I hate this board but there's no where else to post about video games. Where can I go aside from this place...

I hate this board but there's no where else to post about video games. Where can I go aside from this place? Reddit is a bunch of fucking normies and this board is a bunch of people ironically liking and disliking shit for the sake of (you)s.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I love Slam Dunk


Thanks. Didn't even it was from basketball Bois.

What kind of video games do you like?
For myself I enjoy discussing video games on Steam discussion or specific subreddits. /vr/ is good. Shoryuken and /kappa is fun

Your local GameStop:)

Maybe look for alternatives instead of complaining.
It's a good life skill.
Looking for people to carry you through life will lead only to disappointment.

Favorite games are Killer 7 And No More Heroes.
DMC series.
MGS series.
Street Fighter.
Ape Escape and Digimon World.
PS1 and snes stuff although I've got plenty of other classics.

Those niggas didn't even have the 360 controllers I needed. Fuckem.

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What is a shoryuken and a /kappa

I'm considering leaving message boards altogether. I still check out Yea Forums sometimes, but Yea Forums is mostly just false flagging and bitching at this point.


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>Mentioning reddit without sarcasm
>Based Ryota pic
Just go to those gay discord crap.

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If I knew somewhere better I wouldn't be here.

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there are weirdos on reddit too, user. What type of shit are you wanting to talk about that reddit won't work for you?

Gamestop closed my local store, despite the next closest one doing less business and being in a dieing mall.

Pretty much this.

This board along with /vg/ is still based during new releases when it hasn't been localized yet. Back when EOPs still does not have access to Automata (the small period of time when you can only get it off jap PSN even though the game has subs included) and SMTIV Final the discussion quality is top notch.

If you don't like the daily threads just leave until something you like pops up.

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go to 8ch?

jisatsu shite kudasaimasenka?

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Unironically ResetEra. Yea Forums for shitposting, RE for serious discussion.

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Wouldn't everyone migrate to the new option anyway, thus turninging in to exact same thing?

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I hate to say it, but this. Some of the lesser known games don't get much (if any) traction at all in other sites today, but you can get the ball rolling with some luck here. Even then its like sifting through shit for a diamond

It's hard to discuss a game when posters come in to say 'Developer said something transphobic 10 years ago, never forget'

if it's a specific game then /vg

Thats just a boogeyman, that shit happens rarely and isn’t nearly as common or thread-ruining as Yea Forums’s shitposting.

Nice try, I've checked the place out for laughs and they talk about games even less than we do.

When the discussion about A Hat in time is not ruined, I have to tolerate people who think games like Mass Effect Andromeda and Inquisition are unfairly disliked rpgs

you seem pretty based user :) usually I only talk with rl people

I get you user. There have been multiple times where I also wanted to get out of this place.
And don't get me wrong, I understand and enjoy the near complete freedom of posting we have here. But the place is anything but video games at times. It's a mess. All this freedom and anonymity is a double-edged sword. Everyone is anonymous. Even tripfags can decide to not be tripfags if they wanted to. In a proper forum you'd have your username, your profile and avatar, your signature...I miss this shit. This sense of identity.
And most importantly: you'd have to stand by your opinions, because after a while everyone would know who you are. Anonymity can also be cowardness.

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Threads like these prove Yea Forums still has some soul left

>ResetEra for serious talk
>Ban people for disagree with them.

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This is the price of freedom. Fascism is looking more and more appealing desu, let the mods fuck this place to the grave.

>Yea Forums still has some soul left
If you really think so, then you are total dingus.

There is nowhere.
This place is fucking awful for discussion but it's the only anonymous place on the internet that has more than 3 posters.

Could be worse, have you seen Yea Forums this month? Biggest bunch of faggots.

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I'm not OP but I swear to god I can't use reddit because I don't understand the layout AT ALL. It randomly searches either in the subreddit or in all of them or it just searches for names of subreddits. Then on some you can upload pictures and videos but no links, some just links, you can't post without putting a topic, I'm just SO CONFUSED by it. Especially on a phone.
Yotsuba vs. Reddit is like Counter-Strike vs. Fortnite.

