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Why isn't Yea Forums excited for this?

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fuck wrong link

this is what happens when i shitpost on Yea Forums too much youtube.com/watch?v=OdFgmLIjYiw

when is the switch port

Friendly reminder that Game of Thrones was never good!

never ever, my falseflagging nintendo friend.

because most of Yea Forums has only played mario, donkey kong country and crash bandicoot when it comes to platformers.

Because most of Yea Forums has only played mario, donkey kong country and crash bandicoot when it comes to video games

>skeleton with one blue eye
Sony has run out of ideas.

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ahh sir Daniel fortesque back from the dead once again

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Should've just made a new Medievil.

>animations literally not updated at all
>those fucking chugging framerate dips in a trailer of all things

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medievil isn't really a platformer imo

his teeth make me uncomfortable

underage retard

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it looks like a fucking ps3 launch title lmao

nice bait

it just looks okay, as someone who played and liked 1 and all, it doesn't make me feel much. Granted the spyro and crash remakes weren't really all that exciting anyway. It just feels more interesting to go back and play the originals anyway.

also not including 2 feels like a mistake

To be fair, it should have been one.

I've already played Dark Souls, OP.

>that silky smooth 12 frames per second
For fucks sake, even the original PS1 version runs better then this. Fuck Sony.



The mascot platformers were never my jam. Banjo, crash spyro. all meh.

Why does anyone need this?

>not including 2 feels like a mistake
Yea especially when the first one was already remade for psp if i remember right

How is anyone okay with that framerate?

I don't like the new teeth, it doesn't have that goofy look, it's weird cause the logo still has the look

It's cinematicâ„¢, user

More like soi.

Low Quality bait

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It was like that in the original, they're just remaking it accurately

So they changed the narrator again.

Looks like a cheap mobile game, the art style is just terrible.

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The original game was shit, of course they would try to emulate that into the remaster

What a completely soulless game.

but I liked the original game :(

Was the original any good? I remember wanting it as a kid, but never really got around playing it

>Why isn't Yea Forums excited for this?
A real mystery for the ages

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>Why isn't Yea Forums excited for this?
I can tell you why I'm not excited for it. Because I will no longer own a PS4 when it comes out. Fuck sony.

>we want the fortnite audience

Why would Yea Forums ever be excited for the typical PS4 movie?

Ape Escape was better. Ape Escape trilogy remaster when?

because Yea Forums is full of edgy contrarians that actually give a shit who's playing what system. If Nintendo were in the lead, the Yea Forumsirgins would shit on Switch. If Microsoft were in the lead, they'd shit on Xbox. Yea Forums is like those hipsters that think they're better than everyone else by breaking away from the norm. Pretty pathetic, especially when we're talking about fucking pixel toys.


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In the last few years Sony has brought back old games from WipEOut to Shadow of the Colossus. I don't think they've brought back a series or ported a game without an ulterior motive. We've seen sequels to games with remasters on PS4. Gravity Rush 2, God of War, and Uncharted 4. If MediEvil does really well it could be a mainstay.


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>Why would Yea Forums ever be excited for the typical PS4 movie?

Are you falseflagging? Have you even played the original game?

Hopefully something this month in regards to the series' 20th anniversary.

i know soul/soulless is a meme but this remake completely lost the original style of the game, look nothing like the original

>even the green blood & gore is removed
Yeah, into the trash it goes.

Remaster with normal camera and controls

>that framerate
how is this acceptable in 2019 goddamn

>DMC5 runs at 60fps on PS4
>This doesn't
What's the explanation? I'm not a developer and I don't know what goes into making a game run well but how can the explanation be anything aside from lazy programming?

>Was the original any good?
It was a very big deal back in the days. And yes, it's fun. Tad clunky by modern standards, but the atmosphere and humor make it charming.
I always preferred the 2nd one over the first.

>It's another "the original was better than the remake" episode
I'm tired

>They remove the cartoony manga aesthetic for a more "adult" look


Console gamers have rock bottom standards.

Last remake i got was shadow of the colossus, and my god that game is garbage.
Shittiest controls and camera ever
Even buying it for 15 bucks i still feel scammed

>Shittiest controls and camera ever
Just like the original

What the fuck are you talking about that'd be fucking awesome

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Is that why you keep begging for their games?

Ape Escape is definitely happening

It's even worse, you'd think as a remake they would at least "update " the controls, making them a bit less janky/floaty but no, it's the exact same fucking thing.

>ANOTHER soulless remake
Can't wait for people to talk about how Sir Dan is relevant again because his game sells at least 1,000

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Embarrassing OP.

>Why isn't Yea Forums excited for this?
Because its a fucking port.

I played this game 20 years ago.

It's a remake.

>Shitposters admit they come on Yea Forums to spew their bile
Fuck you, you're ruining this board.

>removes web in Eye socket
But why.

Already played it

Because it's icky.

Because Medieval was too niche for anyone to care about a remake. They should have just made a new game.

Yeah no, it's a port with updated visuals just like SoTC.

thanks china

I get what you were trying to imply with this but perhaps the FF7 remake was not the best example to use.

They are literally making everything from scratch, I don't think you understand what a port is.

>remake a charming but very much flawed game
>basically the same exact game but with updated visuals
>the visuals are worse
whats the point?

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Because the series is so forgotten that even Sony forgot they already remade MediEvil for the PSP.

