Filename thread.
Filename thread
Other urls found in this thread:
no wonder they get so many earthquakes
dumb ching chongs
exactly what mechanism are you talking about here?
don't live in china
>how do earthquakes work?
Waste of good sips
no it aint, the lava is thirsty
>Not MalaysianAirlines.webm
He's fucking GONE nigga
>all those fireballs
utter kino
thats fuucking nuts, literally name one other country that has shit like this
W-what is happening here.
amazing how they all were fine and the second plane even landed
Fucking idiots.
>piece of shit lightweight 50CC motorbike
>tyres so small they are comparable to a bicycle
>sandals, no helmet
>goes slow instead of fast (to lessen the time the water can push him, and using the forward momentum to stay straight)
>barely even attempts to turn left when the water starts catching his bike
>doesn't jump off when it's clear that his plan isn't working
it's actually fucking incredible how much stuff is wrong there
>At least 700 tonnes of highly toxic sodium cyanide was stored at the site – 70 times the legal limit.
>Rain on 25 August 2015 in the Binhai New Area brought more complaints of skin burns from volunteers and journalists. A bright white foam also appeared on the streets. Deng Xiaowen, director of Tianjin's environmental monitoring centre, questionably stated that the foam was "a normal phenomenon when rain falls, and similar things have occurred before".
that's hot
how the fuck does that even work
how fucking drugged up do you need to be
Jesus fucking christ its like a Michael Bay movie
The mechanism of tempting fate with shitty building practices
I'm sure the townspeople below really appreciate the tons of flaming shards of steel raining down on them for the sake of some faggy stunt.
Despite being considerably technologically competent, Indians are very fucking stupid.
How you don't talk about the fact that he start going when a wave is clearly coming?
>Despite being considerably technologically competent, Indians
Something something hothead.
Sims 4: City Living anyone?
what the fuck
chinks never cease to entertain
Its like a small nuke went off, jesus christ
>no one gives a fuck
welcome to china, now die
>somebody call for an exterminator?
>heloo, this is Pajeet from scamsoft howcanweblblbyou
That's not China
As in "They know how to fix your shitty phone", not "they have technology that will help humanity evolve", clearly they can't help themselves to stop starving and swimming in literal shit.
Can you stop being retarded for a second?
>Press F to jump out
>he just fucking backs up
holy shit
>They know how to fix your shitty phone
They don't. At best they can kind of almost follow a simple script. If anything happens outside it. They crash.
did i just see little boy dick?
What happens here, do they actually get insurance out of these obvious ones?
What the fuck? What is that?
Imagine even noticing that. Seek help immediately.
post the one where the chinks actually help someone out for once but cartoon slapstick shenanigans ensue
no his name is wang
those mites are harmless to the bug and are just hitching a ride but it's loaded in too many to even move
Spiders? - insect being eaten alive by mites
>Light Up the Night starts playing
How in the fuck did he allow himself to get covered by so many?
what did that shockwave do to those people outside
Needs a name
This guy had a dashcam, but without evidence "he jumped into my car for money!" isn't that believable to a judge.
Full Renegade FemShep
Mental illness would be a good start.
dumb bitch.jpg
seriously lmao how stupid you gotta be to mutilate your face to the point of it looking like a carved watermelon?
> [E] Open parachute
Hot and Sexy
fucking lol
Well yeah it's at least 700°C
>Not "Mass Effect 3 endings"
She'll have sex at least 300 times more than you in her life, and it's obvious why when you're this hateful.
China is like a different reality, man
I've seen fucked up shit from India and whatever, mostly because they're poor, but China is like 10x worse on the crazy shit
It's like people there are broken
>a sex object will have sex
you dont say
seething trancel
300 x 0 = 0
How does that create earthquakes exactly ?
How about you fucking fuck off, we don't WANT to have sex.
>She'll have sex at least 300 times more than you in her life
she would had sex at least 3000 times more than me if she hasnt fucked up her face.
anyone else have the urge to throw salt at her face?
>there are Yea Forums users who don't browse Reddit at all
I don't even have an account
Why do we even allow the chinese outside of their own shit hole? They're fucking insects that don't give a fuck about the loss of each others lives, let alone anyone elses.