100% this.

This place also turned into the cesspool where every other website comes to take a dump. I used to think discord cunts were DMCfags being paranoid but now i know for a fact it's true. It's impossible to have a legitimate discussion about video games in this place between the faggots who don't play them and the autists with an agenda. Anonymity no longer works for this place, it's no longer there to serve freedom of speech, it's there for social engineering.

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If I knew I wouldn't be here. I think we should aim to just stop wasting our time here and places like here and find a good group of friends. Find something else to do and only tune into Yea Forums occasionally.

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all of this but apply it to twitter. hell, all of those normies are like this. how do they do it? I'm utterly confused by the layouts and asinine UI and how people seem to use them with no problem.

Public game discussion is dead. Your only hope is finding some friends who enjoy discussing vidya and can handle other opinions but good luck with that

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/vg/ during a new game release is great but thats about it
gens die out fast and the ones about online games always end up infested with attention seeking retards

>Reddit is like Yea Forums, a site
>subreddits are like individual boards
>you can make posts in subreddits, opening them up with links, images or text posts
>the actual discussion is held within the comments to those posts
It’s more similar than you’d think.

Funnyjunk comment section

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Unironically neogaf since resetera took all the worst people with them.

I feel like discord is eating this site's lunch or something. It combines the worst aspects of Yea Forums and a chatroom and smeared with relentless underage idiocy. At least the silver lining of discord is that the majority of tripfags migrated there.

99% of Yea Forums is absolute dogshit but it's always that 1% I can't get anywhere else that keeps me.

just use infinitychan user

Would it make you feel better knowing I make this place actively worse to keep advertisers away to get Hiro out?

Is only here for /m/ since it’s still good relatively. Best advice is just drop imageboards and any other kind of online forum. It isn’t good for your mental health. Just look at this place, Reddit and those discord channels.

I've went back to Gamefaqs and it's been really enjoyable talking with people who still enjoy games. I only come here now for the shit-posting, porn and memes. This place is dead.

vg of course

that's where all the threads went that talked about games too much

>can't say nigger
I don't even hate black people I just need an offensive word I can post to get some of the hate out of my heart.

I once left for 7 months. But no one shares my interests except Yea Forums.

Reddit is a fucking cesspool of conformist, reference spouting, plebs. Pick any sub and wait a year and it'll have turned to shit.
Even the porn subs turn into gonewild shit bitches to seek attention.

/vg/ is discord light

>Reddit is a fucking cesspool of conformist, reference spouting, plebs

Sounds like a place i know

No user it doesn't. In a few minutes I'll go back to posting bait threads because I truly and unironically believe no poster today should be allowed to enjoy the board I spent my teenage years on.

I actively shin nerd shit and pretend to be above everything because I used to be bullied for it. I can never remove that defense mechanism so now I have no one with my interests.

The best thing to do is just ignore shitposting and only interact with threads that interest you. If there's nothing interesting on the board, just spend your time doing something else. Don't cast your (you)s before swine.

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delete this fucking post right now

If it's not new or very popular, they don't know much about it.

>porn subs turn to gonewild shitbitches
is there any escape from this, everytime I find a good one some 5.5/10 roastlord pops up with myspace angles and timestamps and the plebs circlejerk her until the whole sub is derailed

Yeah it fucking sucks doesn't it.

please explain. I've noticed people don't even mention neofag anymore, what happened?

I do this and sometimes you literally only find a handful of topics to click into, the board is 90% shit, not even funny or interesting shit, just shit.


go back

They shutdown after the owner was revealed as a pedophile. The largest personalities basically took everyone who agreed with their ideas to Resetera amd then banned anyone who wasn't like them. Resetera was always about becoming what it is now.

There's topics that have resident autists ready to derail any and all threads. Refer to discord

what? why? there is some vidya discussions at least

You're a shit eating normie too, get your head out of your own ass, pleb.


Tell us why you stand out from the crowd user, I could use a laugh.

There are a few imageboards out there with laidback admins, but they have a small userbase. It takes weeks to even months for your threads to get posts.

