>*tink tink tink*
>*tink tink tink*
Other urls found in this thread:
you aight knightboi
whatever homo
and finally, FUCK REDGUARDS
Oh, it's you. Hi.
>claim his arms and armor with my Altmer BVLL
>recognizes my power and gives me his blessing
>become the divine crusader, far greater than he ever was
das rite
Why Bretons?
Sorry, but those are your brothers in arms in this shitposting contest.
yall WANTED to be lizards
>he forsakes Anui-Els light in favor of Sithis dark void
Imagine being this deluded.
>playing since daggerfall
>just realising now that all the races of true elf heritage have "Mer" in their race name
The little things you overlook. Khajiit came from the same ancestor as the aldmer (shape-shifting old ehlnofey ooze) rather than from elves themselves so it makes sense for them to not have "mer" in their name despite being of a similar heritage. Bosmer were made from the same ooze as the khajiit, but they took the more "human" (elf) aspect of the shape-shifters, like a lesser aldmer, becoming mer.
Breton's were just disgusting sex slave babies.
Wtf are/is the Sithis anyway?
There's still about 0.1% elf blood in them, too much for Pelinal to ignore
>fuck khajiit
>tfw i run khajiit pretty often
>not a furry
>but people just assume i am because of shitheads like this one
General consensus in-lore is that Sithis is the expression of Padomay, the primordial chaos that allows for change. He is equal and opposite to Anuiel and is the “father” of Lorkhan who is his soul expressed into the reality.
What about the Ayleids though?
The birthed soul of Padomay, which is the opposite force of Anu. A god of emptiness and the void, in some sources the god of misanthropy. Worshipped by the Dark Brotherhood, some vampires and argonians. Gave birth to Lorkhan, the Demiurge that tricked everyone into creating Mundus. Sithis supposedly also created Pelinal and in some sources humanity itself.
Of course the Pelinal-fags will never show you how Sithis is depicted.
ayleids are altmer you dunce
Urist likes Pelinal Whitestrake for his elven genocide
ayleids were the elves that left the summerset isle
>mfw the fucking elves are the good side
The Men is the necessary disease of Mundus
It's the ultimate redpill.
>all this elvish narrative
day of the axe for you
Stay mad litteral fag robot
Talos was a Breton.
Since we are on the topic of hating other races...UH
>ESRB everyone
This, reminder lizardbros are dabbing on dungmer.
>Breton's were just disgusting sex slave babies.
How does that even work, I was under the impression the child always takes after the mother, so how do mutts like Bretons exist?
anyone who doesn't have stinking knife ear blood within them is alright with me
>falling for mer psy ops
>tfw no dunmer wife
The child is of the same race as the mother, but it gains traits of the father as well. Bretons are so good at magic because their women got elfed a lot.
i would careful man elves are pretty big they could probably kick your ass
> fuck elfs
Hell ye-
> fuck Breton
Slow down there hossca-
> fuck Khajiit
Alright listen here faggot.
brainlet lol
They just reconquered some marsh the argonians lost previously to the dunmer. Is this really the best that race has to offer?
Oh look, a fanart masturbator. He probably doesn't even play dunmer in games.
What will the waifufag ever reply to that? Will he mention all the accomplishments of that great race? Will he reply with a witty retort? Will he actually cite some lore?
>Y-Yeah they took back some of our territory, so what? Glorious dungmer race goyim, we wuz chimer and sheeit
Stay mad morrowind zoom zoom
>>Y-Yeah they took back some of our territory
I mean, it was the argonians territory to begin with. Can you actually cite any of the sources of this incident?
Mer are just WE WUZing faggots
Technically they wuz...
so were men, but you don't see them needing to REEEEEEEE about it for thousands of years afterwards
>mfw no comfy silt strider to live in
>so were men
The ayleid empire predates the human empire, user...
this guy was most likely referring to elves WE WUZZing about the fact they used to be "gods", not we wuzzing about old empires.
Well, they wuz that too... And men as well according to some theories. The other theory is that they are Sithis spawn created to bring the destruction of everything, but you will probably decry that as elven propaganda as well.
because that is mer fanfic propaganda :^)
What, that humans were the wandering Ehlnofey, meaning men and mer have the same Aedra ancestors and thus the elves would actually be right and men would as well get back to being Aedras if they could destroy the towers? Because if you refuse that then you have to accept the idea that men are made by Sithis who wants to destroy everything. And if you refuse that as well then men are...?
The Mer propaganda is men being sithis' offspring set out to destroy everything.
Men know they came from the old ehlnofey, they used to be lesser aedra just like mer. The difference is Mer are still butthurt about it and reeeee like little autists while men came to like it. Many of them won't even accept that men are of ehlnofey descent.
*I mean they came from wandering ehlnofey
Is that phylogenetic tree correct?
>while men came to like it
And that's why men deserve what they get.
on what? The lore is put together from a multitude of books & in game comments/references
Far better looking up a wiki that links to the different books/comments that info is sourced from.
What if... Aldmeris was an early Aedric planet, and on that Planet, the ancestors of the Aldmer were actually Dragons. These Dragons were tricked into becoming Elves by Lorkhan. Auriel figured out how to become one again, and ascended. (This could be a mirror myth of Akavir, as I imagine it, where the Dragons willingly became Men. The nearby Beast Races were jealous and sought to reverse this by consuming them to steal their power. The Ka'Po'Tun succeeded, being more direct analogues to the Aldmeri Dominion) The reason both Nords and Elves remember "Alt-mora" as their ancestral land is that they both descended from the Dragons, who are Ehlnofey, but they were traumatized by this and don't remember it or choose not to speak of their kinship. The Ehlnofey who chose to remain Dragons and not degrade themselves became the Dovah, and they have vague memories of Akatosh from when Time began and Aldmeris first formed. Nords remember this, too, in their own way. [All wild speculation on my part, but it seems to fit in a way.]
Perhaps the reason they also consider Tamriel the birth place of men is that as Nirn was solidifying, the Dragons who would be Nords flew to the Throat of the World and were transformed by Kynareth into the form envisioned by Shor. Time breaks during this instant, as it often does at the Throat of the World, and the entire Dragon War takes place during this Middle Dawn, while an alternate history develops in linear time. The two time lines re-converge when Alduin is cast forward into Time. Many Nords from the First Era forward are confused by the events of the multiple pasts, and remember conflicts involving Elves, Orcs and Hermaeus Mora taking place on Atmora. This is how they remember the Dragon War, and this is the version of events that gets passed down. (As it so happens, Hermaeus Mora's involvement was more tangible than a simple false memory, as we'll learn soon enough.)
>What if...
stopped reading there
no there's multiple mistakes. Aldmer, Bosmer & khajiit came from old ehlnofey. All other "mer" are descendants of Aldmer.
Ayleids are not descendants of Altmer - they came from Aldmer who settled in tamriel. they are cousins of the altmer, developing at the same time. Aylieds, altmer, dwemer, snow elves, chimer, left-hand elves/Maormer (these two are possibly linked) are all cousin elf races who descendant from the Aldmer.
Orcs are associated with Goblins, gremlins etc as "goblin-ken", but those aren't descendants of Orcs.