MGS5 is the best MGS game, period

MGS5 is the best MGS game, period.

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It's not a MGS game though

>Metal gear solid V
yes it is, can you read?

Not enough actual base infiltration, you never really get a good base interior, like in other Metal Gear games.

Chapter 1 is one of the best games in the series

Chapter 2 is one of the worst games ever made



why is quiet wearing shorts ?

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In terms of gameplay and graphics sure


brainlets dont get mgsv convoluted story.

Is it opposite day?

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mgs3 is most low iq mgs

MGSV is the best game, gameplay-wise. Everything else is the worst.

It's V, not 5


made for brutus

All solid snakes games are great.
All big boss games are shit.

No, MGS2 is.
>b-but muh deep story!
It's about as deep as a puddle, it's just an anime plot with basic Philosophy 101 shit thrown in. MGS3 is self-aware enough to realise that it's about being a fun game rather than trying and failing to be deep.

Kojima just used that as an excuse in case of backlash. "It's a spin-off guys"

>basic marxism 101
Fixed for you.

going purely off of my own enjoyment with no contrarianism or tactical attempts to look cool


was it necessary to have credits at the end of every mission?

For saying it's the longest by far, I remember the least about it.

I haev a feel bitch on the right fucks horses

well that post confirms you are mgs3 brainlet. no wonder you dont get mgsv truth manipulation and doublethinking. mgs 3 is aimed to hollywood sucking amerimutts.


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Worst MGS game.
Doesn't even deserve the name "MGS".
As an action game it's fine though

It is MGS, but a spinoff.

says guy who thinks ishmael was big boss and truth tapes where "truth"

Fuck off with that shit.
Kojima was always a shit writer, but the other works had some self awareness.
This is just pure garbage.

so you do believe the lies then.

nah you are just sheep who propably trusted eddie in silent hill 2. why the fuck idiot amerimutts think everything you have been told is true. thats the fucking biggest point of mgsv and you idiots eat all the lies like it was big mac

now Im hungry, thanks alot

>doesn't attempt to refute my point
Dumb mgs2 brainlet
>truth manipulation and doublethinking
Am I supposed to find that deep? It's really basic shit.

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What lies ? Believe in what ?
The only thing I believe in is how shit the writing was even for MGS standards, how some characters were an insult compared to what they are and so on.
I don't care about any of the tapes or whatever shit Kojima wanted to pull.
He wanted his celeb cast and got it.
Now I'll just wait and laugh when Death Stranding will inevitably be shit.
Never played SH and not a mutt. Eat a dick faggot.

Rising should be given its own alternate universe. I hate how it makes the future op cyborgs. It kinda ruins the possibility of a believable stealth sequel.

Also think about the lore of a Rising alt universe. Imagine MGS1 but with rising gameplay. Cyborg Liquid and Cyborg Solid going toe-to-toe with katanas. Fighting Rex with Gray Fox at your side.

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the series is over anyway, surviVe was what they could do without kojima

Most everything that was in Rising was in MGS4 as well except for the robot cats.

no, if solid snake went up against even a basic foot soldier from rising he'd get btfo

Mgs4 wasn't as over-the-top as Rising thou

She's even ugly in fan art. Wew lad