You owe it to yourself to play LISA the painful. If you love rpgs and haven't played this then what are you even doing with your life?
It only costs $10 on steam and goes on sale frequently so pick it up you broke faggot
I like RPG maker. What is this about, really? Are there any battles? All i've seen and heard is that it's a platformer with some fucked up story
That's not how you make a thread about playing games. You're supposed to tell them that they can pirate it otherwise they won't bother. I picked it up for two euros or something, it was great.
It's a good game, but you need to learn how to make threads without coming off like a shill.
obvious shill is obvious
Yes there are battles, Also here's a tiny basic rundown on the plot
>All the women on earth are dead due to some supernatural apocalypse.
>The main character, Brad. Finds a baby laying in the dirt near his mud house, Turns out to be a female.
>Time passes. Kidnapping occurs. Hilarity/depression ensues.
>LISA thread in 2019
How long until the political shit-flinging starts?
>the world has gone to shit
>find baby girl
>raise girl
>everyone wants to fuck the only available girl
Ok, well, I'll give it a shot. Everyone seems to think it's a great game. I'll just wait until it goes on sale for 5€ or something. All i play these days is Age of empires 2, Age of wonders 2, FTL, Need for speed underground 1 and 2 and other old-ass games like that. I love RPG maker games and old final fantasy though!
What do you guys play these days
I keep reading this but everything about it looks like shit. From the trailer it looks like a terribly written ROM hack
Redpill me on this game
Is it "Undertale for adults"?
>looks like Lisa Trevor
>called LISA
Redpill me on yourself
Are you a redditnigger?
>playing games made by schizo scandicucks
Personally, I thought the game was really disappointing. It's yet another game that tries to be like a children's RPG, but with a more edgy story about drugs in a post-apocalypse. Honestly, I can't stand games like this.
>It's yet another game that tries to be like a children's RPG
It doesn't tho?
>It's yet another game that tries to be like a children's RPG
It definitely doesn't mate.
The game has a really weird tone. It has a serious and very depressing plot while at the same time being filled with really zany gags. It’s kinda similiar to Undertale but both the serious and the comedic aspects are pushed to the extreme, which in my opinion made the experience very jarring. I’d still recommend it though.
>westacuck MOTHER ripoffs
>underage retards keep comparing the game to Undertale when it's more similar to Earthbound in terms of atmosphere
Isn't UT literally inspired from EarthBoudn?
>one MOTHER ripoff is similar to another
you don’t say...
>It's yet another game that tries to be like a children's RPG
What makes you say that, explain yourself.
Yeah but Undertale is more cheerful and quirky
RPGMaker is for porn
It's not a platformer it's just an RPG from a 2D sidescrolling perspective.
Pretty much.
Play LISA the Pointless, it's free.
>Launch game
>It crashes
>Look up what's wrong
>"Yeah it always crashes ever since a Windows update a year ago or so"
>Dev never fixes it
0/10 game
The creator is a socialist weirdo, there you go.