Do you go easy on people who're new to a game?
Do you go easy on people who're new to a game?
Of course, but always to an extent
If they’re really bad I’ll just give them as much tips without ruining the game with mechanics as possible
Games shouldn't have difficulties so neither should i.
If they are willing to learn and improve it's okay, playng badly on purpose it's just a bad way to call someone else retard.
>Games shouldn't have difficulties
Woa man you had almost to write an opinion, thanks god you dodged that part haha
Wow man you are really hardcore.
combo is based.
What opinion is there to discuss
The more options you have the better, so multiple difficulties should be the standard
>B-but then it's not balanced, because everybody is expected to play on normal
>B-but it will only lead to artifical difficulty and bigger numbers
Not my fault developers suck at balancing difficulties when there are examples of games being balanced well around different challenge levels
Yes, and I still end up winning.
Of course, I don't suffer from autism or other social deficiencies.
The point of games is to have fun and crushing someone who has no abilisty to defend themselves is probably the dumbest thing you can do.
Yes, usually to teach my younger siblings how to play. I don't want them getting shitty habits from streamers, particularly when it comes to fighting games.
I try to handicap myself by playing the game with tougher conditions. If it’s something like a fighting game I like playing characters I’m awful with or trying to win without using certain moves. The game still requires genuine effort to play then
Luckily I’m not that good at any game so it’s rarely an issue
This depends entirely on their attitude.
If their attitude is that they're trying to learn, yes. Try to give them small challenges they can overcome.
If their attitude is "I only play this game for fun" "HOW COULD I HAVE KNOWN THAT" or various other bullshit that says they clearly don't take responsibility for their own outcomes, push them into the dirt so hard they cry, and leave for another game.
Yes, i already barely have anyone to play games with, i don't want to scare them away.
>The point of games is to have fun and crushing someone who has no abilisty to defend themselves is probably the dumbest thing you can do.
The point of games is to have fun.
Discussing your experiences in the game with other people who have similar experiences is fun.
Having your discussion interrupted by basic shitters who make excuses for everything is not fun.
Crushing someone who has no ability to defend themselves can scare them off the game entirely
This scares them off from discussing the game
And results in discussions being slightly less polluted by people who want the game to be more simplified, streamlined and easy for the entitled lazy retard.
Thus, your discussions are more enjoyable
And you have more fun with the game.
You understand why a society with police officers in it is preferable to one with criminals, yes?
Then you understand about having standards for the people in the world around you.
The criminal builds a worse society than the police officer, and the scrub builds a worse fanbase than the merciless face wrecker.
>Fun small time moba game come out on steam called Tome:Immortal
>get hooked and play many hours everyday
>be good at assfaggots since ex-dota/league player
>mercilessly pwn newbs left and right and having a blast
>all the people trying the game out for the first time leave since they get recked
>game dies
>no more fun times
I am sorry
You just proved his whole point about autism.
Given the choice between eating shit and going hungry, choose to go hungry.
Autism is a buzzword that means "You're right but I'm bitter about it".
Thanks for conceding defeat. Feel free to try again tomorrow.
Wait I just noticed.
He implied autism is a social deficiency rather than a superpower.
What a fucking pleb. Bet he's exactly the type of person you'd want to scare away from your games so the fanbase doesn't get polluted by low standards.
Yes, he is like the police of games. He works to make games better, like the police does in real life!
Since games are just big numbers rpgs, there isn't any need to have a difficult setting because isn't based on skill but on numbers.
Thanks to have proven my point, now go grind and fight the boss with 10+ levels.
I do my best but it's hard to stop people from having fun sometimes.
Sorry for what? our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks, especially since they're such a good size and all.
You purged the impure.
Now instead of living long enough to turn into a disgusting cesspit, it died a hero.
You did a good thing.
My gf likes being crushed and I like crushing her, so it works out.
This but my gf actually exists and isn't just in my imagination.
I don't play with people, but if I did I probably tried my hardest and say I was only letting them win or that I have played alot, depending on the outcome
I sandbag a good bit when playing fighters with friends. They'll ask me to go all out in one match and then never do it again though.
if theyre actively trying to get better yeah
if they just get mad and defensive they can get fucked though
This, I just got a bunch of my friends into Smash and I pretend to lose a stock to give them a winning chance, and even tell them that it was a good move. I know it's bad habit to teach them but eh, it's fun to watch them win from time to time. I do tell them about things like if they spammed the same move too much and I could punish it.