Filename threads may as well just be renamed to "chinese accident videos threads".
this is some looney tunes shit
Women getting laid is as impressive as losing a job.
Its fucking easy and not something you should be proud of
Ditto. I get accused of reddit spacing all the time, but that's just how I always type. I'm not opposed to reading through a thread if I'm looking for a solution to something, and it looks like a thread has it, but I never intend to wind up there.
Pretty sure hes wearing a face guard. So no burns on his face but maybe a broken nose.
did he died?
I'm asking seriously
>bit into a strawberry yesterday
>a few fucking mites like these crawled out
I'm not eating fruit ever again. Fuck bugs.
>It's like people there are broken
They've more or less been ravaged by war, famine, plague, inept leaders, literal cucking by Mongolians (and subsequent rule under them for hundreds of years), and both a figurative and literal raping at Nanking. As a result, they don't have much to live for, and they are equally as misandrist to themselves as they are to their families, friends, and complete strangers
Jesus Christ man, these are the people who are gonna run the world once whites commit demographic suicide? Sign me up for Mars colonization senpai, I don't wanna be stuck on Earth with those insects
I forgot to mention that pretty much all of that has happened for centuries, if not millenia
She'll have sex 300 times more than you = 0+300
She'll have 300 times as much sex as you = 0×300
Get your self deprecation jokes right
Actually got me lel
>when being a bugmen is in your genes
there's no hope for them then
probably nothing or just knocked some off their feet at this distance
It's the living in China that must do it. I've know plenty of Chinese immigrants, as in right off the boats immigrants, and they are all perfectly kind and decent people.
drinking is for pussies real mean breath in their monster via volcanic fumes
You couldn't even pay me to go to China, the entire country is a death trap
Oregon Trail
This needs to be in more games.
white people cant go extinct fast enough
a white hole
thats korea
Have sex you fucking grammarian
Most people act kindly to their superiors.
she fucks dogs 100 times i bet you know how white women are.
>first explosion
>"maybe I should..."
>second explosion
>"...just go..."
Sinkholes happen in the US too.
I mean, if that's not a sign you shouldn't go to work today, I don't know what is.
>all the idiots responding to the "have sex bait" for the nth time
This place just gets worse and worse
They actually can trap you there.
>Go to China
>Make buisness dealing
>Native says you ripped em off somehow
>Court sides with Native
>Order you to pay back the native through slave work
>Take away your passport and I.D until you do.
well it looks really bad but no one got hurt
It looks like those old cartoons where you knew which part of the scenery was actually going to be used in the action (had a more vivid colour due to being on another layer of cellulose or something)
Kill yourself
>Chinese security camera
I don't like where this is going.
they didn't fly so good
I, too, make shit up to make myself angry.
>5'10 incel fighting a 6' chad
That's from the movie where the guy was stuck in an airport for like 5 years, right?
>not seeing the town below
based blindfag
>alright boys, I want a clean insertion! We have 5 minutes to secure target point! Roll out!
>*call of duty music*
It's hard not to laugh at that. Did they die?
Oh fuck I know what that foam is it's pure pollution my river had it because a factory was illegally dumping in my hometown river
This is a whitey that isn't white. IF you were white you could tell. It is some Latin descended idiot trying to be more like niggers.
That smol dude is pure entertainment
They were both skydiving planes, everyone jumped and used parachutes. Pilot of the first plane used emergency parachute and the second plane landed.
>1 int
top kek
The setup of the passengers and goods prevented him from turning his body.
I've watched literal homosexual pornography less gay than this.
god this shit pisses me off
should i be concerned
If your point of view is instead that he planned to kill himself, the video makes much more sense.
>That tongue
I just woke up user, come on
>slowing down and stopping
fuck that shit I'm going straight over those fucking twigs
>buys the best value burger
>steals cart from nigglets
based and red pilled
>tips a fast food employee
>ends up buying overpriced
not sure how to feel about the whole clip
yes, the terminal
It's tom hanks kino
Poison gas leak
>tfw no venom gf
>not having a Reddit account which you created to shitpost the Tom Hardy Q&A with Yea Forums back in 2013
Honestly, they'd be shocked then angry by the fact that two planes collided in the air and survived.
wtf i like ultramarines now?!?
