Defend this TF2 thread, Yea Forums.
Defend this TF2 thread, Yea Forums
fuck you go back to your genral fagfoth
Yeah, I main medic. How could you tell?
> TF2 threads constantly hit bump limit with usually decent discussion
Why would they go back to /vg/ ?
Oh sure, let's just head on over and see what wonderful TF2 discussion is taking pla-
There is no Heavy update.
>graphics and gameplay over ten years old
>both still hold up
>flooded with ridiculous cosmetics
>characters still recognizable
>Valve destroys community servers
>there's still thousands online every day doing deathrun, trading, zombie fort etc
What the hell has to happen for TF2 to finally die? A nuclear war?
Thoughts on the no restriction 6v6 tournament that happened?
Way more fun to watch
That one pyro airshot was fucking insane
2 nuclear wars
I really wish the (f) inspect bananna had the heavy go "what is this shit" but with his hands
Powerhouse is great, but the lack of timer is garbage.
>powerhouse was made back in 2007 but never official
still blows my mind
harvest has the worst aesthetic and plays exactly how it looks. boring and fucking predictable.
Fuck no, reddit get out
TF2 isn't dead but it is dying
The original team of super-talented, passionate artists, writers, 3D modellers, and voice actors have left and they ain't coming back
Right now, TF2's entire staff consists of some guy in the Valve offices poking the severs with a broom
Only the community endures. When that dies, TF2 dies with it.
>Yea Forums will defend this
I'm just gonna pretend, like I don't agree with you, but deep down I do, and it fills me with sadness
How do you deal with having dreams about TF2? I have been dealing with this for a while now and it has been terrible.
As long as there's players I'm indifferent
I doubt TF2 will die.
Even if Valve completely drops it, the community will keep it alive.
No matter what doomers say, TF2 has a very passionate community, with new players coming and replacing the cucks that left for other games cause of money, or just the people that got understandably bored.
I honestly see myself playing TF2 30 years from now. That's how good this game is.
Nothing will ever come close to the amount of good this game is.
Skill based, excellent cast, great maps, great mechanics... Nothing will come close. No matter how hard I try to leave it, I'll always come back to it.
And there are many other people who , like me, can't seem to leave TF2.
It's a love story done right.
I hate Valve with the fury of a thousand suns because of how they treat games and the community, but It'll never take away the love I have for TF2 as a game. For its mechanics, characters, silliness yet seriousness.
No, TF2 is far from dying and still live on.
>shitton of maps not rated
is there a link to the creator for this? I must create my own
I just wish they'd let the community (not reddit) handle some updates.
>A tier
>not F tier
to be honest l4d 1 to l4d 2 feels like the beginning of the end for valve.
Would you play a tc_steel?
Probably going without an update for 5 years will be enough, but I still think you'll be able to find multiple servers even then.
Harvest/Sunshine don't belong in S, that's for sure.
>Only the community endures. When that dies, TF2 dies with it.
TF2 is the Quake 3 of today
Joke's on Pyro players. Dragon's Breath was nerfed to hell, Jetpack is dumb useless, Gas Passer was only good on MvM and the glove is a retarded meme weapon.
Meanwhile the banana is actually useful.
Lmao they do. 90% of the content in updates comes from the community workshop.
>not gonna be both
Looks like somebody didn't read all the material from the update before making this image. The FAQ said: "well, he will probably get another update later. In fact, it's likely."
the hats don't really count as 90%
We'll see
>Granary C
>Gullywash C
>Snakewater B
>Powerhouse S
What in the goddamn?
By your jug-like jaw relative to tiny upper head. This pic is gold.
harvest and powerhouse in S where they belong but payload is probably the worst gamemode so those maps have no place in S
I still love the NMH 1 content scattered randomly throughout Mario Kart. I have actual real life friends (rly) that play this map to death, love it, and yet have no idea who/what Strawberry on the Shortcake is or half the characters. It's like a little secret of mine.
You and me, hoss
Any good servers still out there?
>Those days were you'd hop on a capture the flag or attack/defence server with your gibus and stock weapons not knowing what you were doing, but still trapped by the special charm of the game trying to get new weapons without knowing how
>That first time you entered a server with custom maps and mods and you saw all the crazy shit that could be done in this game, and you stayed just messing around in dm_mariokart
>That first time you experienced a halloween update and played late at night in some comfy server trying to kill the Headless Horseman
>That first time you saw the Meet the Team videos
>That time you spent trying to unlock items by doing challenges in 2fort
>Your face of happiness when you finally unlocked that Sandman
>That moment when you discovered Gmod videos
>Those first SFM animations
>That moment when you tried to make something shitty for the workshop but just gave up
>When you discovered the comics and started reading them obsessively and investigating about the lore
>That first MvM with other newbies just trying to do your best
>Those days learning how to rocket jump
>Your first hat drop
>Those old youtube videos before most memes related to the game were even a thing
I'm nostalgic today lads
I miss surf deathmatch servers the most. They're either 0/32 or wussy spawn protected messes these days.
