We're almost home boys. Beta announced today.
Wow Home Classic Thread - World of Warcraft
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This lunatic spent 12 hours farming junkboxes from elite mobs in the level 30-40 bracket. He sounds like a true sperg.
No beta today. Get over it.
fuck retail niggers
Mage or Paladin wat do
Today we will get some footage and information that blizzard showed to some content creators, maybe a q&a, then they will announce a closed beta for content creators only.
release date
3.5 hours bros check tipsoutbaby stream
Still can't decide what to main
Daily reminder to tank Trash and AoE raids as Protection Paladin.
lol no
im going to play enh shaman and you cant stop me
Will this post age like milk in a few hours?
Probably not, but place your bets!
mage obviously, you'd have to idiot to play paladin with their 15 min buffes
I cannot wait for this to fail. I don’t hate you bros but fuck Blizzard. They will figure out a way to fuck this up.
>benches you from the raid
heh better luck next time
join us bro
hi IncelBenji, why do you use Addons in vanilla you scumbag?
I just watched youtube.com
Is gnome mage really = human mage?
What about engineering?
What about pvp?
Thoughts on my Gnome?
hope you shammies ain't gonna try any 30/0/21 shenanigans heh, for my raid I asked for a resto and 30/0/21 is not resto. nothing personal
True sperg is absolutely correct.
Couldn't even finish the video, every single item makes him lose his train of thought
Are you bitching at him for using addons?
Autism is a superpower and deserves respect, because autism is the chemotherapy that cures the cancer of casuals.
Undoubtedly the best Warlock build for levelling
Will I be able to buy materials for cheap to prepare a profession early on (if I somehow have gold to spend), or will the super tryhards clean out the AH with their guilds? Or maybe scout out some materials that will be in high demand later on for profit.
rate my tank/healer hybrid
Oh wait it's that faggot.
Hmph. At least he has autism but he's still a total faggot. Would prefer a different autist if the option is available.
That's what makes it hilarious.
I just saw a hunter on Northdale named "RedpillChad" which one of you faggots here is that hunter?
unironically good
>tfw played priest back in the day and did pretty much everything except late naxx
>mfw now is the chance to relive vanilla with other classes yet I'm leaning towards playing priest again
I'm going full resto for the first few weeks of MC and respeccing to hybrid for other content, which I'll probably stick with once raids are on farm
>content creators
AKA faggots.
Well shit, this won't end well. I know it's the most cost-effective advertising but dear god do streamers have a massive case of fragile ego.
No you didn't
Another thread with the SAME wojacks, The SAME image spam, the SAME post, and the SAME op general style starters.
You are a /vg/ thread allowed to be here only because blizzard gets free publicity from you idiots.
Good job on being shills for FREE.
How hard was it to boost dungeons in vanilla? I started in BC and I remember even then you could die while boosting if you got overconfident and tried to pull a huge amount without knowing what to do. Was the dungeon xp really good in vanilla too, or did people just want their loot/quests and move on?
It's trash.
0 stars.
You don't have the +10% damage talent in Balance.
You also don't have Feral Swiftness.
Yeah, do /who
Level 9 orc hunter.
Quit self promoting. You samefag in every one of these threads linking your shitty videos or namedropping as if anyone cares or knows who you care.
This is the average classic player. Oh boy classic will be great.
And the same marketer replies too! : )
I posted that but I am not SwoleBenji. I think it's good content. I don't see any other anons making stuff.
Imagine playing alliance in classic
>he wants to fuck niggers
mah nigga
personaly im still unconvinced tho
>no wojaks, one frog
>not a single usual pasta, aside from yours
>OP mentions actual news, even if they are rumors
Retail faggots are still seething.
we only watch tips out videos in this thread user
Your mom is good content, but it has a $YOUR_AGE + 0.75 year production time.
When are you going to talk about jews?
Disc IS viable!
Going to make a cute fem nelf disc priest.
Cope classiccuck. I hope you will enjoy your 15 years old game after it will die after 2 months
I will, thanks. You can keep seething tho.
Why? His content is fake / other people's work that he "presents' it's not even optimal.
Can’t wait to make my hunter.
I was introduced to this game by borrowing a friends 60 hunter to play WSG and it was fucking great. The fact that you can’t one shot people anymore in retail is a fucking shame
Oh, what's that? You need to pick up a quest item and there are no vendors nearby?
You are lonely, not because you lack friends, but because you are unhappy with yourself.
You are unhappy with yourself because you are useless and pathetic, and you haven't achieved any of your goals in life.
Even if you had friends, you'd still be sad, because friends won't fix what's wrong with you.
You try to escape into your imagination, but you imagine yourself as a weak anxious screwup. Even in your own fantasies, you're still a failure.
You are going to kill yourself one day. The sooner you do it, the less of a burden you'll be on the people around you.
What kind of an autistic shit build is this
power infusion is really underrated, makes mages shit over melee dps even in MC
Should I buy one of these for WoW?
>discards shiny fish scales
Fucking 8c pieces of shit.
Sure. They are pretty effective
>no imp soul drain
>dark pact
>no imp voidwalker
a generic sm/ruin build would be far better than this
>she doesn't delete the character and start over if she doesn't loot four six slot bags by level six
sucks to be you and stuck on a bad luck character lol
I need those for underwater breathing you fuck
He really is based and redpilled though. He one on one council'd me and within 20 days I actually did get laid with his advice. I was a struggling virgin, too. Not kidding.
i mean you could just close a tab for this thread in your browser and move to another thread that suits your interests but deep down you probably love to read same old posts of which most of them were debated 10+ years ago.
Lul I just passed by an orc named "Redpillchad"
Which one of you is it?
Fuck off.
Yo f'real I talked to Benji and he seems like a swell dude. Consulted me on how to lift and get strong. Much appreciated bro.
Reminder to all DPS Warriors, Rogues, Rets and Huntards. As part of the Warrior Tank ubermensch I will have total control over who gets in my group, and if there's a single physical dps item I want in the entire dungeon none of you shitters will get invited. Caster dps ONLY.
>tried to make a prot pally build to join the posting of meme specs going on in here but got too depressed
has to be objectively worst spec
Pretty close to a good farm raid spec, just some changes are needed :
>Throw that wand spec to the trash because it's a leveling talent, and take the one next to it.
>Force of will is useless, take out the points and put either all of them into the threat reducing talent or two into mana burn. It's great in PvP.
>Holy shit nigger you need healing focus talent from holy tree. Two points off from renew talent into that.
Is there any downside to just grinding dungeons all the way to 60 as a warrior other than it taking a bit longer?
Ahem it is me Paladin Tank Mein Fuhrer and i command warrior niggers like you to be genocided.
It's expensive but it has its uses so if you think you'll play the game a lot and go in hard then it might be worth it.
reminder it's going to be a streamer/influencer-only beta
Counseled* you autistic retard.
No one is interested in a stream weaker that my piss stream
it takes lot longer but you should do them all for quests anyway
This is some high quality OC.
Yeah quite the epic le redpill sir. Maybe you should ask someone to teach you how to get some friends instead.
I'd donate $200 to tipsout before I'd even consider clicking on this sad lonely high pitched beta's videos. I mean look at these posts and replies, it's fucking pathetic:
Give me some good names niggers
That's why he's working on a hunter that just roams around murdering alliance. Far more entertaining than level 1-40 practice.
its not just "a bit" longer
its literally 25 days played as opposed to only 10 days played for a normal warrior
and thats if you're on a high pop (nonblizzlike) server where you can instantly get groups
Hey man if it gets him a free game why not? Reddit cucks are loaded.
Hopefully Bajheera gets in then.
Wouldn’t watch pathetic shit like Asmongoloid or swolebenji
Benji is confirmed in the beta.
At least fucking own up to it you pathetic rat.
Niggas ready to get ganked?
to be frank noone ever really needs this. there was an issue years ago with one of the keyboards that would let players abuse it throu macros. it was banned/you would get banned for using its options. at best it is a crutch and there is hardly a good argument that you would need it. for every button that you have on spell bar you can bind another similar spell (fear, howl of terror) in logical manner to use ctrl+key. with all them combinations seeing that you also have shift button etc. you also have side or extra buttons on mouse. whatever floats your boat tho.