When did filename threads become thinly veiled rekt threads?
the second plane lost a wing. how the fuck did it land?
What are there so many?
>larry could you please removed these immediately, I could get fired from my current job
Touched the powerlines
>things that don't happen whatsoever
yeah, but irl i think he was middle eastern
what is this shit
imagine if it was a girl, this thread would be nuked
didn't know kripp was into arm wrestling
It's okay, let them solve their overpopulation problem.
thx doc
Fucking kek
>skipping tutorials
>happened in gookland
>brainlets still REEE about muh chinkland
Obsession is truly wonderful.
>"do you want to encounter some raiders?"
>[_] Yes
>[X] No
It's either an attempted jacking, or it's an attempt to get a truck to slow down long enough for them to get in the back and get smuggled into another country. You see shit like that a lot in France, near that tunnel that takes you to England.
>I must consume fat to appear manly!
Pople like you are the biggest closet homoa out there.
Fuck off, insect
is that a little girl? she's flat
go back you underage nigger dog
Yeah. The real guy was Iranian, and stayed in the terminal from 1988 to 2006.
Why do people want to get from france to england?
steroids vs someone who worked for it
Africa is a huge continent user
I'm 33 in a little more than 2 weeks.
>seething mutt
Damn that's pretty based
If you think Pizza magically becomes not unhealthy by slightly dabbing it, you must literally american.
Economic refugees. England gives better benefits.
I'm not saying the bit with dabbing the grease off is bad, cuz sometimes you gotta. But cutting up into those little chunks, and even putting on a fucking glove is some eldrtich-tier faggotry.
That scene is great, from the bag falling down on the dude, to the guy who just closes the hole.
Idiot could have just walked his motorcycle across.
Obviously it won't become healthy, but excess fat just sitting there isn't really appetizing, either.
yep, one of the most underrated spielberg piece
The kind of waterflow that the guy ended up falling in is deadliest trap one can fall in. Basically, the current of the water sends the guy downwards towards the wall, then upward away from the wall, then downwards towards the wall again.
He didn't get far from the wall and he just died right there.
the goose is fucking loose
That's Vietnam m8s, the script on the sign kind of gives that away.
or he could've not crossed
>trusting mutts
Let them in bigot :(
No, he's right. That shit actually happens. Fuck, the government themselves will frame you if you have something they want and you won't give it to them.
Ahh China never changes.
But the other guy has bigger muscles HOW???
this game is actually amazing. Time to go save my satan father again
Also risky, depending on the soles of his shoes. Judging by his bike, I'm betting that he would have slipped and got pushed off.
Helping people is literally illegal in china, or at least will get you a huge fine.
Yes, this is definitely not just dumb propaganda related to le trade war and muscle flexing. This shit only ever applies if you're a literal spy.
what the fuck
>thirsty virgins obsessing over toddlers genitals
literally have sex.
Is there a single safe floor in China?
I had an account to look at r/sexwithdogs years ago
I want to touch it and play with it in my hands
>thats korea
What's the difference?
I got you
the barrel falling onto that guy makes me laugh every fucking time. It doesnt matter how many times I've seen it before
have sex with who/what, user?
pretty sure having sex with toddlers is illegal user
>women leaving their homes and children is a cause for celebration
clown world
god damn I got told off at school for laughing at retarded pajeets drowning in monsoons in Geography class
>no hot monster gf/bf to slip their tongue down your throat
Worst timeline.
This must be the least satisfying group death by explosion in the history of the vidya.
Look at the pic, dude. Everything was on fire.
It definitely does.
If you get into a fight with a local and the cops are called, there is a 50% chance you will be blamed for everything and forced to pay up to thousands of $, and if you refuse in any way your rights are essentially stripped. The cops simply want money from you and they'll split it with the local, and they give 0 shits if you're killed or thrown in prison etc. forever just for some quick cash.
Jesus Christ this is just sad. How hard is it to just pick up the stupid fucking bike and position it better so you don't literally drive off a cliff?
fucking kek. thankyou user
Planes doesn't really need wings, they are just there for aesthetic reasons
Is this some cut scene or wtf is it?
we used to do that in middle school lel
At least they tried.
he needs an outlet for all the hearthstone themed vegan rage
i dont think you should tell a pedophile to have sex if that was the case. but then again i dont expect people who spew buzzwords to know what they are talking about
lmao this.
