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Other urls found in this thread:


no way

proof or it didnt happen

unless they completely change his land behavior this would be fucking stupid

Don't forget size

I wish it were true bros...

>Can't put Lagi in because he wouldn't work with the maps they made
Why the fuck did they design the monsters around the maps and not the other way around in World?

Just like in fourth gen when monsters need to have climbing animation to work in maps that have high areas.

They could just use ivory lagiacrus or make solely land based, it's not like he's plesioth. The bigger question is when is my boi brachydios making the cut

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can we stop the wyvern archetype? why Banbaro couldn't be a big bison?

GU Lagiacrus is just a glorified Khezu

Why couldn't Banbaro be a big bison?*

you do realize Lagiacrus was reworked as a pure land-based monster in GU right

i wanna kiss lagi

Hunter anons I just want a decent roster with no time limited quests I don't mind handler and generic ice dragons please capcom

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just buy GU, World literally only has pretty graphics over it

Based if true. So glad they finally used that model they had in the demo.

did they finally fix the skeleton?

I agree with this user Just get GU if you want that.

But I already have and I'm craving for more. It's painful

Reminder that Zinogre was the real mascot of MH before World. Now bow to your king.

Hey bros, tell me something, MHW is just an MMO, right?
2 buttons combo only and shit?
I know the loop must click will h you, but the combat is MMO tier?

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Not really.

No. It's an action rpg that you can make into a four player action rpg.

Not gonna buy one stupid system for just one game, user. I can see the Switch being dusty after I'm done with MHGU, just like what happened to my 3DS after I was done with MH3U, MH4U, and MHGen.

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MH combat is its own thing, barring some games that take inspiration from it.

Then enjoy MHK.

By MMO tier you mean just whack monster on it's sides until it does? No, monsters have different flinch and breakpoints on different parts of their body. Each body part also has different weaknesses and resistances against Blunt, Cutting, Status and Elemental damage.

>everything 4 made
>fated 4
With what's in already and them, I'd be happy. Especially if we got their sub species, particularly the gen 4 ones. Way more interesting fights than say, pink rahtian or something.
Also quropeco

So there is more strategy in the control part too? Not only in the preparation part or status, apparently.
Ok, going to give this a chance then. Thank you for the answers anons.

Weapons are also very unique, not a single one plays like any other.

You mean he was turned into a shittier khezu, yes i know

my ass

>MHW is just an MMO, right?
Technically yes, but it really does not fit into the commonalities most associate with MMOs beyond what is strictly referred to in the genre title.
>2 buttons combo only and shit?
>the combat is MMO tier?
No, not even remotely.

>tfw no swimming in my GU
It was like an enrage phase for water monsters, they make no sense without it because they're just always out of their element now

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It also made many weapons unusable and controlling vertical swimming via the camera was the worst possible decision they could have made.

They fucking up is no reason to quit after a single try at swimming. Capcom is just being lazy, fightning monsters underwater was rad. Fuck Gobul, though

>MH will have HE'S IN threads too
I hate rosterfags so much


you can thank Snoy and Crapcom for that

>World literally only has pretty graphics over it
world has more polygons, better textures and post processing but as a result it has this weird blurriness and awful glowy bloom at places


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I love it already

Yeah I interested when I caught that first glimpse of him in the trailer, some kinda Caribou monster would be weird and different
But naw hes just another brute wyvern

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Still a lot more fun to fight than Khezu itself

>gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul gobul

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is that an evangelion reference

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that's not really saying much

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I hope not. Like most third gen monsters he kinda sucks.

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>just buy GU
Is GU on PC? Can I play that at 1080p 60fps with a regular ps or xbone controller?

cute sponge

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Peco is never coming back and it kinda makes me wanna cry?

rathalos was you gen 3 baby.

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Nothing is shittier than Khezu

I'd argue world is more like classic than gen is. Styles and arts are lame as fuck.

I also miss swimming, shit was fun but people didn't want to get good

why didnt Peco come back for 4U or GU? hes my favorite gen 3 monster right next to Zin

GU isn't, XX is with Citra

>He doesn't play XX for free on his hacked 3DS at 60 fps with english patch and crossplay with GU.

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abloo bloo bloo

> emulating two screens

I don't have two monitors sadly

Yeah he was a good boy
Must have been seen as not cool enough

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Too much monster for a shit game

I'm a worldbab who recently got a switch, how does gen and world compare? What I disliked about world was the lack of quantity in monsters and weapons leading to missions getting boring fast (well not fast, out 120 hours in)
But I absolutely loved the meaty combat and variety in weapon movesets.

You don't need the second screen.

It looks awful in just one monitor

What can I say, gen was the most disappointed I'd been with the series since Tri.

I started World and have been using Bow but it feels like easy mode. Am I a bitch?

Gen has a ton more of everything. Including grinding

Because Crapcom believes people prefer the first gen shit (Kut Ku, Khezu, Dromes) over the vastly superior third gen replacements.

i'd argue that most underwater monsters stuck on land are trying to take that spot

We do. Except tribabs but you people don't matter.

Sorry but how? Dromes are strictly inferior with an awkward moveset, trash design and little to no variance between the versions, Khezu is known to be the most cancerous monster in the series and Kut Ku is just a scaled down Rathian with zero interesting quirks of its own.

