What did it, Yea Forums

What did it, Yea Forums

What killed fighting games?

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Well seeing as how they aren't dead... nothing.

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>game just came out
>barely breaks 100 views

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>just came out
>it actually didn't just come out
I still play just fine. The funny thing about these games is you can just hook up with irl friends to play. Quite different from the endless mobas and template posting Yea Forums is used to. Can't shitpost or larp these games so they make people seethe.

Dumb OP, but I do think the genre is lacking a good figurehead game right now.

When SF4 was the big game you couldn't really argue that fighters were dead. The brand for fighters was selling well, had loads of players, everyone watched it and was growing in numbers. But with SFV being an uneven mess that argument becomes less clear, mostly does okay in views yet sales are still sub 3 million and it doesn't have the most players online. Basically fighters need a new figurehead but no one has been able to really achieve that. DBFZ came close but fell off hard due to a mix of issues, Tekken 7's growth is amazing but it still isn't quite there yet. SmashU is big but it attracts a different crowd and we seem to be coming out of the honeymoon phase. So we wait

>game just came out
Well fuck if that is the case fighters are saved

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good point!
But what if *gasp* these games aren't inclusive enough?

So basically OP, the subhuman barely functioning retard that he is, is trying to smear his shit on the wall to try and formulate the general idea that fighting games are slowly but surely returning into being niche.
Wich is true, the reinassance that started with SFIV is, at this point, running out slowly but surely.
Companies are trying gimmicks with autocombos and "special function" buttons that do flashy, easy things but ultimately there's no fix because fighting games are, inherently, all about gatekeeping (it's the reason why 90% of Yea Forums can't into fighting games to begin with).

tl;dr: fightan is heading towards another death but it doesn't matter because it's happened many times before and will happen again, it's cyclical.

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What if they made a trans character? would that spark interest?

>SmashU is big but it attracts a different crowd and we seem to be coming out of the honeymoon phase
3D SNK fighting games will never truly catch on because they still looks like liquid shit.

obtain intercourse

Fuck them for trying, right?

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Learn to read you angry faggot

Whoops, you're right, i tought you said
instead of
I assumed the "u" at the end was a mistake or you were trying to be quirky.
That's what happens when you don't sleep for two days.

>Wich is true, the reinassance that started with SFIV is, at this point, running out slowly but surely.
What is the proof for this?

Many games are selling better than their last few entries like Tekken. New fighters are coming out pretty regularly, be it sequels, revivals or completely new games. Events report growth year upon year, I believe MK at Combo Breaker is a new record for the event. It is easier to get games in any game than ever before, PC is even a viable platform for some games. Major companies like Cygames are looking to invest in the FGC, and even with SFV flopping the esports side hasn't stopped growing. SNK is even making money, which is more than you can say for last gen.

esports? more like deadsports aaaaahhhh

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For and foremost who cares about twitch viewership? second, it a fucking Monday night with no major tournament going
mind boggling post, genuinely what did you mean by this?

sponsors, companies.
Ya know, the people who MAKE these games.

>For and foremost who cares about twitch viewership?
Everyone, nigga.
Because yes, you can play melty blood in your local bathroom with the asian kids at 5 am in the morning, but that's not a concrete indicator of anything going on scene/money wise.

>Using Twitch viewcount as argument
Zoom Zoom

just a fact my friend.
sorry but it's true--fighting game companies want a game to be played and watched by many.

who cares
The only company that matters this the people who made the game everyone else is irrelevant
Viewership means fuck all if your game doesn't sell or have a playerbase, street fighter has done both
>Everyone, nigga.
Literally who gives a shit?
You bring up twitch as if secondaries who just watch are as important the actually player who have being keeping melty blood alive for years now, twitch could disappear today, and melty would still have a thriving community
Are you retarded, stoned or both?

Fighting games aren't dead at all. The community surrounding each game is thriving or growing and even the most obscure games have people playing them. Stream monsters and groupies are the only ones pushing the "fighting games are dead" thing because there isn't a flagship behemoth game for them to mindlessly fanboy for and pretend to play like SF4 was.

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That's what the industry is now friendo.
Sorry you can't have your tight-knight community any more. Companies want that FGC money and the only way they're going to get it is by looking at what brings the most viewership.

It works like this:
Pro player plays and gets views
People watch and get interested, start making content.
Now people who play watch professionals and others to improve their game
It feeds into itself--all the company has to do is provide updates and new characters.

Easy. Money.

For Dead Or Alive, it was making the series more like other 3D fighting games.
For Virtua Fighter, it was the founder no longer being with the IP holder.
For CvS, it was SNK going under.
For Darkstalkers, it was making too good of a game, among other things.
For SSB Brawl mods, it's for not being official games, and having no great advertising.

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>sponsors, companies.
Then why did Capcom create the Street Fighter League, which is a separate new esports thing when they already have CPT? They even expanded it, first starting in Japan and then doing an American one. Apparently the views were goo enough to justify this. Pretty much everyone is expanding their esports presence, even Bamco, ArcSys and SNK have increased the scope and payout of their esports things this year.

Yeah, it's all a fight to stay relevant.
I don't know how a game so "popular" could only make 900 views, with 500 viewing one player.

It's dying, man. Let it die.

Outside of tournaments and events fightan games are pretty boring to watch. VoDs are better for learning and memes are everywhere.

If you want to talk about stream viewership for fighting games instead of talking about the FGC, its the way it is right now because of the lack of personalities. There's a lack of interest among enough people to create great content that you would see in other genres or other games on these platforms

What fantasy world do you live in? lol
Lots of "pro' players don't even stream, fighting games pull in shit views if there isn't a tournament going, yet none of that many actually community of people is what keeps a game of alive, I could hop in the melty blood (a game considered to be "dead") discord right now get match with someone one and play for hours on end
It's scary to me what you think the scene was like before 2012 lol

>What fantasy world do you live in?
The real world.
The world where the "i don't care nigga i play melty blood with muh core scene" lead to the death of the fighting game genre THREE TIMES in the past.

Fighting games never "died" they were less popular sure, but there still lots of people playing them
As long as games sells well and has people playing it and community behind it all is well, everything else is secondary, twitch viewers could all fuck off to overwatch and fighting games would still be doing fine

Lack of content and trying to rush out to cater to tournaments

Smash has it right - Tekken... not so much but it's not dead since it has the current gen ghost battles
Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat/etc are dead
Either focusing on "muh tourny" or "muh cash grab shit"

sony blocking crossplay
sony needs to be destroyed