Is this game worth playing? I never see anyone talk about it

Is this game worth playing? I never see anyone talk about it

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's not worth playing

>laid off shit ton of staff
>changed xpac to more living world
it's dead soon user

Its a PvE only game with a heavy focus on MTX costumes. There are no character builds, everyone has the same skills and combat is just spamming all skills on cooldown and it fucking sucks. If you enjoy running around in an empty world grinding quests like "kill x mobs in this area", then maybe you'll like it for a while.

they literally are having an expac announcement and the laid off staff are the "diversity" hires

Not worth. Devs made plenty of unecessary decisions like making raids hard as shit so you need literally to join discord and train for 10 hours a day to do one successfully. Also it takes 3 months to farm legendary armor because there is week cap.

Story is shit
Community is straight trash
Lot's of stupid shit going on in this game which i dont want to explain but the week,day,month caps are literally fucking shit.

so a regular MMO then? cool

they changed the expac to a fucking living world season and their entire staff is diversity hires

since the laid of they actually improved tho. All the cucks got fired.

It’s a themepark but it still has pretty competent pvp elements by MMO standards.

>Its a PvE only game
wtf it has pvp

>like making raids hard as shit so you need literally to join discord and train for 10 hours a day to do one successfully.
god forbid people get rewarded for organizing and cooperating in an MMO instead of mindlessly zerging. kill yourself back to WoW, queuefag.

The game had PvP from the start but the devs pretend it doesnt exist

not really

It's still the best action MMO on the market. Whether that says more about how good it is or how bad the rest of the mmos on the market right now are you can probably decide for yourself.

lmao, this game is casual as fuck.

>god forbid people get rewarded for organizing and cooperating in an MMO instead of mindlessly zerging.

It is when the community is full of feminist jews and cucked beta faglord who enable them. Can't even tell joke to not get kicked out of guild.

>Game has a Z-Axis
>AI handles this worse than their previous game where you could have a swordfight on a bridge even if one of the swordfighters was in the chasm underneath the bridge because the game didn't have a real Z-axis
It's shit.

>raids are 2 hard!!!
>it takes too long to grind completely optional aesthetic/conveniency gear
Nigger, if there was no high challenges or time sinks for the turbo autists, you’d be bitching about it not having end game.

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then find a better guild retard

>the laid off staff are "diversity" hires
I like how retards on this site like to convince themselves that when game companies lay off people its those who were hired for "diversity".

might be hard for someone like you who can'y even quote the right person retard
sounds like a personal problem

the newest living story episode hits today actually, though it's if you have the expansion, which I do... both of them.

the game is fun

okayest mmo, only worth trying if you've already played everything else and you absolutely have to play a dead genre

Then join a more tolerant guild?

Not possible

>>it takes too long to grind completely optional aesthetic/conveniency gear

You can feerly change stats with this gear thus reducing grinding by 900% of time. Not optional if you want to say on meta.

>sounds like a personal problem

Not personal everyone in the game are like this. Total fucking retards.

LMAO, you know the worst part about this fucking abomination of a game? You can't even grind/farm monsters to get what you want, because they don't drop anything other than JUNK 99% of the time. If you want to craft this or that skin, you need to farm GOLD like a fucking madman, except that you will need so much gold that farming activities that can reward you with raw gold and materials/loot to sell for gold will take forever, so you are pretty much forced to buy gems and exchange them for gold to finally get what you want. FUCK THIS GARBAGE ASS GAME, FUCK GRIND WARS 2 by ARENANERF, CUNTS.

As i said there is no guild with officers and leader who are not fucking faggots. Been in 10 guilds. Every single one of them is SJW fuckboys.

Great entry level MMORPG.
Just quit after reaching max level and go play one with good end-game content.

I tried the free version and couldn't even get to level cap.
The dialogue is fucking unbearable, literally no can't go three lines without someone tossing a snarky one-liner or making a joke only preschoolers would find funny. It would be bearable if this was a single character, but no, every person in this backwater universe has the same sense of "humor".

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>god forbid people get rewarded

GW 2 and "rewarded" does not compute together, lmao
all you get in GW2 for doing hardest content are just skins, so you can ERP better with other subhumans

what about eso?

no that was a rumor, also nah the remaining ones are core people, the diversity shitheads are gone, hell way before PoF they were mostly canned too

Then make your own Guild if its so hard for you.

