TLDR; 3D character artist is fired for misgendering a hamster lol

TLDR; 3D character artist is fired for misgendering a hamster lol

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is he saying he wasn't given a fucking warning? like they just purged anyway?

seems like he dodged a bullet


Leave it to America to get needlessly nitpicky over a bloody choice of words.

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LOL it's a 3D hamster, jesus fucking christ what is wrong with indie developers?

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Can't wait until Xi nukes California

So this game is now dead before release instead of afterward.

>nonbinary hamster


Holy fucking kek, never mind, it's a Super Monkey Ball rip-off.

Why are white people like this?

I looked into this and the rafa guy actually supports and condones child porn on her? discord channel and even makes 3d models of kids for friends to make said porn with.

>sexuality in a monkey ball clone
what the fuck is wrong with you?

ugh, I'm so sick of "non-binary". It's just a way to exclude actual representation.

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>white """people"""
who the fuck shoves their insane sexual identity mental illness into a monkey ball clone with hamsters

Based, fuck kids

There is no such thing as non binary

Is that a problem?

Wait what? CP... and 3d models? You do realize that 3d models are not actually children or in fact beings with rights at all right?

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God damn it, I just donated to this the other day.

This is why everyone hates trannies. I don't know what's worse, niggers or trannies. I think niggers might be bumped up on the totem pole, because fuck trannies.

Attached: tranny beatdown.webm (480x480, 320K)

But there's literally none of that on their page. Also Rafa is a woman.

Do what I did. Chargeback.
Fucking trannies arent getting a cent from me and I'm contacting Sega over this flagrant violation of their IP

im an idiot, the joke was already made in your picture

honk honk

This is the lead dev

Attached: LeadDev.png (751x365, 48K)

Imagine how much exposure this will get and all the people just take the bait.

so he got an article written about him and now hes on a power trip?

Rent free

>Niggers vs Trannies, which is worse?
Damn thats tough, but i'm giving it to the OG nigggers. Trannies at least have a fantastic reputation of killing them selfs, Niggers tend to get locked up or shot after they've caused a lot of damage. So niggers are worse, but not by much

did xhe die

How about tranniggers?

So wait is hamsters genders just a social construct? Do hamsters decide what to wear based on what hamster society tells them is okay? Are we worried about why so few female hamsters have jobs in STEM?
This sounds like a big problem, why aren't more people talking about hamster rights?

dios mios...

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reminds me of this

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What's that game target audience?

He's not a tranny but he is...
>Black [kinda]
And a piece of shit, its likely he couldn't contain him self

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>Yea Forums falls for baseless bait: episode 549

based, but how do i give them my money?

Wow what a bigot

I had to think for a moment before realizing you meant the president of China and not some made up pronoun.

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Sad but true

It's real though retard.

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he/she should be god thankful, fuck working in that environment


By the way, does anyone have the other webm of the kid lifting the tranny and throwing him into the ground like a fucking foot ball?
I've tried looking that up but.... Well lets just say you don't get positive results
I could die any day, I'd rather people saw my history on Yea Forums rather than search results with trannies...

they hate themselves more then u hate them

>for a rodent
There's no such fucking thing. It's either a boy or a girl, label it and move on. Seriously I've gotten into the habit of just calling anything an 'it' if they don't identify as male or female. Because if you're neither then what the fuck are you?

Its as real as your functioning brain.
The dude was kicked off for being a porn artist.

Nice proof.

I fucking love this webm, maybe one of my favorites. To bad that pole gets in the way at the worst moment....

Where is Rafas proof?

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This gets me too. How is it that almost all trannies today identify with the act of transition itself, of which there is an infinite variation.

It's just tumblr opression olympics snowflake bullshit right to its core.

This one? If not, you can never have too many webms of trannies getting destroyed.

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What am I supposed to take away from this?

Liberals are stupid because they are liberals. This guy is stupid for signing onto a gig with them. Glad he got fired sonhe can persue better things, seems like an ok dude.

American SJWs are deranged. Its really nice tho that these sorts of assholes have taken over the mainstream market cause it only weakens their influence in the global market. Actually this is one of the reasons anime is getting more and more popular out there.

Fucking thank you!

It's in Brandon's final word that the misgendering made non-binary people uncomfortable and it started this. Now show proof of the child porn.

Anime was at peak popularity in the early 90s
At least here in europe

I wish I knew the context of this one

>This made some of my non-binary friends a little uncomfortable, so we decided to do some background research on the new artist we'd introduced to our team; this is something we should have done beforehand.

I hope they will behead rafaknight

Damn she is Based

I don't get it. He says he was banned, not fired. Is this suppose to be a paid work or a public group collaboration?

Lol not even surprising anymore

What an insane world this is

Depends on the nation you are in. 3d is considered child porn in parts of the west like Canada.

>Just slides behind him and instantly pulls off a throw
Nani the fuck?

