Darkwood released today on ps4, let's have a comfy darkwood thread to celebrate that and post tips for newcomers
Darkwood released today on ps4, let's have a comfy darkwood thread to celebrate that and post tips for newcomers
Downloaded it on my switch today, need to wait a day till it unlocks. I'm excited about it.
I'm getting it on switch instead.
Already finished it on PC, one of the best indie games i've ever played.
>in each new safe house, drag all the lights in a single room and block the doors/windows, this works best for the first half of the game
>there's always an abandoned place near each new safe house that is full of resources, especially wood, make it a point to raid it as soon as you can and then store everything
>hoarde ammo, basically never use it early on
>make/find guns as soon as humanly possible
>it's ok to make stronger melee weapons if you can but don't obsess over it, the second half of the game is 100% all about guns, proximity will often mean a quick death
Don't trust your house for too long.
How does it plays? Similar to don't starve? Is it finishable or is one of those where you try to survive the longest until you die?
It's a slow paced top down survival horror game.
GTA meets Silent Hill with survival elements.
Moving, running, meleeing and shooting all take time and understanding when and how to do things propely is the difference between surviving an encounter and eating shit even against weak starting enemies.
Light/dark are super important, you want to go back to your safe house every night and try to survive, you only want to go around during the day.
No, it's not a "keep going until you're bored", it has a narrative, a main plot and a series of smaller side activities.
Survival is actual survival so you can progress the story, not just for the sake of survival.
Same for crafting, you craft shit you'll actually need to survive and beat the game.
Line of sight is extremely important.
Resources are scarce.
Scavenging and trading is essential.
Locations are randomized each playtrough only in their placement, not the type of location, the content and type of locations in the game is fixed and forms a coherent package.
>Devs successfully make game with no jump scares but is still scary
>Devs upload full copy of the game to pirate so everyone can experience a complete version
>Best indie horror game in years
I love this game and I'm glad console bros get a chance. It's horrifying yet beautiful.
>drag all the lights in a single room and block the doors/windows, this works best for the first half of the game
Drag the lights into your room or a room next to it? I'm assuming your room.
>tfw burger
Just a few more hours.
I might be too good for this game.
Wow, any tips?
loot everything.
Cool, guess I'll be a natural pro.
Well most of the basic of tips has been posted but one thing is too keep a couple of lockpicks with you at all times. Don't unlock all the crates that you see.
Also git gud at the melee combat, that is gonna save your skin at the beginning and is also gonna save you ammo late game.
>Hoard everything
>Only used melee when I had tons of shit before transitioning to the different zone where your storage items don't follow
>Also had a gazillion items by the end of the game that I didn't use
Looks shit. I'll wait until it's free on PS Plus.
definitely gonna grab it on switch later today
I pay for online. The games are free.
Why lockpicks? Save them for doors or something other than a crate?
Thanks for the free lesson in mental gymnastics based retard
Yep... some doors will require lockpicks to unlock. You will also find locked crates scattered throughout that will have some goodies but its better to not open all that you see since its just items that you can find all over the world.
Upgrading your inventory really help and its best to do it early. get the backpack one first.
When I played this on pc, I got the door knock and wedding invitation on first night. Now on ps4, 5thnight and no nightly visits at all. Ist the invitation supposed to come in first couple of nights?