Literally can't find anywhere else, I've tried discord but something about discord made me can't stand interacting with the people in there.

And they were supposed to stay here and keep order, not run off like fags and let it all go to shit. People are supposed to be afraid of posting on Yea Forums for fear of being relentlessly mocked, not seak it out.

Neogaf is awful for video game discussion. It's mostly generic western shilling and it moves very slowly. But at least they got rid of the crazies so maybe someday it will get better.

go /vg/ you have to tread over the cliques and stuff but they do talk games more

Waypoint forums.

I, too, am seriously considering to go back in gamefaqs. Relieve some of my teenage years where I was actually talking about gaming and not dubs and trips, discord trannies, smashposting that takes half the space and general shitposting.
I'll probably keep Gamefaqs for actual gaming discussion and Yea Forums casual "lulzposting".

I need a list of filters anons plz

Isn't this just inverse /pol/?

I've got some IRL friends to talk vidya with but one of them thinks overwatch is one of the most skill based game out there, now i like the game and yes it requires skill but that was a bit exaggerated

Worst post I’ve ever seen

It's pretty good as long as you stay off of the main boards like the PS4 board, you can see the people who post here and there because they either post the same topics on both places, try to green text or talk the same shit on both sites.

This guy posted this on Gfaq and this board at the same time thinking he was the only one on both, pretty fucking pathetic.

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you're part of the problem you conforming faggot

Tell them to try TF2.

Why? Disprove a single thing in this post.

the fact that you can google half the posts here and find their exact duplicates on other sites tells you how far Yea Forums went to shit

time to do some introspection then

I literally cannot find anywhere
Discord is barely a place for discussion 95% of the time
reddit just feels off to use and the user base is comprised of sheltered faggots
likewise for many other forums
I really don't know where to go

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So how'd Slam Dunk end? Anime just kinda ended weirdly

I actively hate this place and try to make it worse. Just by virtue of existing on the internet you have all ruined this place. Yea Forums was only good when had a few thousand active posters.

My problem with dicord is that no one picks up the prompts for discussion I put up and then I'm ignored.

>disprove an opinion on preferring social media with name attachment which is the antithesis of Yea Forums
New worst post

It's the same problem with this board, if it isn't memes or bait then no one will discuss anything.

You honestly lose nothing by leaving and finding a better place to post and enjoy it.

Then just fuck off to a smaller chan

Sounds like the shit you want to talk about isn't interesting.

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Blame /pol/.

But he did and he liked, he's just too attacthed to blizzard(Guy was playing wow before back in high-school though on private servers). Overwatch is my second Blizzard game, the first one i had was warcraft 1 and that was a very different company if /i understand correctly.

"Hey guys, what did you think of this story or fight or whatever in a game?" 1 - 2 posts


"Shitty anime character is cute!" 500 posts

Yeah, it's completely his fault.

This has been my home for 13 years. I have been here longer than nearly everyone who still posts. You were all supposed to act like we did to fit in with us. You instead ignored all of our culture and made it into your own thing. Fuck you I, and what few people are even left, was here first.

say what now

>Hey is Kenshi good, and anyone tell me how the gameplay is? Is it like a charecter action game, or is it like an old iso game.


>Whatever memes Kenshi uses

See what gets more views. And fuck off about spacing I'm illustrating a point.

this board goes so fast that the only posts that get any attention are posts designed to get inflammatory responses

>"my seakrit klub"

Have sex incel. If you want a smaller userbase, go to a smaller chan.

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But that's what the post said though. The post merely stated that all this anonymity, while it has some goods, it ultimately has many bads as well. Always in the context of making a proper discussion.

How can you genuinely discuss with someone who has no identity and can post whatever the hell he wants minute after minute? With someone who can shill his own posts and then shitpost others if he does it right? Jump from one side to the other to stir some shit? Just face it, popularity killed the bonus that anonymity offered in Yea Forums. There is a huge influx of newcomer not lie faggots and, thanks to anonymity, this place has become the internet's dumping ground and shitposting general.

the internet should have never been made easier to use for retards

yes, i know, that's why is aid you're part of the problem

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Based fellow boomer

I think the best thing Yea Forums can do now is follow the infinitychan model of allowing users to create their own boards. Yea Forums has too many people like said

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The board needs to allow more threads before getting archived. It would allow actual discussion threads to live for more then an hour before they're pushed off by another Xenoblade waifu thread.

