comfy BLM thread right here
everyone invited except for RDMs and SMNs
Comfy BLM thread right here
black lives dont matter lol
OP we need to stack for this next attack please get ready.
All you faggots better pile onto my Ley Lines then
nuck figgers
shield yourselves and stack without me thanks
Oh whoops, there's yet ANOTHER instant kill aoe mechanic on your leylines.
>thought that BLMs standing in ley lines is a meme
>until I saw one on Tsukuyomi actually standing in place as the fan hit him
>he didn't even make an attempt
Jesus christ my dudes, what is wrong with you
guys we need at least 7 players to survive this one you please move for the love of go
Serious question: I just picked up FFXIV again after dropping it shortly before Heavensward was released. I have BLM, WHM, SCH, and SMN at 50.
What class would be the best choice to play through the expansion content with? I think I’m ultimately interested in trying RDM and AST on my character as well.
blms are the lalafell of races
can't shut the fuck up about themselves and despite being one of the easiest jobs they keep making the same epic leylines wacky memes XD
>Blood Circle
>level 80 BLM trait
>all damage taken while standing in Ley Lines is added to the next Foul cast
Sch is the best out of all of those, and you get smn leveled as a bonus.
>Lalafell are the easiest race to play
gee I wonder who's hiding behind this post
I don't know about BLM, but WHM and SMN aren't really any fun until 60 and SMN struggles with dungeon AOE for a while longer until it gets its later tools. SCH is pretty good for HW content and gives you those fast healer queues, so I'd recommend that one. RDM is also pretty good out of the gate.
Based thread.
You wizzas better be wearing pointy hats on your caster glamours.
This is my wife, she is not a BLM.
Your wife was the cum dump for every garlean officer this side of ala mhigo.
Your wife is a dog
yoship fix your servers
As a BLM main, all I have to say is, muh dps tho
Reminder that Yoshi-P single handedly killed degenerate nude mods today
I'm no sure what black lives mattering, random deathmatch and silvermoon have to do with each-other but I'm up for some comfy, and I'd understand why you'd want the silvermoon crowd to not show up.
Lalafell girls are pretty easy, if you know what I mean
Dang, those people paying hundreds of dollars for outfit mods sure must feel stupid now
Is that actually what that means? Because if so, I look forward to the huge meltdown that's about to happen
No, it's an edit.
>Magic Requiem
>level 80 skill
>cast time: instant
>recast time: 90s
>Increases magic damage taken by nearby enemies by 10%. Your spells cost 30% more mana. Lasts 15s
Faked image.
Made me look mother fucker
Hang on. Did I entangle myself into the bizarro universe?
Because this picture of a human being, posted to fucking Yea Forums and to a FF14 thread within Yea Forums, is of an entity that resembles a woman ... and it IS actually a woman.
Reminds me of how World of Warcraft model changers all got smacked with a 6month ban. Seeing the seething rage from all the BRRAAAAP ERPers was good times.
Jesus christ user, this is a blue board, you can't just say stuff like that here.
I miss him.
Let me ask you one simple question, WHM.
Do you pay my sub? You don't, do you?
Well then, you better fucking adjust then because I will not leave my ley lines, fucker!
Zurvan didn't
your enmity is reduced by 20% upon successfully receiving damage
A lot of girls do XIV cosplay.
pour one out for the lost
The issue isn't that female humans who play xiv exist.
It's that someone would go on Yea Forums and post one.
Yea Forums likes men so much that in a random image dump thread it's not unusual for there to be more discussion about dicks than there is about the characters posted.
I like it, it's a pleasant change. It's just VERY out of character for this board and this game.
I can do BLM in savage raids but holy shit alliance raids are so cancer as BLM. I don't know how you chads do it. Famfrit in particular pisses me off.
Fuck it, stay in the lines, healers have esuna for a reason
>that sweet spot in O7S where you could stand in your circle casting spells without getting hit by the missiles
I miss it boys
>trusting those retards to esuna you
Seriously, I just got this ability on my black mage. I use it at the start of a boss fight and am moving around most of the time after that initial burst and don't even reapply it later. Am I doing it wrong?
Didn't all circles in o7s have at least one safe spot?
Fake news.
>We will never ever get kino armor sets like these for Gunbreaker
Why is Yoshida such an autist about certain things?
Imagine going through all this effort just to be cucked out of the best caster dps spot.
Nobody is in danger.
If you pull the lever, the trolley will come closer so you can wave at all the people.
But to do this, you will have to leave your ley lines.
>Cactuar now congested
Looks like I'm never going home now
You should use it whenever you have the chance to not move for a while, it's a really useful ability
just bee yourself user
It seems it, but all I have seen on Yea Forums for the last few days has been BLMs over-relying on it. Makes me feel like I shouldn't bother if they are this much of a laughing stock for it.