How much harder is it? Am I going to have a bad time solo?

>It also made many weapons unusable
No it didn't.

>controlling vertical swimming via the camera
Didn't do this either, every version had up and down swimming controls entirely separate from the camera.

>We do
t. Worldfetus


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No one wants swimming back except like 12 guys that started with tri.

Not harder at all, Gameplaywise it´s about the same. It just makes you waste time with other stuff like getting matterials in missions is a lot slower, you have to bring pickaxes, bugnets and fishing matterial if you want to get those things and overall the tutorial missions take a while longer to finally let you hunt stuff, forcing you to do mundane quests like gathering mushroons or killing the small raptors. If you can get past those negatives, you´re in for a monhun with a ton of variety in monsters, equipment and areas to explore. It´s a great game user, I just love too much the streamlining from world to want to go back into it any time soon

>saying things that are straight up untrue
WEW my lad. You really miss your water, huh.

If you're having problems just switch to Valor or Adept and enjoy a free Guard+40 and Evade+10. Do note these aren't always the most optimal styles.

No one who shits on tri started after tri.

>vastly superior
Imagine having such a low IQ

>what is Yian Garuga
Looks like thirdlets are back at it again.

What does Yian Garuga have to do with anything?

I'd be interested to see how monsters like Zamtrios and Mizutsune function underwater.

Maccao > Ggis > Dromes

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Zamtrios with its huge hitboxes and Mizu with its speed would be absolutely terrifying underwater.

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Yeah pretty much.

>Zamtrios inflates
>hits push it around the area like a beach ball

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>zamtrios inflating like a beach ball and skidding on top of he water
>mizutsune leaving soap bubble traps everywhere in a 3D environment
woulsve been fun

Glavenus sounds like a dog, why is Capcom so obsessed with dog violence?

Nah I think it was because of his healing / buffing mechanic, or some other aspect of his fight they didn't like. He's in Stories which likely implies that they like the Peco or at least understand his popularity but just dont like his mechanics

Gen has waaaaay more monsters. Waaaaay more everything. Waaay more grinding

By all means, what did I get wrong?


Maybe? I only tried the ranged weapons once or twice but they seemed way harder to me

Yeah, World isn't anime like those stupid arts in GU!

Thank God for tha-

Attached: anime2.webm (1080x598, 2.05M)

The fact that that's a (continuable) dodge and generally swimming up and down is controlled by camera direction, which influences attack directions as well. You know this well, yet you choose to pretend it isn't the case. Arbitrary nigger.

I said nothing about anime. Monhun has been fairly anime from day one.

Flashy attack does barely does any damage. The staple of monster hunter

>Styles and arts are lame as fuck.
Good thing you can ignore them entirely and just play Guild style with no arts for classic MH. Too bad you can't do that so easily in World with all the anime being forced into the movesets and mechanics.

>The fact that that's a (continuable) dodge
It's literally swimming up and down you fucking oaf. I'm not replying to your laughably bad bait any more, get better material.

Don't mind me, just being the peak of the Monster Hunter franchise and the single best experience you can have.

>best music
>best village
>highest quality roster
>best story
>best companions
>absolutely BASED using gamepad as a secondary info screen with map etc. on it while playing with the pro controller
>had online that just worked
>best girl (guild sweetheart)

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That's a stupid argument. That's like saying you could choose not to use the new moves. World has the best iteration of several weapons so far, and that's coming from a grandpa.

FU and 4u are both better, Iceborne might end up being better too.

>you can ignore them entirely
Ah, the classic "ignore game mechaninc if you don't like it".

Fuck off back to redshit, you legitimately autistic tryhard.

GU is my favorite because roster size in a boss rush game is a big deal

Can't go back to 3U knowing the Charge Blade doesn't exist. Makes me feel incomplete

>greatsword gets worse
>hammer gets worse
>long sword gets worse
>switch axe gets worse

sorry "gramps" but all the best weapons are just worse in world

And how is that different from optional arts? It did over 500+ damage in 5 seconds, did mount damage, flinched the monster, and broke multiple parts.

Nah, this from someone who started with FU.

>World+1 map and 4 monsters

You can't even ignore it in World.

not them but i honestly prefer worlds HH changes over the double note system from Gen/GU. being able to throw out performance attacks any time i want feels good. SA changes feel awful though

Literally only Gunlance is better you fucking liar. SnS has more shit, but is so horribly balanced that it doesn't mater because holding back and mashing circle is so blatantly better than everything else it is actually embarrassing.

>Worldlettrash neonuzombieMH
>better at anything other than technical GRAFIX



half of what youre saying isnt even words

For me, it's the Great Baggi. The best raptor subspecies. I even ask for extra Great Baggi event quests and the game is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for a gold crown Baggi and they gave me three cart limits. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly Moga Girl laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now she greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me a gold crown Baggi. It's such a fun and cool fight at the local Tundra, I go there at least 3 times a week for G rank and a large crest with claws instead of hides, 1-2 times for MP on the weekend, and maybe once at night when I'm in a rush but want a great fight that is challenging, fast, and can match my daily quest rotation.

I even bring my well-done steaks to the Great Baggi, it's delicious! What a great hunt.