>average Yea Forums fag tries guild wars 2

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sounds like you're just bad at making money

Just play Guild Wars 1.

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>It's not worth playing
Listen to this user, he's right.
It is a mediocre MMO, with mediocre end game content. Just pay for WoW or FFXIV.

the ultimate end game content (legendary weapons/armor) takes months to get if you're starting from scratch. I had roughly 1/3 of the materials collected beforehand before I decided to go for one and it STILL took me NINE MONTHS

but now i have one and it's my baby

i bet you're a mutt and trying to join a NA guild

Today I will remind them that Ascalon belongs to the Charr.

You can change stats in the mystic forge pretty cheaply. Stop spouting shit about games you haven't bothered to play.

The good content happens only way after reaching max level, which really takes you like 5 days anyways?

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I actually did and my guild got deleted because apperently KKK - Kool Klan Koons is not acceptable name.

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It's absolute shit. Don't ever make a thread about it again. Thanks.


It's the least grindy game of all the mmos. You might as well say you hate mmos in general.

That's a problem with the shit-tier amerimutt culture. European guilds are generally pretty chill. Stop living in a degenerate garbage country.

>You can change stats in the mystic forge pretty cheaply

fucking lold you fucking retard

World versus world is pretty fun I guess. PvE is shit

>pay for WoW
fuck off ion your garbage game is even worse, i'd rather suggest someone play this instead of your failure of an MMO or your desperate attempt at saving the franchise by recycling a 15 year old version because retail is just too deep into the toilet

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>Mediocre mmo
>suggests playing wow and ff14

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WoW is average, already played it a lot. Also not a fan of the endless loot treadmill that just gets reset in the next patch anyways, shit is dumb as fuck. FFxiv is neat but my friends don't like the anime aesthetic.

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>dead game mode is fun
Zerg vs zerg isnt fun

There are much better lobby based multiplayer games out there

You are a retard who thinks that getting viper inscriptions takes effort?

???? he's right, you need like 20g or less to swap all your ascended gear stats. And since the meta is always the same, you don't need to do it every week

WoW is the worst it's ever been
FFXIV continues to be tranny heaven

stop playing MMOs

You don't hear about it because people are too busy playing it. You won't believe it, but it's one of the most active MMOs out there.

>Play WoW/XIV (ESO too, but less so because of scaling)
>Any zones and content that isn't current is completely dead, see another player maybe once every 30 minutes
>Play GW2
>See players in every zone, even in low pop times, all the time. People chat in all the zones, help each other and coordinate bosses/events.

If the game's non-max level areas were a little more challenging, this by itself would make GW2 the best MMO out right now, but sadly, the open world only starts to get quite challenging in the expansions and endgame.

But Yea Forums doesn't care, because muh sjw devs hurrrrr. So they keep playing World of Warcraft: Catgirl edition and paying every month for 15 minutes of content.

Don't get me wrong, GW2 as a lot of stupid shit. The story is shit, the races are not that great, and only unlocking elite specs at endgame is dumb, but the game has the best business model, excellent open world content, customization, variety, the best mounts of any MMO ever made, the best exploration and some of the best instanced content in the genre.

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No, completely pozzed. People trying to defend it with hypothetical future scenarios are delusionaly invested through sunken-cost fallacy. There is no saving GW2.

Is their general still infested by that weird bot?

Say what you want about gw2. I only occasionally play it but it's the only mmo right now where you'll see other players no matter where you go in the world.

how many hours to get GWAMM bros

Play in tier 1 or 2.

Bitch. With legendary armor which is account bound you can switch stats in 1 second and also you can give them to other characters. You are the fucking retard. Also if you take math how much gold and time you need for changing shit and how much shit you need the legendary armor is worth it 1000% more. I did calculation back in the day dont try to talk shit to me you utter fucking retards.


What class should I play if I want to be cool and duel wield swords?

it's pretty okay now with all the seasonal stuff happening and they actually got back to fucking dragons which is 100 times better than "muh salad mary sue" that one fat bitch self inserted as. Joko and PoF was also pretty good, and they had a cool plot twist in the last episode. Nothing in the hard core of the game is changed though, so don't expect it to be gw1.
Also the feminist retard drama was god tier laugh, so at least there's that in terms of entertainment.

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GW2 has surprisingly very little erp, thanks to megaservers.