/fit/ vs Yea Forums
Because England is even more tolerant of muslim rape gangs than France
Mei is my favorite serial killer
The arm of the other guy is longer, and that does a lot in arm wrestling
>Xi's Fortress
It's in the film. Venom, for some reason, is trying to get the two characters back together. They never really establish why.
What the actual fuck, Was the bike possessed? Was it taking revenge against the owner for abuse? lol at the owner getting btfo again and again
The other guy is a professional arm wrestler
>Is this some cut scene or wtf is it?
No. If I remember correctly Venoms original host Eddie Brock(Tom Hardy) gets captured and Venom hijacks Brocks gf. He transfers back into his body through that kiss.
Mirror's Edge
Is that a good movie?
This is hysterical
>killing the good guys
you're fucking retarded for being one of the many mongs who continue to spread this bullshit
why were they trying to light it on fire
Now I feel like eating a Whopper and watching this movie.
What went wrong?
Looks like welding something.
>t. insect
holy fuck, is this an updated image? I haven't seen the ones more to the right
>Filename thread = weird webms with titles slightly related to videogame stuff
More like the victim can claim you're the one causing the injury and sue your ass off. That's why no one wants to help or will run you over until you die.
Such a good boy
Based dogger saving the cat from evil pranks.
>slow mo
thank you person that edited this. I had a hard time seeing what hit the fucking car
Actually, on second thought, they were probably trying to heat up a frozen valve or something. Looks like they got it open and the access to oxygen led to an immediate explosion.
It's about a man stuck in an airport for years, at the height of Tom Hank's career. If you like the actor and think the story sounds interesting, you'll probably like it.
What was the thought process there?
its like that scene in dark knight when joker fumbles with the remote until the second larger explosion goes off. bravo nolan
this is more spooky than.. a lot of things.
Two answers:
1. Technique
2. One used roids for muscle mass, the other guy properly trained his muscles.
Muscle mass is just one aspect in getting muscle strength. The other aspects are elasticity which means you can strain them farther and get more force out of them. Fiber strength which comes from endurance training, which coupled with good elasticity gives great impulse power.
Roids are basically just inflating an air balloon, or just pouring metal into a mold of a sword and doing no hammering on it. It may look big but it's worthless without compression and folding.
Cute shota
Serves her right for doing the Stacy walk
Chinaman, there have been MULTIPLE factual sources explaining the shithole that is China in this thread. Just stop already, literally no one regardless of political affiliation will defend your country.
I was preparing for someone to randomly pickup the child and throw it
That's the first plane
You need to eat around 420g of broccoli to reach 100kcal though. While a 50g piece of steak already achieves that.
should degrease his face instead of the pizza
Okay, no, this 150% Sexual assault. It's not even funny.
Nerve gas?
I guess they never heard about hot water.
They got zapped ... didn't they?
>the almost shy reversing
aight lemme just grab my luggage and laptop before i leave, we got time right?
Hey that's a cool tatt-
the metallic sign they were holding touched the power lines above
Living in China is like some sort of dark comedy.
Chinese people really are dumb insects.
>delusional bugman
Don't you have some street sewage soup to eat slant eye
Daddy Issues
>didn't even try to turn
negative icq
Electircity. The sign stuck a live wire.
One of the guys looking from afar isn't affected so it can't be nerve gas.
And that creates nerve gas?
this is what reddit does to you
Reminder that the guy who did this posted about it on /pol/
>or will run you over until you die.
That's a different law, if you ARE the one that hurt someone, you have to pay them for the rest of their lives.
Meaning it's cheaper if they die then.
I resonate within this man
Based nigress
>Nigger somehow has a n audi
What am I watching ...
Yes, China is a shithole but not a THAT much of a shithole. That bullshit meme came from a story a while ago where a woman sued a man who in attempting to help her actually injured her and she won the case. This led to people declaring utter crap like "If you help people in China you are legally responsible to pay their hospital bills" and other bullshit like that. The reality is there just weren't any indemnification for "good Samaritans" at the time. There are now. America was in a similar position until late the 2000s. There was a rather infamous story from the mid 2000s in California where a girl sued her friend when her friend dragged her from a car wreck. The girl won and the friend had to pay her medical bills. Literally the exact same thing happening in America.
