EWJ Comic Book surpasses $100k in crowding on IndieGoGo- Over 800% of its intended goal:

EWJ Comic Book surpasses $100k in crowding on IndieGoGo- Over 800% of its intended goal:

Guess there's still a lot of love for Jim.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that
> Earthworm Jim
> Bubsy
> ToeJam and Earl
> Shaq-Fu
> Bomberman
> Battletoads
All made comebacks before Banjo-Kazooie did

Will they ever return?

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>Crowdfunding receives money well beyond their plans
Has this ever led to anything good?

I just played through EWJ on the sega genesis for the first time a few days ago. I don't understand the popularity. It's just a generic clunky platformer with children's toilet humor.

>I just played through EWJ on the sega genesis for the first time a few days ago. I don't understand the popularity. It's just a generic clunky platformer with children's toilet humor.

It's popular because a lot of people played it with a child's perspective growing up. Not as an adult.

>shaq fu

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it did though. last year.
bomberman never really died, and battletoads still isn't out though so that user isn't entirely right.
same with EWJ, no new game, just some shit comic.

It's an average as fuck game.

>Bu bu bu but muh goobagort

>It's an average as fuck game.

The game itself may be average, but the people seem to like the unique protagonist, setting, and villains.

It's getting a game too retard

>I don't understand the popularity
There's two reasons, and two audiences.

>outside of Yea Forums
The gameplay was solid, the animations really good
>within Yea Forums
Douglas TenNapel is incredibly right wing and Yea Forums and /pol/ are trying to support "their guy".
Armikrog, his previous project, was incredibly underwhelming and basically a cash in but Yea Forums and /pol/ still backed him simply out of fruthering their political agenda.
They see him as one of the rare right wing video game people in the industry right now so they're clinging to his dick as hard as they possibly can on anything he does.

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No game yet, so it's not exactly revived before B&K, retard.




I don't like B&K, I'm just saying that user was wrong, and EWJ is not revived before B&K. There's still time before it comes out.
Battletoads said it has a game coming out, but here we are 2 years later and it's still not out.
Look at fucking ff7 remake, 5 years and we're still sitting here jerking off waiting. An announcement does not a game make.

>As a $100 Indiegogo backer (we were promised many features such as local multiplayer and multiple characters, which none were in the final game), my name is not on the backer credits as well with multiple people listed in the wrong category. I cannot recommend this game at all.

>Compared to the first Shaq-Fu game, this is actually playable and very good. But as it stands on its own in the current year, it's nothing more than an overplayed joke. I have only played through the first 2 stages of the story mode and the combat has become very repititive and dull

Dont forget these two cool motherfuckers need to come back as well.

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Nobody then had the resources to judge games purely on merit. You have that ability, the raw hindsight/opportunity to exploit it, but still can't tell what made it popular?


>/pol/ are trying to support "their guy"
I post on /pol/ regularly and have never heard this guy mentioned.

the game came out. If you were saying it isn't good, I don't disagree. But it came out and you literally can't spin it any other way.

guys, what if

what if Earth Worm Jam is not a good game? Is it okay for a comic book of him to sell for so many? Dollars?

Don't call it a comeback
It was a crowd funding cash grab

Pretend this is about Banjo begging for a new game

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Wait what? How did he get the rights to EWJ again?
I remember watching a stream of him drawing that brown yeti fiasco and saying it was imposible to get Jim back.

Being Christian and therefore not approving of homosexuality is only incredibly right wing in your far left dilusional mind and I say this as a staunch fedora tipper.

Tommy bought EWJ rights, they're now making a game for Ouya 2: Electric Boogaloo

Did he buy the rights for Clayfighter and Boogerman too?

why would they? they are not as remotely marketable as Jim

It's less like Ouya 2 and more like Oaxis: The console

Earthworm Jim is not an average as fuck game. You might not like the creator or the way the game controls or whatever, but there are very few games of Earthworm Jim's ilk. Even its own sequels failed to live up to its unique brand of humor and gameplay variety.

When did this happend? I knew about the game for the new Ouya but thought he sucked some dicks to let him do the game.

>saying it was imposible to get Jim back
The guy is a narcissist, so any hurdle instantly transforms into an impossible task designed to keep him, The Favored, from succeeding.
It probably took only a modicum of effort to get EWJ back.

>The guy is a narcissist
Technically speaking he's an actual diagnosed sociopath too.