>friend starts playing tekken
>wants me to play with him
>go easy on him
>gets mad at me for going easy on him
>push his shit in next game
>gets mad at me for pushing his shit in
you cant win
>When one of your acquaintances gets uppity and insists he can take you at full power, so you drop the act and dunk hard on him
>but it turns out he wasn't just fronting. He can take it. He can RETURN FIRE. Now he's at full power as well and he's dunking you back
>4 hours pass in a fit of pure competition that only ends once a bystander tells you the sun has set
This happens to me. It is good times.
THAT happens to me as well. I go straight into "Push his shit in in the most humiliating way possible" mode. If they're gonna stay bad then they're gonna stay mad.
>Try playing co-op game with girlfriend.
>"Ugh, I'm trying to do *thing* and it's not working"
>"Are you *simple action*?
>"That's what I'm doing!"
>Go over and precede to do exactly what I described and it works.
>"Well it wasn't working for me...."
Stardew Valley
I'm starting to run out of shit that even the most casual baby can play.
Not really. I try to think of how I'd feel in their position. If you're holding back, it kind of defeats the purpose of a competition in the first place, right? There's a much greater satisfaction in overcoming an obstacle as opposed to lowering its height.
How about "The firm hand and the soft cheek"
It's a co-op game two people can play.
One is the firm hand, whose goal is to enact discipline
One is the soft cheek, whose goal is to learn their place
>Tfw challenged a high rank friend at Tekken
>lost 288 matchs in a row
>win one
Wew it could be worse.
>have a friend like this when playing
>kill him with meme shit like Yoshi suicide or Dan Super Taunt into Ultra
>"LOL scrubs are like criminals"
>playing For Honor as a rep 20
>go to Duels with my glad
>gets matched with a rep 0 law(thanks ubisoft)
>try and see if he's smurfing
>nope, he's just bad
>end of match
>he wants a rematch
>sure, i can go for another
>this time i play a bit slower so he can keep up
>keep raising the stakes and teach him through trial and error
>20+ matches go by
>he can easily tap guardbreak,dodge my bashes and predict my toestabs (albeit with obvious signs)
>Go full force on him
>he stands his ground suprisingly, but still fails
>another 5 rounds go by with me stuck on full force
>he finally wipes the floor with me
>he leaves, probably because we've been playing for 3-4 hours straight
>i lose with pride
They grow up so fast
>say i used to play broodwars really good
>random friend i'm playing with says he's pretty good
>we play a match, perfectly even, 90 fucking minute game issues with maximum agression
these are the best moments
If a woman is going to be your girlfriend, then she should be better than the hordes of random no-names who are not your girlfriend.
That means your standards for her must be stricter than your standards for the average person.
Get her some Touhou. It's 7button gameplay so she can't fatfinger it due to poor motor skills, but it's challenging enough that she has to get good.
She obviously wants to spend time with you. Don't just give it to her. Make her work for it. Gate your presence behind the basic requirement to learn your patterns, or let her be alone.
If you're worried she'll wander off if you don't give her what she wants uncontested, then you aren't her boyfriend, you're her paypig.
The main difference is that most criminals are aware that what they're doing is wrong.
Scrubs still think they're innocent until it's beaten into them. I find it disgusting. At least criminals tend to have some shame.
Did you suck his dick afterward?
>more options = better
Hot opinion, man
These are both the good feel.
No, because they tend to talk trash if I go easy on them, or give them a win.
F-Fuck you
Shonen protagonists aren't gay,user.
It's okay, my gf is imaginary too.
And she's usually the one crushing me.
She actually pays for most things when we are out because she works full time and I'm only working casual because of my masters.
i know that feel. the only game my GF manages to play are beat em ups like guacamelee and mobas, i stopped inviting her to lan nights and now we just do couple stuff, rarely we play some easy mobile game or something like that. I think she is happier and i'm too
Most of the time they're just joking about it.