I'm convinced they lie about their average IQ just so they can offload the burden onto other countries.
Remember when these threads weren't about watching Chinese retards die?
mike pence smited them
>One of the guys looking from afar isn't affected so it can't be nerve gas.
maybe they have built up immunity by huffing just a little nerve gas every day for a month
Please quit drinking/smoking
Yeah, based filthy, violent monkey.
Not really, no.
nigs will nog but I have zero sympathy for that stubborn boomer, got a good laugh when he got slammed
>Being this sheltered that you think 300 is a lot in a lifetime
That's 2-3 years of sex for me.
All his reaction images are on there user, 300+ cat images, how is he suppose to post without them?
jesus fucking christ
40 years of eating meat.webm
Next time eat brocolli
do american pizza joints not offer you olive oil to pour on the pie?
internal bleeding
And then they wonder why people are racist.
China has a lot of people with a high IQ, but that's because there are so many people to begin with. Most of them are Africa-tier sub-100 IQ troglodytes.
Imagine a nigger that is rich, female, and a Stacy.
>failed to apply the brake and accidentally accelerated
pretty early on he looks like he's trying the brake pretty hard and it isn't working
It's ok, it's just glow in the darks pushing their shitty agendas. Watch this shit drop down to almost non existent after mutt elections.
that went from chimpout to attempted murder real quick
S-she's kind of cute in this particular gif
>using glowy off /pol/
really nigger
Fuck public transport and fuck noomers
Cellulose calories aren't fully digestible you retarded fucking idiot, so the full calorie count doesn't get absorbed by the body but instead passes through into the turd. We neither have the appropriate enzymes nor 4 fucking stomachs like cows do to process it. Aside from that, fats are good while carbs are bad, learn your basic fucking liver biology you muttbrain.
you seem to be on the wrong site pal reddit is two blocks down
if they had sex(with an adult) they wouldnt have developed these weird fetishes
You know kkk was a leftist organization right? This is why people don't take you guys seriously
Kek This
Don't bother, this place is full of terminal autists.
It's a /g/ meme to begin with, retard.
She aged like a white woman, though.
Man, must be pretty hard for him to game considering how hard his hands shake, hope he manages to sort that out.
what happened here?
i hope you don't actually dab your pizza with fucking napkins thinking it'll do something. if you do you shouldn't be getting pizza to begin with
you mean like this?
>OP says Yea Forums
Seriously, dude?
>that kid plays mortal kombat
Collecting felonies
You realize the person who coined that term is this absolute schizo in pic related who died of his own paranoia?
take some b12 and kill yourself
Do you know how fucking often this happens in China exclusively between escalators eating people and elevators collapsing?
eternal bleeding*
Yeah, I always think it was /pol/ because I saw the original thread in /pol/
Always forget it was on Yea Forums
We are the victims
Yes? What is the point you're trying to convey here?
you dont know what a glow in the dark nigger is do you?
cat = my dick
river = your mom
Glow in the dark niggers are from Terry Davis, schizophrenic creator of Temple OS.
I ask myself that question everyday.
Stop insisting that your women are white, amerimutts.
You age badly because your dying country encourages garbage lifestyles.
Which is why you are all fat.
what i wanna know is whats going on in the alleyway
>Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be doing this all again soon enough, ehaha ... now get off my bus.
Based glow in the dark retard trying to saveface. See
Nobody on that bus survived, right?
>confusing Armenian with American
Chinese education everyone
whats with the retarded video capture
Do you normally consume 100,000 calories a day? The recommended is 2,000
>Incidents involving elevators and escalators kill about 30 and seriously injure about 17,000 people each year in the United States, according to data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
or blessed by the lord
>recording of a phone screen
Seriously, nigger?
t. slav
>the black guy runs away
why does this always happen
The moment the niglet failed to have any effect with the first punch, he should have run away. That kid is gonna ruin his life in a fight.
same. I've never gotten the story behind the video before
Gee, I wonder which one sates your hunger and which one doesn't. Also broccoli is cheap and delicious.