>Live to see the day Doug and EWJ will stop the furries infesting Yea Forums within our lifetime

*one single manly tear*

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t. Seething furries

>Technically speaking he's an actual diagnosed sociopath too

Could I get a quick rundown?

So much for homophobic justice. Good on Doug.

I'd kill for EWJ in Smash

Post the video retard


I’m kinda interested in it, but it’s also kind of expensive for something I will realistically read once and then never again. The making of book would also be much more tempting if it was more of a making of the game than the comic. If I could get a pdf of both books for $10-20 I’d be all over it, but $50 for two books is a bit rough. That Mike Koelsch art for the making of book is the fucking bomb though. I feel bad for the people who did the art for the two other prints, because there is a clear winner there

Take your nazi worship there you fucking idiot.

It worked great for all of TenNapel's other projects. This Big Foot Bill book is amazing.

>The making of book would also be much more tempting if it was more of a making of the game than the comic
It is. Doug covers the story of how the first game came to be and the many hurdles that could have stopped EWJ from every being if anything went slightly wrong.

I don't know if he covers the miracle that is leading to a new game, but it is about the making of the first games at least. Really this I never though this new game would happen
>TenNapel and Perry break off in bad terms over something
>Doug says for years he will never work with Perry again
>Doug gets over himself and now says he won't do an EWJ without Perry
>The rights to EWJ are all over the place, lame HD remake comes out, couple cancled games
>EWJ goes though lots of leg stuff and ownership is all over the place
>Tommy somehow becomes the CEO of a company and talks them into making a new console
>Use that to talk whoever into bringing back the whole original team (only like 3 or 4 dudes actually on the project however) and are given free reign to do whatever they want with it.
That is the story I want to hear. Story of EWJ1 will be cool though.

This usually works out well for things that aren’t video games, because increasing scope slightly is generally much simpler and more manageable. It’s way easier to estimate the stretch goal costs and extra time required to add embossing, gold foil, go from softcover to hardcover, etc. for your successfully crowdfunded book than it is for joe indie to estimate how much time, money, and work will be required to add an alternate character mode, or netplay, or whatever to his game

He said one time that gays and furries are gross and need Jesus.

He does say there’s going to be developer bios and that it “will document that many close calls and freak accidents that had to fall into place for [ewj] to happen, so I’m sure there will be some behind the scenes history, but he also says
>I think it's tacky to have too much expository dialogue on everyone's past, so it's better to unfurl that in this book. I give you the why behind the entire Earthworm Jim universe... and yes, I'm building a universe!
>I'll show every step of the comic book's production, from raw ideas on the white board to printing every notecard I used in breaking down the story. You'll see the raw pencilled pages, inked pages with washes applied and I even scan my script pages that are covered in pencil re-writes!
So it sounds like that won’t be the main focus, and that’s all I’m really interested in. Plus the book is literally titled “earthworm jim - the making of: launch the cow” with “launch the cow” being the title of the comic

Far right win. Loves Trump. Think people who get abortions would get the death penalty. Thinks gay is a sin even though he is friends with gay people and still likes gay people. Part of Comicgate even though he doesn't take part in any of their name calling and more stupid complains against people

I watched the first hour of his live stream from when he put the indiegogo up. He talks about how he was working for a company who had the rights to make the Aladdin game. No one at the company liked him though and the rights to Aladdin got taken away from them. So he left to go work for the people who did get the rights to Aladdin. He goes on to mention a couple other things and says how there were many points where if things didn't line up just right the game never would have happened. Says the game only got funded because Perry sold the rights to toys when at any point they people who bought the toy right could have just said no and asked them to make a different game about an existing toy line.

>Guess there's still a lot of love for Jim.
There is but they fucked it up by making it exclusive to a shit system.

I’m hoping they port it after a while when the twouya fails and they want to try to recoup some of their losses by throwing jim on steam and switch

happy to see doug doing well

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i don't see how any of that is wrong
i'm gay myself and i agree that it's a sin

I agree with him and most stuff other then Trump but there are types of people who don't like it when others have different view points so they call him crazy and try to run smear campaigns against him. Doug is very open now more then ever with all the streams and youtube stuff he does though so it's not like he is hiding or ashamed of anything. He is just right wing is all.

same here i still feel like ted cruz should've won but oh well donald trump isn't a bad alternative happy to see most people don't care what dougs personal views are and just want to enjoy his comics