Attached: baggi.jpg (275x183, 6K)

GS got better, tackle is fun as fuck. I don't play hammer. Long sword got better. I don't play swaxe.
And I started with genwun, I don't care if you disagree, FU is better than 3u imo.
Super situational in like two fights, vs a bullshit dodge, a bullshit block, and moves that entirely change how weapons are played. In gen1 the swaxe just NEVER had to charge.
Lance is the best it's ever been and I've been playing it since 2004.
I bet you're a tribab.

And Lance. Power guarding was a great addition.

>that box art

Here's your Monster Hunter game, bro.

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>the weapon for monster behavior knowledge got better because a reactive invincibility move was added to it

fuck off retard

GUbabs will never understand

It wouldn't work as it used to now that every area isn't just a circular flat arena. When I started GS didn't even have a charge, change can be a good thing. I hated the charge at first desu.

>vs a bullshit dodge
Worthless in most situations, and you trade in half your moves for it. Unless you mean the art, in which case lol invisibility mantel, lol extra health bar mantel, lol free healing fountain, lol free crits fountain, lol FREE FUCKING REVIVE

>a bullshit block
See above.

>moves that entirely change how weapons are played
How is this bad? It's literally more variety.

>now that every area isn't just a circular flat arena.
Hasn't been like that since 3U, champ. At least you revealed that you are a Worldbab.

What are they adding next? Auto-attack tool so I don't have to play the game at all?

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4u is still mostly flat areas with some awkward ledges. I told you I played when the GS was a combo weapon. Or were you aware that was the case my little tribab friend?
I skipped GU after gen was so shit, but adept was a shortcut to charging longsword as well as other shit. It was far from useless and trivialized stuff like dodging glaveinus.

Aw yiss

can you retards argue without resorting to using buzzwords every 5 letters or something

Yeah, look how flat and circular this arena is!!!!

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>5 monster

GS literally was not a combo weapon until world you just crit level 3 draw slashed shit to death

Adept was a crutch that would get you in trouble if used wrong, and REMOVED HALF YOUR MOVESET. But you conveniently ignore the mantels and hunter items in World, Worldbab.

If you ever fight in there (and you don't often) you fight at the bottom where it's flat. One of 4u's biggest flaws was shit levels.
GS didn't have charge attacks in MH which is when I started ya goof.
Mantles are equivalent to arts not styles. Most weapons didn't lose anything worthwhile. Gen sucked. 4u and FU blow it away and 3u is better as well.

>f you ever fight in there (and you don't often) you fight at the bottom where it's flat.
>Most weapons didn't lose anything worthwhile
Confirmed haven't played the game. At least you've finally admitted you are full of shit.

I've been with the series longer than you pal.

so also not a combo weapon in MH1, got it retard

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It didn't have a charge dude, people just wailed away. They were infamous for uppercutting teammates.

> cartoony good, realistic bad

>If you ever fight in there (and you don't often) you fight at the bottom where it's flat
ill agree that 4Us maps are all horrible fucking garbage but thats just literally wrong. its always that top area with the two ledges

the absolute state

more like unique designs good reskins of old models bad

old mh games had a fair share of ugly weapons, what you posted look like toys

can boomers not ruin a single thread?

>Underwater Nakarkos fight in murky waters
Just add more intuitivity to it or superman dives or better dodges I don't give a shit, keep the moveset the same if need be, I want to see these monsters fighting underwater.

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You worldtoddlers are really fucking delusional. How can you possibly defend what's literally the default weapon with random monster parts glued on it?

they already added a land only version of him to GU
which was basically just a big cooler looking Khezu: a screaming thunder AOE machine, discharging electricity directly instead of using it to power himself up and to enhance attacks like in 3U

Oh fuck that's really embarrassing. I was thinking of zone 7 I think. I dunno, it's been years honestly.

A lot of people would argue that's the worst map in 4U

I don't recall Lagiacrus using electricity to power up its attacks, its thunder attacks have always been projectiles or aoe discharges.

>get hit by monster's big kill move
>adept dodge through it while flipping the controller through the air anyway

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top kek

because i play monster hunter to kill monsters, not stand around a gathering hall and circlejerk with other so yboy fashionfags

also fuck transmog.

>That's like saying you could choose not to use the new moves.
that's exactly what it's saying, retard-kun
you can play X/XX EXACTLY like how 4U was played. In World you cannot. anymore bitching beyond that is completely unfounded.

my biggest gripe with the underwater combat is that we never saw an adult gobul, his description stated he was just a baby

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This is pretty autistic but I hate transmog eliminating the effort required to make sets look good, now fashion is just a thing everyone has and nobody has to try, when it used to be something you used to have to balance with how good your set actually is.

Daily reminder that Fujioka is the art director of World and Iceborne. Place all your blames on him.

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I'd probably shit myself if I had to fight Nakarkos underwater. Imagine having this Eldritch horror at the bottom of the ocean where light barely penetrates and the only thing you see is its red gleam.

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Great argument coming from someone defending a game whose sole quality are the pretty graphics.

XX could've had pretty graphics too if B-team put any effort whatsoever at all into porting it.

>Looks worse than Wii U 3U despite also running at a lower framerate

XX can just be played like 4U but with better content and a shitty guild quest system replaced with a shitty deviant monster system.
The only true thing 4U has over XX is being able to convert monster parts for monster parts from monsters not even in the game, and charge blade being much stronger.