There's actually a spot that's guaranteed to be safe 100% of the time
That was fast, it looks like people were actually abandoning Crystal.
A lot of the people making jokes about BLM never leaving their lines play BLM, as long as you move out of the way of shit that'll kill you and remember to do mechanics when you need to no one will care very much
imagine caring for a few memes on Yea Forums
LL is a core spell for the blm and it's very strong, like it or not
we also mock nin for being a trick attack machine and war for being a job for retard players
it's all in good spirits really
Use it on cooldown until you figure out the optimal placements for it. Using leylines at the wrong time is better than not using it at all.
What are the most populated european data center worlds? I'm getting really fed up with Phoenix and want to go elsewhere.
Phoenix is one of them.
odin for light and ragnarok for chaos
Thanks anons. Probably way tired if I am letting it bother me, I will try it out more and will do the opposite of the jokes of course and move as needed. Can't do damage if I die after all. Sorry if I de-comfied the thread!
what's the problem with phoenix?
Ragnarok is the most populated EU servers and has the biggest raiding scene (most EU Ultimate clears by quite a bit). Cerberus is up there in population as well. Both are on Chaos.
Keep in mind that it's pre-expansion and the EU community was just recently split in half with the new Data Centers, so don't expect PF to be all that much more active than Light right now.
>Cactuar congested
Hmm, the Light exodus really was happening.
Nothing's wrong with it, I was just thinking that maybe there's some places with higher population, that's all.
it's all people that left crystal
Yes I'm retarded
yeah well do the mechanics but don't move if you know you're not gonna die/get a dmg debuff
stop shilling french and arab central
place your ley lines under the first boss of the gimlyth dark and force all the other players to move away when you get the markers on your heads to show dominance
He just wants more people so he could clear titan.
It's EU. What do you expect?
Instead of French and Arabs you have a ton of Germans and Russians on Light.
If you want to exclusively play with English speakers you have no choice but to move to NA.
>when two healers coordinate their rescues to pull a blm so far away from their leylines that they can't use the teleport back
Cerberus is unofficial Russian server which is on Chaos.
>you have a ton of Germans and Russians on Light.
Actually, russians are playing on Cerberus.
Odin for light. has feminists and some /vg/ fags but is okay enough. Light has Germans from Shiva. Ragnarok for Chaos but Chaos is filled with frenchies and arabs.
get votekicked healer scum
>things that have never happened
>votekicking healer in favor of trigger BLM
Hahahaha get the fuck outta here nigga
Can't kick them for their playstyle
Where are you getting that from?
I've yet to see a single Russian in any of my DF/PFs on my Chaos character. I have an alt over on Light and run into Russian speakers from Odin very frequently.
>People actually willingly went to Cactuar
What the fuck? I thought Sarg was supposed to be the raid spillover.
European Media tour starting tomorrow. Hopefully some leaks will come soon
Because I'm playing on Cerberus, you have FC advertisements all the time.
this is factually false
please stop lying about my server
Cactuar is kinda weird. It has degeneracy but also actual players so it works for both sides.
reported to yoshida for griefing
Fedora (and Pineapple Mango) was the only good thing to come out of Ala Mhigo.
Germans are on Odin now, not Shiva.
Source: I'm German in one of the two dozen German FCs on Odin.
I play on odin. i see spergy cats, germans away from home but no russians.. or do you mean the gilseller bots?
>Where are you getting that from?
Maybe because I'm russian? Gee whiz lad, I don't know what you've seen, but I know for a fact that russian FCs are mainly on Cerberus and nowhere else.
Sorry Hans but you need to go back..we've taken in enough refugees from the DC split.
If so that's pretty cool. I never get annoyed by anyone speaking in Russian, haven't seen a single soul that even attempted it in cross-world stuff yet.
Honestly the only ones obnoxious on Chaos are the French, it's disgusting how often you get people that straight up refuse to communicate in English and will just type in French even when they are the only ones in the party that can understand it.
you guys want to join a dead fc instead....
Game is up even though my launcher still said maintenance.
most of the French are also shit at this game and refuse to improve themselves or take advice from other players
I'm in FC already.
The edge safe spots also let you stay in your ley lines that just came off CD into the start of the cyclone phase
No thanks. I tried a lot of FCs in xiv over decent periods of time and my conclusion is that they're shit. Discord rather than chatting in-game or playing and so forth. I'm okay. Solo FC and if people want to be friends they can chat in-game.
Why did they delete the patch notes from their website along with the mogstation items?
my nigga
Anyone play on Leviathan?