I treat right wing creators the same way I treat left wing ones: if you can make a good product and not come off as preachy, then I’m interested. You don’t even need to fully keep politics out of it, it just needs to feel natural and not like it’s some hamfisted way of shoving your ideals on people. If you can write a good character and they also happen to be gay, that’s great. If you can write a good character and they own a million guns and happen to be christan, that’s great too. But when their only attibute is “the one that is gay” or “the one that won’t shut up about jesus” then we got a problem. From what I’ve seen, Doug can usually keep that shit out of his work so I like it, though I do feel like it started edging in a bit in ratfist. I read that a million years ago as it was coming out as a webcomic so I barely remember anything though

couldn't agree more if you can't separate the content from the creator you're going to slowly find yourself hating everything ever created

Most of Doug's work has some sort of Christian message. He just makes it work naturally. Creature Tech, or Black Cherry or all the other stuff of his I can name the religious message flows so well with the story.

Hollow Knight

just letting you guys know, one of the devs is a transphobe

i know that's right up your alley you incel fucks, but i'm warning the sane people here

i feel like devs is usually used for a video game creator not a comic book you dumbass

>just letting you guys know, one of the devs is a transphobe

Good. Day one purchase.

Lmao are there still crazy retards who try to talk about the leftard "phobes"?

TeNapel owns the rights to EWJ? How in the hell has he not done more with it?

He doesn't have the rights, but he has been given permission to do as many comics as he wants. He has planned, more or less, one EWJ and one Bigfoot Bill book every year for 5 years.

Because I loved Ren and Stimpy, and it was that fashion of humor, the graphics were beautiful, the gameplay was solid and varied enough to keep me going, and I never owned a SNES, so I had to play Sonic and EWJ instead of Mario, Donkey Kong Country, Mega Man X, Castlevania, and shit like that.

>5 years worth of ewj comics
Dang. Did he mention that during the livestream too?

Yep. It would be 5 comics in total. The only way it could be reduced to 3 would be starting a third series of books for some reason.

> I don't like this game judging by my adult standards
> You're judging it by your adult standards
> I don't like this game judging by my adult standards

are you stupid?




Can't tell if you're genuinely being serious or being ironic.

Hm, I wonder if he’ll do like a big anthology at the end. I’d be more willing to drop $20-50 on a complete 5 comic set rather than $25 a a year for 5 years

Dude shares Yea Forums's opinion on furries, to him they are a bunch of degenerate sickos not right in the head.

Two words: Lorenzo’s SOUL

Well Jim is such a groovy guy when he rockets through the sky.

In other words, the dude doesn't like what some random group likes?


He isn't a /pol/ hero at all. He's literally a nobody there. At most he's just centre right.

But you got the better Contra, the arguably better Castlevania, Rocket Knight, Gunstar Heroes...

Furries aren't just a random group, they are people who are ruining his cartoons just like they ruin our childhood videogames.
They are also a symbol of the same perverted taint that brought down Sodom & Gomorrah and Rome.

>""""Incredibly right wing""""

He's literally just a devout Christian. That's it. When you think Christians are right wing you make yourself look like a FUCKING retard.

If a Christian is far right what does that make a conservative Muslim? Hitler 2.0 by your logic

Oh boy, fresh bait!

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>Incredibly right wing
>devout Christian

What is supposed to be wrong with any of those?

*remove >>

That filename...well a Brujah Vampire would definitively beat up furries.

Furries ruining everything isn't anything new actually.

Take you Smash faggotry elsewhere, I would kill for a new BK.

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I think someone just uploaded a fresh batch of cub porn on your discord server go check it out

Why are you bringing up this kind of drama out of nowhere? No one was talking about this up until some insecure closet retard like you.

This is just shitposting, right? We aren't actually unironically sharing a board with people who think like this.. right?

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I think they're baiting.

It's too bad they don't care about the damage they do to the board acting like this. It's like they want to roll open the red carpet for real resetera posting.

Honestly, who cares about his politics? If the game ends up being a gem, people will forget all about it.

The same usually happens when an SJW game ends up being good as well except well.. I don't believe that's ever happened.

I'm glad Jim is still a major icon to people. I'm glad Doug is still doing stuff too. Despite everywhere, even Yea Forums, turning into the Youtube comments section every time he's mentioned. "Yikes, a Christian!"

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Implying he's /pol/'s guy is a smear, even if you didn't mean it that way.


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How does that make him a sociopath?

I still have this poster on my wall from Christmas 1995.