And oh no, I can't get a weapon that's exactly the same as every other weapon but it has bigger numbers oh noooooo how will i feel good about myself for playing an mmo all day every and pretending it's an achievement boohoo

You may still be a manchild, but everyone else actually wants to have fun, sweety.

>stop playing MMOs
MMORPG nowadays boils down into single player campaign and repetitive multiplayer session with matchmaking, there are much better games if you want that.

>comfy raid group slowly gets overrun by autism
>everyone else in the guild barely talks, let alone joins content unless it's the weekly ritual of doing the most irrelevant content in the game
rip FUN

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>unga many players big particles me have fun!!!

Literally the only valuable post in the thread.

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>missin the point so hard
maximum retardo. Making legendary armor is inevitable, but in the meanwhile you can just use ascended. I have 4 (four) legendary sets, and prolly have enough money to make another one, but still use ascended on some chars cuz isn't worth it gearing them with legendary.

Legendary armor cost over 2400 gold to make. You can get a few sets of acended armor with the stats you want for less than that. Its not worth it. I got mine just for the cosmetic

I've been playing it on and off since release. If you're looking for something more casual I'd say gw2 got you covered pretty well. You don't have to worry bout gear treadmill since a full set of exotic gear is enough to do any of the content in the game. Ascended/Legendary gear only gives you 5% stats but you're only getting those items either because they're flashy as shit or you're a completionist.

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In order from most edgy to least edgy: Revenant, Mesmer, Warrior.

Rangers and elementalists can wield swords in main-hand and a dagger in off-hand too.

>Here's your GW1 sequel bro

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Most classes can dual wield. Go look at the wiki to see which ones can dual wield swords specifically. It can get confusing since you also unlock the ability to use certain weapon types during the expansions.

furries and faggots it was inevitable

The combat could still improve though. All they need to do is put more impact effects like Korean mmos. It will vastly improve combat.

Eastern mmos have a lot of good things that gw2 can adopt and make it a better game overall.

No, but pre lauch trheads were fairly comfy.

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also, the meta is always the fucking same if you play dps classes. Berserker/Viper on everything. Legendary is only good for some classes like guardian that can be used for both support and dps.

Power Herald (revenant) and run shiro

shut up discord tranny

It's a goal if you wanna sperg, which, given it's an MMO, lots of people do.

I do like that making most legendary shit is an actual ordeal. Like to make the Nevermore staff, you have to travel the world and find all the crows. It's a really cool detail and not just 'grind for mats for 6 months'.

>visual clutter outta the fucking ass
>"yeah they need more impact effects"
u retarded bro?

Too bad they laid off the person who came up with the idea...

>usually play non human races in mmos
>gw2 races are actually so bad I play human
How did they manage to do it?

I do agree, but again, I still think the combat trumps other MMOs out there, with the exception of something like Blade and Soul, but that game's otherwise an abortion.

For me personally, I just wish classes had more flavor and stuff to do outside of combat. Like the Mesmer portals. All classes should have unique stuff that only they can do. They try, like the thief's stealing ability, but they end just not being very fun or useful.

play pvp

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no point in playnig asura since they're fucking ugly runts
no point in playing charr since furries and armour clipping outta the ass
no point in playing sylvari since absolutely worst dialogue in the game and all armour looks pretty much human
no point in playing norn since human, just 8 feet tall
also, no incentive to play other racess since story is shit anyway and there's no race locked classes

The absolute second they delete mesmer from the game mode I will

No idea, especially since Sylvari are actually quite good. Creative and well-implemented with glowing skin options and shit, though they could use some more unique animations and poses. Asura and Charr are abortions, though. Norn are cool, but just... Boring.

No-taste shitter detected.

Charr are great. Asura are cool too when they don’t look completely like troll dolls.

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>Asura are cool too when they don’t look completely like troll dolls.
So... Never?

Press the 1 key to kill

they kind of did with last balance patch. Is less broken, but now scrapper is cancer. Tho, they will fix it with today patch

While it was nice that they did some much needed balancing to Salvation for Revenent I wish anet would look at Renegade.

I didnt really feel the classes, and the stories of the races was kind of bad. Only reason I would want to play is to buy the expansions and get a cool flying mount + some elite class things, but since I didn't really like the game so far it's not worth it. Maybe I'll play it again sometime.

Despite being ugly, I enjoyed playing asura for a bit, until I decide to check how their main city looks. It's the most disgusting thing I have ever seen and it made me want to kill myself, pic related, looks even worse when you're walking in it.