Tonight I dreamed that I watched a Medievil movie in the cinema
The main plot was that the bad guy, a flamboyant conquistador kinda knight played by Chris Metzen, captuted Sir Daniel and forced to dress like a woman cause he wanted to fug him and Dan needed to escape. What the fuck does it mean, bros

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>They are literally making everything from scratch
Yeah, and they aren't fixing or adding anything just like SoTC. It's a port.

That's not how it works you little shit.

He's obviously a salty Switchfag, ignore him.

Not him but making everything from scratch doesn't mean it's not a port. Hell, in the past recreating assets was how you ported games to other systems but I digress. Needless to say if it's the exact same game again without any substantial changes then its just a port with a new coat of paint.

>Shadow of the Colossus
What a pleb.

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The touched up graphics look nice but honestly the gameplay of the original is very average at best, the framerate dips look like dogshit though

Obviously not that niche

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Fine, then find me a remake that's exactly the same. Even the n.sane trilogy wasn't called a remake and neither was spyro.

I would like a bust a groove 1 and 2 remake

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There's two types of remake user, the ones that are like the original game (Shadow of The Colossus, Link's Awakening, Crash N.Sane Trilogy) and the ones that are a completely reimagining of the original product (Ratchet & Clank, Resident Evil 2 and Final Fantasy VII Remake).

Nice arguments

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>literally a port
>a port we've already established as such
You failed.

Dude, what the fuck are you doing.

MediEvil already had the latter:

They're literally going backwards by doing the PS1 game again.

We autosaging now?

>you have been banned for instigating or participating in a flamewar
Seething nintenDORKS lurking in sonyCHAD threads

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I played the shit out of the first level on a demo disc, never got to play the fane til a few months ago. Its pretty clubky and short, but a lot of fun. Emulate it.

They'd have to remove the protagonist if they wanted a chinese release.

More like Sonyboys.

I've been banned for stating that the Xbone sold more than the Wii U and Gamecube combined
I was banned the other day for derailing a tendie gloating thread with superior Sony sales numbers

The board is literally Nintendo Central and the mods borderline in their pockets.

How can you people not see how soulless this remake is?

Because soulless is a buzzword and if you went back in time to the day the game got released, showed literally anyone both versions they'd tell you that they would love to play this one over the original.

It's fine for the price. At least they never charge $60 for these remakes, unlike Jewtendo.

I'd still play the original Crash and Spyro over the garbage we got. Never have I seen such a fundamental misunderstanding of mechanics than I have with the N Sane trilogy. Reignited was just a sloppy rushjob.

>At least they never charge $60 for these remakes, unlike Jewtendo.
Those are straight ports as well, with maybe one meaningless add on like Funky Kong or something.

>s-seething n-nitenDorks!
come up with something origina- oh wait, you're snoyboys, Nothing original here :^)

>muh $60
*sigh* amerifats..

Medievil didnt age bery good

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Set sails for sales, Captain!

Game of Thrones is jewish propaganda. youtube.com/watch?v=-NJ8bDje9TI

Also i am looking forward to MediEvil, it's why i haven't got rid of my pisspoor yet, only game i've finished on it is Bloodborne.

The 2011 version was a port. The 2018 game had all new assets created for it.

Nope, I'm still here

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That's how it was in the original, and as someone who played the original, I prefer it this way.

Because nobody here actually played or gave a shit about MediEvil and are just pretending they cared about it for niche gamer points. Like this faggot: MediEvil was already completely reimagined and remade in 2005. Literally no one who claims to give a shit about the series should be excited for a remaster of the PS1 original because it was already done better.

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I think you're projecting quite a lot here, Resurrection was terrible and universally hated, you'd know that if you played it or were even around back then.

Another remake and they botch it it was better off dead

Don't dare to rewrite history faggot, Resurrection is the main reason for why the franchise was in the last 15 years, literally no one liked this shit remake when it was released.

People are excited because it's an actual remake this time around, Resurrection was a weird ass game that was missing like 6 levels from the original and instead it had weird "Kill the rats" minigames and puzzles where you had to dress yourself as a pirate.

>make the visuals worse
>make the framerate more uneven
>call it a remaster
I swear Sony hates this franchise and does it on purpose.
Just like how they fucking ruined the PSP remake.

Oh wow they ruined the stained glass boss. He looks retarded now

>If Nintendo were in the lead, the Yea Forumsirgins would shit on Switch
So Nintendo is in the lead right now?

>blue eye

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>It's another "remake looks like a cheap mobile game" episode

No experience or little budget

The remake is being made by Other Ocean Interactive, a literal who studio who mostly made ports like Minecraft for New 3DS, Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection, etc. and then some lesser games like The Simpsons Tapped Out, Thimbleweed Park or Rick & Morty Virtual Rick-ality.

If anything is Sony's fault to choose them for the project if it turns out to be very bad on the perfomance part, I hope they will fix the framerate from now to release but the studio handling the remake is a literal who unlike Bluepoint Studios who proved themselves to be a very good studio at making ports and remakes.

Technically they "updated" the controls as in mapping different buttons with different actions over the original, but overall the game still makes you struggle with the movement more than anything.

desu if the game had actual smooth movement and controls I think it would be too easy because half the difficulty comes from you struggling to properly move around the colossi, I however did not had any problems with the camera when dealing with them even with the biggest ones, I wonder what problems did you have.

>This was better than OoT according to sonyfags
No wonder you are all incels.

Who ever said MediEvil was better than Ocarina of Time when they have little in common? OoT has a huge open world where you can travel around at any time you want while MediEvil is level based.

Comparing Alundra with A Link to the Past is a better comparison because Alundra took a lot of stuff from Zelda games and they're really similar.