Reminder that a fat crossdresser e-sports player gets to plow this every night
Why the fuck aren’t you in e-sports?
Reminder that a fat crossdresser e-sports player gets to plow this every night
Why the fuck aren’t you in e-sports?
Other urls found in this thread:
You want me to get into e-sports? Is that what you want?
No, i want you to get head first into a noose.
>Why the fuck aren’t you in e-sports?
Cause I still care enough to not sell my soul to China
She's too old, anyways.
Okay. I've done that before too.
My gf is hotter and has a penis.
What are the chances this bitch has an actual personality and doesn’t require to have me make all the decisions cause she “can’t speak English good”. Cause honestly, I can find a similar woman in any sweaty 3rd world Asian country.
>Implying she doesn't peg him while forcing him to crossdress.
why couldn't i be born a chad
sneaky is based
How do I get a gf?
Nice projecting op
>Why the fuck aren’t you in e-sports?
Because it's a scheme (((they))) set up to attract people, pretending that video games are more than just toys and sell more.
unironically tinder, just man up until you really find the one for you, that's what I did
>tfw your sexuality is so fucked that not even this gets so much as a twitch out of your dick. Then you start to think about all the shit that COULD give you a solid if she had that going on instead.
Send help, i'm too far gone.
Jesus fuck that skindentation
I like to imagine she plows him. In which case I'm super fucking jealous of him. Otherwise eh.
I want to fuck both of them
Can’t be bothered. Games aren’t doing much for me these days. Let alone having to commit to one for long lengths of time. Plus e-sports are fucking gay.
heavy, HEAVY corset abuse is obvious
why do asian girls have bad standards?
>rich white man set for life
>low standards
Esther seems the bigger slut but Sneaky's boipucci looks great
>look at my cute face i can make :3
Oh great a instagram photo thats filtered and edited out the ass with a layer of makeup so thick you could run your finger down and get it stuck under your nail.
Because I have a life outside of games, cucker. What does this have to do with Video Games. E-Sport is an entertainment venue, not an actual sport.
Funny how nobody sees the reflection you're pointing out
I can't see what is in the reflection?
Why do you white men have low standards is the better question
Just fucking talk to someone so it's not weird. That's it. It's so easy. Oh, and do not be a douche.
>literally bones someone who is more relevant than self to get followers and patreon bux
I’d rather enjoy games and not make them my job
To be fair white women treat white men like shit.
No tits. No deal.
>This Will never force you to crossdress and then plow your nerd ass with a 12inch strap-on.
>do not be a douche
>look at the tons of make-up and photoshop I can use!
I will never trust asian woman when it comes to pictures.
Look closelier
White dudes have bigger dicks and are stereotypically fetishized/adored/glorified by Asian societies.
im not seeing it
Yeah, but Asian though. Literal insects, user.
because I'm a boomer wagecuck, don't have time for e-sports shit.
Be sociable and be nice to people. Ease a bit more into yourself after you know each other sure, but people don't generally like it if you make snarky remarks about everything right off the bat. Remember to shower regularly, brush your teeth at least 3 times a day and wear clean clothes.
>he's only seen Asian women in pictures
Sucks for you buddy, but I every time I leave my house, I see tons of very pretty Asian girls everywhere I go.
>followers of sneaky, give me patreon bux haha xD
jealous roastie detected
>bigger dicks
t. foreign english teacher/virgin
Sucks you’ll never have the balls to approach one. Gonna have to settle for a FOB.
thats basically women in general, nothing groundbreaking or new.
Just asking but who is actually measuring al these penises?
Friendly reminder that the faggot making these posts is a literal tranny who's seething cause he cut off his dick thinking it'd get him laid. He already ousted himself in a previous thread.
Asian boy cope. If we pulled our pants down right now you would get shamed.
How else is she supposed to maintain her looks? Thank god I was born a man so I can rot in grace.
>black penile length
RIP niggers
Why are 3D always PD
>understanding what corsets do to your body at a physiological level
your mother
In these cases?
Medical professionals who know how penis measurements work
dont take advice from Yea Forums for a start
if my girlfriend took and posted pictures of herself all day i'd fucking kms
user, why must you must you bring gender politics into this thread? Do you write for Kotaku or some shit.
>muh dick
I'm white you chimp
I don't have to approach friendo. It's Japan.
It's not e-sports, it's fame and money. fame and money will make you popular with women. I'm neither, and e-sports also don't pay for shit, most of the money comes from streaming and I fucking despise streaming.
Both are ugly, it's a good fit.
T. Fatty
>implying sneaky is having sex with her
considering both of them flock to the internet for validation on their appearances, chances are neither of them are actually having sex
>all those are smaller than mine
just accept you will never do it, it makes it all better with time.
get the drugs the rapists are forced to take by law to kill their libido.
Asians and their larping lol. That thread is from an Asian supremacist forum where they deny everything.
Ah yes this looks entirely medically accurate
>Living in Japan voluntarily
Enjoy the radiation and consistent earthquakes, user.