You're complaining about natural human dynamics. No one has the time to respect your "culture", no incentive or rule forcing them to. The way to solve that is block new registrations, or keep a log of how long someone has been on the website.

Well if you didnt say so much dislikable shit

However tho I feel you, we all go through it here. Some days you shitpost all good, sometimes some asshole fucks it up for you, maybe you take some time off, forget about it, then you come back to shitpost rampantly and the cycle repeats. There is no perfect balance, we come back to this place becus it's the only place where you can talk mad shit about stuff without consequences. AND have people respond to you at that, sometimes even surprising ones. It's a practice of karma, discipline, and just in general life.

Shut the fuck up and cry moar, newfag.

They won semi in the last second but Sakuragi got seriously injured saving the ball from out of bounds and they got mopped in the final.

Go back to the trash you spawned from you faggot shill

Doesn't another major board like Yea Forums allow more time for a thread to stay afloat before it gets 404'd?
Why can't Yea Forums follow this model?

I think you're missing my point. We had a system, we had order. We shunned retarded people and ostracized them for acting different. People didn't actively seek out being called retarded. So many people came in at once our way of doing things was overwhelmed. In 2012, people were saying all discussion was dead, but they had no fucking idea how bad it would be in the next hear, and the year after. In 2015 people thought Yea Forums had reached a low and let me tell you it has nothing on today. No discussion, no enforcement of rules except whenever something board illegal is posted because who ficking cares if pol or bait threads get posted its more ad revenue for Hiro. I remember when moot couldn't afford this place amd there was some serious discussion that we were going to be shut down. I fucking wish.

Was just about to post this. Holy shit. It's obvious that guy is a newfag.

There are no "actual discussion threads"

>try to start a discussion in 2009
>have to actively know all the buzzwords, exact phrasing and code language to even get a conversation going
>fail at any point and get saged
>have to post at 4am just to get intelligent replies anyways
I'm actually glad you "eternal newfag" types got btfo. Go find another site, your dumb secret club is dead and good riddance

Far from the final.

>people direct link to reddit/kotaku/polygon without the entire thread calling them faggots
>twitter screencaps of litteral whos
>rampant falseflagging
>rampant shilling
The moderation let this site turn to shit.

Hiro doesnt give a fuck about revenue retard also 4chinz is always shit

It's funny. Channels that ban plebs are hard to find because they're small, while Channels that don't are easy to find, but horrible to be in. I guess it could be solved with a channel browser, if such a thing existed.

The entire point of all that bullshit was to keep you faggots contained to Escapist, Newgrounds was dead at that point, but Gaf and Gamefaqs. No one wanted you here. The entire point was you either lurked and learned or fucked off.

You were a retard then and you're a retard now. Literally advocating for a hugbox, you're priorities are not in line with OP and the majority of the people that expressed their opinion on this subject.

go to cripple chan

>rampant falseflagging
>rampant shilling
I'm sorry user, but that's the price you have to pay for anonymity.
You can fuck off to another site if you don't like this one you know.

i wish there was more talk about games that arent well known so I could discover new stuff

no u

>1. Spend time to find 2-3 rare games
>2. Start "games only you played thread"
>3. Post your 2-3 games with pics and small description
>4. ???
>5. Profit

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Unironically discord
Discord could be utter garbage, full of attention seeking zoomers, annoying weebshits, literal trannies and all other kinds of scum, but if you manage to find a good group with chill people sharing your interest, it makes all kinds of forums virtually pointless

>wanting people to not be intentionally retarded and posting bait replies/threads all for the sweet (You)s instead of actually wanting to discuss things is equivalent to wanting a hugbox
ok retard

read it, it's fucking glorious

I'm advocating for you all to fuck off so a game can be discussed every now and again without you all desperate for someone to pay attention to you since you all have the social skills of someone with autism.