He's in, boys.

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The ecology fmv's were kino, those need to come back too.

where's yama tsukami

From a creative and artistic perspective World is the best MonHun, is the closest thing to their original vision of the franchise.
The others more than a Hunting game with soul feel like fighting games.

God I hope the generations style games continue on nintendo consoles while the mainline games stay on pc
I can't play GU forever and nothing feels as good

He isn't lying, you dumb ass. You can change the controls for swimming so that swim direction is no longer dictated by the camera. Why do you fuckers not know this?

that's from the early development stage of the game

only reddit monsters that have cool flashy retard effects or gimmicks constantly make returns like zinogre, brachy and jho. yama and peco will never see the light of day again.

A palico heal that revive heals after death and saves a cart.


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He's in my heart

Tigrex is superior

>First phase he keeps zooming in the darkness only showing his tentacle bone heads, can only be tracked by the colored dots on his body
>Second phase he dragon beams the darkness away and goes speed squid mode, digging on nearby bone mounds for extra heads
>Turf wars against ceadeus where you can't see shit beyond silly red and blue lights wiggling around
And now I also want the lighting from Tri back to pull spooky shit with nakarkos and gigginox.

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The Monster Hunter world is not a sustainable ecology
These creatures seem far too big and active to me
Something also seems off about the mobility of the Jhen Mohran

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It is the true pleb filter of gen 1 and 2

That's a funny way of spelling Freedom Unite

Sure you can. Don't press the input for tackle.

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All it took for megaflora and megafauna to exist in real irl life was a bit more oxygen in the atmosphere, and there's plenty more you can explain away in MH with 'super fertility environments' and 'bio energy'

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Post your copy of FU with a timestamp

Sad life
[spoilers] Shogun Ceanataur/Daimyo Hermitaur when?

They need to ditch realism or at least clutter but it seems they sre embracing it with the tree-tossing monster. At least we’ll get monkey soon

>super fertility environments

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i love the crabs because theyre 40% face, which means easy KOs

I'd enjoy this mfw killing an inflated Zam underwater it slowly floats to the surface like a buoy

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Lost it many years ago, playing on ppsspp these days

>get to Teostra in World
>can't see what he's doing because particles covers entire fucking screen
Gee, i wonder how combat in the snowy Iceborne will looks like.

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>Not a sustainable ecology
That might explain why hunters fucking exists to put a brake on elder dragon shitstorms.
Also everything is too big and active in MH, not just the monsters. Monster hunter world has some anime evolution going on to keep the ecosystems from going to shit. And plenty does if the razed wastelands and giant ruins are proof of anything.

Jhen moron also swims with some sonic vibrations bullshit excuse to float in sand. The wind used to catch up to him during the quests must be enough to turn the sand sea into a chainsaw if normal humans fell there.

I like their gear. Ceanataur armor best armor

Never owned it because you're just pretending to be an oldfag. Anyone who actually played FU knows pretty much every game that came after it apart from p3 is superior.

Didn't they have a weapon contest before the game release?


Hey at least you missed the month period where any moment teostra spawned particles onscreen the game would tank to 5 FPS

this is honestly MHW's biggest flaw, it's boring getting a new weapon when it looks exactly like your previous weapon despite being crafted from different monster materials

Iron sword with a couple of feathers on it to iron sword wiith a couple of teeth on it

Reminder that saying "World is easy" is meaningless without the following;
Behemoth PROOFS

have sex

OHKO damage sponges != more challenging fights
behemoth is alright though, even if hes too different of the usual fights in the series

>these three fights that are presumably difficult make the rest not easy
Have sex

World needs to add swimming back, it was a ton of fun.

i wouldn't mind getting eaten by him owo

You’re right, that is pretty autistic

Tbh a dinomoose with a beaver tail is more original than just a moose. However Popo’s are back so it wouldn’t be surprising if Gammoth or something new using their skeleton shows up.


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you're basic as fuck, user

>OHKO damage sponges != more challenging fights
That's what they did with deviants in GU but you guys eat that shit right up

the fuck are you talking about, the deviant system and hyper system also suck massive shit

As if it mattered, they added climbing animations to monsters anyways.

I completely understand where he’s coming from though

I just think it’s utterly fucking absurd to leave all those lovingly designed but functionally impractical full sets to rot just because you feel some autismal satisfaction from filtering out some pants or whatever you don’t like in Athena’s ASS and still getting the skills you wanted

Like shit, you can even keep wearing your barely passable clownsuit if you want to because transmog is a fucking optional feature

>World needs to add swimming back

Attached: etyu.png (1360x768, 614K)

you're rght transmogging ruins the roleplaying and immersion elements the series already had so few of

You're either ignorant or delusional. Everyone has complained about apex/hyper OHKO bullshit in the late game of both GU and 4U.

>lovingly designed but functionally impractical full sets
then just make them functionally practical instead

Iceborne is already giving us more monsters, so all I really want from it is that they tune the difficulty properly so you can't just outgear monsters and watch them drop dead in less than a minute. The power increase from postgame stuff in World is unreal, so I hope that Master Rank quests start handing out worn and warped feystones, so decorations can be assumed as a baseline and monsters can be balanced around their presence.

Ideally I'd also want master rank monsters to be impossible to trip consecutively but that's probably not happening.