I hope Americans kill them eventually

>that @Rolledout game
What game?

>we decided that we did not want our game to be associated with the artworks she had previously created
This is why wegs will never be good, in Japan you are expected to have drawn porn at some time, no one cares
weg artists will never be able to move on so no one with any talent will want to make wegs/western porn because its a death sentence in the long run

They made their bed, now they take themselves out on the progressive olympics.

you are talking like a faggot from 2009
learn the latest trends and state of the geek industry

even sjw americans are trying fuckin hard to ape japanese anime like she-ra, voltron, dragon prince, castlevania, etc. and of course netflix is one of them too

this feel like the ending to a disney film or any family friendly comedy where the main villain loses in a goofy slapstick way

Trannies deserve the rope, that's all the context you need

>i got banned from the project
Shouldn't it be "FIRED" ?

Kinda expected nowadays.

Combat techniques = TURBO

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Just take that Ladiva character from Granblue, that's now being added to Granblue Versus.
Trannies are insisting Ladiva is trans, even though Ladiva is just homosexual and explicitly does not want to transition (even though it can be done flawlessly and fully in Granblue's setting).

They're insane.

Damn nice sidestep

>sjw turns out to be a fucking weirdo

whatt he fuck even is non binary?

Sorry but anime is nowhere near as popular as it was in the 90s here, thats just how it is user
I dodnt know why you got angry
The fans are more deidcated and have access to more but anime is not in everyone´s conversations constantly where even Chads talke about it every day like it use to be, Im sure you can find me examples of the contrary but Im talking day to day experience here in the real world


It means you have more than 4 limbs.

>diversity = anti-white
I really don't want to live in a world where /pol/ is right.

Made up shit, not canon

a computer apparently

>Trannies are insisting Ladiva is trans
Really? I was honestly expecting them to go into autistic fits of rage about how its another parody/joke character and how he ridicules gays.

There is no proof, it's because the 3D modeler makes their models free to use and modify as they wish

Might be, which is retarded. Like actually retarded. Not literally retarded, more like figuratively. But still pretty fucking retarded if you know what i mean.

The buttplug tail at the end always gets me


I'm not saying they made the right decision but it sounds like the decision was made for more reasons than that. Apparently misgendering the hamster did offend some on the team especially because the artist gave her suggestions on making that visually apparent, but the lead claims they handled it well. The team then did research into this artist and believed they found adult content they were not comfortable with, but it turns out those are not this artist's work and after bringing it up they realize their mistake.

Nevertheless they now felt after consideration that they should not hire this artist. No further reasoning is given except they don't want her past artwork to be associated with the project and later the lead admits "many of my friends were not comfortable with her". The artist then argued with them for hours and complained publicly for not hiring her. She has a large fanbase to shame them with, which she immediately did. Then rather than accept the apology they were willing to offer, she demanded changes to their apology they felt bullied into to take down her complaints about them for not hiring her.

All parties in this sound pretty bad to me. The other project members seem like wimpy easily offended and easily backstabbing autistic girls who want a nonbinary character and also don't want to commit a gender offense by appealing to any kind of stereotype to make it visible. The lead sounds like a wimp who easily gives in and admits he's in over his head without being able to smooth out difficulties and rein in his team. The artist sounds entitled and bitchy the kind of person who wants to complain and fuck you over.

America needs to be nuked.
A taste of their own medicine.

the your country is just irrelevant to the modern global market. keep consuming your own shit. im just telling american cartoon/comics are fucking going down and actually have sold like shit, and anime are gaining popularity the fastest way. i used to post on Yea Forums so understand how stagnated the american industry is. they cant even make their own cartoons anymore. they outsource all of them (literally) to south korea and other 3rd world countries.

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hahaha we're all fucking doomed

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>australian male

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Cringe devs
Based devs

>I really don't want to live in a world where /pol/ is right.

None of us do, but reality is what it is.

remember, the people voted for hitler for no reason at all.

>the artist sounds whiny for being upset over being fired for a parody-tier "microaggression" and then accused of being a pedophile, and then when that was all debunked the cunts who got triggered said "theyre not comfortable rehiring" because they still think theyre correct despite being proven wrong because thats the world we live in.

yeah all parties showed emotion theyre all the same durr

will make sure to ruin every rollout thread starting with this

and this is why hitler 2.0 rose

All parties are pretty bad? The artist that at one point maybe drew porn (not of minors, adult versions of characters that are minors in their own canon) and then later misgendered a hamster while working for free is as bad as the "employer" that can't hold together a discord server

based zoomers rising up

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A mental disorder

welcome to american employment

where boss can just fire you on the spot randomly

Pick one.

no you just autism

I hope this faggots game fails

Somebody try telling the sjws that.

I did not expect that, fucking kek

t. tranny hamster dev

The artist doesn't have any fault in this and its in their rights to say whatever they want about these bullshit devs.
>oh no, porn! we can't have them associating us with that heavens no!
Within seconds of them releasing their game, if it is even a smidge popular, somebody will take that hamster and will make it shove 10 cocks up its bum and explode.

