When did gaming magazines go from based to cringe? Tell me about your favorite from back in the day

When did gaming magazines go from based to cringe? Tell me about your favorite from back in the day.

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Not to sound like another member berries faggot but I really do miss this era when developers just made exciting games and magazines were still niche so they didn't have to care about being taken seriously or trying to live up to other,more developed art forms like film or music, but made enough money on just innocently promoting these games. It felt like these magazines weren't just for people who play games but who think about them alot, love getting hyped/mad over them and maybe just wanted to keep that excitement to themselves

>"Why the manga madness of Digimon World means lights out for Pokemon"
Lol. Even back in the day, the people who wrote these magazines were retarded.

They were never based, they just were cringe in different ways. Got some serious laughs when I digged up some older gaming magazines from 97-2002 era and looked at that teenager-focusgrouped writing and shitty speculation.

>tfw no Regina cosplayer gf

This is a very serious and delicate feel, rest assured I'm not overstating it whatsoever

Yeah. But they also pushed " sells more than !" . You can only make bigger and bigger sales until whatever youre selling becomes mainstream. It was not only inevitable, but a logical conclusion to the era you're longing for.

I have to agree. I went back to read a few I remembered having. And while there's a sweet naivety to a lot of the writing (they rarely if ever use technical or cinematic buzzterms like "art direction", "the narrative", "ambient lighting", "cinematography"), it's still loaded with insane hyperbole, open biases, and lies.

I actually miss those dumb rivalries between franchises. Now we only have console wars.

Some of the older PC gaming focused mags were actually quite good, because they clearly wrote for adults instead of teenagers. But yea, most console gaming magazines were certainly made for max 15 years old audience, and are almost painful to read today if you go back to them.

When videogames went to shit

What, don’t you remember how Killzone was supposed to kill Halo off once for all?

This. Every game released after 2007 has been 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters, vidya is dead. And when vidya is dead, so is vidya journalism.

Gaming magazines died when Ultra Game Players and Bill Donahue moved on. It's as simple as that.

>niche things becomes popular
>popular things always atract normalfag mases
>niche things gain money and pander more to normalfag instead of the core audience
>now niche things doesnt have anymore the charming they use to have and its souless piece of shit
>normalfag always notice too late the things they use to like is beyond repair
>normalfag dropped the things and look for others things to cosume
>core audience remains whit luck maby they have a revival
This happends all the time
You just need to wait until people dont give a about things You like

>buy some magazine as a kid
>it's a special edition about jrpgs
>porn of final fantasy girls in the middle
That was great

The Australian version of that magazine, OAPSM, was always fucking cringe. I'll never forget my sony fanboy friend always showing me how many PS games were given 10/10 while Nintendo had like, 2 a year. Then one day I went through his magazines and every single month there was like 3-4 10/10 games. So fucking stupid.

And not just Digimon, but Digimon World.
That's like a Sega fanboy saying Sonic 06 will make everyone forget Mario.

At least they were still about games and not telling how white men are evil and how you should suck tranny dick, unlike the ”gaming” journalism today.

showing my age but i was a massive collector of psm. they were cool as shit

>no more mr.badass
>hello pc police trannies

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This was one of the first ones I owned. Used to light up my month

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Imagine reading magazines.

There's no way this is real.

Yeah apparently it's a joke cover they did after because the magazine ended at number 11