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>hating magitech

It looks cool on the inside. And I hate Asura.

>mfw new rollerbeetle time attack tracks in various maps

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...and this

it is literally impossible to play any MMOs in this fucking day and age. every fucking guild has some tranny constantly bragging about how they're a tranny and shit like that, or some woman corralling orbiters, or other socially disabled mongrels encourage you to keep to yourself because god knows what the fuck is wrong with someone you're about to speak with. and if you open your mouth, banned.
the end result is a garbage genre where nobody talks to each-other and uses the "massively multiplayer" aspect exclusively to compare virtual dicks.
MMOs aren't a safe haven for shut-ins anymore, they're breeding grounds for degenerates.

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Here's some things that I personally like to see from this game.
-more floating locations, islands/rocks/bases/whatever
-more fantastic looking locations, because looking at more grass, hills and dirt is tedious as fuck
-improved combat mechanics. Shake and sound effects to give hits more weight is the first step.
-make the low level maps harder
-less distance fog
-switch to a better graphics engine
-seamless world like in Tera

The character creator is really nice. These are all from the same face. Too bad so many people use defaults or play human female bimbo no. 30130154915915

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No content, and on life support. Avoid.
At that point why play at all, not like the gameplay before endgame and elite specs is decent.

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The fuck? I just think it looks disgusting, full of visual clutter, the layout is just a fucking mess. They could indeed make the theme work as I was okay with the ruins and stuff, but I didn't like the city at all.

>It looks cool on the inside
I couldn't stand to walk around the entire city, but maybe that made me miss some super secret underpath that had a nice aesthetic.

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No future content
Shit unbalanced WvWvW
Shit boring sPvP
Dumb meta
Gameplay based on perma invuls or perma downed state

>on life support
>content patch literally today
learn the meaning of words you're using, because this only serves to create buzzwords or doing the poin you're trying to make a disservice

the game IS garbage, but it's by no means on life support

If you like grinding for story bits as a reward and have fun while doing it, then actually yes. Otherwise no. Gear is practically worthless, eventhough legendary gear takes months to grind and the whole game is really really grindy. PvP is the only part where I actually have fun, but it's very messy for spectators.

This is how the majority of the game works:

Do story episode Z -> Episode Z unlocks new zone -> Zone Y has item X, usually a resource node -> Item X gives you currency W -> currency W unlocks exclusive items -> Zone Y has obstacles which can only be overcome with mastery skills -> farm mastery XP to get skill V -> overcome obstacles to get all achievements and a piece of gear

Rinse and repeat for the next zone.

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>on life support
Ah yes, the 'I only read Yea Forums and don't actually play games' starter pack.
GW2 is the most active MMO out currently.

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>female bimbo
I feel personally attacked

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>Gear is practically worthless, eventhough legendary gear takes months to grind
that's the dumbes example i've ever seen, leg gear is literally ascended stats with a different skin. leg gear was never about stats.

It was fun in 2014, farmed up like 4 legendaries but I came back a couple months ago and everything was too different. I left when Lion's Arch was still destroyed.


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rate my shit

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pretty good/10

If it wasn't clear from his post that he's an autistic number babby who has no idea what he's talking about, you weren't paying attention.

Imagine playing a game in 2019 to try and do 0.1% more dps than the next guy. I truly wonder if those people even know how to have fun anymore.

>Brown skin red hair
Mutt out of Trash

>full bladed

It should be about stats. I can't imagine anything more emasculating than getting killed by a pair of ostriches while you wield a greatsword that hurls a galaxy around.

outfit is way, way overdesigned.
Character looks okay, I guess.

Any character that doesn't rely on particle effects or sticking out like a sore thumb with attentionwhore dyes is already better than most, good job.

literally just an entire set


Soulless disgusting shitty reddit goblin city I can't believe I thought "maybe this race isn't too bad", I wish for an asura genocide. That's all.

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>doesn't make mad bank farming istan
lmaoing at your life

I Enjoy finding in world ugly characters.
I'm like the Lilo of GW2

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>pay for WoW
You fucked up shill. I'm reporting this to your supervisor.

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Show me on the doll where the inquest agents touched you, user

This isn't how stats have worked in literally any game since forever.
In any game with levels or stats, the enemies also have similar levels or stats, but their levels aren't bound to how they look. If you're level 100 with a greatsword of +fuckton of stats a level 200 ostrich will still rape your face.

