name a game with more SOUL
Name a game with more SOUL
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Shogi > Mahjunk
Isn't that in Korea?
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne on PS1
yeah but chess > shitgi fucking promotions suck
Too bad the soul is lost when you need a peerless tile to actually finish the substories & tournaments.
The substory where you have to win 1st place in Riichi Mahjong starting at 1000 points is a test of your skills in playing the game. Shit happens, obviously and luck plays a factor, but to get far you have to utilize your luck through skill.
t. Guy who beat the substory without the cheating item.
Mahjong isn't video games according to mods. Please take this to /jp/.
excuse me sir but OP is CLEARLY talking about the yakuza also known as the ryo ga gotku franchise
I managed to do it after a few tries, you just gotta deal out 2k hands to get on the dealers seat, then go for mangan hands
The original version of the game
Kiwami 2 is the definition of soulless remake
That's Kiwami 1 though
>tfw in 6 you find out haruka lost her virginity and was impregnated by a random literally who Yakuza mutt
I can't deal with this. Is this how a father feels when he sees his daughter on blacked or his son on the cover of "poor little white guy"?
Seriously what the fuck where they thinking with this shameful bullshit.
Why did they remove so many tracks tho? Make a lot of cutscenes less kino
For example the Grand scene:
Watch it and compare it to the new one in Kiwami 2.
Literally any game ever lol
Demons Souls
Dark Souls
Both have a lot more souls.
Are there any good mahjong games with hard bots?
KYS Brainlet
Yakuza threads are shit now, everyone keeps pointing out flaws or saying what they personally dislike about the games. It has killed all discussion.
I'm going to tell you a secret.
This isn't a Yakuza thread.
The original
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Good, because I get really, really angry when I see Yakuza criticisms
K2's graphics are insane though and they're still soulful
Nope, no soul.
Also they removed Shinseicho and Club Adam.
There's MORE soul
why is it so green though? yeah I know there's a mod to fix it but I'm wondering why the devs thought it was a good idea
not him but when I tried it normally I got a haneman and some cheap shit but the game cut me off after the round ended
I guess you could just reload until you luck into a daisangen though
Speak for yourself shitter, that substory ate more of my time than I want to admit in hindsight but when I lucked out AND everything went just according to keikaku I was on top of the Mahjong world man.
I'm so glad they included a fov slider, the last few games this year like AC7 or DMC5 drives me mad with their ultra narrow fov you have to fix with hacks
Nice cherrypicking faggot, K2 has way more people on average on the streets than any of the older titles.
Nice lying faggot, you obviously haven't played the originals.
Good because my favorite part of yakuza is that there isn't enough combat, I love it but there's so little of it at a time
kinda fucked with me in K2 when there was a late cutscene where Kiryu collapses from exhaustion
but he only had 3 quick fights before that, not the kind of marathon battle that was implied by that and other people's reactions
Fuck off and take your bait with you. Yakuza 2 can't even process as many models as Kiwami 2.
All the people in the distance of your picture are just place holder sprites till you get closer, they vanish and are replaced by random models popping in, holy shit all that soul.
On the otherhand traffic in Kiwami 2 is completely in realtime and even the biggest junctions in Kamachuro can be so crowded you start a riot just by pushing through.
bouncer missions are there and there's a lot of them
They are kinda inconsistent with that in the whole series, aside from Bosses and maybe big fucking brawls where he stops an army alone, which usually happens atleast once, Kiryu should never be exhausted.
Fucking asshole ruined the whole game
yakuza combat sucked until this game
He is really just Mr. Shakedown, which is lazy I agree but piss easy, you did the climax battles in 0 did you?
All women are whores. Daughters are no exeption
Kiwami is the first Yakuza game I have touched.
I just started 5 after playing them all in release order no kiwamis. The combat is so good. Even the animations are really nice. Feels like this is the first game where everything is perfect.
give 0 a shot next, it's a lot more polished despite being made earlier
That's why they go to the gym and do shit like this:
Just let him charge you or whiff his spin, do a short square triangle combo and back off, rince and repeat. Use heat actions whenever you can.
Your dumb
Soul Reaver
>just got to the rainy scene
>based modders replaced Crazy Ken Band
>based modders removed the stupid sound effect
Thank you for putting the soul back into this scene. After watching original scene for the remake and how it is now, it's a million times better.
>ps3 era gameplay in 2019
I dont give a FUCK how good the story is, if they cant even be bothered to update gameplay to modern standards they can fuck right off with their low effort recycled TRASH.
they updated it now it runs on goofy ragdoll engine (tm)
ok enough of this creatively bankrupt board im joining resetera
Gotta agree.
Absolutley fucking based