Stage builder thread

Attached: z8dh4118kvx21.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

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Attached: Stages2.jpg (1920x720, 460K)

I love the 2nd one the most

Attached: Stages.jpg (1920x1080, 690K)

Is that ghost and g o b l i ns ?

Man you got some nice stages lmao

Hey i know this sounds really fucking weird but does anyone got any spare 18+ stages laying around?

I only recently got online and missed the "Golden age" of lewd stages


Attached: D6aZ0kqUIAE-qXP.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Just search for Konosuba and you'll likely find an attempt to copy of the famous Aqua ass stage.
They do get taken down like all the lewd stages but that one keeps getting remade over and over again so you'll get one eventually.

If you've got homebrew, there's an online archive filled with lewd stages you can download from.

I will look into that, thanks user

ahh i see.... i knew my homebrew was much more than just emulating gba games

Thanks anons

Attached: wqur2mtikvx21.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Heres a stage i made recently

I haven't made a new stage in a while, maybe I'll work on a new one this weekend.

Attached: smash ultimate stage compliation resized.png (1432x1560, 2.87M)

Fucking the sea of eden/ mewtwo lab one is fucking cool af

It's meant to be Giygas from Mother 1. To be fair, Mewtwo's design was allegedly inspired by Giygas.

Attached: mother 1 giegue.png (436x308, 4K)

It's ghouls n ghosts i know... I named it that way because if I make a second stage I also need a new name. Yeah, that's stupid.

no i love the stage, im just surprised to even see G&G in general

That's an impressive Soccerguy you made there.

Oh thanks, maybe I make some more.

Whats with all the BoF IV recently?

Nice huge horn. It really captures what the game is all about,

It's not mine.


I don't have anything new to show off, but bumping with something I found that's pretty cool.

Ace Combat [5Q20Y92C]