The question is are you?
Benji is confirmed beta
>tfw i wanna try druid but it’s the go to class of trannies and furries
I've gotten free shit from redditors all the time.
Based priestbro, we love you
I currently use the Steelseries 6G, and I just dont like the keys for playing WoW. Thought to just get the orbweaver rather than a second keyboard
Why would you play discount rogue
I'm a f&f influencer.
mate i understand you but i played from retail to wotlk icc, cs go as GE rank, pubg, bf v, r6 six on a 10€ trust keyboard. wow wise i always played warlock so you can imagine my toolbars. maybe i dont see the point but i was always more invested in having a proper mouse and headset. i was playing wotlk with mx510 so you can imagine.
whens the news?
Diplomacy is a good racial overall as there are a few rep grinds in Vanilla but the extra Int and EA make Gnome the premier choice.
Extra spirit is meaningless to Mages and Perception won't be as useful as you think as most Rogues will get the drop on you anyway.
So what's the best build for prot warriors?
Gnome is better, but do you really want tl play as a gnome?
Tauren or Orc warrior?
You must feel right at home then
Best levelling warlock build and you post a level 60 build, what levelling you doing at level 60 senpai
prove you're in
Reminder if you don't keybind every move efficiently for targets as well as focus targets you are a pleb.
orc and its not close
for PVP its obvious, for PVE the better threat generation from an orc is better than the 5% health bonus
Check the screenshot?
>tfw I still use my G13 daily
One of the best purchases I made, but not worth buying in 2019 because they're like $400 at resale now since they stopped making them.
Agreed, calling a game home is so fucking sad. It implies that you haven’t found anything fulfilling in life since 2004, get a god dam grip!
I guess you prefer “Homo”
12 Warriors
6 Rogues
6 Mages
6 Priests
4 Paladins
4 Warlocks
1 Druid
1 Hunter
you may not like it, but this is what peak raid comp looks like
This is the official tier list for classes. It's a combination of all specs and both pve and pvp.
You're welcome.
Nah bro, 4 warriors, 14 priests, and 22 rogues is the best raid comp.
you need 2 hunters because average hunter is too stupid to handle enrage solo
Alliance is peak raid comp
But if you must have one for Horde, swap the 4 Paladins for 4 Shaman, swap 3 of the Priests for 3 more Shaman on top of that (for 7 total), done.
Whats the most painful class/spec to 1v1 against
Alliance is peak tranny too
Why do people think that Classic druids are bad?
They can even farm very efficiently youtube.com
They're alright healers and always wanted in raids, they can do all roles in 5mans, they're fantastic in any spec in pvp.
as someone with like 1000 hours of vanilla priest this is good advice, however it's only good on farm or progressing easy content like MC, I would rec full holy for progression
Balance/resto druid. You're never gonna win unless it's a duel.
>almost home
I've been playing Vanilla for 10 years straight.
They are good for innervate
Any hybrid class specced into their healing tree, they're basically unkillable unless your class has a counterspell
But the furries go horde m8
Druids are kino in vanilla PvP
They're not bad by any means, they're just suboptimal for PvE and it triggers autistic poopsockers
kinda ironic that you put warrior who needs pockethealer in pvp in S tier. pally in B and druid in C? the hell mate. also if it is a combination of pvp and pve why is lock not in A tier? seeing that sl is unkillable, sm/ruin or ds/ruin is somewhere on par with mage in naxx? you know nothing NPC.
>Hunter not in F tier
Literally only brought for tranq shot in PvE and is more of an annoyance than anything in organized PvP.
They're good at solo'ing, ganking and casual PvP I guess, but to me they're easily the most useless and forgettable class in vanilla. Druids suck and they're better at PvE and PvP.
barely anyone plays them so they don't really understand them, people that try playing them like a 'normal' class end up performing badly.
I'm still using the old nostromo one. One of the best buys in my entire life. Way more comfy to use it + mouse in pretty much any game rather than keyboard + mouse.
sl lock with 7k hp and 2x void. endurance fight of which only druid can contend to in world pvp.
I mean, yeah, exactly. No matter where I look, they seem fantastic in all forms of pvp. Their "downside" is being forced to heal in raids, and their healing is subpar, but they're still absolutely needed and wanted. Plus, healing is pretty chill anyway.
Am I wrong?
What will people do after clearing naxx?
AV 24/7?
fuck the faces of vanilla wow, they all need to go suck a fat one with their blizzard exclusivity
looking at this shit you should be banned, fucking janitors never do shit
or conflag raiding build but it is debatable due to high threat..
Transfer to TBC servers.
>NOOOOOO! You can't play that class/spec combination. It's not EFFICIENT. You need to read this SPREADSHEET to play the easiest raids in WoW history OPTIMALLY.
>easiest raids
its not retail we talking about
just fuck around in the world. Make your own objectives gank lowbie allies in STV
Actually in MC, BWL and ZG you go full immersion but at AQ40 the spreadsheets start because Blizzard fucked up.
I'm interested to see how it will play out with streamers and leveling.
No doubt wherever the streamer goes there will be a horde of players just following him around. His group will tag everything and then have his army of pocket healers quickly get him back to 100%. It will be like the normal clusterfuck of new servers but worse since they'll be competing directly against you instead of it being like a free for all. It's like they're their own faction.
I could see people being reported for harassment for simply trying to compete against a streamer in the same area.
I guess at some point they will outpace everybody else in the zone but still, it's gonna be a nightmare if you happen to play on the same server.
Vanilla is a solved game. There is literally no reason to take someone who will purposefully do their job worse just because they like it.
You're more than welcome to join a casual raiding guild and play sub-optimally, but don't expect everyone to indulge you by carrying a person who is willfully playing worse than they could.
in reality noone cares how you look if you gonna get 2 shoted atleast on pvp server. stay on rp server with that mentality since you will enjoy it more in a long run.
>You're more than welcome to join a casual raiding guild and play sub-optimally
sounds comfy to me.
example. dont go to xr at lvl 11ish as an UD and stick to sepulcher. you avoid most of the cluster fuck which is tied to streamers.
>they seem fantastic in all forms of pvp
god no, no amount of pvp videos of boomtards killing retards will make druids any good in PVP, they are good at flag carrying and that's it
>plays a human mage instead of a gnome
*sigh* are we really expect to carry this noob he probably hasnt even played 6 years of chink infested private servers like me!!
Ferals two shotting clothies from stealth seems pretty good
Raids have never been easier than they were in vanilla. Only retards think you have to minmax to play effectively.
I can understand minmaxing when Vanilla was new.
Actually they're really good against average(you) players.
Just play rogue then
>sounds comfy to me.
Cool, so do that and stop being butthurt people think you're an idiot for purposefully being bad at the game.
who here was a poorfag back in the day and could only play on those 7-day trial accounts? By the time i got my own money and could really play it was during wotlk lol.
no need to worry. seeing as how many autists we have here and most of them hate streamers i wouldnt be shocked if streamers get corpse camped by our lovable autistic fucks.
Tell me something i don't know.
>seething druidlet links footage from his chinkdale server
sorry by PVP I didnt know you meant 1v1s in WPVP, have a great time
No, you're not. But many Druids try to stick to one specc throughout level 60, it isn't an issue exclusive to Druid's but they're punished hardest for it. You're meant to be flexible as a Druid, tanking dungeons and healing raids etc. But whenever you have people begging to go feral dps despite underperforming compared to a Rogue it just makes all druids look bad. But fuck the community perception anyway, you have one of the most fun levelling experiences with no downtime while being great at PvP and that's better than most classes, raiding is such a small part of the game and people shouldn't be detered from Druids because of it.
any chance of Blizz rereleasing the vanillia cd boxes?
>purposefully being bad at the game
Most minmaxers suck at the game too. Imagine spending tens upon tens of hours to get steamrolled by some sub-optimally geared player in a memespec who actually knows how to play his class.
>I complain about how I wasted my youth playing this game and now, despite the power of hindsight I’m going to willingly waste my young adult years playing this game, just because “DUDE, NOSTALGIA XD”
Just as effective in BGs (the form of pvp that doesn't matter, of course).