If they're being serious then that's when you dial it up to max tryhard mustwin 11 turbo-showerless edition, but that should only happen very rarely as most people don't get a swollen ego from being shat on for 15 minutes then being donated a comeback.
>always random when playing my shitter friends
>they still get mad when i use basic fundamentals like sidestepping or 10 frame punishers
atleast 2 or 3 of them actually learnt how frames works and can do some basic combos, its actually fun to random against them and they have fun too.
Then what is your role in this relationship, and how are you dictating to her what games to play when it is her with the power?
You must learn to enjoy pummeling the shitters.
It's hard at first since it's not fun to hurt your friends, but your friends will only hurt themselves in the long run if they keep their "bitch and get salty instead of getting good" mentality.
>ex didn't like playing co op game only vs
>try to help her/explain controls
>"leave me alone user I'll work it out myself"
>purposefully play at her pace to let her build skill
>"stop treating me like a child user, if you go easy on me I'll be mad"
>play normally and she gets more and more frustrated until she turns around and says, "I don't want to play anymore it's boring"
So happy with my current girl, fuck my ex.
Not explicitly. Usually if there's a skill gap I'll fuck around with low tiers or apply some self-imposed restrictions.
>practice Third Strike with a friend of mine for months on end
>eventually reach competitive nirvana
>can perfectly read each other's movements and parry in time with every blow
It's an unmatched level of satisfaction.
>I don't suffer from autism or other social deficiencies
>posts on Yea Forums
Yes, but only if they're not being dicks
One time I was going easy on some relatively new player who immediately got full of himself because he beat me even though I had a high rank / level / many hours in the game
He proceeded to mock me for a solid minute until I got back to him and wiped the floor with him.
I don't usually say shit like "I actually let you win" because I want people to have fun and not feel like they're being pitied, but in this case I had to.
I felt like a fedora neckbeard but that guy deserved all the contempt I could muster.
Obnoxious zoomers need to learn to be humble in victory
>Yea Forums wishes they were like this
She really doesn't have the power. My net worth far exceeds hers even if I don't have much expendable money atm.
>practice Third Strike with a friend of mine for months on end
You lost. Shit meme game you only got into because of 'that video' where you heard the cheering and wanted it to be you.
Post the rest
No, try hards like you that take everything seriously are what ruin games for people. Most people just want to play to have fun, and when you have fucks like you who screech about optimal builds, damage outputs, and how much worse everyone is at the game than you, that puts people off, even experienced players, and is fully capable of killing communities. I bet you're the type of faggot that played nothing but eldar in battlefleet gothic, then complained when they were nerfed
That is the classic "My feelings are not part of my control, and are not my responsiblity" mentality.
The type of person who thinks "I feel upset" automatically means "game is upsetting", rather than "my own limitations are upsetting, game exposes my limitations"
The only realistic shot of breaking them of this line of thinking is to give them a task that they NEED to complete, but which they CAN'T complete without changing their mindset. Almost impossible. Might not be worth trying.
No, I'm an asshole.
What I hate are people who are bad but are adamant about not taking any tips because "it'll ruin the experience of figuring it out themselves"
Like I'm not trying to give you the solution but guide to the right path to figure it out fucker then you wanna complain regardless
To my friends - yes
to strangers - no
This is the only right answer.
>Most people just want to play to have fun
I keep hearing this excuse.
Is it fun to get your ass kicked?
Because it's fun to kick your ass, and I play for fun too.
Is your fun somehow my responsibility?
Then okay. My fun is yours too. Get a better attitude, I'd like that a lot.
When people try to use "fun" as an excuse, what they really mean is that they don't care about my fun, or their teammates' fun, or even the fun they themselves will have in the future when they look at how much they've grown.
That kills fanbases.
>I bet you're the type of faggot that played nothing but eldar in battlefleet gothic
Hol up son, you're suggesting I try for the win to the exclusion of all else, and I don't.
What I do is I try to get better and improve over time with whatever suboptimal memestrat I'm trying. I'm pretty goddamn big on joke builds and bullshit optimal challenge runs.
My point is that you need a good mindset. The mindset isn't "Try to win at all costs" (though that mindset does work), the mindset is "Don't make excuses for staying shit when you could change a little and get better".