Holy shit, I haven't seen the Chinese summoned on Yea Forums in a while.
> 2019
> caring about fat
> not recognizing that sugar and carbs are the real problem
Also the one meal a day fast has been going well. I've lost five pounds in a week.
why would a cia nigger be agitating against china, you fuckin retard?
never realized how smug of a sport that is
Are they OK?
I think the guy was potentially trying to kill/hurt some one, people intervened. He ran and used the kid as something felse for them to worry about by throwing him.
>game bugged out and spider wont come down from the webhole
Now post the Chinese results.
I'd love to suck Konata's big dick
>tfw no one to play pretend with
>that fucking stride
based homo
You obviously don't come to Yea Forums that often then
>hurr it's the chinese
Why do you think Europe has no problem in that regard?
Because they are not Am*ricans, because they don't live in hamburgers, opioids, coke and weed.
This is why Americans force the "wall" meme, they want to imply that aging that bad is inevitable, and not that it's because you live terribly.
I don't get it
How many of your empires must Slavs ruin before you westcucks learn?
Rest in peace.
>good guys
i see no nazis in that webm you spook
How are they so fucking clueless? No fight or flight response in any of them.
Broccoli tastes like shit.
I like the guy in the background just standing there watching sloots get wasted like it happens every day.
How did china hate thread mutate into bluepol
She's hot af
Does this card still work?
Shock does weird thing in some people
the fuck is going on here
>assassins creed 1
>t: I don't know anything about the law
Bes frens
Sasuga oldfag, spent all of last summer here, huh?
>why would the Central Intelligence Agency of a fading empire try and counter threats to it's throne
I've got no clue, mane. Must be a coincidence.
literally looks exactly like what happens when characters aggro in bethesda games. just walks the fuck away too fucking kek
>that walk at the end
kek anyone else have other high charisma vids?
posts like these are funny cause its pretty obvious they're just internet tough guys
Based vanillafag
*leftypol you mean?
Being a bus driver must be hell
theyve been carpetbombing Yea Forums all day for some reason
He doesn't want to get shot just for being black.
Ok this one made me fucking cry of laughter.
how to pull aggro 101
Mexicans have already stolen pretty much all of black people's jobs, do they have to rub it in now too?
Why can't I have a super tall alien wife?
>The girl looks like she's convulsing as her body potentially shuts down.
all drugged up
>Not "Je suis monte".
Shame user.
is that an actual drunkard or is this from Reno 911 I can't tell at this point.
the guy was there to kill those women because they backed out of an arranged marriage, the other people knew they were fine
Does anyone happen to have the video where a woman saves her child from a stairway as she dies?
What is the story behind this? I've been wanting to know for years
Only if you live in a subhuman infested shithole
>he will come up any time now, any time now....
>cut to his corpse
the cia, who tried their hardest to take down trump, are working on the same side as trumps latest platform? read a fucking book.
Those are so stupid. They only look halfway interesting while they're fresh, they're disgusting while healing and look like shit when it scars.
What's boxerface?
thnak doc
He's right though.
in england
B-but how else is she going to show that she's different from all the other vapid whores?
spreading disingenuous bullshit just makes people less likely to believe the truth, so people who spread the "lol it's illegal to help anyone in china!!!!!" meme are just being fucking retarded, unless they're doing it for memes sake, in which case they're still being retarded, but aren't actually retarded
You do realize people lose that weight with actually healthy methods as well, retard?
Why don't humans use lava to get rid of garbage?
>not jackiechan.webm
then again he was using a sword
He carried a concealed butterknife and knew he was going to get deported
>"lol it's illegal to help anyone in china!!!!!"
nobody ever said this
>[glass him]
>the bucket
The recommended is 2,000 KILO calories a day, that would be 2,000,000 calories
There are over a billion Chinese. Many of them damage control on Yea Forums, attack YouTubers, etc. for their agenda.
I don't remember the specifics but if I remember correctly the guy is a cop and is having an argument with his daughter and wife over something. He snaps and just kills them both.
Really makes you think
You're an idiot.
big brain is steak with some broccoli and new potatoes on the side
no that's just a normal negro mating ritual
>for their agenda.