For me it's facebook shitposting groups

Well post a discord then.

Not this user, but what I'm assuming he's talking about is that your "system" turned this site into a parroting hivemind of general stagnation.

my point is that this site and Yea Forums especially have always been shitholes, the main difference between today and yesterday is that we had far fewer users back then and no phoneposting. The only solution is not a secret culture but rather to allow more threads like Yea Forums or creating subboards like cripplechan

That's not what you said you dumb faggot. You literally said that you don't want people here that think differently than you. You want to have a "discussion" where everyone agrees with you


I would take stagnation and death of the site over it being the Frankenstein it is today.

What you should take is reading classes

Visit any action game thread and see the results of "a good group with chill people sharing your interest". What you're describing is not a forum

This is the only place where you can speak freely about video games, well and the other Yea Forums chans

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One, you're speaking to two people. I'm the persom you originally spoke with. Two, that isn't what I want. I want most people to stop qcting like rabid retards trying to paint shit on the walls, and people to stop trying to indoctrinate retards on Yea Forums. I just want there to be game discussions that are longer than 10 posts because a retarded meme or some article designed to piss people off for clicks is posted, likely by the author themselves, got posted and everyone wants to froth at that, rather than discuss a fucking game on the fucking video game board you actual fucking autistic faggot.

Don't reading classes teach you to use periods?

>but rather to allow more threads like Yea Forums or creating subboards like cripplechan

Fuck, is it so difficult to increase the thread capacity in Yea Forums like in Yea Forums? Shit, I know that from all the boards, Yea Forums is the most favourite "child" of this site but Yea Forums is one of the majors as well and deserves the same kind of attention.
Try for example to post Pepes in Yea Forums. Jannies and users alike will skin you alive and cut you to shreds. While here it's the complete opposite.
Why is that?

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Because Yea Forums has been abandoned as a containment board.

>Jannies and users alike will skin you alive and cut you to shreds
Chill out you dumb incel. One guy calling you a memer isn't "ripping you to shreds". Get over yourself, cringey cuck.

No it's not. If you want to discuss anything outside of the few weebshit, Nintendo or indietrash games Yea Forums loves to felate, your thread quickly turns into a shitshow and you are being called a shill

>how could you possibly talk to someone, minute-by-minute, if they don’t have an avatar or previous posts to research before engaging?

>modern Yea Forums wants censorship

>on Yea Forums
>in a one sentence post

You tried. It wasn't very impressive but you you tried.............

All of the terminology you have used in your post should be a rangeban.

Yea Forums is trash tho

This. It's not that fucking hard, faggot.

>people direct link to reddit/kotaku/polygon without the entire thread calling them faggots
>twitter screencaps of litteral whos
fucking this

Into the trash with (You)

You not lurking before posting should be a rangeban

On an anonymous imageboard where you have no personality, no avatar, no identification, only your ideas to represent you, and you all choose to smear shit on the wall. This site is a failed experiment.

So no periods necessary, but your syntax better be Hemingway-tier, huh?
I'm afraid your whore of a mother must have forgotten to shit the other half of your brain, friend.

>rampant shilling
>rampant falseflagging
Shut the fuck UP. You ain't worth a hill of beans.

It literally is not. "Discussion" here means adhering to whatever is already established or you get labeled as a bogyman. There's is n room for critical and independent thought as the user base employs it's own censorship and values underhanded faggotry over reason so that thing you are supposed to adhere to was set in stone by the loudest retard in the room.

>deliberately opting to put aside all previous context and pretending to be an idiot
Like a bitch.

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>Yea Forums is one person
Just because the site doesn't exceed your expectations doesn't mean everyone else hates it. Maybe if you didn't learn about us from plebbit or 9fag, you wouldn't think the way you do now. Go back.

And that's why I love it, no mods locking down threads due to toxicity™ no forcing of anything. Literally all you have to do is hide the shitpost and keep talking about how shit the last of us is and how snoy is a hypocrite faggots when it comes to their selective censorship.