>pay for WoW
you dropped this, user

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Rata Sum is /comfy/

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I really hate some animations in this game, unironically, Charr Warrior is the only acceptable combo race class to play, Norn is also good

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>Imagine playing a game in 2019 to try and do 0.1% more dps than the next guy.
if only the 0.1% dps were the problem, but its the fact that you can still get through the game by pressing 2 buttons.

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Its worth the literally nothing to play. Its not the same game it was 6 years ago, nor even 3 years ago.

Why is this whole genre such a trash fire?

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greed, the usual

Have you thought of making a collage?

>hundred blades with asura
>jumping for every slash like some hyperactive goblin, completely weightless
>hundred blades with any of the humanoids
>acceptable until the final slash, which looks really floaty and shit
>charr HB
>weighty glory from start to finish
Truly the best race.

Kinda hot desu, makes her look like a piggy I want to fuck.

post salads

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Weird way to spell "Your Life".

I lost some of my pics now that i look through them.
I need to get back into gw2 and look for more eye sores.

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Please do, I love seeing trash tier characters.

Truly i love mmos that give the ability to have free form customization because someone always fucks a slider to hell or just enjoys ugly shit,

Too bad that all the korean ones are hot trash filled with chink/ruskies that just want to sell me shit.

You mean a chad warrior, which only norns and humans can be!

Appeal to the broadest audience and in the process of doing so, you appeal to no particular demographic.

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I'm sure that sounded like a sick own in your head

>make human mesmer
>greatsword attacks are the character flailing randomly in gay poses while the sword floats in air
>quickly make femcharr mesmer
>same attacks are striking a strong, defiant pose while pointing the sword at enemy with one hand
Mice. Are they even trying?

Screenshotting funny characters is the real endgame of GW2

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Made you reply so i guess it worked huh faggot

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It really is

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I like the color options.

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these are pretty good

>All this dumpstering on asura animations

Greatsword ranger on asura is the tightest shit out

We wuz mages n shiet

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Right in the dongliz

Yeah that image makes it look comfy

I like it

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You mean cosplay characters

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Truly this is the ultimate end game look.
Get as many expensive dyes and glowing items and just shine like a glorious faggot

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fucking lol, is that all gem shop?

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the good old days

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Google has a treasure trove of this shit

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No just the top hat i got right after the beta ended

Reminds me of people in BDO always doing the anime hair/face combo.

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>you replied so I win!!!
The a absolute state of mmofags. How embarrassing.

Is that a fucking giant tick on his face?

Look how you sit in the thread mad at people.
Just leave you're embarrassing yourself.

wait we can actually talk about this game again without getting spambotted to fuck?

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its good when only a few people do it

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MMOs appeal to to the demographic of people who buy microtransactions

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This is why i love/hate customizing because you will have people trying to be original and then you have the people that see something one person does and copy paste it.
You see it A LOT on Human Females and Norn Females in Gw2.
It's the bugs they added somewhat early on they made a reference to half life.

its free just install and play

How the fuck could Guild Wars 2 be too complicated for someone? Resource management doesn't exist on most classes, there's no point in mixing and matching runes, there are only two sigil slots per weapon set and the stats are extremely self explanatory. What the fuck are games going to look like in ten years if Guild Wars 2 is too complicated for the average normie?

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>no u
>u mad

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Best race coming here

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Yes you are.

How's the general goin? oh wait

is the guild wars 1 free to play yet?

>"people" hating on asuras.
Fucking bookah who always need to play human in a fantasy mmo
Get out

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hello newfriend

It's honestly a good thing that general died.
/vg/ is cancer and holds 4chans worst attention whores.
And when you leave a whole general to nothing but attention whores you got that general.
Let /vg/ blow themselves into the abyss and be forced off the site.

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>caring about /vg/ at all
nobody care if the general is dead, it was ERP autism and namefagging, like the rest of the generals. Nothing of value was lost.

>no u again

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hello retard!
But you guys told me /vg/ was the real board for video games and Yea Forums was just for off topic shitposting? what happened?

You're the one still replying in a thread you hate.
I can feel it from where i am just how mad you are.

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Based and Collegepilled.

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>you guys told me

>want warclaw
>adapt to problem
>use my permanent superspeed alt that I use for farming halloween instead

I got it in 2 evenings.