>no tits
>perfectly nice hips and ass
That's literally the highest test fetish. All tits and no ass is tranny tier. Wendy Williams must be right up your alley
So basically the Germans are at the top and most men are closer to each other than everyone thinks.
Wow what a surprise, it's exactly like everything else in real life.
She fucks dudes on the side and sends Sneaky the photos so he can jerk off
If any of you ever had a gf you'd know that women are annoying cunts who are the biggest pain in the ass. Also, sex isn't quite like in your japanese cartoons.
He gets to fuck her but had to put in some effort to get there.
I get to jack off to pics of her with zero effort on my part.
My path is infinitely more efficient than his.
>girl has decent figure
yea okay
>squeezing human bodies is nothing like squeezing a bug, an lemon or anything else because humans are different and gods :^)
The last thread we had about Asian women on Yea Forums, it was over the weekend (saturday?). It actually got archived too, guess mods were asleep.
He spent all thread calling Asians insects, and spamming his shitty anti-Asian pictures, calling white men insecure, and then at the end, he finally posted pictures of himself.
I'm not bringing shit into this thread nigger. Tell that faggot tranny to fuck off. Dissing on Asian girls won't get him laid.
>tfw 6.7 inches.
>tfw 6 feet tall
>tfw not fat
>tfw not ugly, just average and plain.
>tfw it doesnt matter because im too fucking autistic to get a girl.
This but unironically, my social anxiety combined with autism means i’ll most likely always be alone.
>decent figure
>obvious corset use
>corsets are well known and everywhere
>a model would know nothing about them of all people
Guessing she fucked you since you know all this.
Get a fucking hooker, then.
You shouldn't settle down with a woman out of desperation. They can smell shit like that and will use and abuse you.
pulling it as far as it can go.
>not living in Japan
I'm having the time of my life user. I'm not ever going back. And if I ever leave Japan, it'll only be to go to China for a couple years, only to return to Japan. This place is awesome!
man looks like im a titan
Your previous picture shows all of their organs squeezed down to the hip bones, they'd be fucking dead if that was the case.
That's ridickulous
>Tämä media saattaa sisältää arkaluontoista aineistoa.
Be careful around Chinks, they are very sneaky. Everything is not as it seems on the surface.
is this what they call "cope"
suicide by hanging is offensive to black people and a hate crime
>human organs will stay in the same general area regardless of how much you squeeze said human
>duckface in every picture
I fucking hate these kind of women.
>That thread is from an Asian supremacist forum
looking it up, it's actually from reddit but the statistics are there.
>youtube comment which doesn't actually refute or provide info on penis length
ok. I've seen other studies as well which say the same thing, including chinese/japanese studies
please here's how I bet your life goes:
>walk down the street awkwardly because you're an autistic neet who posts on fucking
>random asian girl awkwardly smiles at you because she saw you stare at her and she doesn't want to bum you out by making you think you creeped her out
it's like that one comic about the /pol/tard who bumps into the black guy on the street and in the moment is shy and awkward but then posts on /pol/ or whatever about how he totally told him off.
Last girl I was fucking would buy me gifts, cook for me, and fulfill all my sexual fantasies just so I wouldn't leave her.
I fucked her in public, and had her do tons of shameful public nudity type stuff cause she was THAT desperate. I guess you just have bad luck user, but you gotta know how to pick them, and how to keep them in LINE.
That's why abusing corsets generally leads to early death. The human body is resilient, to a point.
It’s called having a type. And Asians are sometimes not on the top of that list cause we don’t just watch the JAV and Hentai section.
Nobody needs some weird "statistics" (who the fuck even measures that) to prove that Asians are smaller people, from skeletal structure, hands, feet, muscle mass to height. They are neotenous and childlike.
>posts medical pics where the corset abuse has a very obvious and definitive shape
>girl in pic doesn't have this shape
Totally unrelated fact. Pigs tend to have poor eyesight.
Just throwing that out there.
For no reason in particular.
Have sex
>Last girl I was fucking would buy me gifts, cook for me, and fulfill all my sexual fantasies just so I wouldn't leave her.
>I fucked her in public, and had her do tons of shameful public nudity type stuff cause she was THAT desperate.
sure user and I totally fucked my teacher in front of the entire class and got a standing ovation from my classmates
bend over.
You keep saying "abuse" but the results are great
This sure does give people hope doesnt it
The actual average is about 6.2 inches.
The days of rivaling your dick size with fellow countrymen are over. In this day and age you compete against anyone.
And many girls have had many different races. They would be the best examiner
It should be pretty damn obvious that Asians in general are all around smaller than Whites. Their biggest male porn stars only get to average length for white dudes, with the average being smaller. Just watch any JAV. And then for the girls, you can tell most of them have tiny bodies and tight pussies just by looking at them. That alone should tell you what the average dick size for Asians is. On average, a white dude will be bigger than an Asian dude, and Asian girls know this. Bigger in dick, bigger in frame, taller, etc...