I don't play druid.
I don't play druid. I'm just curious as to why they, one of the clearly more powerful classes, get so much shit.
try pulling that shit with sl lock. eventualy you will get fear locked to a point of no return. endurance fight which you cant win even with all your forms.
Good. Fuck streamers and everyone who fanboys them. Worst shit to happen to video games. Every fucking guild has 2 or 3 dipshits who think they're internet famous because they stream on twitch and want people to do shit for them and the guild to do things for them for their stream.
>guys I told chat we'd do WSG so lets get a group going
>hey I said I'd stream a raid tomorrow so lets do ZG for the 11 billionth time even though nobody wants to go
>can anyone come gank with me? chat wants me to go ganking
I dont mind healing at high level and from my pserver experiences, druids are pretty scarce
Game will be already dead to that moment.
All private servers died after AQ.
So just wait for new Vanilla Server. Literally PoE style league gaming.
Are rogues a top fun_ class in PvP? I played a hunter to about level 40 in Vanilla and want to do something different.
What's a good race on each faction for a rogue?
>There is literally no reason to take someone who will purposefully do their job worse just because they like it
Imagine treating 15 year old solved content like it's your job
Sounds like you are one of the spergs who enjoy arena.
>Just as effective in BGs
This is where you're wrong, druids are good at running flags in organized pvp, ooming yourself after an insect swarm and a few moonfires might kill spastics in Wpvp who aren't hybrids but it does nothing in BG's
Druids are more fun.
>F R E S H every year
sounds cool
And yet ironically you're convinced druids are good at pvp because of arena-esque 1v1's
>fear locked
Deminishing returns.
>endurance fight
Literally THE thing druids are the best at in pvp, what? Being so infuriatingly difficult to stop or kill is what makes them so strong. Look at the videos.
There is lvl60 epic katanas?
Sounds really cool since I want to play too many classes to be competitive on anyone I'll be just sticking to Priest on Launch but if we get FRESH every now and then I can do Druid/Mage/Lock
Comfy as fuck
can dwarves be rogues?
Look at youtube.com
meh i always viewed them as idiots who feel as their guild should give them a title of scarab lord etc. just because they are "e-celebs" and under some pretense they want to show all their viewers pov of getting scarab lord. entitled cunts simply put.
Yes, they're top tier, don't listen to the druid defense force here which are actively trying to recruit people into a lifestyle of farming gnomer just so they can kill tram rats
It's because it is a solved game that meme specs and suboptimal, but fun builds are more viable you retard.
Everybody fucking knows the game like the back of their hand now.
That's why we have a lot more ret pallies and feral/balance druids and enhance shamans coming out and flexing their muscles in modern Vanilla now that the game is solved, compared to back in the mid-00s when people were trying to learn the game and needed to minmax so guilds prioritized the best classes, best specs and best gear over fun.
I know this is a meme but I can't express how accurate it is.
On private server, I had way more fun wearing my "shitty" tier set than minmaxing shadow damage and collecting all the bis gear from a spreadsheet. Plus you live way longer and aren't always oom.
>try pulling that shit with sl lock.
well not exactly 60 but more like 50+ish. dunno the name atm but icon is green sword/katana and it has +1 crit on equip.
>beta for a re-release
Warlocks and druids.
It's not a job, its a simple choice. Do I want to play with people who are purposefully and specifically playing worse? That's literally it. It takes no effort to gear and spec correctly. But yeah, lets take fire mages and firelocks to MC and BWL because fuck everyone else in the guild
>guy commentating is questioning whether or not they're bots and mocking them
>they silence on full hp
>one gets LoS'd because the druid walked behind the mage during a frostbolt
ironic that i had 1v1 fights with him for numerous time on k2 in silithus. it is even more ironic that he lost seeing that i played as sm/ruin raid specc and having tailor/herb proff and him obviously eng.
>I don't know how software development works
You might not mind healing at top level
But as:
- Druid
- Paladin
- Shaman
- Priest (except 1 shadow priest per raid)
Not only will you be forced to heal or not invited to raids, they will not allow you to get anything but healing gear, and re-speccing back and forth costs 100G, which is like 10 hours of farming.
So I hope you enjoy clicking on raid frames and pressing a healing key, beause that's the only thing you will be allowed to do as any of these classes in end game.
You won't get anything but healing gear, you can't change out of heal spec.
You will also be treated like shit.
Picking any of these classes is basically being a literal cuckold.
I can sell you mine if you want
Sure having only this box ticked will increase my chances.
I am, but not for raids.
no footage of FF losing vs Haki and Capoeira in a 2vs4 (FF+3 premades) fights in Silithus? that shit was hilarious.
That's only if you join a no-fun guild.
Ret pallies and feral druids can, and have topped DPS in raids before.
Yes, that happens, and the two mages are very average players you can expect playing against. Hell, even these fags playing on private servers for years are only this skilled, now reduce that skill by less than half and we have the average retail Classic player skill.
Bros less than 2 hours .....
>druids are good at running flags in organized pvp
They aren't just good, they are the best and almost unkillable if they know what they are doing and have engineering.
Outside of underperforming in PvE Druids have some issues like not having a standard ress which many players don't know about (and blame the Druid for after they get soulstoned pointlessly). Also their biggest strength as a healer is their mana-efficiency, but for that to be apparent all other healers have to go OOM and in a situation like that it's likely a wipe, likewise their HoT's are easily 'snipeable' in raids so they get a reputation of being mediocre healers too. I wouldn't say they're a powerful class but the thing's they're actually good at are hard to see from the outside. I'm only picking one so I can tank for my bros to get our pre-raid BIS and then i'm taking up the dress for raids.
>Classic players being casual as usual
OSRS players have grinded trivial content for 50 hours straight just to give real ideas of what you'll get out of it.
>gear and spec correctly
To your shitty vision of "correct"? Hahaha.
In one of the ff videos he was getting owned by a lock who wasnt even playing well and had to use pots
>Hey man if it gets him a free game why not?
Would you suck dicks for free games too?
Because boy do I have a game for you. It's called Final Fantasy 14.
I swear if the ""BIG ANNOUNCEMENT" is that these cancerous parasitic ecelebs will be playing a closed insider beta and slowly leaking it to us I will go on a fucking RAMPAGE. Blizzard will feel my wrath.
Imagine """leaking""" slowly information about a fucking game EVERYONE HAS ALREADY PLAYED AND CAN PLAY RIGHT NOW ON PRIVATE SERVERS
the only guild where a ret tops dps is a guild that can't get past luci
>What's a good race on each faction for a rogue?
Minmaxers will say that human is the best race for PvE but I wouldn't choose my race for PvE because it's gonna be a joke anyways. Go for the PvP racials instead, unless you're some PvE server sissy.
Dwarves have the ability to remove bleeds, poisons and diseases. Good way of getting back to stealth because DoT will remove stealth from you, but since it won't remove magic and curses, it's not as strong as it could be. Still strong against certain classes.
Gnomes can remove roots or snares, incredibly strong against kiters. Good choice.
Undead can remove charm, sleep and fear, making it arguably the best racial in the game for rogues because your pvp trinket will also remove fear, giving you two ways of breaking fear which is very strong in classic.
Orcs get a 25% stun resist passive, making you immune against stuns if you get lucky. Blood fury gives you shitloads of attack power but also gives you a healing reduction debuff for a long time. Can be a good racial during bursts but wrong usage can fuck you up because sometimes crucial health potions and first aid can save your ass.
Rest of the races don't have that amazing PvP racials compared to these four.
You can literally clear MC with less than 30 people still in their leveling greens/blues, get off your high horse.
I wish the announcement was full release today for everyone.
>oh no my DPS class will be outclassed by paladins and shamans
>Ret pallies and feral druids can, and have topped DPS in raids before.
This has literally never happened. You can auto attack as a warrior and beat rets and cats.
The virgin "o-oh... okay"
>respecs into a spec he doesn't like because his guild tells him too
>wastes his own gold to switch to a playstyle he doesn't enjoy
>literal cuckold
>spends the next few years playing a role he doesn't even want to play
>never gets BiS, gear gets funneled to GM's girlfriend
>plays optimally and averagely
The chad "Fuck your shit, /gquit"
>won't let people force him to change to a completely different playstyle
>bags are overflowing with gold
>finds a guild within days filled with bros who help him play his spec
>gets BiS
>tops charts
It's not free if you have to suck a dick for it.