Why did we never get another PDA that replaces the sentry/dispenser/teleporter? Why are we stuck with just the mini-sentry?
Mission Begins in 60 seconds
>but payload is probably the worst gamemode
Don't play shitty payload maps, because you're wrong.
>powerhouse is s tier
You know the answer to this. It's the same answer to all the other questions.
>the worst game mode
Thanks for that
i dont play payload because all of the maps are shitty by design due to the nature of payload
>Why did we never get another PDA that replaces the sentry/dispenser/teleporter?
it would be like making a medigun that didn't heal or build uber.
It just wouldn't work. All other options would be "Its a dispenser... but it does this" or "its a teleporter.... but it does this". much like how the minisentry is "a sentry.... but it builds faster"
There there, sport. We'll get a worthy sequel someday. And that'll be the day someone figures out to package the necessary gameplay advances to expand and balance TF2's basic framework with an aesthetic, plot and spurious mock-historic scenario as remotely great as TF2's living Norman Rockwell parody.
If you don't know how to play powerhouse correctly then you're not worthy of the sacred information but ill give you a hint. It's only 3 words long.
payload is effectively a CP map where the first half of the track allows the enemy team to build up its defenses. the Second half is just the enemy trying to control the point.
Its honestly the perfect A/D design and heavilly encourages the moving battle field that valve wanted to make since the beginning of the game.
I understand not liking it for any personal reason, like casuals not pushing the cart. But its objectively the best thing since sliced bread.
I've got no problem with the map itself, but when your team is full of retards and there is no timer the match goes on for fucking forever
>playing TFGO
There's nothing shitty about Upward. It could be better but it's not shitty.
A truly great PL map would need to take place in a space with the following features:
- Relatively tight circular or square configuration, similar to KotH or Arena, such that no one point is far away from all the others
- HIGH degree of verticality, towers, cliffs, pits and drops, platforms, ladders, all sorts to keep the game moving around
- The bomb cart zigs and zags back and forth across the entire map repeatedly, crossing back over itself in several spots on the way to the goal
- One spawn point per side
This would ensure a more varied relationship with the space presented in the game and make sure the various areas can see continuous use throughout the game, as well as granting multiple uses to the same space.
>it just wouldn't work.
State why.
Which weapons are OP and UP now?
Buff Engineer
Let him build three level 1's, two level 2's or one level 3
>State why.
breaks the engineers purpose like the medic not having uber would break him.
They're both very important backbones of the gameplay, changing them is like changing the win conditions of a map. You could make the results be the same, but again it would just feel like a dispenser or a teleporter.... but it does something else.
>the general where people host honeypot raffles just to get the entrants banned
>breaks the engineers purpose
Which matters because...
>Which matters because...
the engineers teleport speeds up the game immenseley and provides equally battle field movement for all classes. just so their movement speeds only matter in battle.
dispenser is a static point for teammates to rush back to and regroup. Like a rally point also encouraging teamwork.
Or just get more engies
3cp is just a worse gamemode than 5cp. The lack of the buffer of points 2/4 just leads to constant turtling and cripples the sense of flow and drama that 5cp has
Non-sequitur. You didn't address why alternative loudouts that "break the engineers[sic] purpose" matters, just what the regular loadout does.
3cp is a worse game mode of *Payload*. Not 5CP. 5CP is a bloated gamemode that is only tolerated because of what it does uniquely, which is provide a tug of war scenario. But this could be accomplished with just 3 or 2CP and would be less abusive for the game's hard-defensive classes.
Pyro cute
if the engineer lacks teleporters or dispensers you can't do this and it breaks the game. I figured that was obvious.
Power house feels like a CTF map that got switched and everyone just pretends its a CP map
Here is a simple buff I think could work
>reduce the metal cost of upgrading buildings to level 2 from 200 to 100.
Mainly for a faster setup level 2 sentry
Not that guy but the original classes' roles are synergised so well I don't think you could significantly change one of them and actually improve the game. At worst it would wreck the whole class role balance, at best it would be okay but not really viable or quite as good as the original (see demoknight)
Again, state why.
Ditto with the above, although you provide a genuine example at least.
Doesn't do anything that a Scout or Pyro would do, with gimmick tweaks and ultimately an overly-shallow profile. If the class did ANYTHING new there would be a point to the comparison.
Harvest and Badwater are kino, good tastes
>Again, state why.
tell me how you would get to the front line without a teleporter. What classes would you play if you didn't have a teleporter.
Okay now that you actually changed how you would play, you realise how much of an effect this has.
Upward and Badwarter are overrated
badwater yes definitely.
fuck no. its the magnum opus of tf2.
Any engie main youtubers that aren't faggots like Dane or Mechawreck?
