Conquer
As much as I loved this series, it is the game that started rts and later moba games.
>enormous gap in your argument where you somehow think RPGs specifically are to blame for the downfall of arcade games
I never said RPGs alone are to blame, I already stated that the dumb masses are to blame.
RPGs are just the biggest offenders, but that doesn't mean there aren't other genres which are to blame.
Again stop strawmanning you fucking retard and learn to read.
You don't even know his favorite genre is RPGs. You're the retard obsessed with laying blame on games and normalfags for not funding development of your hobby.
>t. dumb zoomer
Right thats why they killed off Paragon
This is what I read.
>mainly thanks to RPGs and other movie "games" for console tards.
You are backtracking and moving goalposts because you have no argument. You are angry that top developers don't make the one specific style of game that you like anymore, and are drunkenly assigning blame incoherently, giving no sense whatsoever that you know anything at all about the breadth of games that have actually been made in the last 20 years since Final Fantasy 7 supposedly started the downfall.
Probably Overwatch for its zoomer tier bullshit comic style or, Mass Effect / Dragon Age for its ugly faggot romance bullshit
>tf2 is "reddit" and "furry" now
zoomers get out
You are fucking retarded. I cannot let this post slip into the archives without labeling it as it is, even if it is in a completely different thread.
>You are backtracking and moving goalposts
I am not backtracking at all. You are just too stupid to read. RPGs are the main genre to blame, yes, but that doesn't mean it's the only thing to blame.
>You are angry that top developers don't make the one specific style of game that you like anymore
No, I am actually happy that arcade games are pretty dead, because looking at todays industry they would just produce degenerate trash anyway
Let it die in dignity instead of raping the corpse.
Dear Esther is not a videogame, but I hope anons understand why it has to go.
> I am actually happy that arcade games are pretty dead,
It doesn't seem that way given your obsession with laying blame on RPGs. You seem to be positively seething.
I have no reason to seeth because I still have more than enough games I like to play.
You are obviously the one seething here because I insult your precious gay elf dress up games.
the last of us
i feel this same way about RE4 since it made the third person slow shooter a thing despite being one of the best games ever made
it lead to Dead Space which is my favorite horror game so id be sad regardless
I liked tf2, but it is.
I can't believe I'm fucking saying it, but this. It would save the MMORPG genre and would keep the "WE WANT MONEY WE WANT MONEY" people out of gaming just for a little while longer.
Grand Theft Auto 3
First of all the game sucks dick. Its blurry, its blocky, controls are stiff and imprecise.
>bruh PS2!
No. This is a console that gave us Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 2, Timesplitters Future Perfect, Devil May Cry 3 and countless other games that look gorgeous and play well. Hell Silent Hill 2 predates the game. Compare the character models.
>bruh it's big
It's not though. Not that that's an excuse anyway. GTA 3s world is tiny and just functions as an annoying "interactive menu" for the real game.
But the real crime is unleashing the open world meme. If I could erase more than one game it would be every open world game.
Delete PUBG, Fortnite never gets a battle royale game and the entire battle royale fad never happens, as a bonus Fortnite Save The World actually gets developed and comes out of early access.
how the fuck would a grown man like you have fun
Yea Forums is contrarian and snobby, more news at 10
you really love sucking dick dont you.
All you guys saying killing WoW would save the MMO genre don't see that something equally bad or worse would just fill its spot instead eventually.
It would still be worth it, though, even if it means all it would do is delay the death of MMOs for a few years
Lost Planet 3
imagine defending such a garbage game
>Fifa isn't popular
Finally a brother.
>as if Yea Forums were a monolith rather than a piss-soaked bag of angry cats
Battle Royal being a fad has really had no consequence other than Respawn making the best BR game instead of TF3.
Also STW wad destined to be a shithole gacha game.
We’re going to the root of the problem
Retard, Crossplay is good for EVERYONE
And don't reply with "Learn 2 read, you can just delete ONE game retard" because all collect-a-PNG gacha games are literally the same game just reskinned to milk different weeb franchises.
Done. What then?
Probably League, I think the whole streamlined ranking system that's become popular as a result of League has plagued multiplayer games over the past few years. plus I don't recall hearing "we need to do something about toxic behavior in muh video games" until League
>implying that the literal billions (that is with sources adding up the fact that they made money in the hundreds of millions in 2018) gained from Fortnite are topped by the money they make with Unreal
BF2 was the BF. Best theme too
fuck off
You got me. I wasn't clever enough to say 'cut it off at the gold source'
super smash bros. melee.