>previous thread archived
>that small chance more datamines have been posted in /xivg/
>go check it out
Why are they so spergy about data mining? The only thing we got was the new upcoming festival stuff.
And here we have people seething we have so many FFXIV threads and should piss of to /xivg/
Are we all looking forward to new abilities?
It's just an excuse to attack a tripfag
And people here unironically want Yea Forums xiv players to post there with the avatar and erpfags. I mean there's some resistance on /xivg/ I think as you see in that image but you literally can't discuss the game there or enjoy the national 4channel sport of hunting down filthy trannies and telling them to kys.
>EU gets no preferred worlds.
Thanks again Yoshida.
Not surprising.
Oh no no the thread died. At least the servers are up now again so it's fine.
How do people keep failing this?
How? Like extreme I get but hard is easy.
have they shown what they are yet
i really really wanted to hope this was an ancient screenshot from when the servers were insanely laggy
but RDM and SAM being there means it's not what the fuck
It was 15mins ago on Chaos.
What was in the datamine?
i'm from light, is chaos really that bad? i haven't wiped on anything more than twice and i'm already up to heavensward
>party up with most friends for roulettes
>get titan in trials
>jokingly get party cleaved on purpose and basically wipe everyone out except one other dps and healer
>we still clear on first pull
You tell me
nothing good
old beast-tribe mounts for tokens from regular dungeons
When you get people from Ragna or Cerb it usually goes fine, but it happens very rarely for some reason even though those 2 servers are supposed to be the most populated ones. Omega, Moogle and Louisoix are trash servers.
they definitely offed him way too soon. that wassome bullshit to be quite honest.
DRG for the kino story of HW. SCH for an entertaining 50-60. RDM for traveling the world only, because their skills are wide but cant really focus on any point (like ajack of all trades). PLD if you want to tank and never die, WAR if you want to tank and do dmg, DRK for maximum edge and literally the best quest story in the whole game.
Ofc this is only my opinion
Huh?? For what purpose???
Why not add those rewards for 50/60 roulette dungeons? No one does them because of garbage rewards.
>some people farmed hw primals 99 times for their birds
>you can buy them doing regular dungeons now
It's not like you would ever need 99 tokens for HW birds anymore. Drop rates have been increased.
>duty commenced
oh no
DRG for the kino story of HW. SCH for an entertaining 50-60. RDM for traveling the world only, because their skills are wide but cant really focus on any point (like ajack of all trades). PLD if you want to tank and never die, WAR if you want to tank and do dmg, DRK for maximum edge and literally the best quest story in the whole game.
Ofc this is only my opinion
Black Lives Matter?
I ran Seiryu 108 times before I won my roll for the fife because I sure as shit wasn't going to wait months to trade in my totems, with other SB primals taking anywhere from 12 to 99+ runs for the fifes as well. This is 100% ok with me, and I expect the mount trade in to be available the patch the primal comes out instead of the following patches last maintenance cycle.
>being a brainlet and wasting hours on grinding mounts when you know for a fact that rates are increased over time
It's your own fault.
still 50+ with the increased rates unless you have shitter luck
your weaboo trash is gonna get crushed by WoW Classic this summer
>Entry Sub is listed as one character per server.
>People exploit world visit.
>Now it's one character, ever, period.
Th-thanks, Yoshida.
Outjewing the jews, fucking yoshi
At least I had the time to abuse free transfers
Wait what did they change? One character per DC?
You can only select the first character slot. Ever. Entry is now "Fuck you, ONE character" because they're too stupid to actually fix the problem.
What the fuck are with those patch notes it's literally nothing
Prease Understand
Heavensward didnt even have a 4.58. 4.57 was the last update to HW.
HW didn't have Eureka it needs more nerfs
Eureka is fine retard.
>still no zurvan weapons
I have 3 carapaces to sell, do it.
>tfw both my retainers brought me one on the same day
I expect them at early 5.0 in all honesty.
are they gonna have a bright red aura?
>doing DRG quest
>my new kouhai is geared in golden DRG AF1 gear and her own gae bolg
>level 54 quest
>her father gifts her a generic crafted lance
not even npcs are safe from ilevel creep.
>my new kouhai is geared in golden DRG AF1 gear
What? No she isn't.
>get word from novice netword shitter that crashes the market board and their tranny SJW friend that gets triggered at the word 'trap' transfer out of my server
holy fuck, this is great, I raided with them once and honestly they were fucking awful grey parse trash players that did nothing but complain about how the team was too heavy.
good riddance.
I mean maybe not golden, but that is AF1. The slutty one with the belly-window.
wasnt it holy lance
>randomly flipping through old quest journal entries, go through dark knight
"but if such things were possible, you wouldn't have a broken shield, now would you?"