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Like i said, get some fucking reading classes, Jesus Christ. This board has the worst reading comprehension i have ever come across on the internet

Just ignore him. He's reeks of tranny tourist/troll. New-guard as fuck.

Sounds perfect

it's a classic over here

and that makes you a pig wallowing in his own shit

Liberating, I know.

>Just because the site doesn't exceed your expectations doesn't mean everyone else hates it.
Who even talked about "exceeding" lol
We're in fucking Yea Forums come on.

We're merely on the stage of managing to have a proper genuine conversation about something in an anonymous site where everyone can falseflag, still or shitpost to his heart's content and with usually no repercussions.

Let's not talk about something better than that and be realistic here. Let's begin with the basics first.

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lmao why are you there then

>Just because the site doesn't exceed your expectations
Let me stop you right there. Exceed my expectations? My baseline of expectations is from more than a decade of posting on this fucking board. My baseline is talk about a fucking video game, either its mechanics, story, gameplay, bugs, patches, hell I'll even throw memes in because you fucking children love so much becuase you're all to socially crippled to tell jokes or have banter anymore. Yea Forums will never be able to exceed my expectations because it hasn't even hit a baseline for discussion in minimum 4 years. But I am the truly retarded person because I come here everyday hoping like its fucking Good Will Hunting that maybe something will change and Yea Forums will talk about games.

if you're new to it, sure

For some unfiltered opinions.

Why are you here?

>Let's begin with the basics first
Alright. Basically you're fucking stupid.
Just download the free video...

i feel your pain user, truly i do

Not OP but I can't access infinity because the site has been blocked in my country for pedo content

same, but boredom too

use another vpn

Fuck this thread. Nothing but bitching.
I'm gonna go play video games.

There's plenty of other boring places for people to go and have these big brained conversations about video games, Yea Forums is a wild west and it's why it's still so good, why people keep coming back for more while complaining that Yea Forums has always been shit. Yea Forums is where the good shit happens.

THERE are no games any more so what the fuck are we supposed to talk about any more??? 100k people used to talk about new games here now its shitpost town.

>and Yea Forums will talk about games
I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. But don't tell anyone else okay? Not until they're ready.
You're a part of Yea Forums too.
That's right! So what does this mean? It means when YOU talk about video games, Yea Forums talks about video games, and when you shitpost and bitch about nothing, Yea Forums shitposts and bitches about nothing. YOU want to have discussion? It's up to YOU to find it or make it. Don't expect everyone else to cater to your out-of-nowhere whims. Adapt or die.
Supposedly a decade of lurking and it still isn't enough for some people.

What really gets me is that for a board that hates Twitter and Reddit fucking post shit from there all the goddamn time and sometimes OPs gets away with it scott-free because It's used as an excuse for the shitposters to come out. When will this place be honest with itself and admit that It's no better than Reddit.

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I cam here to wind down after not being ablt to beat the last boss in Trails FC and now I'm pissed off and exhausted. It's 10am. I meant to go to bed 8 hours ago.

>literally admiting to bitching
git gud

can you name this alleged video games you're allegedly playing?

Yea Forums opted out of OC years ago. It's always been shit, but at least it was OG shit. Now you get baited, 320 replies, 120 images, most of them pristine pepes with 15xx filenames.
Guess what? It's shit. A cesspool.

>just be urself :)

>not playing while browsing Yea Forums
Small time

You sound like a 3rd world false-flagger. You don't have to talk about new games, you can talk about old ones too. Or talk about new ones. There's probably a RAGE 2 thread up now, if not, you can always make one.

not even him but you're an absolute faggot for pulling this fallacy

Never gonna make it

Yea Forums is the site where redditors go to bitch about theirs, basically

And we're back where we started. My point is that Yea Forums doesn't give a shit what thread you make unless its a meme or something they can rage over. Adapt or die fails when adaption requires you to not even discuss the thing the board was made for.

I was really confused at first, but when I actually sat down to actually use it (don't know why I did, I just thought I'd see what the hubbub was about), I found it wasn't hard to understand.

To me, it's like weakchan, except not total trash.