Wait, shit, got it backwards.
>about a decade ago, was 15 or 16
>visiting family for a BBQ, we never see them otherwise
>they have two kids
>the 10 year old has a DS and Mario Kart DS
>so do I
>offer to play with them
>snake all over their scrub ass and fucking win by a mile
>kid thinks its cool that I'm good at it
>my mother comes in and tells me to let him win on purpose
No. Let the kid see what getting gud is like so he can have something to aim for in the games. I loved getting obliterated at Smash as a kid and wanting to get better because of it.
Best to not interfere. Pride is a powerful motivating emotion and you're robbing them of it by helping, no matter how slight or subtle the help is.
That said, if they then get pissy that you're not helping, unleash the kraken on their uppity asses.
For a couple of short rounds I will go slightly easy, I still body them but at half the speed I actually could to give them a chance to learn.
Would be better without the "get the fuck out"
>friend insists he's bad at fighting games
>refuses to try even though he's interested
>bought Guilty Gear Xrd because he's into graphics tech and appreciated what they did with it, and bought Smash cause it's Smash
>refuses to play either with me because I'm a big ASW and Smash fan and he thinks it won't be fun for him
>won't even try it once
Fuck no
post more comic
im not sure hes your friend user
I gotta agree. My personal fun comes from beating hard games. It's not even to boast (boasting about games lol); I just like the challenge. The "easy mode is fun!" crowd seem to always wanna dictate what fun in games is when games were always supposed to be a challenge, anyway. That's the point of a 'game'; playing to win, compete, or get better.
Nowhere in the history of gaming, apart from recently, did people demand easier games. lol. And they're not even as hard as they used to be. Nowhere near. It's crazy.
I just made the comic 5 times funnier.
This is exactly why fighting games are dead
I admit I've never played battlefleet gothic.
But I'm going to take a blind stab in the dark and say that it has people who think ""roleplaying"" is an excuse for not using all of the basic mechanics, and who get really fucking stubborn about one particular way of playing the game, even if that one particular way has NO particular justification over another slightly different (and slightly better) one other than the given ""roleplayer""'s refusal to change.
Sort of like people who invent all sorts of custom houserules for Smash Brothers because they can't stand having to adapt to the party game being unpredictable at times.
Am I right? completely wrong? I don't know. But I do know that a lot of /tg/ stuff suffers from that same flavor of using Muh Immreshun as an excuse for not changing, which is retarded because you have a perfectly valid IC justification of changing and getting better.
I don't understand anything of how your fleet build works, but if you can keep the same general theme but tweak your specifics to get better damage output, then why wouldn't you?
The issue isn't that your damage output is crap, it's that your damage output is crap, and could be better with a bit of effort, but you don't care about that effort, and yet you still want to have the same amount of fun as someone who put the effort into earning it.
Can't have it both ways.
You made it worse
I never play at 100% potential. I just ramp it up until they have a challenge and encourage them to get better and point out things they're not doing till they can handle more. The idea of a teacher is that the student should surpass you.
Factually incorrect statement.
This happened with my 5yo cousin in 2004 but on War of the Whiskers
After clapping him up multiple times, my dad told me to take a fall but I refused
Yep. We're done here.
>visit friend
>he invited a girl who is "good at vidya and Tekken"
>Yeah , right. Bet friend wants to fuck her
>Immediately see that she only sees him as a friend
>she actually brought Tekken+stick with her
>never really played Tekken except for Tekken 3
>wipe the floor with her 3 times in a row
>"This isn´t fun anymore. Let´s play something else"
>Friend gets rejected a week later because she is only into guys with sixpacks who can lift
I fucking hate this shit. Don´t pretend you are good at vidya just to cry in a corner as soon as someone beats you.
Only if they're willing to learn
Actually I purposefully play awful to dick them over even more and try to convince myself that I actually play better alone
This is somewhat related, I wanted to get into Warhammer, I had a friend that entered the National Competitions and shit like that so I asked him to help me learn to play. I bought myself some models and painted them up and arranged a game with him. He fucked me up massively and would literally spend every game just shitting on my unit choices. I ended up getting bored really quickly and not getting into the hobby since the only person I knew that played was a faggot about it.