How is Badwater overrated?
And how the fuck is Upward in any way good? It's the worst Payload map besides Barnblitz and Frontier
>How is Badwater overrated
It's basically a prototype of PL maps when valve realised what they were doing.
I would explain why upward is great but it would take too long. It's the perfect PL map.
>I would explain why upward is great but it would take too long. It's the perfect PL map.
Badwater is the perfect PL map, Upward is just shit
Daily reminder thinking Badwater > Upward is a reddit opinion
>I would explain why upward is great
Please do. I'd like to see you try.
Can the mongoloids at /tf2g/ even grasp the concept of replying to another directly or is there some kind of secret club shit going on that i'm not aware of?
Are (you)s forbidden there or something?
I would.
It's just some secret club shit.
>jetpack is useless
t. highlander pyro main
Badwater just has a really good first point, probably the best of any payload, but the rest of the points are crap.
The fuck does a pyro do in comp anyways? Reflect soldier rockets and occasionally kill a spy
What's wrong with the other points? Every point in Badwater is great and every class has one place where they're viable.
>playing Pyro in comp
you only have yourself to blame, Pyro is only fun in pubs
>Caring THIS MUCH about having same opinions as someone from another website
When will the Le BoogeyMan-Reddit meme die.
We need a mini-PDA. The dispenser and teles build 2.5 times as fast, the same as the mini to the default sentry. Each one takes less metal to build and has less health than their stock counterparts, and the dispenser is also significantly smaller. The dispenser heals at a level 3 rate, but gives metal and ammo at a level 1 rate, and for the healing it does, it hurts itself. This could be adjusted based upon how good or shit it is on release. The teles recharge as fast as level 3s, but they also hurt themselves.
It's be for quick rollouts while pushing. If an Uber can get your team just past a wall, you throw down your dispenser right there, and a tele exit, for anyone who dies during the push.
It won't last long, but they could help you hold an area long enough for a medic to respawn, or something like that.
How? Every time I try playing Pyro I just get mind-numbingly bored and just switch off to any other class. His primary is probably the weakest weapon in TF2 in terms of it feeling good to use.
I've got like a 4 hour video I've never finished on upward and i don't want to autism all over you. Especially when it's 9 in the morning and I haven't gone to sleep.
It's really really good and it's basically badwater 2.0.
WHat if you're playing with an Engie who already has a good tele up? Or on a map with a moving spawn and lots of back and forth, so you can never have your tele entrance where people need it? Or a Spy just won't leave it alone, so you might as well switch to another building which would be more useful?
There are plenty of times some interesting alternate buildings could be useful. Adding another degree of depth to the Engineer, that is, knowing which buildings you should have right now, would be fantastic.
As long as they aren't shit, have a good purpose, and aren't overpowered, I
d really love to see some buildings which aren't just mini-buildings, which I do think we'll probably get sometime.
Like cameras or boost pads to replace the teleporters, or a shield-generating dispenser, etc.
2nd is a mess with how the team's get seperated. 3rd is too linear and relies heavilly one 2 chokes.
4th is like if 2nd and 3rd took both their problems and crammed it into one. Everything basically revolves around map room.
>tell me how you would get to the front line without a teleporter.
Irrevelent, one Engineer uses the Teleporter PDA anyway. The other uses the other one.
Ayy glad this idea is getting traction.
Right and you just take two medic when one medic wants to play battle medic.
I feel like Pyro is the trash entertainment of tf2 classes, you need to turn your brain off to enjoy it.
Point 2 has too much real estate away from the cart and the cart path is one big choke/sniper sightline, unlike the first point its not as easy to use cart as cover due to the open air space allowing easier spam. Point 3 is very small and cramped, the most open space is ironically the cart path but still has you taking the low ground again. Point 4 has somewhat the opposite problem with too many ways to approach making defense much harder than it should be, the sniper sightlines are also a little too generous both attacking and defending.
I'm amazed that I've never seen this advocated here before, nor that I've seen anyone, anywhere, propose this idea before now. I thought I was the only one who perceived this role mixup.
Then again, full flexibility over secondaries should be the rule between classes, not just Banners for Heavies but [Rations] for Soldiers as well, and so on. If they made the Pistol actually worth a crap for Scout, I'd replace the Scattergun with a Sandvich or Banner.
>I've got like a 4 hour video I've never finished on upward
Care to give a MEGA link to what you have? If you don't feel like rendering it just upload the file itself. Otherwise just unleash your autism
So long as the Battle Medic has a Battle Medic-only loadout which is useful to the game and can't switch it up midgame then precisely.
>t. SEETHING redditor
Badwater is a shit map overrated by redditors like you.
>encouraging battle medic
Don't do this.
If you aren't going to state why you can be ignored, you know.
>tfw no arena_watchtower
Fuck, I miss Watchtower. When will Valve finally re-add it? I don't even care if they turn it into a koth map.