No one is butthurt except the minmaxers who start getting upset the moment anyone mentions suboptimal playstyles
ud female lock in silithus? since that was probably video of vs Haki of Chocolate Milk guild on k2. they were at it for few days since he was farming CC exalted rep for ring and FF wanted to include him in the videos not knowing he will get bitchslaped by a raid spec sm ruin lock.
Who was in the wrong here?
If you wipe in Vanilla raids under any circumstance, you have bigger issues than letting in meme specs.
>joins a guild that lets him play as a ret
>never gets past luci because everyone else in the guild plays equally garbage trash specs and no one find it fun to decurse and shit
Retarded post
The 1 Shadow Priest isn't DPS either, he just puts up Shadow Weaving with rank 1 spells and throws heals in between keeping the debuff up, def doesn't get dps loot either
Unironically making my warrior xXMLGPROXx
so then make a meme guild where everyone plays a meme spec and problem solved, surely?
>tops charts
this is where your fantasy ends lmao
no ud female lock in stv at like lvl 35. point is druid doesnt beat lock
Yeah well OSRS has like waht 6 whole mobs, of course there's gonna be a huge data pool when damn near 15% of the game is Goblins
kill yourself wowfags
You can't have capital letters in the middle of the name...
>looks at private servers which notoriously BUFF raids to slow down progression
>meme specs everywhere
>Yea Forums acting like even having a single meme spec kills raid comps.
oh sweeties...maybe less than 5% of the total player base will go full autist and poop sock the game to the point it becomes unfun (see mythic progression). Norman the normie won't care, no one will care what you play.
THE rules of 'Nilla
>don't facepull
>don't act like a baby
>show up on time
>play like you care
Hey so in Classic I'll probably end up leveling multiple classes to 60, but I want something really efficient as my first 60. I'm thinking a mage for the easy gold farming in DME, as well as trading and retrading free food and water, and of course portals are super convenient.
However, DME isn't until phase 2, and ZG (for highest rank food/water) wasn't until fucking phase 3 right?
Would a hunter or warlock be more useful as a first main? Both can easily do Princess solo runs right?
Help me out here.
>normies are going to play classic
Is beta confirmed for today?
>please don’t leave me here alone in bfa!
I remember that since i was also farming cloth sets at the time around AQ wall camp where they were fighting. Haki was at the time DS/Ruin spec meaning no active demon. makes it even more ironic since FF was using eng shadow trinket. In the end the word spread but there were no videos of it.
WoW is normie, Bob the boomer won't care either
Hunter. Lock is 2nd fastest and sometimes better at soloing but you have to press buttons
>ret paladins are ba-
>feral druids are ba-
Release date will be announced. July 16
I played HPal on private and I didn't like it but mostly cause blessings and spamming flash heal isn't very interesting.
But healing in PVP and farming mats to make money is perfectly viable and enjoyable for me
How accurate is Shadowpanther now?
this fucker gets it
Pretty sure he's updating it for classic
a casual now is a lot different than a casual 15-ish years ago. nu-wow mobile game players won't be able to stand vanilla.
Would I have a decent chance to actually get to raid as a hunter, at least 3 or 5 pieces of tier 1 (both bonuses will make soloing even easier)?
Or should I just go for something closer to pre-raid BiS and then level a "real" main?
I am nervous as hell because in the long run I just really want to experience all the raids. I don't want to heal or tank though.
you wont be desired in raids if you are under hunter on dps meters as a rogue or mage. finding a normie guild who cant get 20 people on for ZG and wipe on Venoxis isnt viewed as fun even for the normiest people.
I don't mind leveling speed, it's not a concern actually.
I want my first 60 to either be able to farm and raid, or at least farm efficiently for my new main. I figured getting something that can farm to 60 first is best to get that income going though.
well, where is the announcement? did I got pranked again
>thinking the game that killed MMOs by being too casual isn't normie.
I fucking hate zoomers
>Roll on Alliance expecting comfy adventures slaying dragons and demons with my bros
>Its a bunch of min max shit where 60% of the faction are femhuman warrs/rogues or femgnome mages named garbage shit like "Nyxlol" or "Dilutted"
It's still the most normie MMO, South Park and Leeroy Jenkins immortalised it. They may not play it for very long but WoW has always been one of the most casual games of all time, even most news articles kept pushing horror stories about how WoW was addicting just like they're doing with Fortnight now
>Would I have a decent chance to actually get to raid as a hunter
If you are like, a founding member of a guild, sure. Even the normiest casual guilds don't take more than 3 or 4 hunters. They're just really fucking bad at raiding. Shadow priests, ret pallies, cat druids. All of them out dps hunters and everyone knows it. You will get your tier gear and your ranged weapons and be absolutely last on every other item in the game, if you can even get an established spot.
I played on Nost, K2, Elysium/LH and now Northdale. Not once can I recall a guild recruiting hunters EVER, besides the absolutely brand new raiding guilds that are just leveling guilds in disguise, who recruit anyone that will join.
>I am nervous as hell because in the long run I just really want to experience all the raids. I don't want to heal or tank though.
Then play a warlock
I don't really care about the beta, we can play the game already on private servers
Ask again, what you guys think of Dwarf or Human Warrior? I have a level 35 Dwarf and level 30 Human on a Private Server ( Also level 30 Tauren and 20 Orc but decided Horde is not for me).
I like tanking, though I'm not sure how many spots there will be for that in raids, maybe as off-tank or for dungeons at least. I don't mind PvP either and do wanna play on a PvP server. In terms of active racials, I like dwarf more but human passive ones for PvE are apparently very good. As for model/animations I prefer the human model, dwarf customization and am mixed on the animations.
What would you guys pick?
>that can farm to 60 first is best to get that income going though.
how? you gonna farm DM as a hunter and log camp lotus or you intend to get all the recipes first and trade chat spam you services?
There's literally no point in minmaxing unless you're going for server firsts.
Vanilla is easy, it's pretty much a solved game. It's been around for over a decade to the point that people even found out how to make the "shitty" specs viable and good.
It's not fucking 2005 or 2006 anymore.
You can get to raid, you can get some decent dungeon gear easily enough. Getting hunter t1 might be harder since its actually good, you might be able to work something out by passing on other loot. I always level a rogue and they can get some decent and easy money by pickpocketing brd
Why would you give a shit
>Level for a few days
>Everything's gone and you still ahve to wait for the real shit
Just be patient, dark iron shitstain
>mfw druchad
>show up to raid in pvp spec
>lowest expectations in game
>maybe throw out a r4 or NS/big heals
>innervate top healers
>"thanks bruh you are credit to team!"
>collect free gear
It's that easy drubros
>zero bitch work
>force multiplier with brez
>power boost others with innervate
>cheapest raid buff in game
Compare this:
>i don't want to farm rep as much
>i am a cool guy with good taste
bwl isn't healing intensive, that's just who can snipe the best
Human for PvE
Dwarf for PvP and aestethics
To this. How do they get away with it?
>thinking you need to tryhard to complete ANY wow raid
>thinking wow classic is hard in any shape or form
you dont know much about the game right?
Gotta practice that 1-20 blitz so I can pull infront of the masses of normies stealing MY mobs and do dungeons with non-retards
>well, where is the announcement? did I got pranked again
>it's pretty much a solved game
yea no idiots will still wonder how did they get chain cleaved on Vael etc.
Why do you guys like Dwarf more in terms of aesthetics, surely human wins out because armour fits them better?
Also what professions would you pick? Engineering/mining seems good for best result but part of me wants to go Blacksmithing to just be cool and make gear, though I tried it for a bit and it is a complete pain in the dick to level, needing tons of ore and rocks.
I genuinely enjoy playing as an undead rogue, but i am going to go warrior because of the sperg stereotype.
I hear warlocks are crap until AQ/Naxx geared, and they're mediocre in pvp? I forgot to mention that I would love to pvp a lot as well, both wpvp and BGs.
