
Attached: Sony profits.png (480x660, 66K)

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100 millions soon

I hope PS5 doesn't come out until next November. If they announce it's coming this Fall/Holiday hope you like buying a new system just to play games that were originally announced on the PS4 years ago.

>2 billion more people become capable of entering the gaming market in the past decade
>sales increase
What's the problem?

the better they're doing, the worse things will get for consumers of sony products, so it sucks

it's already mostly confirmed to not be until next year until "at least" April, but likely be announced March 2020 with holidays 2020 release

It's late 2020 or early 2021

Yep. Where the fuck are all the new and resurrected IPs then? They have a bigger market, but are releasing fewer games. No Colony Wars, no Ape Escape, no G-police, no Syphon Filter.
I knew all that "games are too expensive!" stuff was horseshit. These fuckers are making more money than ever before with less effort. That's not even mentioning DLC.

PSN is making so much money by doing mostly nothing, that they're taking the Valve route now.

Weebfags utterly BTFO


>They have a bigger market, but are releasing fewer games.
A small period between PS2 and PS3 was the last period in Sony's history that it sought to subsidize Developers with the simple request of them filling up the Sony library with as many different and colorful games as possible.
This is also what Microsoft did during 1990's and stopped at around early 2000's.

That's pretty much the answer to your question.
Now Sony and Microsoft are both going the Cloud Meme route which only the biggest dumbshits will hop onto to get scammed.
Pic and vid related is Adobe cloudfags tasting the Cloud meme, and they can't do shit about it because Adobe has their content and product held ransom.

Sonyfags already experienced the future they are going to get when the object of their laughter - Xbox pay-for-online, was adopted by Sony and all of a sudden all Sony consolekiddies just went silent.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-5-14 Adobe Doubles the Monthly Subscription Price of Photoshop Lightroom Plan - Goog (598x850, 138K)

will the ps5 reveal rival the ps3 reveal?

I can't wait

They already said not 2019, expect a reveal of hardware at e3 state of play thing, then maybe another psx this winter with a proper release date.
Maybe earlier if microsoft reveals theirs early. Sony has never been one to back down from a challenge. literally shot in the suite yoshida was staying in an hour after the microsoft conference where they revealed you wouldn't be able to play used games on xbone.

Honestly this. Sony is at its best when being aggressive coming off of losses or just trying something new. Complacent Sony does jackshit. See late PS2 and early PS3. PS4 started this way but only for its pre release


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Nintendo also launched the most successful console hybrid system of all time While xbox smashed the competition in console that only does digital gaming.

It doesn't really mean anything, It words to make it look impressive (which it is) but everything does this
Even flops will riot on about how successful their were in a very odd scenario.

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>Subscription to Photoshop

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I'm still upset about their censorship and while I hope it will hit them hard with PS5, I don't think it actually will.



I hope they crash and burn with some dumb decision they make for next gen. This time they won't have the weeb market to keep them afloat during a failed generation.

If weeb garbage actually sold, there would be no censorship of it.

Why do you make this thread every day? Owning a PS4 doesn't mean you own Sony stock, consolewarrior.

inanely based

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It sells enough for them to make a profit and fund more games, is that not the goal of a company? Given how many people on here and across the internet are complaining about this stuff it's not like the market is really that small either.

I really regret buying a ps4
with all the censoring and shit this will be the Sony console


It's like how grocery stores stopped selling girly mags like Playboy, sure it made some money but it hurt the image of the store more than it helped for the small profit it generated.

My thoughts are that you already posted this thread yesterday and you’re a faggot.

I bought 2 PS4s

anybody else?

>Riding on existing success, so this was inevitable
>They'll do what every corporation does to justify its stupid decisions and pretend this is a direct result of them censoring all their games and moving their studio to California
> Now they will never stop

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Cheering the profits of a corporation is fucked, also holy shit Sony is doing it's best when it's releasing the least good games, hopefully PS5 will have more exclusives and cinematic games.

I legit want Death Stranding to be a PS5 exclusive.

> Filename
On topic though, why even bother with Sony anymore ?
Don't buy if you don't agree with how shit they are. Simple as that.

DS will be shit. So I think they might have to multiplat it to damage control.

"Weeb" games tend to have a dedicated fanbase and will sell well relative to its production values.
Even hypothetically if they didn't sell well I still don't see how censorship would be a solution. They're still allowing the games on their platform in censored formats.

Sony are a bunch of pussies. If they actually cared about these games damaging their image to the general population they would straight up ban these games. If there's a story about "pedo games" that goes up and the game is available on switch and ps4 is anyone gonna care that Sony says "but we made them put steam over everything"?

>shovelware is good because it profits
Kys weebs

For the company that makes it it's great. Who am I to judge? I don't think ass creed is good but it rightfully makes money, am I gonna call for it to be banned just because I dislike it?

>Sony is at its best when being aggressive coming off of losses
Tell that to late ps3 and the vita
>or just trying something new
When have they done that? Sony are bandwagoners.

Is that how sonyfags justify shovelware like TLoU and GoW?

It will hit hard the Ps5 and other platform will take the lead till Sony realised that censorship is probably a bad bussiness move , right now they are too greedy that will come around and bite them just like it did during the Ps3 era .

That's not what shovelware means, user. But you already knew that, you just wanted to lash out in pain. Worthless, hypersensitive weeb.

Fanboying is celebrating the number of sales for your precious console instead of the number of good games, features, and support.

Is this video games?

Shorting Nintendo as we speak

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Cool, but since I got the PS4 last there wasn’t anything I wanted on it that wasn’t released elsewhere

>That's not what shovelware means, user
>Low effort
>low budget
>very buggy
>simple and linear gameplay
They have the major qualities of shovelware. The only difference is that their marketing hiring famous persons inflated the budget making it appear to be a AAA game when very little of that money made it to the game.

It won't hit them at all. Last year the PS4 had its second best selling year even with the censorship "controversy". The weeb games being censored sell less than 100k each, Sony can lose that entire fanbase and still sell over 100 million PS5s.

Damn. We've really reached new levels of COPE, huh. Sad.

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Not really , DmC5 got censored so we already know this goes for everybody its how it works you let a bunch of fanatics run your business they will inevitably push their ideologies regardless of how bad it is for the business just look at the state of marvel comics and comics industry in general.

Sony's worst enemy is themselves, time and time again the only thing that brings them down is their own stupid decisions. It doesn't matter if the weeb audience is small, it's still indicative of them making stupid mistakes again if they are willing to throw away paying and loyal customers.

Boring Cable TV script or stolen movie tropes. Unoptimized shovelware using outdated PS3 tech

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Except for the time they actually collapsed and started selling off all of their businesses and buildings.

OOHH now you know I ain't allowed to think

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