>still no space maps
Upwart and Badwater have always been awful
both maps are spy/sniper/engie hell
they're just another dustbowl, sentry city
I swear I saw atleast 4 or 5 level 3 sentries at the last point on upward
not only are sentries heavily spammed on these maps but every team I join seems to be incapable of taking out sentries, either that or the other team is just really good at defending them
Pressing R while revved with any minigun should let Heavy jump forward a short distance.
How do I start playing Highlander?
I agree with you on the sentries. The only time blu can win on upward is if they push before sentries are built, or just keep red from getting multiple level 3 sentries built.
Actually now that you say it, koth_Watchtower actually seems pretty cool. I'd probably prefer it to Harvest.
>durr it could be done with 2CP
You clearly don’t understand why Hydro blows so much.
>3cp is a worse game mode of *Payload*
where did you get that retarded excuse for logic
Gonna need you to upload that, user. It’s something I need to see.
It'd be real neat. Lots of verticality, not enough spots for engineers or snipers to camp. And I feel that the alpine setting is underappreciated.
Badwater is alright. Not great, but alright.
Not really from reddit, I just wish people like you would shut up about it already
It's mostly scripts and unedited filler videos, need to work on making all the info coherrant and easy to explain.
I think the craziest part about the map is how the name was likely an original title for the map from day one. Not that the map was litteral an upward slope, but that everything about it hinges on the uphill downhill momentum, which creates this incredible back and forth on each part if the map. Allowing huge sacrifices and gains without the awkward walls placed behind blue preventing them from being pushed back any further.
Something you see a bit in some newer valve maps, but never later on.
Oh and man the health kits on this map are like a work of genius. Upward has such a small amount of them compared to other maps but their impact is so great that I honestly feel like Valve has created 7 different ways to control battles around a single health kit.
Then there's the way that the maps corridors are actually on the sides of hills and open spaces, which makes them feel like theyre open, even though they're way more cramped than dust bowl.
And then they have this three pronged system with the cart, main path, and flank which all feed into each other, but never get too complicated or lose power over eachother. (This one is such a crazy theory That I shouldn't even start on it).
Main problem would be the heavy camping.
Why the fuck is Arena not in the casual map pool anyways? And why the fuck does nobody at Valve care enough to add it?
It's not casual and anything with perma death is basically an alt game mode.
What do you have to say about ?
No one remembers Arena mode, not even Valve. Alpine was cool back in the day.
>It's not casual
Who gives a fuck? "Casual mode" is just Valve's fancy way of saying "Normal play".
>and anything with perma death is basically an alt game mode.
And? It's got original maps and there's no point in not adding it. Just add it to the fucking map pool.
You're describing yourself, not me
Who else here got the ubersaw before the required amount of achievements to get it was reduced? (Seriously though, the medic update achievements are proper bullshit)
They're both A/D. Why is it always punctuationless one-sentence responders with the least perception who call others retarded?
>They're both A/D
Are you functionally braindead?
>no u
How to btfo yourself.
Caber and sandman are UP
Diamondback is OP
>they’re both A/D
RIP in peace. It was too good for this world.
Last point actually has an uber path (if you go right on the stairs, and continue up the stairs and down the hallway, you can appear essentially behind the sentries) on the balcony, but the main problem is that most ubers naturally activate when they get hit. (The main choke point). I think if the map (especially 4th) has any problems it's that the main path is non existent and overlaps with the flank and cart.
But it's mostly just the design philosophy that last point needs to be red turtling.
It almost felt likr it was designed by someone else, because everything upward had going for it was ignored at this last section. The health kits are very generous and only the large health kit does anything interesting. For the most part theure bread crumbs mixed with sustainability for people to snipe the sentries. The flanks are nonsense and the chokes are everywhere. The balcony doesn't have the traphic or size that it deserves with the power it gives blue over the area. It also is just uncontestable and has zero dynamic outside of occasional swings in power.
I feel like a few more updates in the oven and some badwater 3.0, valve would have nailed the final capture problem down.
I also feel like way too many people lose their shit over upward last, just use the balcony.
Mong detected
>If I state something that's a complete opposite of true, and someone points it out, I win!
Nothing I said was untrue. Hydro is shit, 2CP is shit, and you’re clueless.
Oh and there's something that has to be an oversight. If the sentry placed where it typically is placed, The right of spawn, it has this really stupid property where it knocks players downward.
And because there's this enormous lip, players are essentially trapped if they peak the sentry too far and get shot at. Just because the physics push them down the slope, when they need to move vertically up the clip to get out of the area. Its essentially a leap of faith into the lions den, on the main choke point. Valve very rarely does this outside of flanks.
looking at this list after not playing tf2 in years is like looking at new generation pokemon
>Hydro is shit
No-one argued it wasn't
>2CP is shit
Irrelevant, you are stupid
>you're clueless
No-one believes you or cares.
