Last game was 2014

>last game was 2014
>last game that was actually their own project was 2011

It hurts bros.

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I dunno why Nintendo doesn't just let them make a Starfox game yet. Haha but seriously, where's Mischief Makers 2?

They had a good run. Enjoy the good things user.

Sega should stop being bitches and let them make Shining Force 4

don't worry bros... the CEO said he'll never succumb to making mobile games... in 2016...

Ikaruga was ported to Switch last year I think.
They are doing something, I guess.

I played the wii Sin and Punishment recently. It was really fucking good holy shit, it's a travesty it's not on any other platform.

I just want to know when they're going to make the next Dark Souls.

The n64 one is even better, and even stupider.

It wouldn't be as good without the lightgun style setup on a traditional controller. KBM might be fine but having analogue movement is also quite useful, it's weird how well it made use of the wii controller.

Is that why Saki got cut as an AT in Smash? Because Treasure is dead?

Maybe :(

What's going on? Did Nintendo decide against acquiring Treasure?

Buy Ikaruga and then you'll save them.

Should I play Gunstar Saga or Gunstar Super Saga?

Eh, I prefer 2 due to the general game feel. And N64 controls don't lend themselves well to WiiU emulation.

Apparently they recently stated in an interview that the reason they have been quiey for so long is because they are bored and have no new ideas, apparently. Also they seem to have problems porting or remaking older 2D sprite games and say 3D ones are easier to do which is why they chose to do Ikaruga.

I'm hoping they try their hand at a new Dynamite Headdy or Gunstar Heroes some day.

What games were?

Go away undercover multiplat beggar. Get a wii, emulate or fuck off.

They are a binding company for IPs, they are dead OP, Google it.

>at a new actual finished Alien Soldier
They will never make a new game.

I miss Treasure so bad. They'll return right? Right?
I refuse to accept that they're actually dead.

They've been dead for years user. Everyone with talent moved on long ago.

that is camelot

But they'll return, right? Right!?
The big reunion.