>But you guys
I have no idea who the fuck you are.
Crazy how a anonymous board works huh newfag.

you say that as if any MMO general has ever held anything of value and not just avatarfags and chronic shitposters.

Let's see.
>no more expansions
>LW episodes spaced out to 4 months
>one raid a year with 3 bosses each
>no pvp balance ever
>bi-weekly cash shop patches
>LW maps are deserted after the first few weeks
This mmo is literally doomed no matter what. They are only releasing content for casuals which requites a shitload of time to create for no replayability whatsoever.

>no u again

Attached: 1446405020072.jpg (640x480, 115K)

The fuck, wrong pic.

Attached: jon snow.png (385x455, 333K)

I actually refuse to play human in any game, enjoyed playing asura more than all the other races, and I still dislike a lot about them. Goblin fucks.


Attached: bestdeal.png (600x600, 846K)

>He's still replying

Attached: 1529240165720.gif (320x240, 1.42M)

Is there any other game with the same level of skin customizability?

Attached: samus.png (600x793, 650K)

literally the worst online game ever created

No. Now fuck off and never talk about us ever again. WoW and FF seem more like down your alley, so why don't you go watch your favorite streamers over there?

>mmo for casuals releases content at a rate only chad who plays for a single hour a week because his entire week is consumed by his 30 jobs and 68 children can consume in time for the next patch

Attached: 1554074722471.jpg (640x480, 68K)

>He's STILL replying

Attached: 1541435571230.gif (350x290, 1.66M)

It's really funny how gw2 fans are the only ones who are willing to shit up their own threads with constant image macro spam.

>bi-weekly cash shop patches
please buy more stuff so we don't have to fire more staff

>hey we are just going to pretend that never happened and then call you a newfag if you call us out on our revisionism

/vg/ is better than Yea Forums. people on Yea Forums dont even play video games. people are legit retarded here

t. hourly "BROS WE'RE GOING HOME" thread

He's right. You're mad as fuck.

Attached: 1486312052990.jpg (960x720, 56K)

I'm fine with no more expansions. Let's be honest, expansions in GW2 are trash. They're linear grinds and you have no option to actually choose what you want to do next. The same shit with mounts. Have to get your raptor first, then grind the 2nd raptor mastery in order to get towards the springer and so and forth. They lock to certain areas of the expansions, where you needlessly grind to unlock shit, just to do it in the next area until you're ready to get a piece of the story. Expansions are literally copy and paste content with just a different skin. They should honestly drop LW content and expac development for more raids and pvp stuff.

Attached: 1538489067715.jpg (388x384, 41K)

I remember they put this on sale for 50% off then made it free2play a week later.

>he's still replying

/vg/ doesn't play videogames either, at least not in MMO generals. they just have photography sessions for their self-made whore waifu for everyone in the general to fap to and play pretend sex iduring downtime.

How do I get better hairstyles? Do you really have to pay real money?

>I never see anyone talk about it
Coz FF14/ESO/WoW are better

>/vg/ is better than Yea Forums

Attached: 1554711991812.gif (625x626, 1.16M)

>being so desperate to save face in an internet argument you literally resort to samefagging
inb4 'i totally didn't use inspect element here's proof'

Attached: 1462725171598.jpg (440x384, 46K)

pretending I'm a wowfag? weak deflection. all modern mmos are trash.

>endgame revolves around cosmetics to look fancy
into the trash it goes

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Attached: 1453908985411.jpg (300x300, 22K)

appearance change items are fairly common drops from the lootboxes, and you can preview the exclusive hairstyles at some NPCs

You're so mad lmao

Hey guys any tips on El Eduardo build??

Attached: el eduardo.gif (587x440, 2.46M)

don't you mean
>endgame revolves around PAID cosmetics to look fancy

Post your favorite tracks

Attached: 1547500880188.png (1887x468, 531K)


Attached: 1546296832036.png (3588x3596, 1.13M)

said the assblasted retard who tried to samefag his way out of a shitposting contest

Attached: 1446869449153.gif (538x572, 338K)

The problem with no expansions is that we have no frame of reference for new elite specs now.


