I honestly can't think of a character more worthy of a space as a newcomer in sma5h than Reimu.
I honestly can't think of a character more worthy of a space as a newcomer in sma5h than Reimu
Other urls found in this thread:
>block your path
>9 literal nobodies
Proto Man isn't even playable in Mega Man 11(or present at all for that matter) so I doubt he'll be playable in Smash
still have more history with nintendo than lolishit
Remilia Scarlet.
Based af. I can't imagine how much that cow faggot gets triggered over this cute miko.
back in the trash raymoo
history with nintendo is not essential.
I have no idea idea who this is
there's admittedly not much left among japanese figures, but there's still plenty of worthwhile characters from the west
it takes pure unfiltered delusion to even make images like these
fuck off sixtary
here I am
Literally who shit with no business in Smash Bros. Go back to Arcana Heart you faggot.
>this type of shit coming from someone who wants touhou autism in smash
Still more likely than your literal nobodies.
>in smash
wouldn't he be too op?
You can say this about Goku or Spongebob, but Touhou is a video game series, amd a popular one at that. What exactly excludes her if indies like Shantae or Shovel Knight already made an appearance?
Reminder that there’s a cowhu now
You are irrelevant now.
I hate reimutards as much as the next guy, but Captain Syrup and Doshin the fucking Giant? Seriously?
>wario is already in smash, new ips only
>not vidya, may as well goku
>kinky dong
Someone post the screenshot of the anime milfs with huge breasts and the guy calling them loli lol
What I want to know is why 2hu fans care about a fucking normalfag fighting game.
I like the cock more
Been waiting for years, either him or Phoenix Wright will make me happy
The Smash community is so huge some overlapping is bound to happen.
Why not liking both?
You do know the cowtits fanart isn't canon, right?
I only want pw.
I mean, yeah, technically, but they're not exactly going to make her look like a grown adult woman if they make a Smash design for her. Teenage-looking at best.
because milfies sicken me
>He doesn't like MILFs
What is wrong with you?
you're absolutely right
I'd actually like Saki
The Chaos Timeline demands it
stop posting your stupid brony waifu garbage
He doesn't have shit taste
They are in fact just ironic weebs memesters that want to see both fanbases burn.
None of the actual Touhou fans want to see Reimu in normie game.
Thanks for moving Touhou threads twice to /jp/, Junkofag.
What do you consider to be a true Touhou fan?
I've been playing the games for over a decade and have more than 250 confirmed 1ccs and I want my wife Reimu in smash.
I can think of quite a few.
Banjo, Master Chief, Lara Croft, Rayman, Travis Touchdown, an Undertale rep, Doomguy and a Dark Souls rep just to name some.
>missing the point this hard
You're some dumb motherfuckers that need to relax once in a while.
What will her AT do?
Is the point just to shitpost?
Shut up, Marisa you'll just be a Spirit. Cirno will be the AT
Everybody knows true Touhou fans are all literal hipsters. If you like any game that's not Touhou you aren't a fan
>sam and max
shit man they already felt dated in that stupid poker game with strongbad and baldman in it. you may as well say fucking Gex should be in smash.
Doshin doesn't have a spirit so he has a chance
That wasn't me.
Sorry I'm not joining in your shitposting rally. You only make 2hu fans look worse than they already are.
I for one would glad if ZUN stop associating Touhou with console.
Starts as a Meowth clone with stars then finish it off with a Suicune-like Master Spark
>You only make 2hu fans look worse than they already are.
Irony: The reply
I honestly don't care too much. Ultimate passes by with nothing (which is most likely of course) and I get to have my shit relatively left alone for a bit longer, she gets in and best/worst thing is happens entirely and it would be good for some giggles.
What's the irony?
Take it easy user
>You only make 2hu fans look worse than they already are.
Ah yes, think of the e-reputation.
I understand you have some karmapoint/gold to maintain, people will stop poking fun when all fighters are revealed don't worry.
When we're done with the DLC people will just start speculating on Smash 6.
Good for you but I doubt people who keep pushing Reimu for Smash actually care about the games.
They do it just to piss off anti-weebs.
Not if she's one of them
I just want a reason to buy Sm4sh for the third time myself
I don't know about that, the guy who kept making these threads last year also claimed to play the games. Maybe it's just a difference in opinion and not a primary/secondary thing.
I've been pushing for Reimu in SSBU since the first trailer and I just replayed LoLK since it's on steam now.
I just want touhou music in smash, is that such a crazy wish?
Reimu would be just off the wall enough to get me back into Smash.
Except they just announced that the last official fighting game is coming to switch. So much for "stopped associating with console".
2hufags are already known as weeb bronies so it's no use to save face anyway.