The playstyle, having different pets, life drain/life tap, etc does appeal to me. But the only thing a warlock does better than a hunter seems to be being able to summon and give out healthstones, at least until they get really well geared, and they're still mediocre in pvp (some even say they're bad if you don't exclusively play undead).
They cost basically the same. Warriors have fewer spells that cost more. Warlocks have more spells that cost less.
Who is getting away with what exactly?
If you cared about armor aesthetics you would be playing fem orc. Dwarves are cool and they have the coziest ally capitol.
free mount
>I fucking hate zoomers
I'm older than you.
It's up to you for the looks your char will have. I'm not the one palying it after all
Profs :
You will suffer leveling it but you can get very rich once you get cool recipes :
BS/min or Enchanting/any gathering prof
All the casters are worthless until AQ/Naxx. In AQ mages get to meme with rolling ignites and warlocks start to show up. Locks are good in Naxx, but still below warriors.
MC and BWL are the warrior and rogue show and everyone else is just along for the ride. Every single damage meter in those raids is 1 through 12 or 14 or whatever warriors and rogues. Then everyone else. If the melee are even remotely competent, it's impossible to lose to casters. The deck is completely stacked against them with no hit gear and school resists.
Theyre squishy and relatively weak in blue gear but possibly the strongest class in t3
fuck rogues (discord trannies
>hate horde cities
>love horde levelling areas
>hate horde cities, hate UC, hate Org
>Thunderbluff, is without a doubt, the comfiest fucking zone in all of wow, and the comfiest city. There is NO comfier spot that the centre, with the small fishing pond, bank, and shops, all right there, people talking, fishing, trading, ah
>might go horde for a SINGLE fucking city
god fucking damn it TB. you're too good
Cope with your bald chin, beardlet.
>he plays horde
I'm rushing 60 to corpse camp all the levelers all day every day.
Thought I was the only one, user. Thunder bluff is the literal underdog.
I am the same but its not enough for me. You spend a lot of time in UC and orgrimmar for quests, dungeon access etc.
Plus its an autistic thing for me but, I like to think of my character and the RP reason they're in a place. 'Why is my tauren warrior in EPL'. That doesn't make much sense to me often, whereas it feels like Alliance make more sense in more zones and more dungeons.
> vanilla is a solved game
> therefore you must minmax it
Thats why you buy gold from chinese farmers to re-spec and pvp all day.
every classic thread gets pozzed with this boomer/zoomer shit
Dont give that shitter any more views.
I unironically want to do this. Meme specs with Meme class/race combos as a guild theme.
>paying a month subscription to be a fucking meme
Huh. That gives me some hopes.
How crippled am I as an Alliance warlock though?
Will of the Forsaken is a pain in the ass, but it only lasts for 5 seconds and has a 2 minute cooldown, so it's survivable right?
I don't wanna live in mud huts, and all my friends are going Alliance.
whats the deal with tipsout?
Reminder that Alliance had wondrous cities of magic thousands of years ago while Horde have only just progressed from mud huts to primitive stone-age materials.
Kaldorei Empire.
youll get assblasted by UDs thats why rarely anyone would play lock on ally side. tho there are crutches that you could use. eng proff, tidal charm etc.
I gonna do this, guild "No Respec" EU unless someone steals this name before.
With succubus or voidwalker out yes. Or SL spec which practically gives you plate armor
More like No Respect lmao
it honestly doesnt matter. private server minmaxers are GENUINELY autistic. though blizzard should do a pass on the specs, updating the really dud ones
>I don't know anything about anything, people still believe my word for things because I make youtube videos. TIPSOUT BABY
I never said you had to do anything. I said there's no reason to take someone who is choosing to be worse.
Min/maxing is farming retarded consumes and camping for DM/Ony buffs. Picking the right spec isn't min maxing and requires absolutely no more effort then choosing the wrong one.
It's like being a bus driver and seeing two roads that end up in the exact same place, but one is windy and longer and the other is straight. You're picking the windy road because 'its fun' then getting mad when everyone else on the bus is annoyed you took the long route when there's a blatantly easier and shorter path.
>people fighting over who gets MY innervate
Okay honeys, whoever can pretend to be a girl the best will get Daddy's Good Good Sauce.
True, even the game itself is made to a casual one, and to immerse yourself and enjoy it much as possible. This is the plan, but the reality is completely different. People changed and immersion is swapped with a rush, and using guides, and being as much optimized as possible. Everyone will install a fuckton of addons for starters, do the most optimal routes, play with the most cookie cutter talents, read up wiki, and follow a shitty green arrow, and think about raid environment on their character select even if the said person will never reach 60.
This lelo dawg taek it easy :^) is an utter bullshit. Private servers proved this a hundred fucking times already how autistic as fuck the playerbase is. They will completely siphon the fun out of the game, everyone will be a wannabe vurtne and play its linkin park on the background. I can already foresee how many people will leave simply because they'll say they are bored as fuck and have no patience whatsoever to race with turboneckbears sustaining on redbulls and pizza. And I didn't even talked about inner circle bullcrap.
that file name. TB is ultimate comfy tho.
I don't know why he has a sex-related name or why he often talks about thickening one's penis with a pump, all I know is I love his velvety, sexy voice.
>eng proff
Isn't that an expectancy, rather than a crutch?
Again though I get that WotF is powerful against warlocks, but when it's been used, if the warlock is still alive, why can't the warlock still win?
thats the joke
Because ud warrior
If you're just solo BG'ing you're going to hate your life as an alliance warlock. And you'll probably hate leveling too because every single horde player is an undead rogue.
But organized PvP you're crush dicks and alliance guilds will actually suck your cock just for existing.
>GFC in 2008 ruined the economic outcomes of an entire generation
Imagine that
The most boring average motherfucker on the planet.
>see a priest remove all his clothes to try and get my attention mid raid
>give him a pity innervate
>hear him o-screaming and falling out of his chair
It's a nice idea, but seems like it wouldn't be very fun for the people who aren't playing meme specs. I'm not sure if you can make an entire 40-man raid out of only meme specs. Someone's gotta heal. And some bosses just aren't doable without a Warrior tank. I think you can fit about 25 memers in but the other 15 would have to suck it up and be the glue that keeps the raid from wiping every single pull
He's the only Classic/WoW person I like, other than Drakova but he doesn't really count as e-celeb
Aw fuck they have that thingy ability whateversname that removes another fear right?
Well that's one hard counter, but many classes have hard counters right?
I'd prefer WPvP vastly over random BGs, but potentially organized PvP above both. I absolutely love WPvP though.
Why would I get my dick sucked for just existing? Especially if it's a sort of bad choice?
luckily meme specs heal 80 to 90% as good as main specs
> choosing to be worse
its a GAME nigga. if you had a raid composed of component players on 'meme' dps (obviously you have to have war MC and there are no meme healers), you will blitz every encounter with no problems. vanilla is REALLY FUCKING EASY, you do not need to 'pick the right spec/not pick the wrong spec' (same thing, and IS minmaxing), you just pick what you want to play and enjoy the ride
the only people who get upset are autists who need to get purple pixels as fast as possible due to having nothing else going on in their lives
>it wouldn't be very fun for the people who aren't playing meme specs
This is the part the >IM JUST PLAYING FOR FUN crowd cannot wrap their brain around.
They genuinely can't grasp the concept that just because the boss dies, expecting many other players to carry them to that point is fucking stupid.
>if the warlock is still alive
big IF mate. fear cast time is what? 2sec? imagine getting kicked by a rogue that last .1 sec. fucks you up royally eventho you should be using howl of terror vs sperg los/back rogues which isnt insta in classic.
>Especially if it's a sort of bad choice
>Why would I get my dick sucked for just existing?
Answered your own question my guy. Alliance warlock is one of, if not the least played demographic in vanilla wow. There are some fights and trash where you gotta have locks, and they're really hard to come by for ally guilds
tho to be realistic i might add that you as an ally can also rely on stun nades and there is always deathcoil as a chain breaker plus numerous other stuff as tidal charm etc. but like said before i view them as a crutch.
I still can't decide what class or faction to play. I'm also considering what will be good in TBC aswell. Leaning towards UD warlock so far though.