>all I really want from it is that they tune the difficulty properly so you can't just outgear monsters and watch them drop dead in less than a minute
this has been commonplace since 4u

>holding back and mashing circle is so blatantly better than everything else it is actually embarrassing
Only on primarily raw weak monsters, and even then the falling bash is so long that it's generally unsafe to do.
Watch SnS vs AT Nerg. It's classic SnS gameplay interspersed with falling bashes when possible for burst damage or to reach high weakpoints, which were impossible to do for SnS before.

They will probably increase the stagger thresholds for master rank.

The kill times were never as short as they are in World though, and the monsters would at least still fight back even if they did die fast.

>all I really want from it is that they tune the difficulty properly so you can't just outgear monsters and watch them drop dead in less than a minute
Just from what they've shown so far it doesn't look like it's going to happen. We know hunters are going to be buffed up even more than before.

Probably, but player damage is also increasing by a ton. When you can just nail a monster for 600-700 damage in one shot on a single body part in high rank, by how much would they have to adjust stagger thresholds in master rank to stop triplocking?

Agreed. I wanna swim through pretty reefs and fuck up mons.
Also they could do deep sea areas.

>monsters would at least still fight back even if they did die fast.
This has been a lie ever since 4 except for the really beefy monsters. TA's are literally just how fast you can lockdown a monster and keep down.

Which would be fine as long as the monsters are able to stand up to it. I actually like the slinger and clutch claw stuff, it just needs to be harder to chain-trip monsters.

deep sea location you and your friends are picked off one by one by new underwater monsters with eerie music playing in the background.

>TA's are literally just how fast you can lockdown a monster and keep down.
Where's the lockdown?

Take my fucking money.
Also bonus if you get dragged deeper if you tey to escape.

you just reminded me they rendered SnS completely useless in iceborne now that everybody can use items with their weapons drawn

Attached: 1557393308253.jpg (400x400, 36K)

Using items with the weapon drawn was never the core of SnS's playstyle, SnS still does it faster, and we don't know what new moves it's getting in Iceborne.

Land-only Lagiacrus was originally from P3rd
He doesn't, that user doesn't know what they're talking about. P3rd Lagi has electrical AOEs.

SnS was always a special snowflake garbage weapon just like gunlance. Its gimmick could be it just flat out makes you invincible and it would still be a liability to have in your hunting party.

it was its sole gimmick really. i dont even play SnS but i still think getting rid of oils was a retarded idea

Honestly my greatest joy is that the devs refuse to cater to the balance shitters and continue to make some weapons deliberately shit and others deliberately OP. That's how a game should be.

ok kid

He's in!!!!! So excitedddddd

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based retard

I want to see Amatsumagatsuchi and Alatreon in HD.

Alatreon will be in Iceborne going off the leak list.

the only elders you're ever getting are kushala clones

Amatsu would be great. I hope they bring everyone back though, and I can almost guarantee they'll bring Lao back for the next big anniversary. It's a favourite of the devs and is less dynamic than the average fight so shouldn't be as difficult to bring across.

No goddammit, stop with this meme. Everyone shouted to bring him back and then learned their lesson with GU. It's like everyone forgets how fucking boring Lao was every time he's absent.

>no Gore Magala

As he said it more than likely will make a return though. Lets just hope they learned their mistake and spice up the fight a bit

they have those HD Fatalis renders for the anniversary. maybe well end up seeing that asshole come back one way or another

I'm not saying I want him back, I'm saying it's likely to happen. The devs love him, as does anyone who played gen 1 since it was so memorable. He's a DPS check, but a simple DPS check to implement in a fairly barebones area. I don't think we've seen the last of him.

>Lets just hope they learned their mistake
They made Zorah Magdaros.

Eh that's true, totally misinterpreted that post. Yeah if Lao happens to come back again I really hope they make things more interesting. Still holding out for more giant monsters like Gog.

No Khezu no buy

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fuck off no one likes khezu

It'd be great to see a version of Lao where he actually fights back instead of passively walking through a corridor. He'd be really intimidating if he was a standard fight in an arena.

Khezu bestu

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>no one likes khezu
Imagine being so wrong

Shut up gigginigger tribaby, everyone loves Khezu.

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i fucking hate his fights but i honestly would like to see him back just to see an HD slimy, veiny, throbbing khezu

wow defending either
gen nostalgia baiting really revved up the no true scotsman in this community huh

Literally impossible

Not even close. Plus there are games where those monster are good. There has never been a game where Khezu wasnt complete ass

He'd be great with world's systems. No combat music, so you could accidentally stumble across him midfight or get jumped while walking through a cave. It'd be great to need to pay attention to your noise levels while in certain areas of the map until you confirm all three monsters.

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Grandpa's off his meds again, trying to defend gen one trash

Khezu is NOT ass!

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imagine a female hunter being swallowed, gross haha

Not even hard. Just frustrating, keep your chill and you win, just like every other old fight

They´re pretty much the same thing and I like then, actually. They´re..unsettling and I do think this game could use more creepy monsters instead of even more dragons and giant regular animals

yeah gross haha

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blind stinky idiot can't even play an instrument lmao

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how can i do that when G rank garuga can do 180 beak pecks with no start up animation

haha imagine a female khezu swallowing you, disgusting

No monster has ever been worse, cute fanart cannot make up for being cancer

Actually you're right just imagine how would swimming looked and playedin world...