They do it for literal good boy points
you fucking moron, user
this thread reminds me of the tiananmen square massacre 1989
>throw shit and then pick up your a child to shield yourself from harm
it's fun and a tad childish to see such universal behavior in people.
why so he can die at a younger age? he got that old from eating meat and veggies/fruits like humans should
>muh Trump
Fuck off back to /ptg/ underageb&, you literally know shit about geopolitics. They don't have to suck off Trump to try and counter outside threats.
Why didn't he float back? Did the injury to his back paralyzed him?
Slavs ruin empires, but only those belonging to slavs
Maximum Overdrive.webm
She was so brave.
Is this a real thing? Am I actually alive in a time that this is real?
>you literally know shit
unlike you, your english could use more work too you fishfaced gook.
The cat would be startled by the cucumber.
> sugar
> carbs
> healthy
Okay i guess that seems highly dangerous
China ruled by communists, Korea by feminists.
Look up videos on cats reacting to cucumbers, its fairly amusing
>Is this a real thing?
Is that the new years rice paste that kills you by stopping your digestion?
>normal human diet bad
>keto bullshit good
im noticing a pattern here
unlike china, korea protested and revolted until the feminist cult got thrown out. Keep up to date with your memes if you're gonna spew them.
People who have the genetic proclivity towards taking punches to the head with barely any result if at all. Normal people would at least blank out for a moment or have a concussion of relative degrees. If you see a guy who can take a punch to the head like it's nothing, run away because he'll always have a counter-attack advantage on your ass.
define normal
Spotted the American.
Why? Jesus that poor man.
Do you ever look an image and think 'who the spent to energy making this?'
You sure showed me. Mind literally blown, my glow in the dark brother.
no it's just mochi. the paste you're thinking of doesn't even stop your digestion it's just so gummy because retards eat it unstarched, that it clogs up your intestines and you have to get it removed surgically.
Most bus drivers are obese?
Why for what reason i want an actual answer that's not just "lol niggers"
The fuck. Wikipedia says nothing about this.
Hate crime against whites by blacks is enormous according to
Apparently it happens most to public service workers.
That's not how it works
>not Ornstein and Smough
>Eat litteral carbon bricks.
How are their teeth so white?
>parry god
the fucked thumbnail works as well.
great gif. I will never admit clicking this because of the faulty thumbnail though.
>You sure showed me
i didn't, you are too stupid to be educated.
It actually is
A roid monkey with little workout would get rekt by a guy half as muscular that works out every day
>WOOOOW why the fuck would anyone make funny memes? why the fuck would anyone create instead of just consuming?
That most people getting attacked are bus drivers? Yes. Very astute. Or did you perhaps notice another pattern?
that and all the niggers
Slavs ruining Slav Empires is no problem.
Slavs causing the ruination of your Westcuck empires though is always a laugh inducer.
Let me remind you that it's Slav territories which have inched towards the West, not the other way around.
>Germanic Empires
Fucked thanks to Slavs.
>Brit Empire
Fucked thanks to Slavs politically forcing you into WW1 as Russia used India as an incentive.
>Napoleon and French Empire
Fucked by Slav shamelessness.
What could have been a Western ally of 1.3 billion bugpeople was instead turned into West's current enemy.
Currently suffering SJW cuckery and self-destruction thanks to Slav subversion programs.
>Latin America
Turned against the West thanks to Slav influence.
But if he starts beating her the fuck down like she deserves,
Yea Forums isn't relevant on either the internet or the world stage, it's not 2006
How much time did she do for this?
Sugar free diet.
>>It actually is
no retard
What exactly is going on here?
Have a discussion with professional athletes, also known as peak human when it comes to physical fitness and performance and find out what and how they eat.
moot did something right for once
when a bugman says this you know he means the opposite
Who is getting shot and why?
>Slavs causing the ruination of your Westcuck empires
Slavs got fucking destroyed from within by commie jews then the jewish disease spread to the west. Slavs are history's sad joke.
>You know kkk was a leftist organization right?
Yeah, and democrat used to be pro-slave. things change, surprise.
>believing in CIA propaganda about muh slav subversion creating human rights movements
Slavs are so fucking delusional and subhuman
Good argument.
