This is indisputably and without a doubt the greatest video game ever made. If one day visitors from another planet arrived and asked me to demonstrate the pinnacle of video gaming as a concept and an artform, I would show them this game.
This is indisputably and without a doubt the greatest video game ever made...
Imagine people showing them Tertris, Pacman or Mario
it's a good game but definitely nowhere near perfect.
It's the best video game ever made and it's flawless, get some taste
We get a thread in this everyday just like DMC. It's not a perfect game faggot probably one of the best PS4 games but nowhere near GOAT
you must have not played a lot of video games then. either that or you're falseflagging as a bloodborne fan in order to make Yea Forumsirgins hate the game.
>performs visceral
>dodges through grab
>tries to dodge boss
>Hmm, I want to ge a good PVP build
Yeah no., it's shit
It's more linear than DS3. Imagine that. Literally More fucking linear than the game of "every 7 areas, you can go to a side area!"
But everyone on Yea Forums loves this game and it's generally agreed to be the best game of this generation, for many it's the best game ever made and it's easy to see why
PC when?
You can play it on PS Now
>equip saw
>mash r1
amazing game
>no DLC, the best part of the game
>input lag
>press buttons
wtf i hate video games now!
good job missing my point
Most ps4 owners didn't give a fuck
Okay, so what's the GOAT then? Faggots.
Witcher 3, what do I win?
not that great, but still a good game. 8/10
Disagree, what makes it better than other dark souls games or demon souls or sekiro? Sekiro was fucking rad but hard as fuck. They are good games and one of them is definetely top of 10's.
My dick.
>not L1
Hello, falseflagger.
Have sex
R1 spam is actually stronger with beast blood bellets though. The only thing L1 is really better at is staggering.
why does that matter
*blocks your path*
witches of hemwick
chalice dungeons
celestial emissary
quality drop after amelia
lack of weapons before dlc
mediocre multiplayer
blood vial farming
the one reborn
just some of the many flaws bloodborne has
game was an 8/10 at best before the dlc
>if one day visitors from another planet arrived and asked me to demonstrate the pinnacle of human creation, I would show them this game
Probably a free reddit gold membership if you shared your opinion over there
good job not having one
You're funny user
The one both you and I like
i liked this game but not even fucking close
i can't think of any game i would consider perfect. it's still a pretty infantile art form compared to film/music/fine arts. films for example pretty much sucked until the '60s with some exceptions so that's roughly 80 years. therefore within the next couple of years we should be seeing actual good games come out
there wasn't a total quality drop after amelia, cainhurst was fucking great. but nothing pre DLC can compare to central yharnam, it's an absolutely amazing area
>if one day visitors from another planet arrived and asked me to demonstrate the best thing that has ever existed in the universe and all the multiverse, in all of the countless parallel dimensions and timelines, in the past and the infinite future, I would show them this game
Central Yharnam and Cathedral Ward are intricate and very interconnected areas with a lot of hidden places but after Amelia we get this:
>Forbidden Woods' boss is late game reused enemy
>that scrapped horse Boss
>Byrgenwerth is only one nearly empty building
>Further you get into the game, the more isolated from each other areas with no shortcuts except within themselves
>Nightmaer Frontier's only point is to get the chalice in it
>Upper Cathedral Ward is 4 rooms and two hallways that connect 2 boss fights
>Astral Clocktower feels like it should have been a part of Upper Cathedral Ward
I also feel like bos progression logic after Amelia and event progression after Rom because I was wondering what the hell and why the hel lwas my character actually doing anything anymore, I just explored to look what to kill next instead of pushing towards a certain location or boss.
Progression really feels strange after that point because at the start of the game you get pointed towards Cathedral Ward and push towards it all the way to Amelia. Once you kill her, you are pointed to Byrgenwert and after that game completely lets you loose and I felt Hunter didn't really have a certain aim anymore. It would have made sense to explore secrets of Research Hall in the Clocktower in upper Cathedral Ward as well as secrets hidden in Mensis (2 different approaches to researching Great Ones)
After amelia bosses are also pretty lame (as mentioned: reused enemy,, the snooze reborn, micoslash who is only memorable because he's annoying, wet nurse) except two final bosses who are memorable because the fights are kino.
Thinking about it does Hunter have any real reason to reject Gherman's offer at the end? He ended the hunt and why would he have any reason to reject waking up?
It's one of my favorite games of all time, and defintely a contender for top 10. But like others have said, it is flawed. A lot of the cut content, and the slog that's the chalise dungeons really hurts it. Also, the designs for the Aliens leaves a lot to be desired. If the DLC had been integrated into the core story better, I would have raised it up some. The Fishing Village is SUCH a good level, and such a good LOVECRAFT level, I can't believe it was left out of the core game. It's OOZING with aesthetic.
Linear =/ bad.
Nobody cares about your meme game
>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere
>can't dual wield guns
This has always been a dumb complaint, but that aside, I'd love a Dark Western game by FromSoft. Think Dark Tower series meets Trigun meets Bloodborne. With most of the weapons being various guns. Would be amazing.
it's pasta, not a real complaint
reiterpallasch and eveyln exists
also, you're responding to bait pasta
Can somebody explain the shilling for this video game? I reckon the game is great as well but come on now, what is with the daily "best game in existence" threads?
Is it just a sony fagboy thing?
it's really good game, but yeah, the threads can be obnoxious
>fps drops to single digits
>color correction induces vomit
>plays on 1080 with slowdowns
>walks trough corridor
Breath of the Wild is the better game.
>These earth niggers really play games at 15 fps?
I have this game platinumed but I’m LMAOing at the state of delusional bloodborne fags
Why do we always have one Bloodborne shill thread a day.
Yeah, my point wasn't that. I just wanted to derail a bait thread into a discussion about a Dark Tower-like game by From.
Because it's the best game to come out in the past twenty years.
I dont want to user
because snoys need a way to justify their censor machine (family friendly children's toy)
>third world monkey thinks $150 for a base PS4 is expensive
[email protected]
kek, figures, don't you have a faggot pride parade to attend?
Where the hell did you find PS4 for half its normal price?
>alien comes from another planet
>show them a game where you kill aliens
good job dooming the earth
>If one day visitors from another planet arrived and asked me to demonstrate the pinnacle of video gaming as a concept and an artform, I would show them this game.
Why wouldn't you just show them Tetris? It's about simple geometry which is a universal concept.
showing them a third person action adventure game purely based arpund the context of human concepts and history would just confuse the shit out of them
man snoys are dumb and silly
Could you even make a more pleb thread
I like how the thread is mostly shitposting and anons trying to discuss the game are ignored.
imagine have such little substance or meaning in your life that you feel the the need to have a definitive best video game,song,movie or other media