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theyll bring him back but theyll fuck it up by giving him the generic map music

Same with every other monster, you learn to deal. You can tell what animations he cant launch pecks out of and you work with that

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Problem, hunter?

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whats she going to do that cleaver?

Bet she sucks a mean cock

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SNS users report in

How was it chasing an enraged Lagi through the ocean with our tiny sword and shield

*pecks u*


So, I just started hunting my first arch tempered monsters, started with kushala and I have a question. Am I supposed to be one-shot by most attacks from arch tempered stuff? My armor is almost max upgraded and even eating for def and maxing the healthbar I´m still being one-shot all the time. Is this a "git gud and don´t be hit ever during the whole fght" thing?

Mine too user. Mine too.

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Mained SnS in gen4, great weapon. Gen 3 was GS and now in world it´s CB, but I made a teostra SnS and it´s pretty fun how much explosions I can trigger in a short time

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>AT G rank Khezu + beetlejuice arena quest

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Choke on the nearest dicks you faggots can find. World has so many insane improvements over every other title that it's fucking cringe to go back

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sorta but AT system is bullshit in general. the only good ones are Xeno, Vaal, and Kulve

10 times cooler then a generic spider enemy deserves to be

for every good change theres like 3 shit changes you also have to deal with

I've been playing GU exclusively with guild SNS, it's fun. I hadn't put any serious time into it until GU though, and it was one of the last weapons I still hadn't used extensively. I'd misremembered it being an EZ mode boring beginner's weapon when the opposite is true. I imagine I'll be sticking with it for the forseeable future now, it can do everything well.

We need more fucking crossovers desu

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ATs are "don't get hit by anything besides tiny steps and swipes, and make sure you know how to dodge roars"

Yeah she's based
>examines you to make sure you're actually asleep because Gypceros prey keeps pretending to be

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Most of the changes are irrelevant once you pass the tutorial shit, and they trim down legacy stuff as tradeoff. World isn't worth it until at least a few more iterations to reintroduce some depth.

My brother of a different mother

Swimming would be perfect if you had a different weapon loadout for underwater combat. The only flaw is that certain weapons were trash underwater (hammer, sns etc). Give people a second weapon designed around underwater combat that's automatically swapped out while underwater, perhaps tridents/spears/harpoon guns. If the combat was designed from the ground up with these weapons in mind it would be great.


Please post Moga males. I love their very conspicuous bulges.

>trash in any situation


He seems a bit young to be looking for his bulge you sick fuck

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They better not put in Rajang

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I mained hammer in FU and have hundreds of hours with it, but it sucked underwater. Tiny range, slow attacks and lots of startup per swing. Monsters tend to dash a lot underwater, so most of the time with hammer you're attacking once/twice then sheathing and chasing the monster down again. It sucked.

They'd nerf him in World anyway.

Yeah fuck Rajang, Furious Rajang on the other hand now that's a monster they should put in.


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Yep. Kinda like how they nerfed Luna by making her the hardest she's ever been.


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If he’s not added in Iceborne he’ll probably be a post launch monster like Deviljho was.

World needs the birbs and sneks

Lucky old geezer.


That was for replacing the crossover weapons in tri which they didn't license for the western release.

Is AT nigger on pc yet?

Swimming wasn’t bad in itself. Some weapons felt like dogshit in water. Just straight up worse.
That and if you were on 3ds, water combat was infuriating.

June. First we've got old man tree coming up.

I see you are a man of principle, like me.

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What's wrong with a moose?

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GenU has much more content, but mhw gameplay is more fluid and satisfactory

Some people say genU is harder but i disagree since that game has hunter arts and hunting styles which makes the game more diverce but also really easy unless you only play alchemist style and nothing more.

Tldr: play both, all mh games are good

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I hate charge blade in world. You have to keep charging so often, especially when monsters run. But it's my favorite weapon.

Alchemy is easier than guild. Alchemy gives three skills, allows free item use, buffs arts for all team members and provides passive regen.

dont forget the fluid gameplay

There´s a skill to make it last longer. Don´t remember the name though

It’s basically a moose + bison New World Duramboros relative.

World is actually much slower paced than classic. Everything feels spongy and floaty in world since the animations are less snappy.

playing FU and 3ds games are really painful, especially GenU which has the worst CB gameplay ever made

You do know gigantic animals actually existed and flourished for millions of years, right?

Why are frogposters always so fucking stupid?

>tfw world wont get the greatest elders to ever exist, gore/shagari + valfalk
Cant wait for the next installment

Huh, first time I'm going to do this but... BING.

what the fuck


You're aware that Monster Hunter existed long before the 3DS, right?

Do you know how fucking big these things are?

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I've never noticed that, time to hop back on the 3ds and hunt some sipders

>tfw most monsters in World stole part of his gimmick now because their roars are what trigger Bazel to show up

Arts and styles are really fun, but they feel so weeb.
Gen and XX are more like devil may cry than monster hunter

if they have it out on the xbone, fuck yeah
>tfw already have 3U, 4U, Gens, and World and bored of them
>tfw like 4000 hours into 4U
>tfw got so gud at 4U will just grief the fuck out of baguette wielding cheese eating french fags

If it's that cute egg carrying one I don't mind

have sex

Pls Iceborne. I miss Peco so much.