I asked a question, you're deflecting it towards me because you're fucking weak. It doesn't matter how much you work or go to school and it never will, you were born weak and you will die weak. Me, I had a period of my life I fell off, yeah. But I'm taking control. You know why? Because I can. I can surprass you with no fucking effort. Just because I chose to live the way I have doesn't mean I'm stuck there forever. I made those choices and I'm making the choice to stop letting other people run away with whatever illusion of power I've instilled upon them. I am greater than you and always will be. So don't come at me sideways thinking you're fucking sweet or something. Taking shorts cause I'm in Florida when you couldn't say a word to me when I was home. It is my concern and it will be my concern. Fall Back.
>the results are great
Do you think people would actually lie on the internet? Let alone on a Chinese cartoon image board?
>They would be the best examiner
How the fuck would a girl know anything about dick measurements?
I get they MIGHT know relative size, but there is no way they know the actual length.
fuck that's hot
Yeah, penis size doesn't magically get excluded when everything else differs.
the actual average is 5.4 cm, most documents place it within the 4.7-6.2 range. so you would use the median
>no argument
>just posting anti-asian stuff because he's an autistic /pol/tard
I accept your concession
All dog breeds have the same size penis!!! Sounds as ridiculous.
>The actual average is about 6.2 inches.
>i-i'm w-w-white
Pathetic of you. Even more to deny the obvious.
This is my m8s gf telling me I should hook up with her bff cause “she thinks I’m sexy” but is too afraid to tell me herself.
She was Chinese. You should know by now Asians are submissive.
>n-no your not white because you dare question my retardation
>i can't actually refute anything and literally only resort to anecdotal shit and ad homs
yea, pathetic alright. literally a white nigger.
user, why would you show a random user your text as if that was chad at all. Do you think this is high school, user?
I want to cum inside of her while Sneaky is forced to watch, bros.
>he doesn’t know
I’m not even gonna post pictures. It’s better people like you are left in the dark.
>Chinese are submissive
Yeah, Japan could probably testify to that.
Do pygmies have the same size penis as Europeans? If not, then you are essentially saying the same thing as me.
>Adult Asian men also have smaller testicles than European and Hispanic men, average testicle weight is about 33% lower in Asians than in Caucasians. Estimated daily sperm production in Chinese men is also less than half of that estimated for Hispanic and Caucasian men, according to the same study.
>Penis size interacts with body shape and height to influence male attractiveness
>Compelling evidence from many animal taxa indicates that male genitalia are often under postcopulatory sexual selection for characteristics that increase a male’s relative fertilization success. There could, however, also be direct precopulatory female mate choice based on male genital traits. Before clothing, the nonretractable human penis would have been conspicuous to potential mates. This observation has generated suggestions that human penis size partly evolved because of female choice. Here we show, based upon female assessment of digitally projected life-size, computer-generated images, that penis size interacts with body shape and height to determine male sexual attractiveness.
Because it makes them angry, and seeing them seethe after getting btfo makes me chuckle.
Most of the people making remarks like those are soiboys and trannies too, “people” I absolutely despise. So bonus points on that too.
he's so obsessed with whether or not people think he can land a girl. the dumb part is that his texts don't even line up with what he said. The actual texts look more like he asked how he could fuck her and they told him to treat her nice in order to get with her.
Bro.. this doesnt prove anything.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope, bro~
On an anonymous image board. Are you retarded by chance?
>he needs to be in cuck sports to get Asian pussy
>telling me I should hook up with her bff cause “she thinks I’m sexy” but is too afraid to tell me herself.
definitely looks more like they're giving you advice on how to get with her, suggesting that you asked them how to get with her, which wouldn't be necessary if she already thought you were sexy user.
i don`t get it, is that her leg or him naked?
I don't really care about women anymore. I jack off to videos of bikini contests from the 80s and 90s and it tides me over just fine.
Most posters here are 15-17, so you know.
Mm yes, chubby Asian pussy.
>i have no idea the difference between a man's legs and woman's legs
>posts an image of a woman and a man's legs
>still nothing that refutes or contradicts the accumulative results of the studies I posted
simply epic post
It proves plenty. Friend’s gf tells me in a group chat out if the blue cause she’s drunk af, “hey, my friend think you’re sexy, you should come to Osaka to meet her” “treat her nice and she’ll let you you come inside” “you better be nice to her though cause she’s she ny dear friend.”
And I’m just like... cool.
Examples like these, I’ve got tons. But sure, we can keep on charading the idea that getting laid in Asia isn’t easy and effortless as fuck if it’ll make the trannies not wanna kill themselves, ok.
>do nothing physical and eat fast food multiple times a day is all it takes for women
That's oddly specific
Why are you acting like a jealous woman?
Jesus christ have some self respect user
I'm talking about the reflection not my random pic.
user, ffs. Why are you trying so hard? Each of these “trannies” just dissected your shit.
>“hey, my friend think you’re sexy, you should come to Osaka to meet her” “treat her nice and she’ll let you you come inside” “you better be nice to her though cause she’s she ny dear friend.”
the best part is that literally 1/3 of these quotes are actually in the image you posted user, why are you blatantly making up a narrative to hide the fact that you asked your friend how to get laid?
I know, I have a thing for that particular body type and style of bikini.