Same thing would apply to games, if someone is new and wants to learn you're not going to endear them to the game by just shitting on them constantly.
The skill gap in the vast majority of multiplayer games has become so compressed over the last decade that winning is a dice roll 99% of the time. People you'd need to "go easy on" don't play the last handful of games which you can consistently win via skill anyway because they know they can't win, so the question is irrelevant. This conundrum is why Quake Champions was stillborn.
Sure. I'm not a cunt. Goofing off in most games instead of playing your best character is more fun anyways.
>get a better attitude
It's really funny that you say that, because I dont mind losing if the winners attitude isnt shitty, so dont be a dickhole about it and I wont mind getting my ass kicked
This contradicts directly with
>your fun is not my responsibility
even though I dont fundamentally disagree with your second statement. And to be honest I dont disagree about a whole lot you say, inproving should always be the goal, and I dont necessarily go easy on new people either, but I just believe you should be a gracious winner, and not actively try to exclude new people
>never should've come here
If they're a friend, otherwise no. Best way to learn is to get fucked.
This happens with mtg that I always complain about too. Bunch of cunts who refuse to play on your level out of fear of losing without their $5000 modern deck.
I ”handicap” myself by not using my main character in fighting characters, not using minmaxed loadouts in FPS games etc., but I’m not gonna play deliberately badly.
>Get completely destroyed
>"Well this game is too hard I won't even bother trying to play it anymore"
>Game/series/genre dies
>"Gee how come there's no one to play with"
dmc has amazing difficulties and are the best games ever.
Depends. If I'm actually trying to teach/get them into the game, I want them to actually stick around to play the game, so in those instances yeah I'll go easier in some way but not fully. If I'm facing someone who makes it clear to me that they don't want that, then no.
No, fuck them
I'll be blunt with you. If they have fun playing on easy then you aren't going to stop them.
Games have many points. Sometimes they're only there to manipulate addicts into giving you their money, or to distract people from how lonely and horny they are.
You can't really dictate it. You can try sabotaging games with goals you don't like, or gamers with motivations you don't like, but that's an uphill battle at the best of times, and you can't win an uphill push against a big fat whale.
I'd like if games were about trying to understand what you could be doing better, and trying over time to become a little better, because that's a great mindset for overcoming life's problems.
But you're not gonna get people to improve their lives if they refuse to take the git gud mindset seriously.
The best you can do is scare them off and try to secure whatever territory you can, so that the few people who play those games maintain that mentality, rather than being influenced by the scrub salty shitters.
I wouldn't say it's a losing battle, but my god do you have to fight for every goddamn inch.
POST MOAR, i need the collection.
>friend beat me in game
>hey how did you do that cool move
>"figure out urself lol"
>they now wonder why I don't want to play with them
Yeah; because I remember sucking at first too. As long as they want to actually learn. I'll help them string through combos, or give them tips if the game is singleplayer.
Only issue was Dark Souls, telling them to dodge as the swing connects doesn't work for the switch if you have amibo enabled as it for some reason fucks with the input and its a good second later.
>friend is shitty
>keeps friend, blames game.
When your friend rapes you with his Wii remote, be sure to blame Nintendo.
>because I dont mind losing if the winners attitude isnt shitty, so dont be a dickhole about it and I wont mind getting my ass kicked
I get THIS excuse too, and it ALWAYS comes from people who blame their emotions on others.
People who think "I feel humiliated" means "You humiliated me", and not "My lack of skills humiliated me".
The type of person who thinks them feeling bad is somehow someone else's responsibility and someone else's problem, and who unironically believes that toxicity is best fixed by moderation staff.
>This contradicts directly with
>>your fun is not my responsibility
Extend the quote.
Fun for me and only me and I want it NOW.
Your fun right now is ... well, it's nobody's responsibility. Can't change your attitude once it's already happening.
but your fun in the future? That's on you. You can change your skills, you can change your mindset, you can change your fanbase. None of these are 100% under your power, but you can change them enough.
> I just believe you should be a gracious winner, and not actively try to exclude new people
I'll say it again. It depends ENTIRELY on mentality.
If they're new and trying to improve, try to help them.