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Yeah I also got a duramboros vibe

Next one if you're lucky

Oh hey it's best raptor

Maccao is objectively the best starter hunt. That tail spring teaches you real early the importance of upgrading gear.

Khezu will never be in MHW despite Poalumu and Pukei using his skeleton because every monster in the game roars every 10-15 seconds which completely robs Khezu of his gimmick.
MHW is the only game I'll use earplugs because of how frequent monster roar, and there's no noticable tell for the small roar they so don't give me that "just roll it lol" bullshit

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>an electric guitar
>a bell
>a weird honky thing


>some stuff

I agree, that's my main MHW gripe. t. a honking honk user

>tfw your so dumb you cant even into dough / clay / etc

>Khezu will never be in MHW

My prayers have been answered. Thank you, Capcom.

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>not just dive dodging right before the roar, completely negating any need for earplugs

I've seen that image countless times, I haven't even opened it now.
my reaction was about the "is this an MMO combat thing?" you can tell at a glance that MH definitely doesn't play like an MMO at all, if you watch a gameplay video.

>no basarios rock
>no usurper's growl
World has the worst weapon designs in the series. I really hope Iceborne and the sequels improve on it.

But lagi was in MHW pre release???
Why would it be surprising?

Disgusting faggot.

>be IG
>used to polevault to avoid roars by jumping into a roar and being knockdown, skipping the ear holding animation
>play mhw
>polevaulting roars just causes you to fall then hold you ears for the entire duration

cool, cool. Can't let IG be good again right? Who was the genius that gave LS and GS a guard point-like mechanic?

oh, well, my bad user

but really, can u blame me?
with all the snowflakes that seem to browse here nowadays

Khezu now roars eternally

am i the only one who doesn't like the new nargacuga music in world?

holy fucking shit kill yourself.

Naw, I won't.
Just look at this faggot.

You also get the risk/reward of hitting his tail while he's propped on it for a knockdown
Best intermediate hunt is Nargacuga for how well telegraphed but also lightning fast the attacks are, making iframes really fun to pull off

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Khezu is so bad he actively detracts from any game he's in.

>not liking CB

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I don't like it either. I don't know why they felt the need to throw in a load of extra orchestral fluff into some of the old themes, it just breaks the flow of the music.

>liking a weapon that trivializes every encounter and requires zero effort at all
No thanks, I like to actually hunt monsters.

>fighting khezu online in GU
>teammates run directly into the electricity every time
>stand 5m in front of it to heal/sharpen even though it'll always jump or swing its neck
>talk shit afterwards about how bad khezu is and how it should never come back
I find it hard to take khezu criticism seriously when so many people have no idea what they're doing. Its attacks are telegraphed and it's a cool design. There's nothing wrong with khezu.


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100% absolute truth

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>tfw worst MH has god music

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>Played Lance a shit ton in world
>Pick up GU sometime later, figure I give Lance a try
>It's one the clunkiest piece of shit weapons in all of videogames
>Only viable playstyle is Striker style + charge spam and mash your hunter arts

I have yet to reach G rank, is he that bad in there?
Low and High are a joke.

>Dive dodging a roar
Unless the monster can roar combo, you might as well just eat the roar since you've already thrown away the opening.


Oh look, a shit-eating retard!

Yeah and that maccao quest is ridiculous
How does it expect me to kill 10 of them?!?

just started playing world now and this is my biggest complain

with hammers is fucking embarassing
literally the same fucking hammer with some feathers glued on top depending on the monster
i understand that they are harder to model now with better graphic but holy shit the whole game is farming for this things why they look so bad?

I talk shit about Khezu because I've had multiple hunts where he will constantly retreat to ceiling and just sit there spamming lightning balls for 10 minutes.

Odosluts stand aside, the true queens are back.

Attached: MH narga slut.jpg (850x1202, 287K)

Good. Off to the frontier with you.

That is hardly slutty at all. I'm sure you have far sluttier pics than that.

>Game is about killing monsters over in over
>Therefore speed is important
>Multiple weapons have multiple styles that can achieve speedy kills, encouraging and rewarding a variety of playstyles
>Lance has one
Do you see the problem? If you want to spend 3 hours poking a monsters asshole because Lance has a gutted moveset, thats fine, but thats on you.

Downtime between moves is slightly lessened, but he's pretty much the same. He just hits a bit harder. It's still common to find people fighting G rank khezu in high rank gear and get oneshotted by refusing to wait a second until the AOE finishes.

>Webbed hands and feet
Imagine the handjobs

What monsters are confirmed for the World expansion? And how big will this expansion even be? Only one extra map fucking years after release sounds like not much at all, really.

Premium narga sluts

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>I'm a speedrunner xD

No you are not, kill yourself.

Only like four have been confirmed. No one knows how bit it'll be. They say the new map is the biggest in the bunch.

>Fucking years after release

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Khezu is just a boring fight. Unless you're a gunner all you're doing is just waiting around for him to stop using his barrier so you can hit him once and retreat because getting close makes him use his barrier again. Not to mention the lack of music takes the excitement out.

Nargacuga, 3 new monsters, and Tigrex

Alright bro, enjoy your Alchemy Gunlance. Lemme know when you finish farming your armor set 6 years from now.