There is no way he will do that. He has made it very clear theseare exlusive products. And quite ogod quality, from the looks of Bigfoot Bill.

>I’m warning the sane people here who are ok with castrating children

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Loved these games so much, except for the 64 one, anyone remember the show? Was so based

>except for the 64 one
Nobody liked Jim 64. It killed the franchise.

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He actually came here once and talked a little bit. He was an old man who doesn’t understand the internet and had some trouble posting, but it was neat. The main things I remember is him saying he doesn’t really consume a lot of media because he doesn’t want them to influence his ideas too much and have them stop being so original. Someone also tried to ask him what he thought about boi, but I guess he’d never heard of the game and just started talking about the actual bible story

The show was fucking amazing and I love it. I still re watch it from time to time. Love the 90s Warner Bros cartoon feel of it.

>comic book
Keep it in Yea Forums, newfag.

>comic book about a video game
Secondary material has always been welcome, actual newfag.

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>Secondary material has always been welcome
Hmmmmm nah it hasn't, uber newfag.

I guess that's why the tf2 comics are universally reviled here on Yea Forums

EWJ is both vidya and comic. It can be discussed freely in either respective board.

Stop impersonating as a mod, please.

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Was Snot even in 1? This looks like an origin story.

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Yeah, he was the platform you stood on to shoot Queen Slug For A Butt. Not that the game ever tells you...

>hurr durr nobody likes this old character anymore xd -Publisher faggot 2019
>author makes an indiegogo whatever
>makes a million billion dollars

Every fucking time why are publishers so out of touch?

better than your faves

They design game on commissions, every product has a niche of aficionados, except games that try to appeal to everybody. Those are usually deemed acceptable but nothing special

>Every fucking time why are publishers so out of touch?
They're also gatekeepers to a 'community'

Yea Forums has actually been butthurt about the whole thing because the creator has been accused of problematic wrongthink.

Gross, why would you want anything with these thin-skinned tumblrinas

Yea Forums is tumblr tier who the fuck goes there?

nigger they are turning both Yea Forums and even /m/ into their colonies, they are coming HERE

Thinking that gay characters can be written well and can have more personality than just being gay is not the same as being the stereotypical Tumblr user.

Also, I want source on Yea Forums accusing the creator having "problematic wrongthink", please.

Only Yea Forums is no better than tumblr and is even worse in most regards. Perhaps you'd feel better going back there.

Why the fuck are you bringing up gays all of a sudden when nobody even mentioned them? I swear to god you fucking drones can't go ten seconds without virtue signalling, guess I can't blame you considering the trash you read and praise to high heaven.

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Actually, he is going to do offer a combined Bigfoot Bill Shadow of the Mothman + Ashcan/Making Of in the next Bill campaign. So an anthology wouldn't be that surprising.

Earthworm jim on intellivision is the new Bayonetta 2 on Wii U

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>WW physique


Her face is a little off in the last panel

but I still love me a muscle mommy

It's a game with a lot of S O U L

>nigger they are turning both Yea Forums and even /m/ into their colonies, they are coming HERE
haven't been on Yea Forums in months, good to see you're all still having fun in the echo chamber

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man it sure didn't take too many posts for a retard to bring the thread down, huh.

But I'm not even from America or into politics
Is literally everything politics now?

>tfw for a solid year all I ever drew as a kid was Earthworm Jim and yes there were a lot of OCs in there too
>didn't even manage to finish the first game since it was too hard for my baby brain
>still loved everything about Jim and other characters
Is this what SOUL feels like?

Attached: giphy.gif (480x360, 409K)

Being right of center or christian makes you
>incredibly right wing

>had the Windows 95 version
>one day put the CD into the car's radio for shits and giggles
>it actually fucking played the game's music
>one of the tracks was the hard mode ending
>immediately wanted to earn that ending legitimately
>spend weeks playing the game on the hardest setting and trying my absolute best to beat it
>built up the reaction time I didn't even know I had to beat professor monkey-for-a-head's level
>conquered my fear of Intestinal Distress and its creepy ass fucking music that made its way into my nightmares
It was a long and hard journey, but it was all worth it in the end, I will never forget this game and I will never forget my love for its developers, Shiny said I was the best, and dang it I'm the best.
>tfw still listen to it every once in a while and tear up

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>professor monkey-for-a-head

Jab at evolution btw.
Pretty based.

I hadn't realized that until years later after someone told me. Makes the character funnier, honestly, unless you're a prude who can't take a joke.


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Doug is based

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