You really want to play the most boring class in vanilla and tbc?
it's worth allying myself with filthy orcs, trolls, and cows just to stab some alliance shitters
I've played Rogue before and that was just spamming sinister strike with SnD for hours on end. Would rather just press 1 button and jerk off on my second monitor.
Ow the edge
Fear is 1.5 sec cast according to classicdb.
Howl of Terror is 2 sec. Ouch. But does terror count as a fear as well?
Otherwise, can't you supposedly just VW Sacrifice -> Fel Domination (+ 2/2 Master Summoner) + instant VW -> VW Sacrifice again if you really need to play around WotF?
I mean sure you can get kicked, but you have ways to simply deal with the damage, you've gotta have right? Hmm..
Huh. So it's quite possible that if I mained a warlock, I'd get to see every raid if my guild just was good enough? Would it even be possible that I'd be one of very few or the only warlock in a guild somehow, if they're so underpopular?
Should have played Mutilate in TBC then
>mfw I ninja your 2h axe or mace for my enh offset as a resto
I had the same dilemma. I play(ed) rogue in retail but I'm probs not gonna get in any parties or raids in Classic due to how high supply they are.
Gonna roll an UD rogue anyways on whichever pvp realm turns out to be the most populated just to become a Stranglethorn ganking shitlord. That sounds fun.
They have Death Coil as well in vanilla/Classic huh? I actually thought this was added in TBC.
So they have one instant "terror"/fear(?), and two slower fears.
Well still, I should be able to fight around it even if I need engineering (which is expected for all pvp), right?
>Comparing a public service job to a fucking video game
>So it's quite possible that if I mained a warlock, I'd get to see every raid if my guild just was good enough?
Absolutely. Not even a question.
>Would it even be possible that I'd be one of very few or the only warlock in a guild somehow, if they're so underpopular?
You wouldn't be the only one, but I'd say the average alliance guild has 4 warlocks.
Not that user but - for leveling? Hahahaha.
Unless you mean to just run dungeons till 50, maybe
Hypocrite that didn't even hit max level in vanilla, yet he "analyzes" dps/hps parses from private servers, adding nothing.
Shills his garbage videos that are either guides basically copied from Nostalrius forums or him literally reading out a blue post for just over 10 minutes (YouTube favors vids that are over 10min).
Writes guides on Classic Wowhead where he circles the entire zone in paint to show you where to gather herbs (just to shill his vids) classic.wowhead.com
Acts like he's the face of Classic alongside the other ClassiCast retards.
Oh, and he reported someone during demo for trolling when they t-bagged him.
Then there's the whole calling the police over Alexensual (who is also a fucking retard) cause the latter said 'LMAO' to him.
Is this bait?
In Northdale there is this orc rogue who spends 24/7 killing Alliance outside RFK/D and the 1k needles bridge.
It's an utter nightmare because the run back is from ratchet. I spent around 30-40m as a ghost yesterday due to this asshole.
>in dungeons
lmao I just run 4 dps/1 healer groups, you are fucking useless.
I don't think getting a raid spot is very difficult as a Rogue. Warriors have gotten waaay more popular and the vanilla rogue ganking vids have been done to death already.
What the fuck is wrong with that faggot? Why are streamers so entitled?
Not that user but you literally just fill affliction to 31 than points in demo if you're anti social on a pve server or destr if you group or play on a pvp server and get the remaining tree to finish build.
both count as fears for DR purposes but howl of terror won't cancel another fear in progress
>if you had a raid composed of component players on 'meme' dps (obviously you have to have war MC and there are no meme healers)
>just play meme specs, well except for the people who need to carry me playing a meme spec
>you will blitz every encounter with no problems. vanilla is REALLY FUCKING EASY
You'll do fine in MC and BWL, but you absolutely won't blitz AQ and Naxx with fire warlocks, ret pallies, shadow priests and melee hunters cranking out a mean 500 dps.
>you just pick what you want to play and enjoy the ride
Yeah being carried is fun
Still unironically better than b*nji, but that's not saying much
>Playing wow classic for the endgame
Honestly, classic, for me, was meeting people and open world questing.
I had way more fun those first nights in Duskwood with randomers I met in the Darkshire inn than I ever did grinding for pointless gear in MC that was only good for strutting around Goldshire among all the other morons who grinded for it.
Take your time, lads. I will be. We've done it all before. There's no rush.
>ALL of your guides are severely lacking effort. It's clear that you don't take the time to even wowhead search the information / tool tips that you put into your guides, you often misinterpret or omit crucial parts of the tool tip that would be somewhat misleading for any player who puts faith into your guides. This one for instance: 31 out of the 46 maps shown above have nearly (if not all) the entire region highlighted as a potential spawn location instead of a more precise location within the region. It seems as though you are using your "partnership" with wowhead to promote your twitch and youtube channels instead of creating informative (or at least useful) Classic WoW content. I hope others will speak out and hold you accountable as I have for your sloppy work.
Delusional, just like many classic advocates, who ooze about how classic is the alpha and omega. I completely agree with Asmongold about this topic that it would be a lot better option if blizzard would take its time and get his shit together learn from mistakes and made a good current game.
user the reason why there is a massive shortage of warlocks ally side. You can play one, BUT you need to put an incredible amount of effort for bread crumbs.
For PvE you are easily accepted to the group especially ally side BUT you the mage's bitch and a soulstone dispenser. Well you do actually some dmg BUT you need at least AQ gear to do so.
Leveling is easy as a warlock BUT you are in target, especially on a PvP realm, by this I mean you are literally in a crossair for the horde. You will be one of the first people who die. I'm not saying not to roll one BUT again most of the horde is not only undead BUT a warrior and rogue.
As you see every time in vanilla there are these BUTs you'll always stumble upon. They stack up and stack up until the point where you stop giving a fuck and not playing.
Also leveling wpvp is much more fun
Biggest retard along with Stayfag and Esfanggot. Bunch of nobodies who managed to leech off of Asmongoloid who also has never played vanilla.
god this tips out fuck is so cringe is there ANY decent classic """"influencer""""?
>heres your herbalism guide bro
christ what a shameless shekel whore
Nope. They're all either banned from twitch or don't stream
Only "content creator" worth watching is Kargoz and maybe Melderon
I still remember forming a party to help newbies quest in the goldshire goldmines because some highlevel orc lock was stomping on people there.
It's shit like this that make it home to me, not the nth time I got that piece of gear I didn't really want in the first place but sort of HAD to have because epeen. It was so much fucking FUN in the early days.
the virgin minmaxer; the chad casual
Aye I looked it up and you're right. Also it seems that Death Coil counts as Horror, which WotF doesn't grant immunity to?
So sure, I'd have to depend on engineering and Death Coil, but I'd still do quite fine by just playing my cards right, it seems.
How are warlocks for gold farming? I've read that they can do Princess runs and even lashers, just less efficiently than hunters and mages?
At least their repair costs are rather low, and they don't need to invest in pet food and ammo.
Okay so all these things said, just how are warlocks with
>gold farming, i'd hope at least efficiently enough to repair and buy raid resources as well as for mounts for alts down the line
>dungeons and raiding performance, newly dinged 60 to Naxx geared
>random WPvP / ganking / getting ganked etc
>random BG pvp
>organized BG pvp
>alternatively; compared to hunters and mages?
whole (((influencer))) term reeks of kikery
>the face of classic wow
MadSeasonShow but he's not an """"""influencer"""""", just a chill dude who makes youtube vids
I will never understand how this fucking non-factor got people to watch him. He never played nost or any private server. He's literally a nobody. I'd rather watch Alexensual
If your class is without BUTs then what's the difference between them? That's why I don't play retail when the difference between a lock and a mage is the color of their fireball.
basically all the classicast crew licked asmongolds bumhole so he promoted them
I enjoy Countdown to Classic, Josh gets really cool guys on his podcast, like devs, Mute and creator of Tales of the Past.
Biggest loser and faggot.
>Have to tolerate these absolute mutts just to know when I can play a 15 year old game
I refuse to click on that dumb fuck's stream.
That's the problem with the classic community anyone who's half decent gets basically no views while faggots like tipsout get pushed all the time
alexensual was right
>towel / tips / alex cucks
staysafe is part of the tipsout clique you fucking retard
Who's saying that all Horde players play Forsaken though?