If they're new and they make excuses and get butthurt/salty, crying "I only play for fun" or "HOW COULD I HAVE KNOWN THAT" when presented with an opportunity to learn, then fuck 'em.
I don't hate new players. I hate scrubs.
When I say scrub, that word has a very specific meaning of someone who blames the world for their hurt feelz rather than their own lack of skill.
>teach them how to do the move
>"it's not working!"
>Do something cool on accident
>"How'd you do that?"
>We spend like 10 minutes trying to figure out how to recreate that thing that just happened
And if you're wondering if I blame myself when a fanbase I love goes to shit, for not doing enough to police it of scrubs...
Yes I do.
I go easy in the first matches so that my friends can get a feel for the game and then I go all out. All of my friends are already pretty experienced with vidya so they can usually figure stuff out at an ok speed. Only one or two get fanny blastered for being rekt but I don't let that stop me because the kind of people who get upset at losing in friendly video game matches are the kind of people who would enjoy being in the reverse position.
Was this in the era before the internet?
Was it something you could've figured out on your own?
>the kind of people who get upset at losing in friendly video game matches are the kind of people who would enjoy being in the reverse position.
This isn't the case. If you're not happy with a loss you tend to feel hollow with a win, too.
why is bad=wants the game to be dumbed down in your eyes?
were you a shitter who should have been removed when you first started playing your favourite game? or were you just starting out and trying to learn? try actually relating to another person even once in your life
My complaint isn't about people who are new, it's about people who are unwilling to learn.
That type of person does want the game to be brought down to their level.
And I do fucking relate to other people. Sometimes the greatest threat to another person's happiness is that person's own bad decisions, such as their unwillingness to get good.
Fortnite of all things solved the difficulty question.
It throws you to the wolves by forcing you into multiplayer just to learn the game, but you have no teammates to disappoint, are rewarded no matter how quickly you lose, and can immediately jump back into another round which effectively eliminates all concept of penalty. The game's structure makes it easy to randomly place in the top three without doing anything, leading to an artificial sense of progress that keeps you playing, but at some point you'll inevitably make actual progress which the game also rewards.
And if you don't have the patience for any of that, you can just buy shit to make yourself look competent, because the vast majority of people don't actually want to be good at anything, they just want other people to think they are. The battle royale concept makes it easy to disguise your lack of skill, because the knowledge that only one person can win even in a match full of elite players makes placement outside of 1st irrelevant, on top of the fact that there is no post-game trash talk and everyone leaves as soon as they lose so there is no "lobby of shame" where people can judge you.
And for what it's worth?
I was a right little shit in some of the games I played when I was younger and yes, getting my ass kicked would've taught me a valuable lesson a LOT earlier.
Hell, I won't lie. I'm part of the territory that got reclaimed from the shitter mentality. I'm very thankful for that.
it works well when you're a kid because you couldnt even conceive of someone being that good before you saw it. it opened your eyes.
now, as an adult, someone being 1000 times better than me at something only garners a reaction of "fucks sake im barely even getting to play the game". i know there are people out there that are really good at pretty much anything so it doesnt motivate me to get beat. its much more motivating to watch people who are good play each other.
Rez was available for Wii U?
If I'm playing against them 1v1 sometimes. But generally it's someone's girlfriend or friend of a friend at a party that's never played Smash Bros or Mario Kart and then it's hard to go easy on them when you're playing with 2+ other people that know what they're doing.
My gf defeated me on frozen magic puzzle world on ps3. I download it for free and got humilliated
Yeah, i see that. Daddy gave you good advice.
this was me and my brother with soul caliber 2 back in the day. he always managed to do Link's sword spin move but we never knew how
yeah this is what my mindset usually ends up being. as soon as i win i just think that the person i beat must not be that good or something.
maybe its because i never truly put effort into things, so when i win it just feels like luck rather than the product of hard work
sure, but dont lump in everyone who's bad at a game with that group. if you're encountering too many of those people than youre just choosing bad friends.