Pro-tip: provide reasons.
Count how many different numbers of control points are prevalent in a/d cp maps versus tug of wars. I'll wait.
For some reason I didn't even answer the sentry problem.
I can't say that he's wrong because players aren't inclined to shoot the sentries. They're given too many options and flanks that spread out blue team, and it's heavilly based on the players own choices if the sentry will go down.
It's in no way difficult to take down sentry spam in upward. But that's dependent on a lot of factors that have nothing to do with either teams momentum. It's typically just some lone wolf that does it, but doesn't have the rest of his team to continue the push. Which is a problem when taking down 4 sentries very rarely lasts.
Anyways I'm having a hard time staying awake and typing out all this stuff with any sense of cohesion. I might actually work on the video and finish it.
OP stock
UP everything else.
Valve needs to fix all the play styles they nuked
Snowycoast is absolute fucking garbage and Badwater is extremely overrated.
You must mean primary weapons (for everyone bar Engie and Medic) plus secondaries for Demo and Medic. Most secondaries and melees are crap stock, and stock Engineer is the weakest build. I'd never take the Syringe Gun over the Crusader's Crossbow, nor stick with any variety of Service Pistol or SMG.
Do you seriously not fucking know what 3CP describes? Are you that fucking new?
It could be a good balance for heavy, but banners are still boring as fuck imo
So you joined in a conversation without knowing what the fuck it was on about. Retardcore/10.
the same
So are ubers then.
>I might actually work on the video and finish it.
Please do, also care to link your channel?
Lmao that update was full of Heavy buffs. Banana aside, the "1 second of shooting needed to get to full damage and accuracy" shit being removed was huge
>1 engi being able to build 2 level 2 sentries
jesus fuck
Why is it so rare to see amazing replay videos that are short but so amazing for their length
Nice attempt at deflection, dumbfuck. 3CP specifically describes the push/pull control points gamemode. "what the fuck it was on about" was Powerhouse the whole time, and YOU are the one who joined in without knowing what you're talking about, now you're trying to push it on me.
The important thing here is we both know you're a fucking retard.
I could lead you to the secret club, but it requires forbidden means to access it.
Because they are retarded, they think not directly replying to someone will discourage shitposting. It's also just a circlejerk thing.
Inability to grasp the use of terms outside narrow normalised pretexts is a symptom of a low mind. Sorry you can't be helped.
And there you go again, trying to deflect, but the important thing here is that no matter how much you damage control, we both know you're a fucking retard.
You can usually tell when reddits, ex-tumblrs and other miscreants emerge on Yea Forums because of their fear of retaliation. Twitterers too - it's the same phenomenon as subtweeting, only less effective because Yea Forums isn't a cucked platform.
20 iq conversation
It's the very topic of discussion. Just because you don't want to address it doesn't make it a deflection. Squirm more.
Using IQ as a metric is pretty sad outside of precisely 1 context
There are barely any servers that support replay. I think that not even official Valve servers have it enabled anymore.
sad to who? to you? sounds like you might be retarded sorry pal
I still find it hilarious that the "loser" of the update still walked away with more. The banana is fucking great.
Refer to
At least the Dragon's Fury is fun, even if it's shit.
We play TF2 every Friday and Saturday here on Yea Forums!
Sunday is variety nightbtw this Sunday might be 1.6 we'll see depends if Chug and Sappy can pull something out of their asses
>go spy
>equip stock weapons
>wear gibus, pyro goggles and merc badge
>slay fuckers in casual 2fort
>watch the salt roll in
Pretty funny but the editing is awful. Too much slowmo.
Sad to anyone outside of shrivelled academics and insecure people. Sorry you're 1+ of those things.
all these fucking weapons nerfs and a story that ended on a cliffhanger (classic valve style).
From the surface it might as well be fucking dead but the playerbase isn't going anywhere so it's safe
You can pretend you're not evading the point all day man, I don't care.
tonight's the night?
I genuinely don't think anything will ever replace TF2 for me. As far as multiplayer shooters go, nothing has ever come close to replacing it. Content updates or not I'm probably gonna play it for the rest of the forseeable future.
It's never going to happen.
TF2 came out the same year as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, back when Call of Dutys still had numbers after the Call of Duty part in the title and Halo was still a big FPS that could command mainstream attention. (2007, in case you don't remember).
It's really the last major PC FPS of what you could call the "community-run' era of PC games before PC releases synergized with their console versions to be focused around matchmaking and a focus on official gamemods compared to the anarchic freewheeling that gave us stuff like the various incarnations of mario_kart and sandbox games like Garrysmod.
They were dependent on community servers, going a good few years before Valve implemented its own official servers, so it was really up to people playing TF2 to get into it. Beyond that, there really hasn't been anything to supplant it. Counter-Strike Source and 1.6 did alright up till GO broke into stride. Call of Duty 4 in the meantime, had World at War come out the following year, then MW2, then Black Ops, etc. People will play this then abandon it for next year's title.