I've been watching vanilla PvP videos for some days and Forsaken aren't more common than orcs who seem to be way more common, but there's also plenty of trolls and tauren. Seems like a very balanced distribution on private servers at least?
Dumbest and most factually wrong post so in here so far
That is correct, everyone just plays whatever they like without giving a fuck about racials, there's plenty of gnome/human warlocks too, the only exception for alliance side are dwarf priests but even then there's a decent amount of human/NElves ones.
>Le pretend to be redpilled for the white male audience while acting like a total fag
Dwarves are B A S E D anyway
Asmon started playing in summer of 2006 and did MC, ony and ZG at the least. How is that not classic?
fuck the faces for vanilla wow. bunch of reject losers trying to capitalize on the only moment in their lives when theyll be relevant.
I will be playing a troll warrior and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me.
yea youll get it around lvl30ish. mostly you will use fear while howl of terror goes for rogues who want to fuck you up with jumping around you using LoS as a tactic.
Eng is not "needed" for pvp since you have items from quests or rare mob drops in world of which you have Skull of impending doom ala rocket boots. tidal charm stun trinket from naga rare in arathi, luffa for bleed effects etc. Eng will give you extra edge but you can find items in world that can compensate not having eng. tho nades can be a fight changer lots of times. dont forget bout insignia and that having felhunter out you can remove most of enemy spells that are on you or benefical buffs on enemy via purge while also having silence. you have nothing to lose with having eng. but on ZG release if you are gonna PVE it is viable to have 300 in tailoring.
Chill the fuck out everyone, we still have AT LEAST 20 minutes before we hear any news.
If you refuse to watch streamfags(and I don't blame you), then hang out in this thread or the next and I'll keep you posted- with screencaps, if applicable.
Probably I'm not the only one, you could also f5 /r/classicwow, sorted by new and get the same result.
Going to be hilarious to see the rage and butthurt if the """news""" is literally nothing. (and also the butthurt if the rumors of influencer-only beta are true)
Thank fuck most of them are American so i can avoid them on EU servers.
I fucking hate wow classic streamers.
I will stream the fuck out of it when it's released myself though.
enjoy being a gimped piece of shit idiot retard virgin loser with a ugly face and pimple tits
No he didn't. He started playing on TBC pre patch. He was totally irrelevant in TBC as well and only did content baby content when it was nerfed.
heh get ready to get sniped faggot
>people will unironically chase world firsts
What a fucking joke. People that brag about achievements in a legacy server should be necked
guaranteed a streamfag only beta
>people think the big announcement is classic
Its literally going to them Playing Diablo Mobile on their new OnePlus 7 Pros that are launching in 20 minutes
>plenty of gnome/human warlocks too
All the true warlocks are gnome warlocks.
Well since most of them are private server crusaders who buy gold, then talk about how hard the game is, I can safely say to simply dodge these people, also most of them are banned anyway.
Because if your class has this many BUTs you should reconsider rolling one. Its not that you can't play one, but its the scenario where: why do you want to handicap yourself this badly?
Warlock is a horde class, this has been established many times, and horde players pick on warlocks. Its that most new players are always unaware of what will happen to them, they roll this class then get frustrated. I'm not saying not to play one, its just that there are so many things going against you, that your experience will be miserable. People figured this out way before even when classic became a thing, and they either gone horde or rerolled. Well you can thank minmax autists too for this, but if you are that devoted to play alliance I can guarantee you you'll have a lot better time as a mage, just because there is a massive overpopulation of rogues and warriors, and I don't need to explain why being a mage is always a good choice. (Not to mention as a starting character, because you can actually make money pretty easily)
This. Literally the only popular and big streamer on EU will be Kungen
I'm considering going skinning/mining til I hit 60, get the mats I need for important shit, then replace both with engineering and either tailoring/enchanting (which?). I guess enchanting could make me some easy cash but tailoring could be great as you mentioned until I have the gear I need from it.
Warlock gold farming though, what are their options, how much worse than mages and hunters are they?
The absolute state of your retarded faggotry this is just character from thrall before he transferred to KT: warcraftrealms.com
>Level 50 in September 2006
>which fits well with having started in summer of 2006
Got to love games with regional servers. Frenchies, Germans, Danebros etc. are chill as fuck. the raging spaz is always some American 15 year old with something to prove.
Is there a way to play wow free without having to pay blizzcuck?
it'd be great if I were to be sniped and then have some streamfags come help me and then we have an all out war break out on stream.
didn't he kill himself?
yea and if you look he was level 60 during pre patch
fucking mongoloid
he never did anything of relevancy on vanilla just like in tbc and wotlk
So he was raiding during pre-TBC patch when no one gave a shit anymore?
Sounds really casual
>having a beta with 15 people running around
as a swede that knows a lot of chill swedes, they sure are min-maxing autists with huge egos a lot of the time? maybe I'm seeing things
Since Retail WoW has mechanically speaking removed the "world" aspect years ago, I propose we rename it to "of Warcraft", or oW.
Ill stick to my based Aussies, thanks. You can keep your weird albinos.
warlocks are totally fine in 1.12, their power curve is pretty much the same as a mage, they will probably be overpopulated
name sniping every variation of "tipsout" "tipzout" "tipsoutbaby" "tipsoutPLEASE" i can possibly fit in 10 character slots for whatever server he rolls on and never touching that server again in my life
Link your profiles.
>alexensual was right
Truly a sad day.
They're nowhere near as annoying as Americans. I'll take a min/maxing autistic swede over a mutt kid with anger issues, a scratchy mic and a soccer mom in the background yelling about chores any day.
which faggy streamer is the least faggy for Classic news?
Rogue Paladin or Mage?
Playing Human just to clarify some.
They 'big announcement" is that selected blizzard streamers will share gameplay footage from the media summit.
There will be no beta and no playable game.
>want to enjoy the leveling experience as a hunter but not raid as one
>want to raid as a healer but not level as any of the healer classes
I can't decide and I'm probably going to regret my choice after a few days no matter what I pick.
+Release date most likely
They are all faggots user
show me half decent wow vanilla channels, even if they are not currently active.
How many moving/fighting characters can the retail client handle on screen without sharding in a contested zone?
Can you still have huge battles in Hillsbrad or northern STV?
do hunter for phase 1 level healer meanwhile and slowly gear a little in prep for p2.
what you'll see my dude is a lot of blue warriors and rogues. There will be a shitton of them.
No shit because the game itself is nowhere as near good as they hype it up.
you don't level in healing specs amigo. Also leveling a priest is probably the easiest, just use your wand and that proc which gives you bonus manareg after killing enemy
towelliee looks like fucking dsp
I think this explains why towelie is in on it too.
towelie will talk about bfa 8.2 shit
is there any reason frostradamus gets so much shit? he is the worst talker of them all, but a lot of comfy lore with SOME value in the guides?
>you don't level in healing specs amigo
I know, I don't want to level as any of the healer classes in any of the specs.
>people actually think 50% of the vanilla playerbase won't stay in private servers come classic
the chinese and russian communities make up a large portion of vanilla players and actiblizzard are pathetic if they think they'll pay for a classic subscription. classic will be comprised of ameriturds for the first month until they all fuck off back to retail and all the realms die.
100 seconds left
female gnome warlock
>implying that's a bad thing
fuck chinks and fuck russians
Thats not fucking summer
August 27th
classic beta announced get hype
how shit is DW lvling for warriors?
male human warlock
You are watching our boy esfand, right?
3+ months, how is that summer?
>27th august
way to kill all the hype
>releasing it at the end of summer almost when school starts
complete and utter retards
Shadowpriest was actually quite fun to level. Then switch spec once you hit the cap and raid heal.
Was tons of fun in vanilla.
Even more fun is to level WITH someone, though. You become absolutely unstoppable
Summer ends on 22nd september though you retarded faggot
have fun playing on dead servers. most end level PVE and PVP players are chinamen or russian
Beta tomorrow
>the big announcement is fucking retarded blizzshills sharing pictures from their trip to blizzard HQ
LULW been saying this for months. LULW
called it, streamer beta.
it's a closed beta only for streamer butt buddies
>Name reservation
>The end of August
Really cutting the edge of "Summer" there Blizz.
