Pick the DLC and Rate

I'll post template

Having seen hype and demand, who would you choose as DLC?

>Enter your choices
>Rate mine and other Anons'

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I personally want Reimu from the Touhou series

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It's going to be Artorias, Banjo, Doomguy and Ryu Hayabusa and you're all gonna like it.


0/4 for me. Nobody really brings anything new or stylish to the table and Westernfagging is a meme at this point.

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Too much Western but I think all of those choices are worthwhile.
2/4, Soma and Quote. Giegue’s not probable and Neku might be a little too obscure to have a chance.

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>still believing the google leak
be a hero

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>not believing the most credible leak of all time

well this cropped up quickly

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Google leak theory is dumb as shit but it would be pretty kino
my issue with that roster is that you have
I just think there'll be at least 2 more relatively recent characters

don't you remember?

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It's gonna be Reimu, Doomguy, Astral Chain duo, and an unknown Mega Man Legends 3 character

>Dark Souls
I want underage to leave

Oh hi literally me,

how am I today?

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I wonder why so few people mention the possibility that at least one of the remaining four fighters could have an echo packed in with them. They made such a deal to classify "echoes" as a thing, you'd think they'd end up throwing at least one more of them in.

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What fresh hell is this?

Very well. Though I’m not feeling Bogard for whatever reason.
I’m just saying it’d be kino if Edgeworth was in. Hear me out: Logic Chess Final Smash.

>I’m just saying it’d be kino if Edgeworth was in. Hear me out: Logic Chess Final Smash.
I know, my man. It'd be fantastic. If that happened I'd be damn well set too. I couldn't possibly ask for anything more if both my guys got in there.

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>all this shitty mugen shit.
What happened to smash bros?

FUCK Crash, shitty fucking character. I'd rather chew glass than have that ugly piece of shit in my game. I literally do not care who the new DLC characters are, so long as he SPECIFICALLY doesn't get in.

I'd also rather not have more FE but I don't care nearly as much. NO CRASH. GET HIM OUT.

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1/4, I'm sick of these "le epic niche/weebshit" pretentious picks only engineered to try impressing the snobbiest fags on Yea Forums

Have sex.


Now thats a DLC choice and SNK rep i could get behind.

Well, Her or Terry, however, theres this feeling... i dont think SNK will have a representative.


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You can have whoever the fuck else you want, I JUST WANT RAYMAN!

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Please describe how it is in anyway credible so I can paugh at you.

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>Nobody really brings anything new or stylish to the table
>picks another Mother character, another Castlevania character, and a megaman ripoff
K. 1/4

4/4, I love it.

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2/4 crash and doomguy are based

2/4 eggman and quote

3/4 Dante crash and doomguy

3/5 Dante doomguy and quote

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why do you guys keep pushing on Doom?
is this the new Geno?

>Believing the google leak
Kill yourself

He’s a character I’ve wanted since brawl, but I’m not gonna believe any leak until I see him in, which is super unlikely

He’s in and you know it

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Crash is so far the only viable one there, and even then, with Sakurais patriotism i really dont see him likely.

Technically a better pick than Crash, however, the DMC director already shoot that one down, he is not in.

>Master chief
Ehh, he does fit in a 'vidya history icon' sense and the N/MS Alliance can make it happen, but can he work without his guns? He is an artillery oriented soldier unlike Snake who can fend on his own in unarmed combat, unless they find a way for him to work without weapons

No, just no...
I like him, but theres no way sakurai is gonna use him, way more american than even master chief, and, even if Sakurai would want him, theres the problem he also relies on guns a lot, not to mention he is more violent than even Bayonetta.

Do i need to say more...?

>but can he work without his guns?

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Joker's gun is a magically enhanced airsoft gun, much like bayonetta, its not a real gun.

That is the in canon reason, but that doesn't matter because in Smash lore doesn't matter. As far as anyone who hasn't played P5 knows, it's just a handgun that even sounds like a regular hand gun.

2/4 Doom Guy and Geno are cool
3/4, don't care for Steve
2.5/4 Spongebob's really goofy but if I saw him in action I'd probably be down for it
4/4, Good tastes, always glad to see Terry in people's list
1/4 Nakoruru is cool
I'd love to see her
Jack would be one hell of a curve ball 3/4
4/4 if Joker replaces Crash

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>still believing that Geno will get in despite Sakurai saying that the DLCs will not be Nintendo characters.

Doomguy has a lit if energy weapons and lots of his gear is hitscan. You’d only need a muzzleflash.

It's called gun, it looks like a gun, it sounds like a gun, it works like a gun, therefore it's a gun.
Nobody cares for such tiny technicalities.

>despite Sakurai saying that the DLCs will not be Nintendo characters.
People really take REGGIE saying "These are going to be characters that are new to the series" "Characters you would not anticipate". He was basically just hyping up "EVERYONE IS HERE" even more, they see everything they reveal as a curve ball

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My wife's son works at Nintendo and says this is the next DLC pack once Fighters Pass is over, say something nice about it.

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Why do people keep putting DooM guy in Smash? It doesn't even make sense. If anything he belongs in Mortal Kombat, as much as I hate that game.

he's in

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this wasn't supposed to be a predictions list so is viability really a factor

All but one Doom game have been on Nintendo consoles offset by the fact it had an exclusive.

this. geno still won't happen unless he's individual dlc of some kind (so still won't happen anyway) but people have got to stop with this misinformation bullshit


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For me it'd have to be
That would be a good spread for me. I guess Dante, Lara Croft, Urbosa, and a couple others would be honorable mentions

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i just like dragon quest and he's the most likely option :( i'd prefer slime or if crono if i could pick a different square rep

>despite Sakurai saying that the DLCs will not be Nintendo characters.
Literally never happened.
Quit making up bullshit to fit your narrative.

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they're in

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I need movesets

If anything, I think Frisk will be in because Pirhana Plant is in the roster, specifically because I can see the latter being a reference to Flowey in his Classic Mode.

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>The Google Theory is a leak
Didn't PapaGeno said that what they found in their Discord is just a theory not an actual "leak" per-say and take it with a massive grain of salt?


10/10, on the grounds that its not SANSUNDURTEL LOL.

Fucker is not even a god or something, he just knows stuff, thats all.

Leak and theory might as well be interchangable in smash discussions. No reason to get hung up on it.

Replace Crash with Baby Mario and Baby Luigi on a team like he ice climbers and it’s pretty much my list.