>girlfriend is UTTER SHIT at videogames
>Like, she never actually hold a controller in her whole life
>sees me play dark souls 3
>user the aesthetic looks rad can I play
>She plays, kills the first boss after 5 tries, kills Vordt after 3 tries
>kills Magician
>here comes abyss watchers
>and again, and again, and again
>20 tries later, still fails
>40 tries later, horribly fails, becomes worse and worse at this fight
>she cries, rages from frustration but refuses to give up
>never touches the game again, it has been 1 year
When I play Fortnite and I see someone with a custom female skin
I make a beeline for them because they are fucking F R E E.
>because the vast majority of people don't actually want to be good at anything, they just want other people to think they are.
This is true and it pisses me off that this is true because it sucks and I can't do anything about it.
>on top of the fact that there is no post-game trash talk
I love the trash talk! It encourages everyone in the game to get better. Bit of a shame it isn't in-game.
>sure, but dont lump in everyone who's bad at a game with that group.
I try not to but you're right, I probably have bias.
>if you're encountering too many of those people than youre just choosing bad friends.
My friends are best described as Elite Retards. We do completely moronic bullshit in the most tactically efficient and sound manner. I'm not sure if we're all just a bunch of ironic memelords or if it's some kind of passive-aggressive strike at societal norms, but in all likelihood?
Bad, deliberately so, purely to see what can be done within the scope of being bad, and to be the BEST goddamn chucklefucks on the planet.
I love those bastards.
I usually play random in smash when playing with friends since i am not that good with most of the cast. I just avoid playing my main most of the time
Post the one with tits and fucking. If there are any...LOL
It gets awkward though if you completely fucking PUBSTOMP someone's gf and then she blushes or swells when looking at you.
I had an ex like this in high school, she was a gamur grrrrrill but would literally throw a fit like a baby over losing at vidya. I thank her though, she redpilled me on gamerz. I’ve had 2 gfs since her, the first one had no interest in vidya at all but didn’t give me shit for playing it, and the second had a mild interest that was satiated by games like Animal Crossing, Captain Toad, and friendly matches of SSBU. Finding a woman who respects the vidya without being a gaemer is key.
>maybe its because i never truly put effort into things, so when i win it just feels like luck rather than the product of hard work
That is called Depression and you need to talk to someone who knows more about mental health than an autist on Yea Forums.
Depends. If it's a little kid or someone who never plays video games then yeah.
If it's a friend or someone who plays games often, then no. I do all the crazy stuff, then teach them how to do it.
>start playing fighting game with friend
>we're both garbage, fun matches
>he gets really into it, starts putting time in and learning combos, meta etc
>kicks the shit out of me every time
>now neither of us have fun
Dammit Darren I don't have the free time you do okay
Women are fucking weird dude, I think she killed vordt quicker than I did. Are their brains so hard wired to expect instant gratification that the idea of fatigue just doesn’t occur to them?
Get that woman some 2hu.
Also get her cosplay outfits of whoever your favourite 2hu is (as long as it's not Patchy because Patchy is SHIT and if you like Patchy you are a stain on humanity please kys).
i dunno, ive looked into it before and thought that, but its a bit dramatic. its not like ive ever considered suicide or anything. more likely that im just lazy
i dont think the skill gap is the only reason quake champions was doa
>when i win it just feels like luck rather than the product of hard work
This belief kills your long-term motivation to achieve anything in life. You need to fix this.
go home /jp/, you're drunk.
Keep going
A lot of depressed people think they're just lazy because they can't find the motivation to do anything because they're depressed. See a professional you lazy cunt
>half sister
she's NBR so it's OK!
Laziness is an inevitable result of thinking your efforts are in vain.
It's entirely possible that you're lazy as well as being depressed, but:
>maybe its because i never truly put effort into things
Lazy people say "I don't care". Depressed people say "I don't try". You said "I don't try".
Well, yeah. Nobody think it's very fun when you play a game against someone who's been playing it for a while and they just utterly destroy you because they know the ins and outs and you don't. We have a friend who was really big into MvC2 back in the day, and nobody ever played against him after a while because he'd always choose his best characters and try his hardest, even against people who had no idea what they were doing. It's not very fun.
With Smash Bros for example, if we're playing with lots of people we'll turn on items and timed mode so everyone actually has more of a chance
its actually pretty impressive that she made it that far and had the patience for 40 tries.
Honestly, i'd be proud.