This is just another "muh public image" sprinkled with fake outrage culture. Do you even see what you're writing? Its this:
>porn bad
>but gay hamster good
Again, artist has every right to be mad after what was done. Even moreso since if these faggots actually did some research and didn't want a "*gasp* PORN DESIGNER" into their team, this whole thing would've at least been avoided. Its all on the devs.

Canada is a retarded shithole that gives bigger sentences to white guys buying sexdolls and onaholes then actual child rapists.

Some states have employee protections like Oregon, but they are heavily abused to the point that it operates like a last in first out union.

"Diversity" is a tricky one because it means both to be okay with a multi-racial group (to normies) and also ferocious anti-white hysteria (to anyone pushing idpolitics).

>main dev apparently lives in Canada

>a turn off
I lost

i support the anti-white hysteria. we're going to enter the most hilarious civil war in human history.

Based Sabin

>She got fired for being a decent human being
You cannot make this shit up.

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Nobody would hire any artist without looking into their profile, gallery and portfolio.
The porn shit they bring up is definitely after the fact that they scrambled to come up with in a hurry in an attempt to justify the firing.

The devs then realized it was a mistake and went on a shitty route of crying bullying when they got pointed our for the bullshit.

thanks now theres coke all over my screen

notice how the lolicon art or models or whatever wasn't a problem at all for them until he used the wrong pronoun for a fucking rat

what a clown world

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Just in case anyone is wondering.
The developer using this image as a scapegoat over how the artist was let got for adult content not missgendering a cartoon rat.
Its the only "adult" image the artist ever made.

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>tfw no lolicon 3d modeling gf

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>between 1 and 3 knots southward

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i'm half-white half-mexican. i'll be on the white side, shooting at the latinx.

/pol/ is ALWAYS right
The problem is that they're just faggots about it while you guys are faggots for not just accepting it and get it over with

stop it

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Many states are at will employers. Termination doesnt take much but employers still vulnerable to litigation.

Misgendering dude has pretty good grounds for a case.

Drugs aren’t the answer user, I’m here for you...

Damn, I've been here too long

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>reddit spacing
>obvious misunderstandings
>hurr durr my misunderstanding of you means you're stupid
There are going to be teams you're not a good fit for, some organizations are going to suck ass. Do you really think waging a public relations battle with them over this is going to get her the job? Even if she did get the job I don't think anyone would be comfortable with that arrangement now. Other organizations in the future may not give her an opportunity to work for them because she now has proven she may immediately leak shit publicly if she feels slighted.

The artist was not decried as being a pedophile. They didn't act to ruin her reputation they just decided not to hire her. They do seem to realize the odd aged up character NSFW art wasn't her work, when it was clarified, but they still went with their decision not to hire her, probably because there's more to it than that. Even if it wasn't her work, they claim she was showing it on her page. I'm not sure if their claim is true or not, I'm not assuming one way or the other.

Sweet jesus look at those hips

It's pretty clear that she actually got fired for making loli porn under her real name, then she made up some dumb story about misgendering a mouse to gain support from brainless alt-right teenagers.

God damn that tranny slam was good

the day i heard latinx said in real life is the day i became whiter. despite being in clown world, i can assure you hispanics despise illegals, for the most part. the ones that don't are generally retarded millenials. my sister chants build the wall for fuck's sake. when shit hits the fan, you're going to laugh at how little support liberals and democrats will have. also, i'm from texas and have been shooting guns since i was 11. trump has been a deathblow to the left, and it's only getting worse for them. you know what's a fun tidbit you won't hear from the media? all the illegals running away from texas, because they know they're walking on the thinnest ice possible.

The porn thing must be a shitty attempt at justifying firing him. Please tell me which artist has not drawn fucking porn.

Based Benitez

this is heresy

yeah publictly calling out someone on sexualizing children is basically a nothing burger. absolutely nothing compared to the suffering black people endure by seeing the "n" word everywhere. surely it won't be issue when an potential employee or someone in family tries to look up their professional handles or anything.

Quality kek

You're just gobbling up the excuses made by a shitty dev that fired her for a wrong reason.
The porn shit is definitely an excuse they throw out after they hastily fired her in order to cover their own fucking ass.

Then after they realized that they were wrong after a poor and hasty attempt to shame the artist, they removed the apology and act as if they were bullied into it.
A shit dev is a shit dev and I am glad that they have exposed for what they are.

Wow, who gives a shit. It's like you retards are constantly scanning the internet for things to get mad about instead of playing fucking videogames.

This cannot be real.

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He should be given a raise, porn artists do damn good character design.

where's this from?

This. Nothing to see here, and whatever happens do not question anything relating to diversity.

That's the M.O of this whole fucking website. Where have you been?

Kill the roots, let the branches wither, very simple