Speed is only important if you're a TAutist. If you care so much about playing "optimally" then drop lance and pick whatever is topping the TA charts.
Other lance styles just kill in 2-3 minutes slower than striker, stop pretending like you're forced to play like that under the guise of speed. You have an hour to clear most hunts, fuck off.

You're the same as retard SnS players in MHW who complain that the SnS sucks because they use a raw weapon and spam shield slam because it's optimal.

ice plesioth, moose that fights like a combination of barroth and tetsucabra, narga and kushala reskin flagship

Explain how all these weapons are worse.

Gs is better than ever with his new tackle.
Hammer is now much more fun than ever.
Ls is debatable, i personally find it more fun but it also feels broken and op.
And as a swaxe fag, all i can say is fuck you, SA is amazing and it is as fluid as i remember back in p3rd

How much time do you think you're going to lose dude

It's because as soon as you stop being a mouthbreathing retard you notice that he has an incredibly shallow and boring selection of attacks, and the entire fight is a snorefest.

Gigginox is way more fun and actually creepier.

So gs is "just better because it is even though valor is gone", hammer is "durr fun" and the rest is only debatable?

Amazing arguments.

You’re doing it wrong in World. It just knocks me back down if I’m in the middle of an aerial movement and not just an empty pole vault. Otherwise you get knocked down + stuck in the roar.

THIS. He has the fuckin gall to say "git gud" right after.

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>switch axe gets worse
Kill yourself

Tigrex got teased with a roar at the very end too.

Not him, but GS is not "worse" it is just "different"
C.Draw isn't great anymore so the classic MH GS playstyle is dead.

Hammer is fine
LS having a meter burn and a just counter makes it feel more like a CB, but I don't enjoy the weapon enough to care about it.
Swaxe is great in all things except the classic Sword X, X attack. It use to have high reach but now it doesn't, also not being able to roll forward unless in neutral in sword mode sucks. But I like the weapon in it's current state to ignore the other shit. Having the extended roll by pressing switch during a roll is amazing and removes all needs for EE anymore.

>You only hunt monsters once
Considering how often you fight monsters, a lot of time. You say they kill "only 2-3 minutes" slower, but that easily adds up. Kill 10 monsters, you've lost 30 minus, 20 monsters and entire hour, 200 monsters and bam, there goes 10 hours. In a game that encourages farming having such a huge disparity between weapons and styles is inexcusable, and GU has only exacerbated the issue. In a game with SIX options per weapon there is no reason for four of six styles to be functionally worthless.
>lol just b urself
Is not an excuse for bad balance and makes you come off as a shameless Capcom dicksucker more than anything else. The worst part is its not even just an issue of efficiency, almost every "bad" style plays like absolute shit to boot.

Because these idiots don't even bother to look in the settings.

what i hate about MHW
>Decos being farmable instead of craftable
>Charms being craftable instead of farmable
The above makes everyone wear the same set and there is no originality involved. Having to work with what you hand a build a set around it was what made everyone unique. Almost every online session I see everyone rocking the same set
>instant paw swipes
>steppy stomps, monster moves and his foot does damage to you
Having an attack with zero tells is the antithesis of monster hunter gameplay at it's core. every attack needs a a noticeable tell to read so hunters can react.
>No Content/Piss Poor Endgame
It's a HR game so I can't complain too much about lack of content but the end game was absolutely the worst I've seen.
>track 3 (4) elders
>kill 3 (4) elders
>kill big bad
>start real end game
>farm 4 elders for a set
>farm same 4 Tempered Elders for Decos
>farm same 4 ArchTempered Elders for better Gear/WEapons
>do Kulva every month for BiS weapon relic (if applicable)

I got the Rathalos PS4Pro CE just for MHW, and I think the game is a solid game. But it leaves a lot to be desired, waiting for Iceborne.

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Kushala is worse

Then at that point why gimp yourself with lance? Go Brave HBG

The endgame's the worst in the series, and it takes the least time to get there out of any game too. First time I played I made every armor set before progressing to the next monster, and took maybe 80 hours. On PC I played at my own speed (not deliberately rushing) and hit the post-xeno credits in 25-30 hours and in that time made a couple of mixed sets. Once you strip away the excess stuff it's a very short game.

I'm a Worldbab and just got this mantle. I don't think it's a huge problem, but they should probably lower the length of time it lasts. It allows one to keep up a focus on aggression

Hedgehog Nerg is my favorite thing.

So Absolute Evasion/Readiness without being on a short cooldown and abuseable every 15-30 seconds?

Nerg is a good boy.

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Oh shit, this is the Narga armor? I'm a Worldbabby so I've only seen this armor on cosplay sluts but didn't realize it was for Narga.

Milldly excited. I hope by the end of Iceborne we get full transmog. Mainly I want to be able to use the Vaal Gamma set at all times but I also just want a bunch of Kirin and Narga sluts running around all the time.

Do you play on PC? Citra works really well, MHXX with an english patch would be a great way to check out a gateway between world and classic (it's slightly casualised but not by much), and you'll see most of the classic monsters people talk about. It'll give you better perspective on returning monsters and how their movesets have been adapted too.

Underwater combat would get me to come back to MHW.

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Sluts everywhere

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