Dark Souls is the kind of game you sometimes hit a wall on and don't touch the game for a while. You maybe return and overcome that wall, or just give up on the game if you figure it isn't worth it.
the "gtfo" part is key to the idea of the comic you fucking idiot, stop putting pussy on a pedestal
>hahaha it's funny cuz he autistic! xD
go back to the Yea Forums subr*ddit
Only if they're nice about it. Usually I'll do something to handicap myself a little.
>sometimes give hints when people do obvious mistakes
>when I felt generous i sometimes offered to teach em on duel server
>sometimes you suddenly see them in clans lateron and they recognise you and thank you for it, instant bonus karma from the whole clan
>one guy even became pretty damn good half a year later
When youre nice to people in a fairly small community youll always be welcome on most servers
This thread is getting pretty based
>kills the first boss after 5 tries
I've tried to kill him 5 times to no avail and I've already beaten Dark Souls twice. Granted, I was high each of those of five times.
You did nothing wrong. Being ungracious in winning is a behavior to be corrected
I have fun when games provide a challenge you limp wrist faggot.
The plot thickens
>The plot thickens
As does my winky
It's just a cocktease, it leads to nothing
Bad sister
Yeah, there are just two more pages
>Dat lvl design
>shit enemies for the most part
Sure buddy
To be continued
shit maybe i should then
bit late though, got my 4th year finals starting on friday lol
some one go tell graph on twitter to stop drawing futa porn and finish this fuckin comic
Um bro, I think she wanted to make out or even have sex with you vro. You just blew it man
More or I'll kill you
you're just asking for the sister to get a futa dick
>Some some artist to finish an unfinished work
There's a reason it stopped right when he'd actually have to try with the art, user
I feel like I help kill a whole game in Oceania by being so good
Oh man, this is much more effective than I expected it to be.
No. I used to try to, but I was bad at it and they could always tell immediately that I was going easy on them.
I wasn't ugly looking in highschool but this is how I acted with women. I didn't lose my virginity until 22.
only if you are american and lack any degree of subtlety
Maybe it's just me, but without any kind of resolution this is just a not-particularly-hot cocktease
>There's probably no actual sex part
>to be continued
I should have known
it's the directness of the statement that makes it funny, it means the guy in the comic doesn't give a shit about the girl and would rather have her fuck off than deal with her shit, leaving him to play vidya in peace
i guess it's just not your type of humor but don't push your shit onto other shit, your "fixed" comic was subjectively worse, but im sure others would say it was better, but a pretty pointless "correction" to make, you didn't even add anything to make it funnier, you just forced your own view onto it
>haha dude girls really want to have sex with me I'm just too oblivious and aloof haha
I'll bet you think it's really like that.
That's not how wish fulfillment works, brah. Why would people make comics about sexually repressed women if they could go out and get laid that easily?
I don't think I need to go easy because I don't automatically assume I'm superior or that they'll be shit.
One of my friend's flatmates in uni always wanted us to play fighting games, despite us all making clear we didn't like them. He got beat by one of the other flatmates in marvel vs capcom and barely interacted with the guy for a year afterwards.
It sure felt real when she forcefully put my hand down her panties after having every subtle hint she had made be ignored by my autistic self
She forced you to fuck her. Technically it's rape.
lucky you
Did you awkwardly ignore it, too?
fuck no, if you didnt get a game at launch then you either are a casual or have money issues
even if you are interested in it and took your time to eventually get the game then you should know you will deal with us meanies, you deal with it or fuck off.
that's the sacrifice you make, money or your feelings
No that was exactly the hint I needed to start fingering her.
Wow you're right. If you swap the genders everything she did up until the sex part doesn't look good.
>No way, fag
Sink or swim, bitch.
I'm the guy you responded to, is it ok if my favorite 2hu is Cirno?
lmao that literally happened to me day before yesterday but with forza
>this far in the thread
>not all the comics have been posted
You fucking sicken me, Yea Forums.
I only go easy on small children.
As for anyone else, I don't by default, but I do if they ask me to take the time to teach them.
I have to go easy on my friends in fighting games because they don't even know the basics. They shower me with praise but I get my ass beat by anyone half competent. I hate my friends.
Jesus Christ what an autist