Xenoblade 2 is the best jrpg ever made

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no it isn't

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How about trying games that arent on Nintendo consoles? XBC2 is shit. Go play Trails in the Sky.

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Better than Xenoblade Chronicles & Xenoblade Chronicles X. Better than all Tales of put together. Better than Persona 5. Better than Chrono series. Better than Final Fantasy VII.

>Trails in the Sky.
Are you kiddding me?! Don't compare XB2 with this soulless shit!

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its a shame kiseki goes to shit with cold steel

Xenoblade 2 & Xenogears best games ever.

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>Better than Final Fantasy VII
"NOOO!! YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!! FFVII IS MUH CHILDHOOD!!" - typical Yea Forumstard

it's wrpg

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Why? For Xenoblade X, it has some "westernized" characteristics but 2?

X is possibly the most Japanese Xeno game of all.

I'm talking about the "structure" of game, not the content. By content, Xenoblade series has always been Japanese

>x is best turd of all turds out there

Friendly reminder that OP is a falseflagging retard and he's going to cite this thread in the future as an example of how "xenoblade 2 fags are delusional".

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These tits are fucking ridiculous
What is this, G size?

Ia that why they're been so much xenoblade threads up lately?

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He's been at this for nearly two years.

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Being the “best JRPG” is like being the tallest midget.

Yeah but I thought he would have moved on already.

Not even close

Jade cocoon

Reminder that pic related was scanned.

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Crossbell duology >>>>>>>>>>>> Trails in the Sky

No, I truly loves this gem. Beat it twice. Can give you proofs.

Can't think of a game with a more perfect final act and ending.

I bought snacks for the people you know and im going to be home all day, are they coming today?

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