TF2 also came about as Youtube and social media began consolidating internet pop culture and communities. There were still places for clans to have their own websites and their own forums so you still had that fermentation of passion and enthusiasm, the feeling of a genuine investment. And that's not just some pithy feel-good bullshit, servers cost money so a lot of us were paying real world cash to keep the game functionally alive.
A multiplayer game is only worth as much as the people playing it, and TF2 will only die when people don't want to play it.
Give heavy a minigun that speeds him up on hit ala the hot hand, with a downside of an accuracy debuff.
This allows heavy to close the gap and be a slightly more mobile enemy but 6v6 fags won't have an aneurysm about it since it's not free mobility and won't allow the heavy to make it to a midfight without an enemy severely overextending
>12 years
>all this technological advance
>all we get is more generic as fuck military shooters or commitee-designed garbage
I want the gaming industry to roll back to before it got hit with a terminal case of big money.
>go to thank my hardworking teammate for their work and assistance in saving my life and doing the objective
>casual medals are full 3D models
>can't wear them as a cosmetic
>no blood splatter
one job
no capping on this server !votekick
It's secret club shit because there's autistic furfags that shitpost there when they're not in their discord so they don't want to give them (yous)
Tsundere Demo.
>tfw a lot of maps I like in F
What the Natascha should be.
>it's just medals and localization files
What's so hard about making a blogpost saying they're not working on the game anymore?
>Updated/Added some tournament medals
>Updated the localization files
>Updated/Added some tournament medals
>Updated the localization files
What even are localization files?
They are what the game refers to so it can change the text in-game when you change languages. As such, literally any update that touches any text in-game requires the localization files to be updated, which is why it appears in almost every single update.
>ywn again play the fuck out of this game all day during summer break when you're home alone and the days are bright and hot as fuck
>ywn fuck around on community servers and having a laugh at dumb shit
>tfw the community servers are dead around noon in eastern NA because everyone is still in school at this time
>tfw now on eternal summer break because graduating
That would render them accountable for their poor decision. Gotta dodge responsibility!
refer to
Thank reddit's compfags for that
remove comp and remove tournaments
stop with this shite idea.
the banners were never created with him in mind, so we'd end up with another reserve shooter situation.
remove valve and remove 2fort shitters
To be fair, I'm pretty sure compfags just wanted a competitive mode with matchmaking, I don't recall any of them wanting quickplay to be replaced. Blame valve for that one at least
honestly I didn't like quickplay at first but now I'd rather have that than the trash we have now
I hate this fucking faggot so much for starting the RANDOM CRITS ARE FAIR AND BALANCED garbage. Even if it does make me happy when I kill someone so salty they had to make that a bind.
It's been an hour, are you that desperate to get the last word in? You really give a shit?
it's been a thing since forever though.
did you just start playing last year or something?
>nobody complained about random crits before dane made a video
I'm quite certain that that quote was long before dane made that video
He's still a faggot.
>lazypurple hates crits
A broken clock is right twice a day, and it's amazing how angry people will get that he was right about one topic.
anybody who isn't a retard hates random crits
competitive is so fucking bad, it could've been salvaged if valve just made competitive rules like the already established competitive tf2 groups have already made. But no, they had to bust the fucking shit out of the square peg trying to hammer it into the circle hole. Rebalance all the classes and items to be not fun and competitively "fair" in vacuum sealed 5v5 fights, remove mechanics that interfere with le balanced 5v5, add in the same garbage elo system that csgo has, and then subsequently abandon the game and let cheaters run rampant. What a fucking joke.
also this valve was the one that handled it fucking terribly, nobody asked for this
t. retard
Lazypurple is no-one's guy, have you seen that faggot?
I miss the moving taunt glitch
based b4nny poster
You're the one talking about desperate when you're the one who keeps writing out posts? Really? All I'm doing is 2 clicks. We both know you were wrong, stay mad.
>anybody who hates random crits is a retard
fixed that for you
nothing in tf2 was fair or balanced, that's what was fun about it. If theres anything to complain about now that the game is as bland as a raw potato, it's sniper. That faggot is the epitome of cancer. He's uncontestable if played right and can only be countered by another sniper. It's a shit class that doesn't belong in the game.
How many LANs have you won?
not him, you're right about random crits being good but your methodology is wrong
balance is a good thing (and random crits as a game mechanic have nothing to do with balance anyway so it's a moot point)
sniper is not uncontestable if played right
Honestly if I don't get random crits then the gibus wearing dipshits shouldn't get them either
fought this fag in casuals before, he was garbage every time he lost his medic
only retard pubstomp medic/pyro buttbuddy combos hate random crits.