Not only did you miss the entire point of that dudes original post, you are proving him right lol.


Lol, you just reenacted my post.
I'll do the same for yours
Go back to reshitera if you want gay shit, faggot.


The sad thing user is that you probanly agree with me on some level about the points I've made in this thread its just more fun for you to argue about this.

>have to convince myself that you agree with me in my head

/vr/, it's actually jarring reading posts with thought put into them

I have no clue who you even are. Such a sad world you live in, to think I care about you.
inb4 "if u don't care y u reply checkmate atheist"

>implying implications, mainly the abundance of OC trap Link when BoTW came out
Time for your chocolate milk user.

Well said, user. Knock 'em down.

I kinda do honestly. I really don't want to believe anyone this retarded is walking the streets.
I don't care about you or you me. We are our ideas.

At this very moment, right fucking now, there is a thread with 165 replies in the top page that says with capitals "WAAH I WANT MY BOOBIES GIVE ME MY BOOBIES". An obvious bait thread. And then you are wondering why so many users are fed up with this current shit and call out the site.
The thread I mentioned will reach over 250 replies and the mods will do absolutely NOTHING about it. There's your Video Games. There's your discussion. There's your "survive and adapt" supposed shit.

Attached: 604204644.jpg (538x416, 104K)

You could try actually playing videogames instead.

Just report it then? I report threads like that and get them deleted. You're too tough on the janitors here, user. They are some of the hardest workers on the planet, keeping this place neat and tidy, and they don't even get paid a dime! But they can't do it alone. They need your help. So be sure to report off-topic threads so your friendly janitor can clean it up. And when he does, remember to say "Thank you based Janny!".

194 now.

Do you even give a shit about Yea Forums outside of shitposting?


This board becomes a cesspool at night, they should really hire some yurops jannies

>well said

>Appeal to accomplishment – an assertion is deemed true or false based on the accomplishments of the proposer. This may often also have elements of appeal to emotion (see below).
>Appeal to consequences (argumentum ad consequentiam) – the conclusion is supported by a premise that asserts positive or negative consequences from some course of action in an attempt to distract from the initial discussion.

That Wikipedia article is the bible of Yea Forums "discussion"

Attached: disgust.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

What if OP could ban posters from his thread?
But he can only make one thread at a time.

Attached: idea guy.jpg (770x529, 49K)

Do you like how things are on Yea Forums?

I wonder who could be behind this post

You're probably being ironic but that's ok. Do your thing.
I was banned for merely posting a censored image of a topless woman for 3 days. But these faggots can make baiting threads in the dozens and nothing happens to them.

Almost there.

One is bad for advertisers and one makes money.

The influx of Guardian-type threads is weird but I still have discussion about video games with my Yea Forumsroes
Could be better could be worse

Hello user. Your taste sounds solid. I'd like to invite you to my personal discord server. We get some comfy game discourse going and as a fellow Sudabro and Metal Gear fan I'm sure we have plenty to talk about. Drop a username and I'll add you. My username has digits that start with #47** so you'll know it's me.

Attached: 1556276709078m.jpg (1024x768, 76K)


Imagine being so insular in thought that you dismiss something just because everyone else told you this is how you're supposed to think.
Until my plans for Eggchannel come to fruition I shall make use of whatever tools I have at my disposal.

Attached: 1554963355666.png (849x469, 372K)

What's Eggchannel?

It's what this website will become once Dr. Eggman takes over.
Current plans:
>All threads must be game related
>No cunnyposting
>No hedgehogs
Only those loyal to Eggman will be granted amnesty during the great Egg war.

based and blackpilled

lmao I chuckled, thanks Dr. Eggman

i thought shoryuken was dead. i always enjoyed the "shit scrubs say" threads

Are you still in high school?

absolutely true, everyone disagreeing with this is either underageb& or has behaviour issues so shit no one wants to put up with them

I like video games

Attached: ohnonono.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

buzz off slander-poster


how does it feel be underage? grow up you manchild,videogames are for kids.

absolutely false, everyone agreeing with this is either underageb& or has behaviour issues so shit no one wants to put up with them