>endgame is barbie dress-up and every shitter has access to the best gear tier (they're even fucking craftable)
this is a game for trannies and women

Attached: 1530601996022.png (512x768, 976K)

Toot :3

Attached: gw072.jpg (1387x611, 653K)

Holy fuck you mad

>guy pulls out a cash shop chair
>tell him to use a raid chair
>he logs out

I will mock these people any chance I get

obligatory reminder

>always used to use white hair and blue eyes
>now everyone does it because of 2B

>endgame is barbie dress-up
Literally every MMO ever.

It's literally the meta for sb dps you fucking retard

>Enter a MMO thread when you don't like MMOs
Why are you people so brainless?

Attached: 1557732403814.png (1800x1578, 199K)

>in after 'i totally didn't use inspect element here's proof'
ya seethin?

Why would you want new elite specs? They're always going to be overtuned for years (on purpose), which forces anyone who plays pvp to buy it.

So you just plug your ears and cover your eyes when you see evidence.
Amazing job retard.

>why isn't my thread a echo chamber where only mindless MMO fanboys are allowed to post
/vg/ is two doors down. better yet try reddit

Attached: 1465848223015.jpg (886x1002, 524K)

People have been doing that all the time because of muh anime look, especially now that anime is mainstream. You're not special or an individual.

Seems more up your ally with how asshurt you are.

he literally asked if it's worth playing. are you stupid?

Based retard poster!

>this totally not doctored screenshot is evidence i'm not a despreate samefagging retard
cope harder

Attached: Laughing garp.gif (500x281, 210K)

>screenshot response to prove you're not samefagging

Do you have a multiple personalities disorder? lol

>Press screen grab and post
You're actually brain dead and i pity you.

that's a big C desu

nothing wrong with sparing someone from suffering
plus, he fucking asked

My dude, you screenshotted HIS post as response and not yours @

>no u
I'm' not the one crying that their MMO thread is being ruined by people who don't like current MMOs

Attached: 1536985551088.png (356x304, 226K)

I knew Yea Forums was full of brainlets. But this is just sad.

This site is 18+

You're very attached to this no you meme.

>why won't these idiots accept my proof i totally didn't samefag and use inspect element to hide it! I'm not a brainlet!

Attached: 1497242841120.gif (377x372, 1.9M)

Come back when you're older, kid.

So you just not accepting anything is you "Winning".
is that way reddit tourist.

>endgame is dress up
>almost everything looks like garbage
What did they mean by this?

>No u

The raids are cool and pvp can be fun but WvW and everything else is just zerg rushing trash. It really doesnt help that nothing content wise from from the stories ever sticks around to be useful or engaging later. They never added more dungeons , fractals were a nice idea but they got real repetitive real fast. I may be wrong iirc theres still only 1-2 SaB worlds.

Anyone else sad that Maguuma FUCKING DIED




I just don't know how to break this to you. Either you have a mental disorder or you're doing this on purpose to play dumb, but you screenshotted the post of the person you were responding to as proof that you're not samefagging, which doesn't make a lick of sense.

Than in itself should answer your question, OP.

>you're a /pol/tard redditor for not accepting my screencap as 'proof' I wasn't blatantly samefaging!

Attached: 1528837385423.png (500x621, 323K)

As in no one is farming it anymore? Good fuck that place most annoying map trekking i have ever done

Attached: my mind craves nectar.jpg (1920x1080, 623K)

wvw I meant

fuck tangled depths


the girl characters look cute

>I accept no evidence therefore i'm clearly always correct
Nah i'm right you're a 2016 visitor that needs to go back.

Attached: 1536102925009.jpg (758x1024, 84K)

>thing isn't popular
>therefore it must be shit
Fuck off, zoomer.

Yikes you are so cringe

>Everyone is the same person so says i!
New to anonymous image boards huh?

Jesus now I know why the guy botted the gw2 general


You really don't.

>the """"evidence""" is literally a screencap of the post replying to you aftrer using inspect element to hide the (You)
>no u go back redditor! no u!

Attached: DklwEmiWwAgIZi0.jpg (750x711, 71K)

I wish he would bot Yea Forums gw2 threads too.

If this thread is any evidence I do.

Attached: 12412515343634.png (1200x800, 52K)

>my samefag sense is tingling
You're getting desperate lad. Quit before you hurt yourself

Well it really isn't. He started that shit over other problems.


Just play Mabinogi, there is going to be a server merge in June so it's the perfect opportunity to start fresh.

Up to WotLK WoW, Wildstar and City of Heroes were the only good MMOs.