>august 27
fuck me
>this summer
i fucking knew it
"Classic summer" with 5 days left of summer.Quality blizz
amazing, my vacation ends on the 27th of august.
>release end of august
>streamer only closed beta
that's it guys i'm fucking done with this shit
fuck classic and fuck blizzard
>he thinks chinks and ruskies will not flood in like plague
lmao do you actually think these big classic advocates are not doing so too? Even a lot players are often proven to do so. Let me say it again: Private servers functioned entirely on chinkfarming, and the owners are often exposed to made deals with them. Even in officials there will be a lot of people who will buy gold. So much for the brave, cool gamer classic community :^)
Disappointing but what can you do.
you played wow before?
probably not getting in, but hey
Livestreaming was a mistake.
Ragnaros says to your release date predictions: "TOO SOON!"
>>gold farming, i'd hope at least efficiently enough to repair and buy raid resources as well as for mounts for alts down the line
you can do dungeon runs or you can juggle with affl specc. it aint bad and you have zero downtime bcs life drain and lifetap.
>>dungeons and raiding performance, newly dinged 60 to Naxx geared
youll need to get hit capped tho most of the gear is easly obtainable. chest if you dont get bop epic from scholo you can get robe of the winter night, bis shoulders for raiding lock are lvl 40-50ish green craftable and so on. its aint that hard to gear him. at bwl stage you are shadow specced so you try to get as much +shadow dmg gear from ebonroc etc. zg release you go for 3 set tailoring garb which are rep rewards recipes and are bis until mid aq40ish+-. t3 naxx you are god.
>>random WPvP / ganking / getting ganked etc
wpvp. depends really. SL specc you get killed slower than a prot tank with pocket healer tho you have bout zero dmg output/endurance fight. aff and destro are another thing. one relying on having control of the enemy while having dots on them and drainging so to speak while destro being control at start followed by massive burst. they can go vs any class in vanilla.
>>random BG pvp
dot every1 up and wait for nightfall procs, can hold off multiple people with competent player by his side at flags in AB etc..
>>organized BG pvp
crowd control and endurance mostly while being annoying.
>>alternatively; compared to hunters and mages?
should win both. mage can fuck him up if he doesnt have felhunter out.
go for tailoring since to make money from enchanting youll need to get most of recipes from exalted rep farming. trust me that grinding timbermaw hold aint fun and you have to be one of the first to make bank of it. same goes for about every other recipe ingame other than crusader recipe drop from elite scarlets/epl which is also if nothing else atleast annoying.
(((content creators)))
they fucking killed all the hype with this shit tier announcement
they should have just released the beta what's the point in mentioning the release is fucking 3 months again
>Collector's Edition
>august 27
What a shitshow. Won't even have time to play this
>Participants will also need to have an active subscription or active game time on their Battle.net Account.
>Participants will also need to have an active subscription or active game time on their Battle.net Account.
>Participants will also need to have an active subscription or active game time on their Battle.net Account.
>Participants will also need to have an active subscription or active game time on their Battle.net Account.
>Participants will also need to have an active subscription or active game time on their Battle.net Account.
August 27th is technically “summer” albeit less than a month of it. It’s also the first week of school here and since I teach I won’t be able to play like I was hoping. Pretty much killed the hype for me at this point. Why start during the first week of school in most of NA?
>you must be subscribed to get picked to beta
this was known since it was first revealed, fucktard
Do you need to be have an active sub to be eligible to the beta?
So where do you reserve your names for Classic?
If you want a chance at being invited to the streamer beta
that ragnaros looks dope though
Someone remake the Country Roads lyrics to fit with Classic WoW
>Almost heaven
>World of Warcraft
>Redridge Mountains
Thanks for pointing that out m8. Too bad the game releases so fucking late, fuck me sideways.
Shadowbringers is gonna destroy Classic WoW why play any other MMO this summer
i mean i knew this was coming but im still disappointed
I just saw that. That went live right now right? Hardly ever check that page even though I have all of those turned on for years (and no beta access ever).
august 27 lul, dead game
Poor nigger thought it was going to be free
If horde, orc or troll Hunter?
If alliance, night Elf or dwarf Hunter?
Duskwood...Home. Here I come
according to >If you’re eager to claim your character name in WoW Classic, take note: we’ll be opening character creation on Tuesday, August 13.** Players with an active subscription or game time on their account will be able to create up to three characters per World of Warcraft account. We’ll have more information on realm names closer to launch, but rest assured—you’ll have plenty of time to figure out your plans for realm domination!
Better pony up $15 if you want to reserve a name you like lmao.
thats for a chance to get into the beta
It was pretty easy up until the 40s, then you had to be careful about pulling too much shit unless you were tanky or had good cc. My friend managed to run me through everything up to RFD on his blued out rogue without much issue, but I could heal him up if needed.
It's even worse. It's fucking contintent wide.
Static respawns, didn't expect that. Gonna stay level 1 for weeks
NVM Also
> aug 27
Fuck me
Where are you guys seeing this?
Meet you at the inn. Watch out for Stitches.
why do all you faggots spout "home" like broken record blizz shills instead of playing on private servers
oh shit, burning crusade and wotlk 'classic' servers confirmed. more info coming
if you pay for classic wow you're a gigantic cuck supporting the paychecks of the SJWs working at Blizzard
Its going to need a sub anyways so i dont see the problem here
you just got baited faggot
where are you reading this
Staysafetv's stream
>tfw you have the perfect name that will positively draw everybody to you and it isnt even a retarded reddit meme joke but really dont want to play the correct race/class combo for it
Sooooo any private server opening soon?
That's not an issue, there won't be 1 mega server with 12k people at launch.
WATCH stay safes faggot new video, it's the only way to get information. he goes into detail on layering
play through shadowbringers to 5.1
unsub til 5.5
play classic wow
kill yourself faggotsafe I'm not giving you views.
FFXIV is the better MMO, the next expansion releases in June.
Count your days transfreak.
August 27.
Day of pride.
Day of rope.
Day of home.
You told me that blizzard would fuck up. I knew this was true but I didn't listen.
madseason and frostadamus are good
only the biggest fucking faggots on earth play on ps
Classic is shit
based and trannypilled
>content-wide sharding for phase 1
WTF? I thought it was supposed to be only for starting zones? And for a week or two? Jesus christ
is that a volume dial on the side, or like some LED controls? it would be a good spot for an analog thumbstick but it doesnt really look like one
>fat disgusting subhumans like Towelliee
>shits on classic all the time
>suddenly he's hyped for it like the shit eating retail cuck he is
August 27 is the day Blizzard bills your account for going to a emulated version of vanilla
>Pay $15 to reserve your name, goy!
>Playing weebshit
Odd how literally every other game gets an automatic check for beta opt ins. Hopefully should get in since I've had every beta for every xpac and new IP since tbc
>won't see people disappear when you cross zones
absolutely based, this is the best move
the only people and autists who actually know how to play the game or genuinely like it play on private servers unlike tranny "home" shills who're going to sit on their hands until august and make the same thread every day
>realm caps confirmed to change, so there is NO answer on what the server cap will be
>guys there will be no sharding after starting zone trust us
>you'll get LAYERING which is continent wide
Holy shit I told you faggots
>b-but this time it'll be different Blizz will provide
I told you they'll fuck up. I knew it so fucking much. You literally never learn. Lmao enjoy your dreaded content with the chinks and the 60's UDs ganking you, while you realize you can't bring back the past.
this is 4channel, home of weeb games.
Holy shit the state of blizz. I'd rather wait another decade for star citizen
Not like anyone has ever used my name before so it's not a huge deal. Looking at the armory, there are 6 total and 3 of them are me so it's not likely someone will take it.
the circle? It's a weird arrow key thing. I think it works like an analog stick but not..
At least it's gone before phase 2. And it sounds like layers are much larger than shards capacity wise.
I'm glad Shadowbringers doesn't have sharding/layering
It will last just enough to ruin your entire leveling experience.
layering sounds fine, and esp just for phase 1.
Who the fuck said they won't do sharding?