>b4nny isn't a retard
ok seriously how do i play spy
you are reddit
idiot crit defenders, man
>posting only one side
thalash was talking shit too
they let it go, pic related
all this talk about balance reminds me of the dead ringer and I seeth every time I'm reminded of it. That fucking get out of jail free card was the most irritating garbage to play against ever. At the push of a button a spy can instantly gain invisibility and damn near immortality for 7ish seconds. and it recharged so fast that even if you chased that fucker to the ends of the earth chances are he'd have another charge on standby. If the spy was on full health you would have to deal OVER 900 DAMAGE to kill him. You would have to spam out enough damage to kill THREE FUCKING HEAVIES to kill ONE FUCKING SPY, and that's assuming every shot hits which it won't because he's fucking invisible during this. That fucking weapon was the worst crutch to ever disgrace TF2, it went beyond being a crutch, it was an electronic wheelchair with a life support machine hooked up to it. What the fuck was valve thinking?
t. unusual wearing phlog pyro with a pony icon
And then people bitch about the very concept of balance and say the game should go back the way it was.
sure you did bro
how long has he been dead for now? four years?
>that one spy compfag that got salty, quit tf2 for lyfe, and then fell into obscurity after his crutch got kicked out from under him
probably the only good thing that came from that piece of shit
Do you find craps fun?
Balance medic and sniper
Fix meele which should fix most of what's wrong with spy
Balance engie towards how you Balanced the medic
stabby I think
pretty sure he was upset about the ambassador, not the dead ringer.
Zoomers don't know 90% of the memes in AMRIO_KART let alone harbl_hotel
honestly if I was a Spy main I might've quit over the Ambassador nerf too
Reminder that JI broke pyro, introduced more bugs to the game than actually fixed bugs, oh and the weapons? they still blow ass.
This update was so overrated by reddit and others, it honestly blows my mind how people consider this a great update
how did JI break pyro?
What's up with the Brazil hate? I love Brazil.
this was way before that nerf, I still could be wrong though
It gave me AIDs and the only good part of the map is the death pit you can jump in because you got sent to fucking Brazil.
and Yea Forums still sucks valves cock
I would take ANY other dev team over these idiots
Now Ambassador was actually a justified complaint. I think nerfing Ambassador is up there with the dumbest balance decisions Valve's ever made.
>take a balanced, skill based sidegrade to the game's weakest class's secondary
>nerf it and give as a reason for nerfing that you don't like the way it makes him play (which in any sane person's world would mean REWORKING it, not flat out nerfing it)
Now even literal aimbots wouldn't gain much of a dps advantage with amby over stock, let alone normal humans. There's no reason to run the thing at all.
no you wouldnt
why did they even nerf it? did sniper babbies complain that someone can actually contest them in their range?
Not , I'd take some random pick like Suda51 over Valve to release a one-off update for TF2 anyday. It'd be late, weird and probably hopelessly imbalanced, but fuck it'd be interesting. Think of Killer7 design principles applied to a class-based shooter.
>heeavy with concheror
because old dead ringer + old amby = a sniper that can sit anywhere and you can't do anything about it
they went way too far nerfing it though, the range cap should have been MUCH further and without falloff
Jetpack is actually a good stock sidegrade though. And JI didn't "introduce more bugs than it fixed." Calm down with circlejerking yourself into a frenzy there.
You'll probably unironically defend these to save face from your argument, but no, you would not take any other dev team. Don't bother trying to tell us that.
Valve's literal inaction is still better than the shit other developers could do to the game.
Reminder that this autist spams replies to himself.
It should really deal base damage based solely upon the absolute younest particle in an enemy, and each additional particle should add a little bit more, or it could be in groups, like 1 extra damage for every 10 particles. So that it actually does more against a wall.
And the way missing a hit lowers damage should be changed, so maybe it simply reduces the next hit's damage slightly, so missing one hit and making the next doesn't fully reset damage.
With a take that smart? He deserves it.
That guy could do an amazing cosplay.
Its an amazing idea that doesnt breaks the game on any level
>b-but the reserve pooper
Holly moly solly mains are such shitters
see siege
see quake champions
equally bad balance changes but at least they regularly update the game
you got me there
Reminder that the Blue-Moon update halved pyros damage output
>military tacticool normie shit with SJW characters
>dead game nobody plays because it's a slow arena shooter
>overwatch recently put on life support due to bleeding interest for being a FOTM trash game
pyro's a dumb class, so no one actually cares
>see siege
>see quake champions
I would rather fucking not, both those games are garbage and QC in particular is a deader-than-tf2-at-its-slowest, outsourced garbage heap
>equally bad balance changes
the state of OW balance is far, far worse than tf2's and the 'regular updates' they do are just adding skins at this point anyway no different from tf2
no hard feelings but don't @ me again nigger
>military tacticool normie shit with SJW characters
it had a golden age, don't remind me of what it is now
>see quake champions
>everyone and their little brother rubs the ambassador
>stick to the stock revolver
>two or three good hits on a wounded player and they’re done
>surprise crit and they’re on death’s door
amby was always a crutch, stock revolver is best wish enforcer wasn't trash though
>military tacticool normie shit with SJW characters
nice buzzwords
you don't know anything about this game do you?