And people say it's wrong to state that you don't like to be around blacks, there's no other people who will just act out in such malicious and violent ways for absolutely no reason, to no benefit, you can at least understand robbing for money but when you act just to hurt people?
Your not harming by no wanting to be around them but they'll very possibly harm you, so how could it really be wrong?
Very likely that they were simply white.
>parry to taunt
It's cool to see people prefer to go for mental damage
>he doesnt dab on his pizza
lmaoing at you.
>most of the webms are murders, accidents, and disasters
>maybe like 5 video game related
nu-Yea Forums continuing its trend of being unfunny
Yea Forums got the US's current president elected. No president in history had that low of a prediction percentage and still won.
>Yea Forums armchair historians and political experts
If slavs are so inferior, why does your soft race allow them to fuck everything up time and again? You're like the WE WUZ KINGS faggots who constantly rant about their superior race and then gets exploited for centuries.
> athlete diet
> average diet
> thinking those are anywhere near each other
Yeah. It's always neets just doing it for the lulz.
Slavs got fucked from within because only Slavs can ruin Slavs, you westcucks have always been powerless against them.
Even Mongolia was fucked in the end by Slavs and forced to turn Buddhist while Chinks were busy cowering behind a worthless wall.
Is the joke that someone actually would post this shit?
no soda or candy
I want to give you 10 (you)s, sir.
This is like when Data defeats that guy at stratagema.
I actually went and look the thread up 2 years ago back when I could find these posts, and the image is fake. Dunno why would you make a fake image like that when people say worse shit on reddit. There's no point in looking for these posts anyway, since all of them got deleted since then
god I love his smug fucking face
that guy's too cool
I'm happy that Uli actually sorted his life out.
>things change
not really
Poor guy. He's on the verge of tears.
Good joke.
You mean those subhumans who let you tag along to go to space, because you're too brainlet to figure out how to do it on your own?
from above certain height, dropping into water is like falling onto concrete
>armchair historians and political experts
>meanwhile the Westcuck world has never been able to push East and retain anything
>instead it's Westcuck territories which ended up in Slav hands for good every time
what if that is the answer user
the merciless march of time made a fool of me once more
that has to be fake
how did he get up there
why was there someone to film it
love this one
fucking hate obnoxious stupid brats
He doesn't defeat him, he stalemates him because he can't beat him, so he takes victory away instead.
Nerve gas
Jesus thats fucked up. I can understand killing the wife but your daughter too? bit too much on that part. Also daughter looks like a cutie too, damn shame
I'm not even taking part in your autism debates. I'm just saying that both of you are retarded.
>this thread
>622 posts
why are americans so violent and bloodthirsty?
He's clearly dragged himself there and hung for a while
Alpha Protocol. It's a shit game that Yea Forums shills because muh waifus, muh writing, muh obsidian.
This fucking guy. What an absolute legend.
>someone on this planet probably thinks that comic had good arguments
>i'm too mentally retarded to read history books and understand how the current political map of Europe came to be compared to the past when Slavs had far less territories
someone started propkilling and everyone gathered yelling for the admins
Years of watching home videos of kids hitting their dads in the sack.
>violence good go die for israel
>sex bad, don't let others reproduce let tyrone inseminate your wife
Mutts are brainwashed robots.
yeah this
Quit sperging, retard. You made idiotic statements and I'm not gonna waste my time explaining them to you.
Maybe you should actually learn a thing or two.
What is wrong with Chinese and black people?
is she okay?
Salty weebfag mad that the animu-titty fighting games took out the animu titties.
i didn't expect that ending
>That shit eating grinn
Fighting Game Champion
That's the best part: those arguments are still better than anything in favor of not discarding religion immediately.
A meme compilation is better at destroying religion than 6 thousand years of kike subversion is at creating arguments in its favor.
Religion really is this fucking retarded, religiotards really are this fucking moronic.
TF2 Private Server
You couldn't explain anything because you have nothing. Regardless of Slav infighting the Westcuck never managed to push East, and instead the Westcuck's territories fell into hands of Slavic nations, while Westcuck global empires fell down tumbling. It's always and forever going to be a hilarity. Open up a book.
Thanks doc