Woh.. so THIS is what gw2 threads are like... no wonder why the bot exists

Attached: 0235B8CE-00BD-44E3-BA3F-7EE6660DD10D-189-00000031FA132ED7.png (640x368, 180K)

Maybe it was avatarfags and circlejerking, but I imagine this was part of it too, as it is in other generals.

You're not wrong. I was just quoting a post from the /vg/ apologia in an earlier thread.
See above. It's not bait this is what people actually believe.

I don't like how raids consist of the group just stacking and maintaining buffs.

2/3 of those MMOs were trash though.

>at least not in MMO generals
You mean in literally any and all franchises that have character costumization.

The guy literally started bringing threads to image cap with charr screenshots so that the ratfags wouldn't be able to spam the thread with roleplay and avatarfagging anymore.

This, making cute girls is endgame.

Attached: Gw2-64 2017-12-26 23-55-56.jpg (1920x1080, 239K)


kys thea

Do gacha threads count?

You mean in literally any and all franchises that have female characters.

Asura are the only reason I played this game
I had some good times, but it just ends up being a boring grind and a fashion show

Attached: 1546302652006.jpg (609x914, 63K)

So yes then

Very fun leveling, very active playerbase, tons of things to do at end game, fun hidden quests and achieves, fun PvP, fun PvE, fun PvM. I'd say so, probably one of the best MMO's on the market, im just a little burnt out on int atm. But that's the beauty, there is no subfee/intense gear treadmill, so I can come back whenever I want to and be fine.

>there are no character builds
are you stupid? most classes have around 3 viable builds that all vary in playstyle
>combat is just spamming all skills on cooldown
most DPS classes at least have 15-30 button rotations user.

>legendary armor
this is how I know you havent played the game
>community is straight trash
I've played almost every mmo and I've never met a more nicer and inviting community

you can make like 200g a day farming silver wastes
I do not understand why you're mad that the game isnt just a fucking skinnerbox grinder like BDO or Tera.

Attached: 1484286769600.gif (496x720, 1.84M)

Cute bimbot.

Attached: (you).jpg (450x604, 55K)

Out of all the story tangents and threads that just vanish im most sad about the asuras.

>bug eyes
>no boobs
>no ass
>whatever those things at the end of their legs are
absolutely RANCID taste

>I've played almost every mmo and I've never met a more nicer and inviting community
Ironically that's what everyone says about the MMO they still play.

Idk who that is.

Attached: 1545832311393.jpg (1382x2410, 695K)

>Ironically that's what everyone says about the MMO they still play.
if you held me at gunpoint and told me to say that about WoW at any moment after WotLK i'd tell you to pull the trigger
thankfully all my friends quit a few months into cataclysm so i had nothing else anchoring me to that shit game

>bug eyes are cute
>no boobs is perfection
>there is an ass it's just not fat
>cute wide plodders
they're the perfect race

Attached: 1541026405946.png (300x300, 198K)

>about the MMO they still play
I've seen posts almost identical to from people who still play WoW

the general for this game on /vg/ was without a doubt the absolute worst one that ever existed. A deranged user with a bot put an end to it, for better or worse.

Give me the rundown. What happened with the general?

Rate my rat.

Attached: Untitled.png (2560x1080, 1.95M)

>I do not understand why you're mad that the game isnt just a fucking skinnerbox grinder like BDO or Tera.

Guild Wars 2 is actually a pretty severe form of a skinner box.

Win an event -> Receive (inconsequential) loot
Lose an event -> Receive (inconsequential) loot
Participate in an event and bail -> Receive (inconsequential) loot
Do repetitive tasks -> Receive (inconsequential) loot
Do achievements and story things -> Receive (inconsequential) loot

Whatever you do in GW2, you are rewarded with loot, shiny things or an achievement that increases your score. It forces you to play again for these little dopamine rushes. -> positive reinforcement -> skinner box. You are also more likely to be invested into the cash shop for the reasons the game can make you feel.

Meanwhile in BDO:

Upgrade weapon -> Lose 200 hours of investment with no reward -> Can't do GvG or PvP anymore for the next few months or quit the game.

This is a complete lack of operant conditioning, which would be present in a skinner box. The only thing you can say about it, is that it uses negative reinforcement for their system of increasing the odds. But overall the game is empty of any conditioning. It just punishes you arbitrarily, which means it is not a skinner box, but a torture device.

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