>dead game nobody plays because it's a slow arena shooter
>overwatch recently put on life support due to bleeding interest for being a FOTM trash game
it just got a brand new map a week ago
I will strangle this TF2 thread with its own frilly anus
>I would rather fucking not, both those games are garbage
siege blows tf2 out of the fucking water in every possible way, bet you couldn't even get out of copper
champions is slow as fucking shit compared to the older titles and the hero powers are either complete shit or an i win button (blaskowitz)
How did the original video become a meme anyways?
>less players
>generic uninspired setting
>unmemorable characters
>boring weapons
Should keep the resistance piercing and do extra damage when not disguised, instead of extra damage for your one disguised shot.
It's discord retardation. The best TF2 threads always have been and always will be on Yea Forums.
It was absolute hell even with achievement servers.
Holy shit I forgot all about Watchtower. What a beautiful map. I'd love to see it come back.
Soon, comrade.
I like the aesthetic but the map has serious issues.
>cramped cluttered hallways and stairwells
>hard to navigate the interior sections
>easy to camp
>The point is a death trap
>the paths from spawn converge way to close together
>those fucking walkways
>less players
siege has more players than tf2 on steam alone, the fuck are you talking about?
>generic uninspired setting
siege maps
>border checkpoint in the middle east
>abandoned chinese theme park
>biker gang clubhouse
>a yacht trapped in the article circle
meanwhile in tf2
>copy pasted industrial environments
>unmemorable characters
and yet there are thousands of fanart pictures and memes of them
>boring weapons
because you can't have grenade launchers and flamethrowers in a game with such a short ttk
the gadgets are what makes characters unique
not an argument
Blazkowicz's dual wield got nerfed really fast and his dominance by hosing down the entire arena only lasted a short while, his stats are middle of the line and lighter, higher mobility characters are still consistently favored.
>crowd controls in a FPS
>bitches with green hair
nice FPS ubishit
>generic cod ripoff game bleeding players so hard you need to shill for it in TF2 threads
>Well(s), Pipeline that low
>Doomsday and Hightower that high
has the worst winrate of any attacker
all got nerfed
>crowd controls in a FPS
pic related
>bitches with green hair
not an argument
>magdump until you accidentally headshot someone
>locked characters in a paid game
Great game, Ubishitter.
what happened to blitz? I might actually come back if I don't have to deal with "LOL JUST SHOOT THE FEET" faggotry
I always hated this song
He's still extremely cancerous unfortunately
>get rushed by ash while you're reloading
nice one
>locked characters in a paid game
standard edition includes all the default operators who are still some of the best in the game, older operators are discounted
huge cooldown between flashes, and there is a rework coming at some point
>rush past everyone to the last capture point as Scout
>my team captures the second to last point
>I immediately start capturing the last one
>win game
Good times
>bitches with green hair
>only 8 posts talking about sniper
new record
After playing a lot of overwatch, i tried playing again. The game is really fun but the engine is so awful, i had a lot of freeze, bad framerate and the game crash all the time, how do you guys do it
As badly optimized as TF2 is, if you can't run a source engine game at a reasonable framerate in 2019 something has gone wrong. My computer is a toaster and I can run pretty much everything on high and as long as I stay away from Skial or Wonder servers there is no lag
Idk other games run fine. I tried lowering the game bit by bit but everytime it frozes for like 1min.
Balloon race is a fun map.
>decide to queue for comp for the first time
>pay pyro
>enemy fires a rocket at me
>i reflect it at the ground to rocket jump towards them
>soldier fires another rocket
>i reflect and kill him and his medic sitting right on his ass
>puff n sting the second soldier
>i fire off a flare and kill a fleeing scout
>"NOOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAT IT'S NOT META" one of them cries
>a soldier switches to huntsman sniper to try and counter me
>i reflect his arrow for a headshot
>he ragequits.
>crit chance starts at 0
>taunting raises crit chance
i fixed random crits
I'm fucking done, it's just a Battlefield tier shitshow at this point.
It mostly depends on the map. Old maps like Granary run like butter. Newer maps aren't optimized as much. Fucking Suijin probably has more polygons than every other map combined.
Same thing with newer hats. Most of them don't even have different LoDs.
Try using an FPS config. There are some that will make your game look so shit it's pretty much guaranteed to run at 200 fps
Fuckin hell man that was one of my favorite custom maps. I'd always go demo and fly around the platforms and jump on their airship to camp their shit. Fun times.
take me back
samefagging nigger spotted
t. subhuman retard who actually lobbies on forums for "rebalancing" so he can tell himself he's not a complete shitter
the same gibbering retard wouldnt stop posting it day after day